library("JMbayes2") pbc2.idCR <- crisk_setup(, statusVar = "status", censLevel = "alive", nameStrata = "CR") CoxFit_CR <- coxph(Surv(years, status2) ~ (age + drug) * strata(CR), data = pbc2.idCR) fm1 <- lme(log(serBilir) ~ poly(year, 2) * drug, data = pbc2, random = ~ poly(year, 2) | id) fm2 <- lme(prothrombin ~ year * drug, data = pbc2, random = ~ year | id) CR_forms <- list( "log(serBilir)" = ~ value(log(serBilir)):CR, "prothrombin" = ~ value(prothrombin):CR ) # A short-run model for the purpose of generating default priors jFit_CR <- jm(CoxFit_CR, list(fm1, fm2), time_var = "year", functional_forms = CR_forms, n_iter = 250L, n_burnin = 200L, n_thin = 1L) # Set Tau_prior on 'year' in fm2 ... # ... you get much slower convergence and wildly biased estimates... # ... but eventually, the standard error is suitable small # The narrow prior seems to really throw off the MCMC sampling, and I # would argue that the parameter space is not being searched well at all Tau_prior <- jFit_CR$priors$Tau_betas_HC largeTau <- Tau_prior %*% diag(c(1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1e3,1,1)) # Note: this model takes much longer to converge jFit_CR_largeTau <- jm(CoxFit_CR, list(fm1, fm2), time_var = "year", functional_forms = CR_forms, n_iter = 25000L, n_burnin = 5000L, n_thin = 5L, priors = list("Tau_betas_HC" = largeTau) ) summary(jFit_CR_largeTau)$Outcome1 summary(jFit_CR_largeTau)$Outcome2 # Note: initial values are same for both models # For largeTau, posterior means are very large but do not explore the parameter space much at all par(mfrow = c(5,2)) traceplot(jFit_CR_largeTau, parm = "betas")