{"payload":{"feedbackUrl":"https://github.com/orgs/community/discussions/53140","repo":{"id":802470323,"defaultBranch":"master","name":"Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi","ownerLogin":"dowdian","currentUserCanPush":false,"isFork":false,"isEmpty":false,"createdAt":"2024-05-18T11:40:28.000Z","ownerAvatar":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?v=4","public":true,"private":false,"isOrgOwned":false},"refInfo":{"name":"","listCacheKey":"v0:1716032586.0","currentOid":""},"activityList":{"items":[{"before":"ec2679423c94c104444e07c995a24f49f8a816e5","after":"145941416a43c794638dff1d0d02bd7b4e021190","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-06-12T11:56:38.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Fixed minor bug.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Fixed minor bug."}},{"before":"6cf9e0f294fa7502c20610dc4eed53cad9e7ffc4","after":"ec2679423c94c104444e07c995a24f49f8a816e5","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-06-05T06:16:05.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant changes involve the update of the warning message about the solution's status and the correction of the statement about the document's structure.\n\n1. The warning message about the solution being broken has been updated. It now indicates that the solution is functional but not yet complete. The documentation is still incomplete and the solution has not been fully tested. This change is crucial as it informs users about the current status of the solution. (Refer to code changes in the warning message section)\n\n2. The statement about the document being divided into six sections has been corrected. The phrase 'will be' has been removed to accurately reflect that the document is already divided into six sections. This change ensures that the document's structure is accurately represented. (Refer to code changes in the document structure section)\n\n3. The section names and their descriptions remain unchanged. This indicates that no changes have been made to the content within the sections. (Refer to code changes in the section names and descriptions section)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant changes involve the update of the warning messag…"}},{"before":"0dc13979ff2b2ee3141c9ec1f7cab6c63aeb5748","after":"6cf9e0f294fa7502c20610dc4eed53cad9e7ffc4","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-06-04T17:21:26.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant changes in the code include the refactoring of methods in the `DnnVaultApiController.cs` file, the addition of new classes and files to the `Dowdian.Modules.DnnVaultApi.csproj` file, and the significant update to the UI for managing local and Azure Key Vault settings in the `DnnVaultApi.html` file.\n\nIn the `DnnVaultApiController.cs` file, the methods for handling secrets were modified, with the `CreateSecret` method now calling `UpdateSecret`. The `GetDnnVaultSettings` and `UpdateDnnVaultSettings` methods were also significantly refactored, with the new code using a `VaultSettingsModel` object to handle settings.\n\nIn the `Dowdian.Modules.DnnVaultApi.csproj` file, new files `ConfigurationProtectedDataSection.cs`, `ProviderSettingsCollection.cs`, and `VaultSettingsModel.cs` were added to the project, and new classes `ConfigurationProtectedDataSection`, `ProviderSettingsCollection`, and `VaultSettingsModel` were added in their respective new files.\n\nIn the `DnnVaultApi.html` file, the UI for managing local and Azure Key Vault settings was significantly updated. This was reflected in the `DnnVaultApi.js` file, where the initialization method was updated to handle the new UI and settings management.\n\nOther changes include the addition of a reference to `System.Web.Http.dll` in the `DnnVaultApi.dnn` file, the change in the `Update` method in the `LocalSecretCollection.cs` file to return a boolean value, and the removal of unused namespaces from `AzureKeyVaultProvider.cs` and `BitwardenKeyVaultProvider.cs`. The `CreateSecret` method was removed from several files, and the `UpdateSecret` method was updated to include the creation of a new secret if it does not already exist.\n\nThe `GetSettingNames` method was changed to `GetSettings` and updated to return a dictionary of settings instead of a list of setting names. A `vaultSettingsPrefix` property was added to avoid conflicts with other secrets, and the `LocalKeyVaultProvider.cs` was updated to open the application configuration instead of the module configuration.\n\nRoutes for the PersonaBar were added to `RouteMapper.cs`, and the `appSecrets` section and the `configProtectedData` section were removed from `web.config`. A `gulpfile.js` was added to watch for changes in the PersonaBar files and copy them to the website directory. Finally, two new development dependencies: `gulp` and `gulp-watch` were added to the `package.json` file.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant changes in the code include the refactoring of m…"}},{"before":"ced32e2ebdf3b1cfdf839c9dd36ad032e62895f5","after":"0dc13979ff2b2ee3141c9ec1f7cab6c63aeb5748","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-06-03T15:07:38.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant changes involve the removal of the `Dowdian` prefix from various files and components in the `Dowdian.Modules.DnnVaultApi.csproj` and `Module.build` files. This includes the `PersonaBar` css, html, js, and resx files. Additionally, the `DnnVaultApi.dnn` file has been updated to include a new `ResourceFile` and `PersonaBarMenu` component. The `Dowdian.DnnVaultApi.resx`, `Dowdian.DnnVaultApi.html`, `Dowdian.DnnVaultApi.css`, and `Dowdian.DnnVaultApi.js` files have been completely removed and replaced with new versions without the `Dowdian` prefix.