[h1][b]Summary:[/b][/h1] [b]Wildermyth (pronounced like wilderness) is like creating your own very charming folk-tale. The "Papercraft" art style is different - kind of like a humorous web-comic - but will grow on you if you give it the chance. There is a lot of love and talent from the developers evident in this game, from the subtle details to the innovative design choices. It is not the game that you would have designed, it is the game that you will love learning how and why they designed it this way. I highly recommend Wildermyth to any player that enjoys fantasy books, especially if you have some friends who will play along with you.[/b] [h1]What makes this game great:[/h1] [list] [*]Strong RPG elements: I found myself spending too much time inventing my characters, the first three being aspects of myself. I customized every color and planned out future love triangles. I was not disappointed! [*][b]Linux-native client.[/b] Even though Proton has made great bounds forward, we appreciate this! [*]The stories and choices in the game are meaningful and well-written, as should be obvious when every story has an author written above it. [*]Combat is fun and easy to learn but difficult to master. I am looking forward to playing this on the highest difficulty (Walking Lunch) and appreciating how balanced this is by the developers, a la Pillars of Eternity. [*]This game is creative and innovative, and does pretty-well what many RPGs have promised to do previously but failed to deliver on. One of my favorite features is how your heroes will age and pass on their legacy to new heroes. Bittersweet sometimes, but brilliant! [*]Full Controller Support is awesome, and I always play with my Xbox-style controller. [*]The game is really beautiful and wondrous when you just sit back and enjoy it. The fonts, color choices, and story-time drawings make a great atmosphere. This is a game that mature adults may enjoy. [*]The procedural generation engine is really impressive, and I have no complaints about it. [/list] [h1]Some weak points:[/h1] [list] [*]The character customization/creation was hard to understand at first, in a too-complicated way. One thing that bothered I was that even though I changed the 'hooks' [conversation changers], my characters' origin stories did not change. I did not even attempt to write my own, so now my characters are flawed! [*]I play the game on Pop!_OS Linux, and the game still has some bugs in it. For example, when I play multiplayer, the host will save the game and then disconnect, and then the game simply bugs out and I have to close the game forcefully with my Master-Race "System Monitor". Of course, once I've even popped out my trusty terminal and "killed" the app! I submitted this as a bug. [*]Seems to be keyboard-layout-idiotic, and always will assume that you are using a QWERTY keyboard. I have a [i]special list[/i] for applications that insist on this. [/list] [h1]Final thoughts:[/h1] I will be playing this game for months to come, and I hope to find more players through the game's discord to play with. I recommend to others to check out the links on the right of the Store Page, and to watch the Youtube videos released by the developers. The developers have mentioned that they are in-the-black and will be making a second game, and I will follow them on that! I submitted an error report and eMailed back and forth with a developer for a few days, and that was proof that they really care about our experiences. Serious kudos for that.