This is a simple demo app that illustrates a sample usage of yokozuna as a search engine with Ruby Sinatra
Here is a blog post that I've written to go along with this demo application: Robust Search with Sinatra, Riak, and Yokozuna
You must have a yokozuna Riak instance running. I advise making a backup of the data directory after installation and wiping data like so between tests from the riak bin directory:
./riak stop ; rm -rf ../data ; cp -R ../data.bak ../data ; ./riak start
Update: Yokozuna is now in the main Riak repository, but I haven't tested it out from there yet: Riak Develop Branch
git clone git@github.com:drewkerrigan/riak-search-demo.git
Install dependencies
cd riak-search-demo
bundle install
Setup the index and seed the user data
ruby setup_search.rb
##Run the server
ruby server.rb
##Test it out
Simple term query
curl http://localhost:4567/user/query/name_t/*Drew*
curl http://localhost:4567/user/query/title_t/*Engineer*?rows=10&start=0
Range query
curl http://localhost:4567/user/query/*/*?from=1994-01-01T01:01:01Z&to=2018-12-13T23:59:59Z