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Riak Pipelines

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riak_pipe is most simply described as “UNIX pipes for Riak.” In much the same way you would pipe the output of one program to another on the command line (e.g. find . -name *.hrl | xargs grep define | uniq | wc -l), riak_pipe allows you to pipe the output of a function on one vnode to the input of a function on another (e.g. kvget | xform | reduce).

There are two big departures that riak_pipe makes from UNIX pipes. The first is that input and output streams are message-based, not character based. A function emits zero or more messages, instead of writing bytes to a file descriptor.

The second difference is that riak_pipe pipeline specifications also include information about where an input should be sent. The decision is made by a function evaluated on the input messages, which produces a 160-bit hash that can be compared to the ownership of partitions in Riak Core’s ring. This is how parallelism is controlled in riak_pipe: the “same” work function will be run on multiple vnodes to handle multiple inputs concurrently, if the consistent hashing function points to a different partition for each input.

How does it work?

Pipelines, Fittings, Behaviors, …

From a conceptual level, the top-level object in riak_pipe is the pipeline. A pipeline is composed of one or more fittings. Each fitting is a specification of a behavior and a partitioner. The behavior is what defines how an input turns into zero or more outputs (i.e. the “program” of the UNIX pipe). The partitioner is what defines which vnode will be handling the processing for each input.

Vnodes as queue managers

As with all applications built atop Riak Core, the primary operational component of riak_pipe is the vnode. In riak_pipe, a vnode is primarily a queue manager.

Every input delivered to a vnode specifies which fitting it is intended for (and, hence, the behavior that should be used to process it). The vnode, upon receiving an input, adds it to a queue of other inputs for that fitting.

The first time a riak_pipe vnode receives a message for a fitting it has never seen before, it also starts a worker process (hereafter referred to as simply a worker) to consume the queue. The worker is where the behavior is evaluated. In this way, each fitting’s queue is consumed in parallel to others, as the worker for each queue operates independently.

Workers are also the actors that send outputs to the next vnode that will process them. This is important because that sending process will block until the input is added to the queue assigned to the appropriate worker on the next vnode.

The sizes of queues are limited, so if a worker is particularly slow, its queue will reach capacity and workers adding new inputs will block until the worker catches up. This back pressure prevents processes and their mailboxes from growing unboundedly when workers outrun their followers.


For each fitting to be executed, there is a coordinator for the cluster as a whole, separate from the per-vnode worker. Each coordinator is responsible for conveying its fitting’s behavior as well as handling the coordination necessary at the end of input.


Each pipeline has a sink, where all of the final output is sent (and, optionally, log messages as well). By default, the sink and the client process that initiated the pipeline are one and the same.

Step by Step

Start the pipeline

The first step in performing an operation on riak_pipe is to set up the coordinators to manage the pipeline. Each coordinator knows the details for the behavior of its fitting, the partition choice for distributing output to the workers for the next fitting, and the pid of the next coordinator.

riak_pipe exposes a client interface (see the API section) for starting these coordinators. It begins by starting a “builder” process, which then starts and monitors each of the coordinators, starting with the final one (so that its pid can be passed to its predecessor). When all of the coordinators have started, a structure capturing their details is returned to the client.

Send inputs

All inputs are sent directly to the vnodes that will process them. They are tagged with the pid of the coordinator that holds the details of how they will be processed. A vnode will add each input to a queue it maintains for that fitting. The input-sending operation will block until the input has been added to the queue.

Sending inputs directly to vnodes is done instead of sending every input to the coordinator and distributing from there, in order to remove a bottleneck and reduce messaging.

Blocking input-sending until the enqueueing process completes is used as a means of providing back pressure for workers that would otherwise overwhelm their downstream partners. When a queue is already at its limit, the acknowledgment of reception of the input will be withheld until room has been made in the queue. Because each vnode maintains only one worker per fitting, the total number of blocking workers (and thus the size of the waiting list) should never exceed the number of partitions in the cluster.

