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Maximally Minimal Streams

A strm is a function.


Experimental: Expect the unexpected. Please provide feedback on api and your use-case.

Minimal Valid STRM

//import it
var strm = require('strm')

//create a noop strm.

var as = strm()
//pass it another function to pipe it

//call it to write data
as('hello') // ==> 'hello undefined'

this is what the code looks like:

var noop = exports = module.exports = function (op) {
  var dest
  return function (data, end) {
    if('function' == typeof data)
      return dest = data
    op && op(data)
    return dest(data, end)

notice that the dest is returned when piping, also, there is an op argument.

//piping returns the destination,
//os, can connect many streams left to right.
;(bs = 
   strm( console.log.bind(console, 1) ))
  (strm( console.log.bind(console, 2) ))
  (strm( console.log.bind(console, 3) ))

bs('5 streams!')
/* ==>
1 '5 streams!'
2 '5 streams!'
3 '5 streams!'
5 streams! undefined

Something A Little More Interesting (and useful)


var map = require('strm').map

var ds = map(function (e) {return e*2})
ds(1); ds(2); ds(3)
//=> 2\n 4\n 6\n...

this is the code:

var id = function (e) { return e }
var map = = function (map) {
  var dest; map = map || id

  return function (data, end) {
    if('function' == typeof data)
      return dest = data

    //if `end` is truthy, the stream ends
    if(end) return dest(null, end)

    var m = data && map(data)
    return m ? dest(m) : true

there are a lot of things Grown-Up streams need, but this stream doesn't do. Things like back-pressure, and buffering.

Hovewer! this stream may be dumb, but it doesn't prevent smarter streams from doing those things!

Back Pressure

Sometimes a resource tells needs to tell you to slow down. People do this by putting a confused look on their face, but strm does this by returning an array.

Callback when a strm ends, but only accept one element per tick.

var write = exports.write = function (done) {
  var waiting = [], paused = false, array = []
  return function (data, end) {
    if('function' === typeof data)
      throw new Error('write-only')
      throw new Error('cannot write -- paused')

    next(function () {
      paused = false
      if(waiting.length) waiting.shift()()

    paused = true
      return array.push(data), waiting
    if(end != null)
      return done(end === true ? null : end, array)

Notice that the map stream (and the noop stream) have return dest(data) this means the array will propagate back up the pipeline until someone can handle the back-pressure.

here is an strm that can pause.

read an array, and waits until the destination has drained.

var read = = function (array) {
  return function stream (dest, end) {
    if('function' != typeof dest)
      throw new Error('read-only')
    if(dest) {
      var i = 0

      next(function read () {
        while(i < array.length) {
          var r = dest(array[i++])
          if(r && 'function' === typeof r.push)
            return r.push(read)
          if(r === false)
            return dest = null
        //the array has ended
        dest(null, true)

      return dest

This is just a few basic examples, more to come!


what do simple streams need to be able to do?

  • pipe

  • end

  • end as error

  • nak upstream.

  • destroy a stream (pass it an error)

  • disconnect streams

  • interface with pull streams?

stream(function (err, data) {
  //data is read.
  stream(function more data) {

    stream(null, 'data') //write to the push stream
    stream(null) //END the stream

var stream = {
  write: function (data) { this.readers.forEach(data) {
    var r
    stream.readers.forEach(function (e, i) {
      r = (e.write || e)(null, data)        
      if(r === false) //this stream is ended, disconnect it.
      detele stream.readers[i]
    if(r && r.push)
      return r
  readers: []


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