\n\nChanges:\n\n1. The `DnnVaultApi.dnn` file now includes a new `ResourceFile` and `PersonaBarMenu` component. The `ResourceFile` component includes a new resource file `PersonaBar.zip` and the `PersonaBarMenu` component includes a new menu with various attributes.\n2. The `Dowdian.Modules.DnnVaultApi.csproj` file has had the `Dowdian` prefix removed from the `PersonaBar` css, html, and js files.\n3. The `Dowdian.Modules.DnnVaultApi.csproj` file has had the `Dowdian` prefix removed from the `PersonaBar` resx file.\n4. The `Module.build` file has had the `Dowdian` prefix removed from the destination folder for the `PersonaBar` source files.\n5. The `Dowdian.DnnVaultApi.resx`, `Dowdian.DnnVaultApi.html`, `Dowdian.DnnVaultApi.css`, and `Dowdian.DnnVaultApi.js` files have been completely removed.\n6. New `DnnVaultApi.html`, `DnnVaultApi.resx`, `DnnVaultApi.css`, and `DnnVaultApi.js` files have been added with updated content. The `DnnVaultApi.css` file is currently empty.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant changes involve the removal of the Dowdian pre…"}},{"before":"25c3fa025ce5f22253d0faef75ad7f387d8d0e37","after":"ced32e2ebdf3b1cfdf839c9dd36ad032e62895f5","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-31T12:40:57.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The codebase has undergone significant changes, primarily focusing on the management of secrets and the handling of key vault providers. The `DnnVaultApiController.cs` and `AzureKeyVaultProvider.cs` files have been extensively updated to improve the management of secrets and settings. The `LocalSecretCollection.cs` and `LocalSecretElement.cs` files have been updated to enhance the handling of individual secrets. The `Dowdian.Modules.DnnVaultApi.csproj` file has been updated to include new files and remove unused ones. New classes like `BitwardenKeyVaultProvider`, `CertificateProvider`, and `KeyVaultProviderBase` have been added, while some classes like `IKeyVaultProvider.cs` and `AzureKeyVaultProvider` have been removed. The `appSecrets` section in the `web.config` file has been updated, and the build instructions in the `README.md` file have been revised.\n\nKey Changes:\n\n1. `FeatureController.cs` file modified to remove encryption of connection strings and appSecrets section in the module web.config file.\n2. `DnnVaultApiController.cs` file updated with new `using` statements and methods for managing secrets and API settings.\n3. `Dowdian.Modules.DnnVaultApi.csproj` file updated to include new files and remove the `IKeyVaultProvider.cs` file.\n4. `LocalSecretCollection.cs` and `LocalSecretElement.cs` files updated to improve secret management.\n5. `Dowdian.DnnVaultApi.js` file updated to add a call to the `GetDnnVaultSettings` API endpoint.\n6. `AzureKeyVaultProvider.cs` file updated to get settings from `LocalKeyVaultProvider` and added new methods for managing settings.\n7. `IKeyVaultProvider.cs` file removed.\n8. `LocalKeyVaultProvider` class refactored to improve secret handling.\n9. `ISecretsRepository` interface and `SecretsRepository` class updated to use `KeyValuePair` for secrets.\n10. `BitwardenKeyVaultProvider`, `CertificateProvider`, and `KeyVaultProviderBase` classes added.\n11. `appSecrets` section in `web.config` file updated to use `LocalSecretsSection` type.\n12. Build instructions in `README.md` file updated.\n13. `AzureKeyVaultProvider` and `SecretsSection` classes removed.\n14. `SecretElement` class replaced with `LocalSecretElement` class.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The codebase has undergone significant changes, primarily focusing on…"}},{"before":"afc75df2c7db82261070ef1752c016ece7abf83c","after":"25c3fa025ce5f22253d0faef75ad7f387d8d0e37","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-31T05:48:39.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant changes were made to the `README.md` file, where extensive updates were made to improve the instructions for setting up and using the API. This included updates to the explanation of the solution, the SQL script for setting up the database, the instructions for setting up IIS, installing the API locally and in Azure, and setting up the development environment. Images were also added to illustrate various processes. A note was added to the introduction section to inform users that the solution is currently undergoing fixes. The section headers were also updated for better readability and navigation.\n\nIn the `Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi.sln` file, a new project named \"ReadMeImages\" was added, along with several image files. Additionally, a new nested project was added under the `NestedProjects` section.\n\nIn the `ModulePackage.targets` file, a line was added to delete the `PersonaBar.Zip` file.\n\nList of changes:\n\n1. `README.md`: Added a note to the introduction section about the solution undergoing fixes.\n2. `README.md`: Updated section headers for improved readability and navigation.\n3. `README.md`: Updated the explanation of the solution and renamed the section on certificate creation to \"Certificates Creation\".\n4. `README.md`: Updated the SQL script for setting up the database with improved comments and formatting.\n5. `README.md`: Updated the instructions for setting up IIS and added an image to illustrate the process.\n6. `README.md`: Updated the instructions for installing the API locally and in Azure.