Fetch fitting

The first time a vnode receives an input for a fitting that it has not seen before, it requests the details of that fitting from the pid in the input tag (the coordinator). Once it has those details, it may spin up a worker and begin processing items in its queue.

Process inputs

When workers are idle, they ask their owning vnode for the next item in their queue. If none is available, the request blocks until new inputs arrive. If an input is available, it is dequeued, and sent to the worker for asynchronous processing. At this point, a blocking request to add an input to the queue may be honored.

Send end-of-inputs

When a client has no more inputs to add to the pipeline, it notifies the first coordinator of the end of its inputs (EOI). The coordinator then notifies each of the vnodes that is working for it that no more inputs will be coming. The coordinator created this list of workers by remembering every partition that has asked for the details of the fitting (and monitoring for crashes of those vnodes).

Wait for done

When a vnode receives an end-of-inputs message from a coordinator, it marks the worker’s queue. When the worker processes the final element in the queue (including any that may have been blocking), the vnode shuts down the worker, and notifies the coordinator that it has finished.

Forward end-of-inputs

When a coordinator receives all of the ‘done’ messages from vnodes that were working for it, it forwards the end-of-inputs messages to the next coordinator, where the eoi/done-signaling begins again, or the sink.

This form of end-of-inputs signaling works because all input sending is synchronous (blocking until confirmed queue addition) in riak_pipe. This means that no inputs will be in flight, in delayed messages, when end-of-inputs is sent. In addition, synchronizing all “done” messages for a fitting in the coordinator means that no additional tracking of which workers have finished is necessary.



Pipeline Specification

Each pipeline is constructed via a call to riak_pipe:exec/2.

The first argument to riak_pipe:exec/2 is a list of fitting specifications, in the order that data will flow through them. Fitting specifications are given as fitting_spec records, as defined in include/riak_pipe.hrl.

#fitting_spec {
   name = foo, %% term(), anything to help you help you find results
               %% and log output from this fitting

   module = riak_pipe_w_pass, %% atom(), must be a valid module name,
                              %% the name of the module implementing the
                              %% riak_pipe_vnode_worker behavior for this
                              %% fitting

   arg = undefined, %% term(), opaque static argument included in the
                    %% fitting_details structure passed to the worker
                    %% module (useful for initial configuration)

   chashfun = fun(_) -> <<0:160/integer>> end,
                              %% arity-1 function() | 'follow'
                              %% specification of how to distribute
                              %% inputs for this fitting

   nval = 1,%% positive integer, default 1, indicates how many vnodes
            %% may be asked to handle an input for this fitting,
            %% before declaring the input unfit for processing

   q_limit = 64 %% positive integer, default 64, sets the maximum
                %% number of elements allowed in a worker's queue,
                %% the actual queue limit is the lesser of this value
                %% and the worker_q_limit variable in riak_pipe's
                %% application environment (default 4096)

The example above would create a fitting named “foo” (this name would appear in error, log, and result messages generated by this fitting). The workers spawned would all run the riak_pipe_w_pass module against their inputs (see the Behavior section of this document for more examples of fitting worker behaviors included with riak_pipe). Finally, there would be only one worker spawned for the entire cluster, on the partition owning range in which the hash “0” falls, since the chashfun function always produces “0”, regardless of input.

Using the value follow in the chashfun field means inputs for the fitting should be sent to the same vnode that generated them. This is useful for maintaining data locality for a series of operations, instead of potentially pushing each modification’s output across inter-node links.

The second argument to riak_pipe:exec/2 is a proplist of options for the pipeline as a whole. Currently supported options are:

fitting() | =undefined=

Where workers for the final fitting should send messages. Leave this undefined to deliver outputs as messages to the client, the process that called riak_pipe:exec/2.

sink | lager | sasl | =undefined=

If set to sink, log messages will be sent to the sink process (just as outputs from the final fitting are). If set to lager, log messages are printed to the Riak log on whatever node produces them. If set to sasl, log messages are printed to the SASL log on whatever node produces them. If left undefined, log messages will be ignored silently.

all | [trace_item()] | =undefined=

If set to all, send all trace messages produced to the log. If set to a list, only send messages to the log if one of their types matches one of the types listed. If left undefined, all trace messages are ignored silently.

