Using 'COM7' as serial port. Showing logs: [08:32:46]xxxxxxxxx[08:32:46][ 88][E](Main): Current Board Revision is: Revision Two [08:32:46][ 90][E](Main): Mounting Filesystem [08:32:46][ 98][E](Config): Reading File: /config.txt [08:32:46][ 129][E](Config): Config File Loaded: /config.txt [08:32:46][ 130][E](Config): Contents of file: /config.txt [08:32:46][ 524][E](Config): Writing File: /config.txt [08:32:46][ 543][E](Config): Reading File: /userPWC.txt [08:32:46][ 559][E](Config): Config File Loaded: /userPWC.txt [08:32:46][ 559][E](Config): Contents of file: /userPWC.txt [08:32:46][ 583][E](Config): Writing File: /userPWC.txt [08:32:46][ 599][E](HTTP_Server): Connecting to: 123456 [08:32:47][ 1732][E](HTTP_Server): Waiting for connection to be established... [08:32:48][ 2733][E](HTTP_Server): Waiting for connection to be established... [08:32:49][ 3144][W][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1061] _eventCallback(): Reason: 201 - NO_AP_FOUND [08:32:49][ 3733][E](HTTP_Server): Waiting for connection to be established... [08:32:50][ 4733][E](HTTP_Server): Waiting for connection to be established... [08:32:51][ 5567][W][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1061] _eventCallback(): Reason: 201 - NO_AP_FOUND [08:32:51][ 5733][E](HTTP_Server): Waiting for connection to be established... [08:32:52][ 6733][E](HTTP_Server): Waiting for connection to be established... [08:32:53][ 7733][E](HTTP_Server): Waiting for connection to be established... [08:32:53][ 7989][W][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1061] _eventCallback(): Reason: 201 - NO_AP_FOUND [08:32:54][ 8733][E](HTTP_Server): Waiting for connection to be established... [08:32:55][ 9733][E](HTTP_Server): Waiting for connection to be established... [08:32:56][ 10412][W][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1061] _eventCallback(): Reason: 201 - NO_AP_FOUND [08:32:56][ 10733][E](HTTP_Server): Waiting for connection to be established... [08:32:57][ 11733][E](HTTP_Server): Waiting for connection to be established... [08:32:57][ 11733][E](HTTP_Server): Couldn't Connect. Switching to AP mode [08:32:57][ 11851][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:253] begin(): disconnect failed! [08:32:57][ 11876][E][WiFiSTA.cpp:357] disconnect(): disconnect failed! [08:32:59][ 13593][E](HTTP_Server): Connected to 123456 IP address: [08:32:59][ 13593][E](HTTP_Server): Open http://SmartSpin2K.local/ [08:32:59][ 13594][E](HTTP_Server): Checking for newer firmware: [08:32:59][ 13698][E][WiFiGeneric.cpp:1582] hostByName(): DNS Failed for [08:32:59][ 13699][W][HTTPClient.cpp:1483] returnError(): error(-1): connection refused [08:32:59][ 13800][E](HTTP_Server): error downloading version.txt -1 [08:32:59][ 13822][E](Main): Stepper power is now 900. read:cs=6 [08:32:59][ 13841][E](Main): Setting up cpu Tasks [08:32:59][ 13846][E](Main): Start BLE + ERG Tasks [08:32:59][ 13846][E](BLE_Setup): Starting Arduino BLE Client application... [08:32:59]I NimBLEDevice: BLE Host Task Started [08:32:59]I NimBLEDevice: NimBle host synced. [08:32:59][ 14039][E](BLE_Server): Starting BLE Server [08:33:00][ 14054][E](BLE_Server): Bluetooth Characteristic defined! [08:33:00][ 14055][E](BLE_Setup): BLE Notify Task Started [08:33:00][ 14055][E](BLE_Setup): CSRB0100600 36 any none [08:33:00][ 14058][E](BLE_Setup): End BLE Setup [08:33:00][ 14058][E](ERG_Mode): Starting ERG Mode task... [08:33:00][ 14058][E](ERG_Mode): ERG Mode task started [08:33:00][ 14058][W](ERG_Mode_CSV): current incline;new incline;current setpoint;new setpoint;current watts;new watts;current cadence;new cadence; [08:33:00][ 14064][E](HTTP_Server): HTTP server started [08:33:00][ 14065][E](Main): Creating Shifter Interrupts [08:33:00][ 14139][E](Custom_C): 01 11 <-autoUpdate [08:33:00][ 14213][E](Custom_C): 01 01 <-Firmware Update URL [08:33:00][ 14287][E](Custom_C): 01 07 <-deviceName [08:33:00][ 14361][E](Custom_C): 01 08 <-shiftStep [08:33:00][ 14435][E](Custom_C): 01 0a <-stealthChop [08:33:00][ 14509][E](Custom_C): 01 0b <-inclineMultiplier [08:33:00][ 14583][E](Custom_C): 01 0c <-powerCorrectionFactor [08:33:00][ 14657][E](Custom_C): 01 12 <-ssid [08:33:00][ 14703][E](BLE_Server): Bluetooth Remote Client Connected: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Connected Clients: 1 [08:33:00][ 14731][E](Custom_C): 01 13 <-password [08:33:00][ 14805][E](Custom_C): 01 15 <-connectedPowerMete [08:33:00][ 14879][E](Custom_C): 01 09 <-stepperPower [08:33:00][ 14953][E](Custom_C): 01 1e <-stepperSpeed [08:33:00]I NimBLEServer: mtu update event; conn_handle=0 mtu=515 [08:33:00][ 15027][E](Custom_C): 01 1f <-ERGSensitivity [08:33:01][ 15101][E](Custom_C): 01 20 <-ShiftDir [08:33:01][ 15175][E](Custom_C): 01 14 <-foundDevices [08:33:01][ 15249][E](Custom_C): 01 21 <-MinWatts [08:33:01]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=8, subscribed: false [08:33:01][ 15323][E](Custom_C): 01 22 <-MaxWatts [08:33:01][ 15397][E](Custom_C): 01 20 <-ShiftDir [08:33:01]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=16, subscribed: true [08:33:01]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 1 [08:33:01][ 15652][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Subscribed to notifications for 0x2a63 [08:33:01]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=26, subscribed: false [08:33:01]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 2 [08:33:01][ 15894][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Subscribed to indications for 0x2ad9 [08:33:02][ 16069][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:02]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=29, subscribed: true [08:33:02]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 1 [08:33:02]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=32, subscribed: true [08:33:02]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 