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File metadata and controls

29 lines (23 loc) · 1.78 KB

Storage Providers

This area of the User Guide covers the available IStorageProvider and IAsyncStorageProvider implementations. Each provider has its own wiki page which details provider specific behaviour and any special functionality available for that provider.

You should read the Triple Store Integration page for an overview of how to use the Storage API.

The available providers are as follows:

Provider Description
Allegro Graph AllegroGraph 3.x and 4.x
Blazegraph Blazegraph
Dataset Files Read-only view over a NQuads/TriG/TriX file
4store 4store
Fuseki Apache Jena Fuseki, access any Jena based store via Fuseki
In-Memory In-Memory store
Sesame Any Sesame based store is supported e.g. Sesame, OWLIM, BigData
SPARQL Query Endpoints Any SPARQL Query endpoint
SPARQL Query and Update Endpoints Any store providing both a query and update endpoint
SPARQL Graph Store Protocol Any SPARQL Graph Store Protocol endpoint
Stardog Stardog
Virtuoso Virtuoso Universal Server

There are also some useful wrappers available:

Wrapper Description
ReadOnlyConnector Make any other provider read-only
QueryableReadOnlyConnector Make any queryable provider read-only