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dodger777 edited this page Feb 24, 2016 · 4 revisions

New action for jsr223 script:

  1. Openhab.getJsr223Action()
  2. action: reloadTriggers(MyRuleInstance)
  3. You can make UtilityScript
  4. action: getUtilityScript(name_of_script_class)

###1 - Openhab.getJsr223Action() This is only to get the action class. I try to add it to the regular action class(getAction()), but it dit not work.

###2 - reloadTriggers(MyRuleInstance) You can make the engine reload your trigger. This can be useful if you need to change trigger on the fly.


import org.openhab.core.jsr223.internal.shared.*
import org.openhab.core.items.ItemRegistry
import org.openhab.core.library.types.*

//reloadTrigger test
class TestImpl implements Rule {
    static ItemRegistry itemRegistry
    static Class pe
    def logger = Openhab.getLogger('Test')
    def jsr = Openhab.getJsr223Action()
    def instance = this
    boolean isStop = false

    TestImpl() {'Test init')

    java.util.List<EventTrigger> getEventTrigger() {
        def myTrigger = []
        myTrigger << new StartupTrigger()
            myTrigger << new ShutdownTrigger()
        return myTrigger

    void execute(Event event) {'test executed!')
        //you can change your logic to have different eventTrigger...
        isStop = true
        //your new trigger are now operational.

RuleSet getRules() {
    return new RuleSet(new TestImpl())

TestImpl.itemRegistry = this.ItemRegistry = this.PersistenceExtensions 

###3 - You can make UtilityScript

Utility Script are script that are not executed by trigger, but used by other script. You need to implement UtilityScript and put getUtilityScripts() outside any class.



import org.openhab.core.jsr223.internal.shared.*
import org.openhab.core.items.ItemRegistry
import org.openhab.core.library.types.*

class UtilityImpl implements UtilityScript {
    static ItemRegistry itemRegistry
    static Class pe
    static boolean isLoaded = false
    def logger = Openhab.getLogger('UtilityImpl')
	def jsr = Openhab.getJsr223Action()  //needed to get new jrs223 action
	def instance = this
	def stringTest = ""
	UtilityImpl() {'TEST SCRIPT UTILITY') 
	void testMe() {"Testing me is working!!! " + stringTest)
	void giveMe(String aTest) {
	    stringTest = aTest

UtilitySet getUtilityScripts() {
    return new UtilitySet(new UtilityImpl())

UtilityImpl.itemRegistry = this.ItemRegistry = this.PersistenceExtensions 

###4 - getUtilityScript(name_of_script_class)

To use utility script inside another script, you need to get it with the action getUtilityScript.

Example: ( you need the example in #3 for this to work )


import org.openhab.core.jsr223.internal.shared.*
import org.openhab.core.items.ItemRegistry
import org.openhab.core.library.types.*

//application test 
class TestImpl implements Rule {

    static ItemRegistry itemRegistry
    static Class pe
    def logger = Openhab.getLogger('TestImpl')
	def jsr = Openhab.getJsr223Action()
	def instance = this
	TestImpl() {'Test init')

    java.util.List<EventTrigger> getEventTrigger() {
		def myTrigger = []
		myTrigger << new StartupTrigger()
		myTrigger << new UpdatedEventTrigger("Light_To_Test")
		return myTrigger

    void execute(Event event) {'test executed!')
		jsr.reloadTriggers(instance)   //to dynamically reload your tiggers
		def test = jsr.getUtilityScript("UtilityImpl")  //this will give you your Utility Script

RuleSet getRules() {
    return new RuleSet(new TestImpl())
TestImpl.itemRegistry = this.ItemRegistry = this.PersistenceExtensions 
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