\n7. `README.md`: Updated the instructions for setting up the development environment and added images to illustrate the process.\n8. `README.md`: Updated the instructions for using the API and added images to illustrate the process of installing the module in DNN.\n9. `Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi.sln`: Added a new project named \"ReadMeImages\" and several image files.\n10. `Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi.sln`: Added a new nested project under the `NestedProjects` section.\n11. `ModulePackage.targets`: Added a line to delete the `PersonaBar.Zip` file.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant changes were made to the README.md file, where…"}},{"before":"1d7d09b5150142af411956d1708642fe11ff2d17","after":"afc75df2c7db82261070ef1752c016ece7abf83c","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-30T17:57:48.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The code changes primarily involve updates to the `ModulePackage.targets`, `FeatureController.cs`, `Dowdian.Modules.DnnVaultApi.csproj`, `Module.build`, `AzureKeyVaultProvider.cs`, `IKeyVaultProvider.cs`, `LocalKeyVaultProvider.cs`, `SecretsRepository.cs`, `web.config`, and `README.md` files. These updates include the addition of a new `PersonaBar` directory, new methods for encrypting connection strings and `appSecrets`, changes to inheritance and method overrides in key vault provider classes, and updates to the `web.config` and `README.md` files. New files have also been added to the `PersonaBar.zip` archive, including a JavaScript file, an image file, a CSS file, and a resource file.\n\n1. The `ModulePackage.targets` file now includes a new `PersonaBar` directory in the `InstallInclude` section. This directory is copied, zipped, and then removed after package creation.\n2. The `FeatureController.cs` file now includes new namespaces and methods for encrypting the connection string and the `appSecrets` section.\n3. The `Dowdian.Modules.DnnVaultApi.csproj` file now includes new `PersonaBar` files and a new `App_LocalResources` file.\n4. The `Module.build` file now excludes the `PersonaBar` directory from the `SourceFiles` and includes it as a separate item. The `PersonaBar` files are also copied to a new directory in the website path.\n5. The `AzureKeyVaultProvider.cs` and `LocalKeyVaultProvider.cs` files now inherit from a new `KeyVaultProviderBase` class instead of the `IKeyVaultProvider` interface. The methods in these classes have been updated to override the methods in the `KeyVaultProviderBase` class.\n6. The `IKeyVaultProvider.cs` file has been updated to change from an interface to an abstract class named `KeyVaultProviderBase`. The methods in this class have been updated to be abstract methods.\n7. The `SecretsRepository.cs` file now implements the `ISecretsRepository` interface. The methods in this class have been updated to call the corresponding methods in the `AzureKeyVaultProvider` and `LocalKeyVaultProvider` classes.\n8. The `web.config` file now includes a `` tag and modified `appSecrets` section.\n9. The `README.md` file now includes changes to section titles, reformatted SQL scripts, added images, and new debugging instructions.\n10. New files have been added to the `PersonaBar.zip` archive, including a JavaScript file, an image file, a CSS file, and a resource file.\n11. A new `web.config` file has been created with configuration for disabling client-side caching.\n12. New files have been added, including an XML resource file, an empty CSS file, a PNG image file, and a JavaScript file with several methods.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The code changes primarily involve updates to the `ModulePackage.targ…"}},{"before":"988a9fac32265211165f8f3b407c30a46cf8e079","after":"1d7d09b5150142af411956d1708642fe11ff2d17","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-30T16:25:13.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant changes involve the update of the database file path and the modification of the SQL command for creating a new database and its log file. The instructions for replacing the placeholder values in the SQL script have also been updated to match the new file path format.\n\n1. The database file path has been updated from `'C:\\PathForYourDatabaseFiles\\'` to `'C:\\Path\\For\\Your\\Database\\Files'`. This change is reflected in the `@PathToFiles` variable declaration and in the instructions for replacing the placeholder values. This change ensures that the file path is correctly formatted and can be properly interpreted by the system.\n\n2. The SQL command for creating a new database and its log file has been modified. The file paths for the `.mdf` and `.ldf` files now include a backslash (`\\`) before the `@DatabaseName`. This was not present in the original code, and its addition ensures that the database and log files are correctly created in the specified location.\n\n3. The instructions for replacing the placeholder values in the SQL script have been updated to reflect the new file path format. This ensures that users correctly replace the placeholder values and that the script functions as intended.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant changes involve the update of the database file …"}},{"before":"c58f2e3c298480f9bb029b95794fe187a85a0a78","after":"988a9fac32265211165f8f3b407c30a46cf8e079","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-30T16:23:12.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant change is the update of the database file path. The previous format, which used double backslashes as separators, has been replaced with single backslashes. Additionally, the new path is now enclosed in single quotes. This modification was necessary to correct the path format.