A case-control study to investigate whether job exposures are an under-recognized cause of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) using an interview to collect information about previous jobs and a blood test to investigate genetic susceptibility.
Here you will find the IPF JES study documents. It may be necessary to right-click and select 'save link as' to download some files.
Related open source code also lives at https://github.com/drcjar/pypf and https://github.com/drcjar/ipfjes-interview/.
- Site visit photos
- Study protocol
- A note of versions and dates
- Participant information sheet English, Welsh
- Healthcare professional information sheet
- Cover letters (GP, Control Clinic Consultant), (.doc version)
- Participant consent form
- Standard operating procedure
- Data access arrangements
- Consent form English, Welsh
- Randomization
- 5-year age bands
- 10-year age bands
- Centre IDs
- Participant IDs
- Interview schedule
- Case report form (CRF)
- Participant job history sheet
- Recruitment bundle (participant information sheet, consent form, job history sheet, case report form)
- Local site file pack: contents, documents from this page + screening log, sample log, adverse event log, training log, general notes
- Sponsorship
- Statment of activities, Schedule of events, and IRAS
- REC approval and HRA approval
- Notification of minor amendment: 1, 2, 3, 4
- HRA approval for minor amendment: 1, 2, 3. 4
- Notification of major amendment: 1
- REC approval for major amendment: 1
- HRA approval for mayor amendment: 1
- Site Initiation Visit
- Overview of participating centres
- Map of participating centres
- Change log
- You may view IPFJES transparency information here and our privacy notice here.