This is the git repository for the paper "An ETF view of Dropout Regularization".
In order to run the experiments for the Penn Tree Bank:
- Go to the PTB directory.
- For a run without the coherence regularization, run the "ptb_word_lm" file.
- For a run with the coherence regularization, run the "ptb_word_lm" file. Choose the model you want (small\medium) in the constants in the file.
In order to run the experiments for the Fashion MNIST:
- go to the Fashion MNIST directory.
- in the LenetMnistGraph file, change the appropriate constant to choose the coherence loss (None\Convolution\FC), and choose the dropout keep_prob.
- Run the LenetMnist file.
In order to run the experiments for the CIFAR10:
- go to the CIFAR10 directory.
- in the LenetCIFAR10Graph file, change the appropriate constant to choose the coherence loss (None\Convolution\FC), and choose the dropout keep_prob.
- Run the LenetCIFAR10 file.
For any questions\bugs\missing parts please contact me at