\n\nList of Changes:\n1. The database file path has been updated. The previous format used double backslashes (`\\\\`) as separators. This has been changed to single backslashes (`\\`). This change was made to correct the path format.\n2. The new path is now enclosed in single quotes (`''`). This change was made to ensure the correct format of the path.\n\nReferences to the code changes:\n- The change from double backslashes to single backslashes in the database file path.\n- The enclosure of the new path in single quotes.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant change is the update of the database file path. …"}},{"before":"dd05da8811aa3efd4cd360b8b82ebb7615a1cb19","after":"c58f2e3c298480f9bb029b95794fe187a85a0a78","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-30T16:22:06.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant changes in the README.md file are aimed at enhancing the readability and clarity of the instructions. These changes include breaking down the list of sections into individual items, adding more context to the instructions, correcting a typo in the PowerShell command, and improving the phrasing of some sentences. Additionally, more context has been added to the instructions for setting up the Azure Key Vault and the file system, and the formatting of the SQL script for setting up the database has been corrected.\n\nList of changes:\n\n1. The list of sections has been broken down into individual items with their descriptions for better readability.\n2. More context has been added to the instructions, such as specifying that the PowerShell window should be kept open after navigating to the new folder.\n3. A typo in the PowerShell command to get the thumbprint of the certificate has been corrected.\n4. The phrasing of some sentences has been improved for better clarity, such as changing \"installing in Azure\" to \"install in Azure\".\n5. More context has been added to the instructions for setting up the Azure Key Vault, such as specifying that the `Application (client) ID` and the `Directory (tenant) ID` belong to the App Registration.\n6. The phrasing of some sentences in the Development Environment Setup section has been improved for better clarity, such as specifying that the certificates need to be associated with a user for the IIS process or an Azure App Service to have access to them.\n7. More context has been added to the instructions for setting up the file system, such as specifying that the goal is to set up the DNN and the project directory structure.\n8. The formatting of the SQL script for setting up the database has been corrected.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant changes in the README.md file are aimed at enhan…"}},{"before":"e9349db51a57359823f59d916660c3d29b249197","after":"dd05da8811aa3efd4cd360b8b82ebb7615a1cb19","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-30T15:42:04.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant changes include the update to the README.md.\n\nChanges:\n\n1. The document's structure has been changed from four sections to six.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant changes include the update to the README.md."}},{"before":"9bb4e76292411fa7b9961cd17cc70b28db276a07","after":"e9349db51a57359823f59d916660c3d29b249197","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-30T15:39:38.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant changes to the README.md file include an updated introduction reflecting the project's current status and goals, revised and expanded setup instructions, and updated instructions for various tasks such as getting the thumbprint of the certificate, creating a database, setting up the development environment, and using the API. The next steps and acknowledgements sections have also been updated.\n\n1. The introduction has been updated to reflect the current state of the project and its goals. This provides a clear overview of the project's purpose and direction.\n2. The setup instructions have been revised and expanded, including a new section on setting up Azure Key Vault. This provides more detailed guidance for users setting up the project.\n3. The instructions for getting the thumbprint of the certificate have been updated to include saving the thumbprint to a text file. This ensures that the thumbprint is stored safely and can be easily accessed when needed.\n4. The instructions for creating a database have been updated to include a script for creating a new database and giving the `NETWORK SERVICE` account full permissions. This simplifies the process of setting up the database.\n5. The instructions for installing the API locally and in Azure have been deferred until automatic build and install scripts are added. This indicates that the installation process will be simplified in the future.\n6. The instructions for setting up the development environment have been updated to include setting up the file system, database, IIS, and certificates. This provides comprehensive guidance for setting up the development environment.\n7. The instructions for using the API have been updated to include adding app settings to the web.config file. This provides clear instructions for configuring the API.\n8. The next steps section has been updated to include building a UI for entering app settings and building support for Bitwarden Secrets Manager. This outlines the future development plans for the project.