diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index eec0d822f..df7499538 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -144,10 +144,14 @@ To build the Open XML SDK If you want to use a command line approach: -1. Go to the directory that contains the solution. -1. Run `dotnet restore` in the directory. -1. Run `dotnet test DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Tests` to run the tests. -1. Run `dotnet pack DocumentFormat.OpenXml` to generate a nupkg. +* Go to the directory that contains the solution. +* Run `dotnet restore` in the directory (only if using .NET Core SDK version less than 2.1). +* Run `dotnet test DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Tests.csproj` to run the tests. +* Run `dotnet pack .\src\DocumentFormat.OpenXml\DocumentFormat.OpenXml.csproj` to generate a nupkg. +* Run `dotnet build` to build the SDK and test projects + +By default, `dotnet` will build/test/run only the .NET Core target framework. To build all target frameworks, set the ProjectLoadStyle environment variable: `ProjectLoadStyle=All` To see the other values for `ProjectLoadStyle`, please refer to the comments in [Directory.Build.Props](Directory.Build.Props). NOTE: Because the other frameworks will be targeted (like .NET 4.6) when using `ProjectLoadStyle=All`, msbuild.exe is needed instead of dotnet.exe so refer to [appveyor.yml](appveyor.yml) to see the appropriate command lines. + Related tools -------------