1 [08:33:02][ 16223][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Subscribed to notifications for 0x2ad2 [08:33:02]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=12, subscribed: true [08:33:02]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 1 [08:33:02][ 16402][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Subscribed to notifications for 0x2a37 [08:33:02][ 16575][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:02][ 16576][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:02][ 16580][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:03][ 17085][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:03][ 17086][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:03][ 17089][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:03][ 17595][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:03][ 17596][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:03][ 17600][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:04][ 18106][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:04][ 18107][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:04][ 18111][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:04][ 18616][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:04][ 18617][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:04][ 18623][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:05][ 19127][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:05][ 19128][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:05][ 19133][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:05][ 19637][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:05][ 19638][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:05][ 19643][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:06][ 20147][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:06][ 20148][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:06][ 20153][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:06][ 20657][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:06][ 20658][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:06][ 20663][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:07][ 21167][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:07][ 21168][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:07][ 21173][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:07][ 21678][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:07][ 21679][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:07][ 21683][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:08][ 22188][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:08][ 22189][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:08][ 22194][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:08][ 22699][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:08][ 22702][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:08][ 22704][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:09][ 23209][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:09][ 23212][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:09][ 23215][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:09][ 23719][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:09][ 23722][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:09][ 23724][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:10][ 24140][E](BLE_Client): No HRM Connected [08:33:10][ 24140][E](BLE_Client): No PM Connected [08:33:10][ 24140][E](BLE_Client): Scanning for BLE servers and putting them into a list... [08:33:10][ 24229][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:10][ 24230][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:10][ 24233][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:10][ 24738][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:10][ 24739][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:10][ 24742][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:11][ 25247][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:11][ 25248][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:11][ 25251][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:11]I NimBLEScan: New advertiser: eb:80:03:5d:29:36 [08:33:11]I NimBLEScan: Updated advertiser: eb:80:03:5d:29:36 [08:33:11][ 25376][E](BLE_Client): Trying to match found device name: CSRB0100600 36 [08:33:11][ 25377][E](BLE_Client): PM Name Matched [08:33:11][ 25377][E](BLE_Client): Setting Device eb:80:03:5d:29:36 [08:33:11][ 25380][E](BLE_Client): Registered PM on Connect [08:33:11][ 25380][E](BLE_Client): doConnect set on device: 0 [08:33:11][ 25756][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:11][ 25757][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:11][ 25761][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:11]I NimBLEScan: New advertiser: 3a:34:cc:e2:52:77 [08:33:12][ 26266][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:12][ 26267][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:12][ 26271][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:12][ 26776][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:12][ 26777][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:12][ 26780][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:13][ 27285][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:13][ 27286][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:13][ 27289][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:13][ 27794][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:13][ 27795][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:13][ 27799][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:13]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=8, subscribed: false [08:33:13]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=12, subscribed: false [08:33:13]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 