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This project is deprecated, and this repository serves only as an archive. See this repo for instructions on running this version of the solver. See this repo for next iteration of variational satisfiability solving. The server was taken down, we keep this version of the README for historical reasons because some of the haskell code (like the optimizations) may be useful to someone. Please reach out to me (Jeffrey Young: or or "doyougnu" on the Haskell IRC, if you have any questions).


This project provides variational sat solving using the Choice Calculus built on top of the excellent Data.SBV library.

Using the Heroku Server (Recommended for non-haskell users)

If you do not feel confident installing from source and are just trying to use the tool then you can send your requests to a heroku server I've spun up. Be forewarned that your first request will take longer than normal due to the dyno being spun up from a sleep state.

  • url:
  • supported solvers: Only z3 at this time
  • available routes: see the available routes section below

Building from Source

You'll need to install stack and the sat solver you want to use, the following are supported: z3, Yices, mathsat, boolector, abc, cvc4. Stack will take care of most of the installation process by installing a sandboxed ghc and the cabal build tool for you. Please refer to the sat solver home pages to install the one you'd like to use for your OS.

Installing Stack


The Haskell Stack tool provides a 64-bit installer you can find here. I'm avoiding linking to it so that this page stays in sync with the latest stack version.


On any Unix system you can simple run:

curl -sSL | sh

The more popular way is just to use homebrew:

brew install stack

Linux Distros

Ubuntu, Debian

Stack will definitely be in a package that you can grab, although the official packages tend to be out of data. You'll need to run the following to ensure you have all required dependencies:

sudo apt-get install g++ gcc libc6-dev libffi-dev libgmp-dev make xz-utils zlib1g-dev git gnupg

and now you can run:

sudo apt-get install haskell-stack

and now make sure you are on the latest stable release:

stack upgrade --binary-only

CentOS, Fedora

Make sure you have the dependencies:

## swap yum for dnf if on older versions (<= 21)
sudo dnf install perl make automake gcc gmp-devel libffi zlib xz tar git gnupg

Now install stack

## CentOS
dnf install stack

## Fedora
sudo dnf copr enable petersen/stack ## enable the unofficial Copr repo
dnf install stack

and now make sure you upgrade stack to latest stable

## CentOS and Fedora
stack upgrade


Stack is in systemPackages, so you can just add stack to that section of your configuration.nix or you can run nix-env -i stack if you do things in an ad-hoc manner. Using stack inside of nixOS is slightly more tricky than non-pure distros. All you'll need to do is edit either the stack.yaml file in the github repo and tell stack you are in a nix environment, like so:

## uncomment the following lines to tell stack you are in a nix environment
# nix:
  # enable: true
  # pure: false
  # packages: [ z3, pkgconfig ]

Notice that you'll need to pass in the extra packages for the tool. In this case I'm using z3 so I need to tell stack to look for it, and pkgconfig which you should almost always pass in.

Installing Haskell Using Stack

You just need to run the following:

stack setup # this will download and install GHC, and a package index
git clone <this-repo> ~/path/you/want/to/build/in && cd /path/you/want/to/build/in
stack build # this will build the exectuable, go get some coffee, trust me

Running the VSMT solver

Starting the local server

To run the local server you need to build the project and then execute the binary that results from the build, like so:

cd /to/haskell/directory/
stack build                # build the binary
stack exec vsat            # execute the binary

on my system this looks like:

➜  haskell git:(master) ✗ pwd
➜  haskell git:(master) ✗ stack build

Warning: Specified pattern "" for extra-source-files does not match any files
vsat- unregistering (local file changes: src/Server.hs)
vsat- configure (lib + exe)
Configuring vsat-
vsat- build (lib + exe)
Preprocessing library for vsat-
Building library for vsat-
[ 1 of 14] Compiling SAT              ( src/SAT.hs, .stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux-nix/Cabal- )
Linking .stack-work/dist/x86_64-linux-nix/Cabal- ...

vsat- copy/register
Installing library in /home/doyougnu/Research/VSat/haskell/.stack-work/install/x86_64-linux-nix/lts-11.14/8.2.2/lib/x86_64-linux-ghc-8.2.2/vsat-
Installing executable vsat in /home/doyougnu/Research/VSat/haskell/.stack-work/install/x86_64-linux-nix/lts-11.14/8.2.2/bin
Registering library for vsat-

➜  haskell git:(master) ✗ stack exec vsat
Spock is running on port 8080               # server now running on localhost:8080

Available routes

There are only 4 routes available at this time but it is trivially easy to add more and I will do so upon request (open an issue on the repo). These are:

localhost:8080/sat                     # run the VSMT solver with default config
localhost:8080/satWith                 # run solver with custom config
localhost:8080/prove                   # run prover with default config
localhost:8080/proveWith               # run the prover with custom config

The default config uses z3 and turns on the most useful optimizations. These optimizations are trivially some reordering to maximize sharing in the variational expressions. You can view them in the Opts.hs file. If you want to customize the configuration see the Sending a Request section.

