This Vagrant-Box supports Virtualbox and VMWare.
- Git v.1.9.1
- NodeJS v.5.x
- http-server
- done-serve v.0.1.x
- watchalive
- JShint
- Gulp v.3.9.x
- Gulp-Livereload v.3.8.x
- Gulp-Jshint v.2.0.x
- Gulp-CSSlint v.0.2.x
- Yoeman v.1.7.x
- Mocha + Chai
- Zombie
- DoneJS v.0.8.x
- Steal-tools v.0.15.x
- Cordova
- port forwarding 8080 -> 8080 for http-server
- port forwarding 3030 -> 3030 for done-serve
- port forwarding 7000 -> 7000 for watchalive
- port forwarding 35729 -> 35729 for gulp-livereload
- port forwarding 8012 -> 8012 for steal-live-reload
- The guest machine has the static IP
- Install and Setup
- Configure your shared folders
- Launching the Vagrant Box
- Connecting to the Vagrant Box
- This Gitub reposotory is linked to the public Juke/DoneJS Box.
- Automatically rebuild this Box when commit changes
- Using Packer v.0.9.0
- Current Juke/DoneJS Box Version: 3.2.3