\n9. The acknowledgements section has been updated to include a thank you to the DNN Community for the DNN Platform. This shows appreciation for the contributions of the DNN Community.\n\nReferences to the code changes can be found in the commit history of the README.md file.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant changes to the README.md file include an updated…"}},{"before":"fb515ef2e80c2cf542b4a13d483fddea31efa8af","after":"9bb4e76292411fa7b9961cd17cc70b28db276a07","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-30T13:03:58.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"- = BREAKING FIX = -\nThis commit breaks everything. Wait for the next one! I promise it will be much, much better!\n\nThe most significant changes in the code include the modification of the `FeatureController.cs` file to include a new method, the update of the `DnnVaultApi.dnn` and `DnnVaultApi.csproj` files to include a new assembly reference, and the significant changes in the `AzureKeyVaultProvider.cs` file. Additionally, the `SecretsRepository.cs` file was updated to use new classes, and the `web.config` file was updated to include new sections. New files were also added to manage local secrets and provide methods for managing secrets.\n\n1. The `FeatureController.cs` file was updated to include a new method call `PrependNewNodeIfNotExists` for the `System.Web.Http` assembly. This change allows the system to check for the existence of a node before adding a new one, preventing duplication.\n\n2. The `DnnVaultApi.dnn` and `DnnVaultApi.csproj` files were updated to include a new assembly reference to `PKCS12ProtectedConfigurationProvider.dll`. This change allows the system to use the new DLL for protected configuration.\n\n3. The `AzureKeyVaultProvider.cs` file was significantly modified. The class was changed from a static class to an instance class that implements the `IKeyVaultProvider` interface. All methods were updated to return a boolean value indicating success or failure, and exception handling was added to each method. The `GetSecret` method was also updated to return a `KeyValuePair` instead of a string. This change improves error handling and makes the code more robust.\n\n4. The `SecretsRepository.cs` file was updated to use the new `LocalKeyVaultProvider` and `AzureKeyVaultProvider` classes. The `GetSecret` method was updated to first check the local configuration for a secret before checking the Azure Key Vault. This change improves the efficiency of secret retrieval.\n\n5. The `web.config` file was updated to include a new `appSecrets` section and a new `configProtectedData` section. The `appSecrets` section is encrypted using a custom provider defined in the `configProtectedData` section. This change improves the security of the application.\n\n6. New files were added including `LocalSecretCollection.cs`, `LocalSecretElement.cs`, `LocalSecretsSection.cs`, and `LocalKeyVaultProvider.cs`. These files are used to manage local secrets in the application and provide methods for managing secrets.\n\n7. The code in the `LocalKeyVaultProvider.cs` file for reading the defined config section and storing it locally in the `configurationSection` variable has been commented out. This config data is available by calling `QuidProKeys.GetKeys()`. This change simplifies the code and reduces redundancy.\n\n8. The README.md file has been updated to include more detailed instructions on how to set up the project. This includes creating two self-signed certificates, installing the API locally and in Azure, and setting up the development environment. The document is also broken up into four sections for easier navigation. A note has been added at the beginning of the document to inform users that the solution is currently broken due to a lot of breaking fixes all at once. This change improves the usability of the documentation.\n\n9. No changes have been provided for `PKCS12ProtectedConfigurationProvider.dll`, hence there is no summary or intent of changes available.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"- = BREAKING FIX = -"}},{"before":"124e7d1cf1bee25c320c069dfe6bc06094c225e0","after":"fb515ef2e80c2cf542b4a13d483fddea31efa8af","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-29T12:59:50.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant changes involve the modification of the `FeatureController.cs` file and the `DnnVaultApi.dnn` file. In the `FeatureController.cs` file, several calls to the `PrependNewNodeIfNotExists` function were removed, which were previously adding dependentAssembly elements for various assemblies. Instead, a new dependentAssembly element for `Microsoft.Identity.Client` has been added. In the `DnnVaultApi.dnn` file, a version tag has been added to the `Microsoft.Identity.Client.dll` assembly and a new assembly `System.Memory.dll` has been added to the list of assemblies. Additionally, minor changes were made to the `README.md` file to correct a code snippet.\n\nChanges:\n\n1. In `FeatureController.cs`, calls to the `PrependNewNodeIfNotExists` function were removed, which were previously adding dependentAssembly elements for various assemblies. A new dependentAssembly element for `Microsoft.Identity.Client` has been added instead.\n\n2. In `DnnVaultApi.dnn`, a version tag has been added to the `Microsoft.Identity.Client.dll` assembly with a version of ``. A new assembly `System.Memory.dll` has been added to the list of assemblies.\n\n3. In `README.md`, the `beforeSend: $.ServicesFramework(0);` line in the headers object of the options object has been changed to `beforeSend: $.ServicesFramework(0)`, removing the unnecessary semicolon at the end of the line.