The NCStats package contains helper functions for statistics courses taught by Dr. Derek H. Ogle at Northland College. Recent changes to the package are described here.
The latest NCStats may be installed by running these lines in R/RStudio:
if (!require('manipulate')) utils::install.packages('manipulate')
if (!require('remotes')) install.packages('remotes'); require('remotes')
If the following code runs without error, then NCStats has properly installed on your computer.
This installation may fail if other packages do not install properly (primarily the Rcpp and curl packages). These failures may be ameliorated by manually installing packages responsible for the errors (see these directions).
E-mail me if you continue to experience difficulties installing NCStats.
NCStats uses TCL/TK for some interactive plots. Some Mac users report problems with using TCL/TK. I do not have access to a Mac to test these problems. However, the CRAN page suggests that for recent versions of R (>3.0.0), XQuartz must be installed. In the past, some students have reported success installing the TCL/TK universal build located here (or direct link to the file).