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Cypherdocs is a peer-to-peer document editing collaboration tool. Documents are encrypted using Nucypher and are uploaded to Swarm. However, primarily, Cypherdocs uses Nucypher to secure WebRTC websocket connection between its peers using a self devised handshake protocol.

This project was submitted to the Nucypher Coinlist hackathon.

Demo Video

A demostration video of how to install and it how it works can be found here!

Technical Specification

The technical specification can be found here


  • Node v10+
  • Pipenv


Install Nucypher Fork

The fork adds the following features

  • Enables CORs support, so my browser can talk to the nodes
  • Makes the expiration date on grants actually work
  • Allows Bob to retrieve multiple times
git clone
cd nucypher
pipenv install
pipenv shell
pipenv run install-solc
pip3 install .

Start the Ursula Node.

nucypher ursula run --federated-only --dev

Clone This Repo

git clone
cd nucypher-hackathon

Start the Peer Server

This server is basically the stun/turn/signalling server for Web RTC. You can read more about it here.

cd server
npm install
npm run build
npm run host

Use Ngrok

We'll need an https address to use this application. Go ahead and install Ngrok so you can expose your local server as https.

Once installed run

ngrok http 6666

Copy the https url created by ngrok. For example

Setup Client

This assumes you have returned to the root of the nucypher-hackathon project

cd client
cp .env.example .env

Paste the url created by ngrok in the field called REACT_APP_PEER_SERVER_HOST. You can leave the rest of the parameters as default.

npm run start
npm run build
serve -s build


Navigate to http://localhost:3000 or http://localhost:5000 in production mode.

You should now have the peer server, web client, and nucypher Ursula node running.

You'll now get to choose to be Alice or Bob. For the purposes of peer to peer communicate. Simply open another tab and choose the other respective character. From the browser's point of view, both your tabs will be considered peers, even though you're on the same computer of course.


Peer to Peer Document Editing Colloboration Tool






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