Sending a Request

To send a request I recommend using a helpful tool like postman, you can cURL if you really want. In any case the tool expects an object with two fields, settings, and proposition with settings being an optional field. I've just used Haskell's generics to generate the JSON parser so it is tightly coupled to the solver AST, this is open to change in the future but for right now it is sufficient. Here are some explicit examples:

####### Request to localhost:8080/sat

# Response
        "model": "[There are no variables bound by the model.]"

######## the proposition
a ∨ kejtjbsjshvouk

# expands to in JSON
    "tag": "Opn",
    "contents": [
                "tag": "RefB",
                "contents": {
                    "varName": "a"
                "tag": "RefB",
                "contents": {
                    "varName": "kejtjbsjshvouk"

# Request to localhost:8080/satWith
    "settings": {
        "seed": 1234,
        "solver": "Z3",
        "optimizations": [
    ,"proposition": {
        "tag": "Opn",
        "contents": [
                    "tag": "RefB",
                    "contents": {
                        "varName": "a"
                    "tag": "RefB",
                    "contents": {
                        "varName": "kejtjbsjshvouk"

# Response
        "model": "  a              = False :: Bool\n  kejtjbsjshvouk = False :: Bool"

As you can see these propositions, once expanded in JSON, can get quite large. Here is a non trivial example, for more examples check the examples folder:

# The prop
((-17 > 93.52511917955651) ∧ ((-6 < |pccfjtjnkhfapjwtopwwxym|) ↔ ((DD≺zgmpwfdv , vrkpyxv≻) ∧ bifdhcpwh))) ∧ pevwtpjw

# Expands to
    "settings": {
        "seed": 1234,
        "solver": "Z3",
        "optimizations": []
    "proposition": {
        "tag": "Opn",
        "contents": [
                    "tag": "Opn",
                    "contents": [
                                "tag": "OpIB",
                                "contents": [
                                        "tag": "LitI",
                                        "contents": {
                                            "tag": "I",
                                            "contents": -17
                                        "tag": "LitI",
                                        "contents": {
                                            "tag": "D",
                                            "contents": 93.52511917955651
                                "tag": "OpBB",
                                "contents": [
                                        "tag": "OpIB",
                                        "contents": [
                                                "tag": "LitI",
                                                "contents": {
                                                    "tag": "I",
                                                    "contents": -6
                                                "tag": "OpI",
                                                "contents": [
                                                        "tag": "Ref",
                                                        "contents": [
                                                                "varName": "pccfjtjnkhfapjwtopwwxym"
                                        "tag": "Opn",
                                        "contents": [
                                                    "tag": "ChcB",
                                                    "contents": [
                                                            "dimName": "DD"
                                                            "tag": "RefB",
                                                            "contents": {
                                                                "varName": "zgmpwfdv"
                                                            "tag": "RefB",
                                                            "contents": {
                                                                "varName": "vrkpyxv"
                                                    "tag": "RefB",
                                                    "contents": {
                                                        "varName": "bifdhcpwh"
                    "tag": "RefB",
                    "contents": {
                        "varName": "pevwtpjw"

# The Response
        "isSat": "Unsatisfiable"
        "\"DD\"": {
            "L": null,
            "R": null

Notice that the response is parameterized by the choice dimension DD. The L tag corresponds to setting DD to true, and the R to the false branch.

Available Settings

The last two examples show all possible settings. Setting the seed for the solver is the only field that can be omitted. If you do not include a mandatory field then you'll receive a response saying so. For a list of available optimizations see below, for a list of available solvers see the building from source section above.

Available Optimizations

The optimizations that are available are given by the Opts data type. Order is important here, in general you want anything that reduces terms to be closer to the tail of the input list, and anything that shuffles terms to be closer to the head. Here is a description of each, expect this to change substantially in the coming weeks:


Moves every choice to the right of any commutative operator. This is should decrease run times because it maximizes sharing in the AST.


Conversely, MoveLeft minimizes sharing because the recursive solving algorithm is forced to start with a left fold. This should almost always be turned off. I leave it here for testing purposes.


This uses basic C_2 logic equivalences to reduce the size of terms. Things like false /\ __ == false. This can be a costly optimization if your proposition is not likely to have tautologies available for reduction because it actually makes trivial calls to the sat solver instead of manipulating the AST directly.