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant changes involve the modification of the `Feature…"}},{"before":"88d008c253ff0bd8f6e5d8364ba735dbc41cc1eb","after":"124e7d1cf1bee25c320c069dfe6bc06094c225e0","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-29T10:38:32.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant changes include the modification of the `ModulePackage.targets` file to remove the `ReplaceXmlNodeText` element, the removal of several build targets from the `Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi.sln` file, and the update of the `Module.build` file to move the `Copy` task to a different target.\n\n1. The `ModulePackage.targets` file was modified to remove the `ReplaceXmlNodeText` element. This element was previously used to update the `upgradeVersionsList` attribute of the `eventMessage` element in the XML file specified by `$(DNNFileName).dnn`. This change may affect how the `upgradeVersionsList` attribute is updated in the specified XML file.\n\n2. Several build targets were removed from the \"Build Files\" project section of the `Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi.sln` file. The removed targets include `HccViewsetPackage.targets`, `Helpers.targets`, `LibraryPackage.targets`, `SkinPackage.targets`, and `SolutionReferences.targets`. This change may affect the build process of the project.\n\n3. The `Module.build` file was updated to move the `Copy` task. This task, which copies files specified by `@(BinSourceInclude)` to the `$(WebsitePath)\\bin` directory, is now executed during the \"DebugProject\" target instead of the previous target. This change may affect when and how the specified files are copied to the `$(WebsitePath)\\bin` directory.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant changes include the modification of the `ModuleP…"}},{"before":"baecd32776b142bd211329b4e648ea9b2fa7ced3","after":"88d008c253ff0bd8f6e5d8364ba735dbc41cc1eb","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-29T10:01:27.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant changes involve the creation of a new class `DnnVaultApiController` that implements the `IUpgradeable` interface and the addition of methods to handle module upgrades and configuration of the application for first-time use.\n\n1. A new class `DnnVaultApiController` was created that implements the `IUpgradeable` interface. This class is part of the `Dowdian.Modules.DnnVaultApi.Components` namespace.\n\n2. The `DnnVaultApiController` class includes a method `UpgradeModule` that takes a version string as a parameter. This method checks the version and performs an upgrade operation based on the version. If the version is not recognized, it returns a message stating that there is no upgrade logic for the provided version.\n\n3. The `Upgrade_01_00_00` method was added to the `DnnVaultApiController` class. This method modifies the `web.config` file by adding new `assemblyBinding` nodes to the `runtime` section. It checks if the `assemblyBinding` element already exists, and if it does, it stores the current `InnerXml`, clears it, and then prepends new `dependentAssembly` elements. After adding the new elements, it appends the original `InnerXml` back to the `assemblyBinding` element. The changes are then saved to the `web.config` file.\n\n4. The `PrependNewNodeIfNotExists` method was added to the `DnnVaultApiController` class. This method is used to add a new `dependentAssembly` node to the `assemblyBinding` element if it does not already exist. It takes parameters for the assembly name, token, old version, new version, and an `XmlNamespaceManager` object.\n\n5. The `MyNewNode` method was added to the `DnnVaultApiController` class. This method is used to create a new `dependentAssembly` node with the provided name, token, old version, and new version.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant changes involve the creation of a new class `Dnn…"}},{"before":"65c78bbc5b665618eacadfa6d754fcd6d08eedd9","after":"baecd32776b142bd211329b4e648ea9b2fa7ced3","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-29T09:53:15.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dowdian/Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dowdian/Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi"}},{"before":"b69a900e9ea91787a5f87b2d71f9777bc5fcfb58","after":"65c78bbc5b665618eacadfa6d754fcd6d08eedd9","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-29T07:12:20.000Z","pushType":"force_push","commitsCount":0,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dowdian/Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dowdian/Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi"}},{"before":"8ac08c51e207cc1daf005d16ed3b6aada51a9e5e","after":"b69a900e9ea91787a5f87b2d71f9777bc5fcfb58","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-29T07:00:37.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dowdian/Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dowdian/Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi"}},{"before":"abe61f0df801eb701f84d3f4f23560e1c4178c7e","after":"8ac08c51e207cc1daf005d16ed3b6aada51a9e5e","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-22T08:32:30.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update README.md","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update README.md"}},{"before":"3aeba4c8c4db7736ffcdbaf954dfedf9af4ee25b","after":"abe61f0df801eb701f84d3f4f23560e1c4178c7e","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-21T07:56:53.