0 [08:33:14][ 27946][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Unsubscribed to 0x2a37 [08:33:14]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=16, subscribed: false [08:33:14]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 0 [08:33:14][ 27950][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Unsubscribed to 0x2a63 [08:33:14]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=26, subscribed: false [08:33:14]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 0 [08:33:14][ 27954][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Unsubscribed to 0x2ad9 [08:33:14]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=29, subscribed: false [08:33:14]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 0 [08:33:14]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=32, subscribed: false [08:33:14]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 0 [08:33:14][ 27961][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Unsubscribed to 0x2ad2 [08:33:14][ 27964][E](BLE_Server): Bluetooth Remote Client Disconnected. Remaining Clients: 0 [08:33:14]W NimBLEAdvertising: Advertising already active [08:33:14]W NimBLEAdvertising: Advertising already active [08:33:14]I NimBLEScan: New advertiser: 80:64:6f:54:78:fa [08:33:14]I NimBLEScan: Updated advertiser: 80:64:6f:54:78:fa [08:33:15][ 29093][E](BLE_Server): Bluetooth Remote Client Connected: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Connected Clients: 1 [08:33:15][ 29151][E](BLE_Client): Bluetooth Client Found Devices: {"device 0":{"name":"CSRB0100600 36","UUID":"0x1826"}} [08:33:15][ 29151][E](BLE_Client): Connecting device on slot 0 ... [08:33:15][ 29154][E](BLE_Client): Initiating Server Connection [08:33:15][ 29154][E](BLE_Client): trying to connect to Fitness Machine Service [08:33:15][ 29157][E](BLE_Client): Forming a connection to: CSRB0100600 36 [08:33:15][ 29157][E](BLE_Client): - Created client [08:33:15][ 29196][E](Custom_C): 01 14 <-foundDevices [08:33:15]I NimBLEClient: Connected event [08:33:15]I NimBLEClient: mtu update event; conn_handle=1 mtu=515 [08:33:15]I NimBLEClient: Connection established [08:33:15][ 29230][E](BLE_Client): Connected to: CSRB0100600 36 - eb:80:03:5d:29:36 RSSI -50 [08:33:15][ 29355][E](BLE_Client): Successful 0x2ad2 subscription. [08:33:15][ 29356][E](BLE_Client): Setting Device eb:80:03:5d:29:36 [08:33:15][ 29356][E](BLE_Client): Registered PM on Connect [08:33:15][ 29359][E](BLE_Client): Device Connected [08:33:15][ 29359][E](BLE_Client): We are now connected to the BLE Server. [08:33:15]I NimBLEServer: mtu update event; conn_handle=0 mtu=515 [08:33:15][ 29812][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (false) [08:33:15]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=8, subscribed: false [08:33:15][ 29917][E](BLE_Client): Post connecting: eb:80:03:5d:29:36 , ConnID 1 [08:33:15]I NimBLERemoteCharacteristic: Write complete; status=0 conn_handle=1 [08:33:15][ 29993][E](BLE_Client): Updating Connection Params for: eb:80:03:5d:29:36 [08:33:16]I NimBLEClient: Connection parameters updated. [08:33:16]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=16, subscribed: true [08:33:16]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 1 [08:33:16][ 30195][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Subscribed to notifications for 0x2a63 [08:33:16]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=26, subscribed: false [08:33:16]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 2 [08:33:16][ 30495][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Subscribed to indications for 0x2ad9 [08:33:16]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=29, subscribed: true [08:33:16]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 1 [08:33:16]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=32, subscribed: true [08:33:16]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 1 [08:33:16][ 30765][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Subscribed to notifications for 0x2ad2 [08:33:16]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=12, subscribed: true [08:33:16]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 1 [08:33:16][ 30945][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Subscribed to notifications for 0x2a37 [08:33:17][ 31203][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:17][ 31205][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:17][ 31209][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:17][ 31712][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:17][ 31718][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:17][ 31719][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:17][ 31722][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:18][ 32226][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:18][ 32230][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:18][ 32231][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:18][ 32235][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:18][ 32739][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:18][ 32745][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:18][ 32748][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:18][ 32750][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:19][ 33254][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:19][ 33260][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:19][ 33263][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:19][ 33266][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:19]I NimBLEClient: Connection parameters updated. [08:33:19][ 33769][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:19][ 33774][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:19][ 33775][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:19][ 33778][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:20][ 