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File metadata and controls

78 lines (55 loc) · 2.75 KB


This family of device APIs provided by dronahq.js helps in interacting with the user currently signed-in to Container App.

It has the following method(s) -

  • getprofile() <get-profile>
  • setLoginDetails() <set-login-details>


DronaHQ.user.getProfile(fnSuccess, fnError);

This method gives the profile object of the user logged into the app.


Parameter Type Description
uid integer user id of the user currently signed-in to the container app
name string Full name of the user currently signed-in to the container app
email object Email id of the user currently signed-in to the container app
designation string Designation of the user currently signed-in to the container app
profile_image object Url of the profile image of the user currently signed-in to the container app
nonce function A randrom string
var fnSuccess = function(uData){
    console.log('User ID: ' + uData.uid);
    console.log('User Name: ' +;
    console.log('User Email: ' +;
    console.log('User Designation: ' + uData.designation);
    console.log('User Profile Image: ' + uData.profile_image);
    console.log('User Nonce: ' + uData.nonce);

var fnError = function(err){
    console.error('Failed to load user info. Error: ' + err);

DronaHQ.user.getProfile(fnSuccess, fnError);


This method is an alternative of login, when SSO sign-in process used into the app for user. In this sign-in process a cookie is set which needs to be sent to sever for authentication is ecypted using base64 encoding and passed using this method to server.

var cookie = 'base64 encrypted cookie'

DronaHQ.user.getProfile(fnSuccess, fnError, cookie);