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":2,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dowdian/Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Merge branch 'master' of https://github.com/dowdian/Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi"}},{"before":"273144b8a97da5dcc88648b9978e11634fbfc287","after":"3aeba4c8c4db7736ffcdbaf954dfedf9af4ee25b","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-20T16:43:14.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Update README.md","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Update README.md"}},{"before":"697dbeb3727865c0ff4ee902ed8fb8ca956208fa","after":"273144b8a97da5dcc88648b9978e11634fbfc287","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-20T10:58:48.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant change is a minor text correction in the README.md file to improve the readability and understanding of the instructions.\n\nList of Changes:\n1. In the README.md file, the word \"bu\" was corrected to \"by\" in the sentence that instructs the user to modify the configuration/runtime/assemblyBinding section of the web.config file. This change enhances the clarity of the instructions (Reference: README.md).","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant change is a minor text correction in the README.…"}},{"before":"2a23592e1bd5527eb1016529cda4d517c01e6588","after":"697dbeb3727865c0ff4ee902ed8fb8ca956208fa","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-20T10:46:16.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant changes in the code revolve around enhancing error handling and debugging. The updated code now logs the actual server and client responses in case of errors, providing more detailed information for debugging. Additionally, semicolons were added at the end of console.log statements to ensure code consistency and prevent potential issues.\n\nList of Changes:\n\n1. Improved Server Error Handling: The updated code logs the actual server response in addition to a generic message in case of a server error. This provides more detailed information for debugging purposes. (Refer to the changes in the server error handling section of the code)\n\n2. Enhanced Client Error Handling: In case of a client error, the updated code logs the actual error along with a generic message. This provides more detailed information about the error, aiding in debugging. (Refer to the changes in the client error handling section of the code)\n\n3. Addition of Semicolons: Semicolons were added at the end of console.log statements. This minor change ensures code consistency and can help prevent potential issues in certain situations. (Refer to the changes in the console.log statements in the code)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant changes in the code revolve around enhancing err…"}},{"before":"fa22fc1218486c3207316d39fc21099381d025ca","after":"2a23592e1bd5527eb1016529cda4d517c01e6588","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-20T10:41:44.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant changes in the code involve modifications to the setup instructions for a DNN instance and the use of an API in the README.md file. The instructions for modifying the web.config file have been updated for clarity and accuracy. Additionally, the URLs used in the JavaScript code snippets for testing the API have been updated for simplicity and accuracy.\n\nList of Changes:\n\n1. The instructions for modifying the web.config file have been updated. The changes should now be made in the configuration/runtime/assemblyBinding section of the web.config file. The code block following these instructions has also been updated, with the removal of the ``, ``, and `` tags and the addition of multiple `` tags. This change is aimed at making the instructions more accurate.\n\n2. The URLs used in the JavaScript code snippets for testing the API have been updated. The URLs have been changed from starting with '/DowdianKeyVault/API/DnnVaultApi/DnnVaultApi/' to '/DnnVaultApi/API/DnnVaultApi/DnnVaultApi/'. This change has been made in two places, once for the code snippet that creates a new secret and once for the code snippet that retrieves the value of the secret. This change is aimed at simplifying the setup process.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant changes in the code involve modifications to the…"}},{"before":"91e085cb7d72281fbd3a5b4f1c11f57d77186038","after":"fa22fc1218486c3207316d39fc21099381d025ca","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-20T09:54:45.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant changes in the README.md file pertain to the instructions for using an API to Create, Read, Update, and Delete secrets. The output messages after creating a new secret and retrieving the value of the secret have been simplified. The previous JSON output format has been replaced with a straightforward text message.\n\nChanges:\n1. The output message after creating a new secret has been changed. Instead of a JSON output format, a simple text message stating that a new secret named 'DnnVaultApiTestValue' has been successfully created in the Vault is now displayed. Refer to the code changes in the 'Create Secret' section.\n2. The output message after retrieving the value of the secret has been altered. The JSON output format has been replaced with a simple text message displaying the secret value 'SuperSecretValueHandleWithCare'. Refer to the code changes in the 'Read Secret' section.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant changes in the README.md file pertain to the ins…"}},{"before":"ad5bef0a92b63d0d2e4ed75b9b5157ee7b521852","after":"91e085cb7d72281fbd3a5b4f1c11f57d77186038","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-20T09:53:08.