34208][E](BLE_Client): No HRM Connected [08:33:20][ 34208][E](BLE_Client): Scanning for BLE servers and putting them into a list... [08:33:20][ 34282][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:20][ 34286][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:20][ 34287][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:20][ 34290][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:20][ 34794][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:20][ 34798][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:20][ 34799][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:20][ 34802][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:21][ 35038][E](Main): Shift +1 pos 1 tgt 0 min -200000000 max 200000000 r_min -2000 r_max 2000 [08:33:21][ 35038][E](Custom_C): 01 17 <-shifterPosition [08:33:21][ 35306][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:21][ 35310][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:21][ 35311][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:21][ 35314][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:21][ 35696][E](Main): Shift +1 pos 2 tgt 1200 min -200000000 max 200000000 r_min -2000 r_max 2000 [08:33:21][ 35696][E](Custom_C): 01 17 <-shifterPosition [08:33:21][ 35818][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:21][ 35822][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:21][ 35823][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:22][ 35826][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:22][ 36330][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:22][ 36334][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:22][ 36335][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:22][ 36338][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:22][ 36842][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:22][ 36846][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:22][ 36847][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:23][ 36850][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:23][ 37354][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:23][ 37358][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:23][ 37359][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:23][ 37362][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:23][ 37866][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:23][ 37870][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:24][ 37871][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:24][ 37874][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:24][ 38325][W](Main): Forcing Scan to stop. [08:33:24][ 38326][E](BLE_Client): Bluetooth Client Found Devices: {"device 0":{"name":"CSRB0100600 36","UUID":"0x1826"}} [08:33:24][ 38378][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:24][ 38382][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:24][ 38385][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:24][ 38387][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:24][ 38891][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:24][ 38897][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:25][ 38900][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:25][ 38902][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:25][ 39406][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:25][ 39410][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:25][ 39411][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:25][ 39416][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:25][ 39920][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:25][ 39925][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:26][ 39928][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:26][ 39929][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:26][ 40433][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:26][ 40439][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:26][ 40442][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:26][ 40444][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:26][ 40948][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:27][ 40954][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:27][ 40955][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:27][ 40959][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:27][ 41463][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:27][ 41468][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:27][ 41469][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:27][ 41472][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:28][ 41976][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:28][ 41980][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:28][ 41981][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:28][ 41986][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:28][ 42490][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:28][ 42496][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:28][ 42499][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:28][ 42501][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:29][ 43005][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:29][ 43009][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:29][ 43011][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:29][ 43014][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:29][ 43517][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:29][ 43523][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:29][ 43525][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:29][ 43528][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:30][ 44032][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:30][ 44038][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:30][ 44040][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:30][ 