Atomization is the process of driving variational terms as far down the AST as possible. This, taken in conjunction with toCNF and moveLeft maximizes the amount of sharing among plain terms that is possible for any given proposition. You can think of this as sorting the AST such that all the variational terms are as close to the leftmost leaves as possible, and all plain terms are as close to the right most leaves as possible. Thus, when the VSMTsolver algorithm solves the prop the assertion stack in the sat solver will be maximized with plain terms. The name comes from breaking apart large choice expressions into smaller ones via choice distribution laws. This is part of defaults and should always be turned on in conjunction with toCNF and moveLeft.


This manipulates the prop's AST to remove implications, equivalences and xor's. It then transforms the prop in conjuctive normal form. Use this if you're going to turn on structural optimizations like Atomize and MoveLeft.


This inspects choice expressions to look for nested equivalent dimensions, it then cleaves off expressions that are impossible to reach. This is part of defaults, should almost always be turned on, and should be the last optimization in the optimization list passed in such that it is processed first by the tool

Generating JSON and running the tool in a REPL

This following only applies if you have a local build up and running. If you are unsure about what your particular proposition should look like when encoded or if you want to view non-trivial examples, then you can pull up a REPL and experiment with the tool. Simply cd to the haskell folder and run stack repl like so:

~ cd ~/Research/VSat/haskell
➜  haskell git:(master) ✗ stack ghci

Warning: Specified pattern "" for extra-source-files does not match any files
vsat- initial-build-steps (lib + exe)
The following GHC options are incompatible with GHCi and have not been passed to it: -threaded
Configuring GHCi with the following packages: vsat
Using main module: 1. Package `vsat' component exe:vsat with main-is file: /home/doyougnu/Research/VSat/haskell/app/Main.hs
GHCi, version 8.2.2:  :? for help

Now you should have a prompt that looks like this:

Ok, 14 modules loaded.
Loaded GHCi configuration from /run/user/1729/ghci15604/ghci-script
*Main Api Config Json Opts Run SAT Server Utils V VProp.Core VProp.Gen VProp.SBV VProp.Types>

and you can change it to something more user friendly:

*Main Api Config Json Opts Run SAT Server Utils V VProp.Core VProp.Gen VProp.SBV VProp.Types> :set prompt "-> "

Now from the repl you can generate propositions, encode them to JSON, decode them, or run the tool:

-- Generating a random proposition
-> generatedProp <- genVProp :: IO (VProp Var Var)
-> generatedProp
(|-23.923303271170415|  12.278288137198295 - signum DDspcpvvdpbme, xzxvyxaauolkvdha)  (DD≺|signum ukvjsdf|, jrakfejhhbhfwmdoqlnppmzyjpmhiu - kfhcfaruar + 0  |18| / ¬(-23))

-- encoding it to JSON
-> let x = encodePretty generatedProp
-> :t x
x :: Data.ByteString.Lazy.Internal.ByteString

-- Pretty printing it
-- "B.putStrLn x" will also work
-> pprint x
    "tag": "Opn",
    "contents": [
                "tag": "OpIB",
                "contents": [
                        "tag": "OpI",
                        "contents": [
                                "tag": "LitI",
                                "contents": {
                                    "tag": "D",
                                    "contents": -23.923303271170415

-- decoding it
-> decode x :: Maybe (VProp Var Var)
Just (|-23.923303271170415|  12.278288137198295 - signum DDspcpvvdpbme, xzxvyxaauolkvdha)  (DD≺|signum ukvjsdf|, jrakfejhhbhfwmdoqlnppmzyjpmhiu - kfhcfaruar + 0  |18| / ¬(-23))

- Running the solver directly
--> prove (bimap show show generatedProp)
VChc "DD" (Plain (Just Falsifiable. Counter-example:
  spcpvvdpbme                    =                     NaN :: Double
  xzxvyxaauolkvdha               =                     NaN :: Double
  ukvjsdf                        = 2.2250738585072034e-308 :: Double
  jrakfejhhbhfwmdoqlnppmzyjpmhiu =                       0 :: Int64
  kfhcfaruar                     =                     NaN :: Double)) (Plain (Just Falsifiable. Counter-example:
  spcpvvdpbme                    =                    NaN :: Double
  xzxvyxaauolkvdha               =                    NaN :: Double
  ukvjsdf                        =                    NaN :: Double
  jrakfejhhbhfwmdoqlnppmzyjpmhiu =             -134489152 :: Int64
  kfhcfaruar                     = -1.3003684354267704e10 :: Double))

Known Issues

Doubles and modulus lead to non-linear constraints

Be careful with modulus operator and the Double numeric type. These can easily lead to non-linear constraints and consume all the memory available. This behavior will depend on the solver, and I've only tested with z3 which will happily accept and then eventually blow up once it runs out of memory.

Opening Issues

If you would like to raise an issue with this project please do so on the github. The github is the homepage for this tool.