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant changes made to the code files include the update of the README.md file with additional instructions and images for setting up DNN and the project, the update of the DNN installation process instructions, and the addition of a note about a future change to encrypt sections of the web.config file.\n\nChanges:\n1. The README.md file was updated with additional instructions and images for setting up DNN and the project. This includes steps for setting up the `Website` directory, unzipping a fresh copy of DNN, creating a database, and modifying the DefaultAppPool. Images were added to illustrate certain steps. (See changes in README.md)\n2. The instructions for completing the DNN installation process were updated with additional details and an image. (See changes in README.md)\n3. A note was added about a future change to encrypt sections of the web.config file to hide certain values. (See changes in README.md)\n4. The 'Next Steps' section was updated to include a step for encrypting sections of the web.config file. (See changes in README.md)\n5. The 'Acknowledgements' section was updated with additional resources and personal acknowledgements. (See changes in README.md)","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant changes made to the code files include the updat…"}},{"before":"45c3fa7947b25b8c95873da18d7d31201226e8d3","after":"ad5bef0a92b63d0d2e4ed75b9b5157ee7b521852","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-20T09:45:48.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Updated README.md","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Updated README.md"}},{"before":"b7278253ca04e95a339c47fdb9cf803c12087f31","after":"45c3fa7947b25b8c95873da18d7d31201226e8d3","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-20T09:43:59.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"The most significant changes involve the addition of the `Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll` to the project. This DLL, which facilitates the asynchronous programming model, has been included in the binary installation and source files, will be loaded when the application runs, and is included as a package in the project with a specified version of `8.0.0`.\n\nChanges:\n1. Addition of `Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll` to the project. This DLL provides interfaces and types that enable the asynchronous programming model. The version of this package that has been added is `8.0.0` (Refer to changes in `ModulePackage.targets`, `DnnVaultApi.dnn`, `Dowdian.Modules.DnnVaultApi.csproj`, and `Module.build` files).\n2. Inclusion of `Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll` in the `BinInstallInclude` and `BinSourceInclude` in the `ModulePackage.targets` and `Module.build` files respectively. This ensures the DLL is part of the binary installation and source files of the project.\n3. Addition of an assembly reference to `Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces.dll` in the `DnnVaultApi.dnn` file. This ensures the DLL is loaded when the application is run.\n4. Addition of a package reference to `Microsoft.Bcl.AsyncInterfaces` in the `Dowdian.Modules.DnnVaultApi.csproj` file. This ensures the DLL is included as a package in the project with a specified version of `8.0.0`.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"The most significant changes involve the addition of the `Microsoft.B…"}},{"before":"6d07ccd73e07afa43e804b71692e37ed55727a9a","after":"b7278253ca04e95a339c47fdb9cf803c12087f31","ref":"refs/heads/master","pushedAt":"2024-05-18T11:55:18.000Z","pushType":"push","commitsCount":1,"pusher":{"login":"dowdian","name":"Michael Dowd","path":"/dowdian","primaryAvatarUrl":"https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/13598731?s=80&v=4"},"commit":{"message":"Summary of Changes:\n\nThe most significant change in the Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi solution is the removal of the \"Website\" project and its associated \"SolutionItems\" section, which included a placeholder.txt file. No new code or projects have been added to the solution.\n\nList of Changes:\n\n1. Removal of \"Website\" Project: The \"Website\" project has been removed from the Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi solution. This is a significant change as it indicates that the project is no longer part of the solution.\n\n2. Removal of \"SolutionItems\" Section: Along with the \"Website\" project, its associated \"SolutionItems\" section, which included a placeholder.txt file, has also been removed. This suggests that the items that were previously part of this section are no longer required in the solution.\n\n3. No Addition of New Code or Projects: There have been no additions of new code or projects to the Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi solution. This indicates that the solution has not been expanded or updated with new functionalities.\n\nReferences to Code Changes:\n\nThe changes are indicated by the lines starting with '-' in the code, which signifies the removal of code or projects. The absence of lines starting with '+' indicates that no new code or projects have been added.","shortMessageHtmlLink":"Summary of Changes:"}}],"hasNextPage":true,"hasPreviousPage":false,"activityType":"all","actor":null,"timePeriod":"all","sort":"DESC","perPage":30,"cursor":"djE6ks8AAAAEY0DlNgA","startCursor":null,"endCursor":null}},"title":"Activity · dowdian/Dowdian.DNN.VaultApi"}