44043][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:30][ 44286][E](BLE_Client): No HRM Connected [08:33:30][ 44286][E](BLE_Client): Scanning for BLE servers and putting them into a list... [08:33:30][ 44547][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:30][ 44551][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:30][ 44552][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:30][ 44555][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:30]I NimBLEScan: New advertiser: 80:64:6f:54:78:fa [08:33:31]I NimBLEScan: Updated advertiser: 80:64:6f:54:78:fa [08:33:31][ 45059][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:31][ 45064][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:31][ 45066][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:31][ 45069][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:31][ 45573][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:31][ 45577][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:31][ 45578][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:31][ 45581][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:32][ 46085][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:32][ 46089][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:32][ 46090][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:32][ 46093][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:32][ 46597][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:32][ 46601][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:32][ 46602][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:32][ 46605][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:33][ 47109][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:33][ 47115][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:33][ 47116][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:33][ 47119][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:33][ 47623][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:33][ 47627][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:33][ 47628][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:33][ 47631][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:33]I NimBLEScan: New advertiser: 3a:34:cc:e2:52:77 [08:33:34][ 48135][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:34][ 48140][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:34][ 48141][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:34][ 48144][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:34][ 48648][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:34][ 48652][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:34][ 48653][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:34][ 48656][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:35][ 49160][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:35][ 49164][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:35][ 49165][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:35][ 49168][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:35][ 49292][E](BLE_Client): Bluetooth Client Found Devices: {"device 0":{"name":"CSRB0100600 36","UUID":"0x1826"}} [08:33:35][ 49672][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:35][ 49678][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:35][ 49681][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:35][ 49682][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:36][ 50185][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:36][ 50190][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:36][ 50192][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:36][ 50194][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:36][ 50461][E](ERG_Mode): No data found in Torque Table. [08:33:36][ 50462][E](ERG_Mode): No data found in Torque Table. [08:33:36][ 50697][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:36][ 50703][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:36][ 50704][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:36][ 50708][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:37][ 51211][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:37][ 51216][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:37][ 51218][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:37][ 51221][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:37][ 51725][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:37][ 51729][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:37][ 51730][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:37][ 51736][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:38][ 52240][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:38][ 52246][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:38][ 52249][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:38][ 52251][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:38][ 52755][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:38][ 52760][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:38][ 52761][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:38][ 52766][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:39][ 53269][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:39][ 53275][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:39][ 53278][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:39][ 53280][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:39][ 53784][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:39][ 53789][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:39][ 53792][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:39][ 53794][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:40][ 54298][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:40][ 54302][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:40][ 54303][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:40][ 54306][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:40][ 54343][E](BLE_Client): No HRM Connected [08:33:40][ 54343][E](BLE_Client): Scanning for BLE servers and putting them into a list... [08:33:40][ 54810][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:40][ 54814][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:40][ 54815][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:41][ 54818][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:41]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=8, subscribed: false [08:33:41]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=12, subscribed: false [08:33:41]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 0 [08:33:41][ 54879][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Unsubscribed to 0x2a37 [08:33:41]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=16, subscribed: false [08:33:41]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 0 [08:33:41][ 54883][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Unsubscribed to 0x2a63 [08:33:41]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=26, subscribed: false [08:33:41]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 0 [08:33:41][ 54887][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Unsubscribed to 0x2ad9 [08:33:41]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=29, subscribed: false [08:33:41]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 0 [08:33:41]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=32, subscribed: false [08:33:41]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 0 [08:33:41][ 54894][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 6f:a3:db:ea:a8:63 Unsubscribed to 0x2ad2 [08:33:41][ 54897][E](BLE_Server): Bluetooth Remote Client Disconnected. Remaining Clients: 0 [08:33:41]W NimBLEAdvertising: Advertising already active [08:33:41]W NimBLEAdvertising: Advertising already active [08:33:41][ 54959][E](BLE_Server): Bluetooth Remote Client Connected: 4f:45:af:63:37:e6 Connected Clients: 1 [08:33:41][ 55137][E](BLE_Server): Bluetooth Remote Client Disconnected. Remaining Clients: 0 [08:33:41]W NimBLEAdvertising: Advertising already active [08:33:41]W NimBLEAdvertising: Advertising already active [08:33:41][ 55322][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:41][ 55454][E](BLE_Server): Bluetooth Remote Client Connected: 4f:45:af:63:37:e6 Connected Clients: 1 [08:33:42]I NimBLEServer: mtu update event; conn_handle=0 mtu=515 [08:33:42][ 55828][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:42]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=8, subscribed: false [08:33:42][ 56334][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:42][ 56503][W](Main): Forcing Scan to stop. [08:33:42][ 56505][E](BLE_Client): Bluetooth Client Found Devices: {"device 0":{"name":"CSRB0100600 36","UUID":"0x1826"}} [08:33:42]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=16, subscribed: true [08:33:42]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 1 [08:33:42][ 56825][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 4f:45:af:63:37:e6 Subscribed to notifications for 0x2a63 [08:33:42][ 56840][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:43][ 56845][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:43]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=26, subscribed: false [08:33:43]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 2 [08:33:43][ 57124][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 4f:45:af:63:37:e6 Subscribed to indications for 0x2ad9 [08:33:43]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=29, subscribed: true [08:33:43]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 1 [08:33:43][ 57349][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:43][ 57354][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:43]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=32, subscribed: true [08:33:43]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 1 [08:33:43][ 57724][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 4f:45:af:63:37:e6 Subscribed to notifications for 0x2ad2 [08:33:43][ 57858][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:43][ 57862][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:44][ 57863][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:44]I NimBLEServer: subscribe event; attr_handle=12, subscribed: true [08:33:44]I NimBLECharacteristic: New subscribe value for conn: 0 val: 1 [08:33:44][ 57964][E](BLE_Server): Client ID: 0 Address: 4f:45:af:63:37:e6 Subscribed to notifications for 0x2a37 [08:33:44][ 58369][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:44][ 58374][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:44][ 58375][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:44][ 58379][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:44][ 58883][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:44][ 58889][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:45][ 58890][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:45][ 58895][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:45][ 59398][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:45][ 59404][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:45][ 59407][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] [08:33:45][ 59409][E](BLE_Server): 00 00 -> 0x180d | 0x2a37 | HRS(HRM)[ HR(0) ] [08:33:45][ 59913][W](BLE_Common): Address: (eb:80:03:5d:29:36) Client ID: (1) SerUUID: (0x1826) CharUUID: (0x2ad2) HRM: (false) PM: (true) CSC: (false) CT: (false) doConnect: (false) postConnect: (true) [08:33:45][ 59918][E](BLE_Server): 64 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | FTMS(IBD)[ HR(0) CD(0.00) PW(0) SD(0.00) ] [08:33:46][ 59919][E](BLE_Server): 23 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -> 0x1826 | 0x2ad2 | CPS(CPM)[ CD(0.00) PW(0) ] Serial port closed!