The riak_pipe:exec/2 function will return a tuple of the form {ok, Pipe}, Pipe being a handle to the pipeline that was created (in the form of a pipe record, as defined in include/riak_pipe.hrl), which you will use to send inputs, to indicate the end of inputs, and to receive outputs later.

Sending inputs

Once you have the pipe handle, you can send inputs to it using riak_pipe:queue_work/2:

riak_pipe:queue_work(Pipe, "please process this list").

The queue_work/2 function evaluates the chashfun function (from the first fitting’s specification) against Input, and then sends Input to the vnode owning the range in which the hash falls.

Sending eoi

When you have sent all the inputs you want to the pipeline, tell it that you’re done with riak_pipe:eoi/1:


This allows the coordinator to begin shutting down its workers. When all of a fitting’s workers finish, the coordinator will automatically forward the eoi (End Of Inputs) to the following coordinator, and the final coordinator will send its eoi to the sink.

Receiving outputs

Results are delivered to the sink as pipe_result records (defined in include/riak_pipe.hrl).

#pipe_result {
   ref = #Ref<w.x.y.z>, %% reference(), an opaque reference, the same
                        %% given in the sink's #fitting.ref field
                        %% (useful for using the same process as
                        %% multiple sinks)

   from = foo %% term(), the field for the fitting
              %% that produced this result

   result = "please process this list" %% term(), the result produced
                                       %% by the worker

When the final coordinator finishes, its eoi is delivered as a pipe_eoi record (also defined in include/riak_pipe.hrl).

#pipe_eoi {
   ref = #Ref<w.x.y.z>, %% reference(), an opaque reference, the same
                        %% given in the sink's #fitting.ref field
                        %% (useful for using the same process as
                        %% multiple sinks)

If you’d rather receive the entire result set at once, instead of streamed, you can use the riak_pipe:collect_results/1 function:

{ok, Results, LogMessages} = riak_pipe:collect_results(Pipe).

The receive_result/1 function is also exported from riak_pipe to make it easy to wait for the next piece of output:

consume(Pipe) ->
   case riak_pipe:receive_result(Pipe) of
      {result, {From, Result}} ->
         io:format("Received ~p from ~p!~n", [Result, From]),
      {log, {From, Msg}} ->
         io:format("Logged ~p from ~p!~n", [Msg, From]),
      eoi ->

Receiving log and trace messages

If you set {log, sink} in the options sent to riak_pipe:exec/2, then logging messages (as well as trace messages, if you enabled them) will be delivered to the sink, in a similar manner that results are, but as a pipe_log record (defined in include/riak_pipe.hrl).

#pipe_log {
   ref = #Ref<w.x.y.z>, %% reference(), an opaque reference, the same
                        %% given in the sink's #fitting.ref field
                        %% (useful for using the same process as
                        %% multiple sinks)

   from = foo %% term(), the field for the fitting
              %% that produced this result

   msg = {processed, "please process this string"}
              %% term(), the log message

See the Receiving outputs section above for details about using the collect_results/1 and receive_result/1 functions exported from riak_pipe instead of pulling these records out of a mailbox explicitly.

Inspecting Performance

While a pipeline is running, some information about what its workers are up to can be fetched using riak_pipe:status/1. For example:

{ok, Pipe} = riak_pipe:example_start().
ok = riak_pipe:queue_work(Pipe, "foo").
Status = riak_pipe:status(Pipe).

The code above starts a pipeline with one fitting named empty_pass, sends it one input, and then requests its status. The Status received on the last line, will be something like the following:


That is, Status is a list with one entry per fitting. The example pipeline had only one fitting, so this list has only one entry.

Each fitting’s entry is a 2-tuple of the form {Name, WorkerList}. The Name is the name provided to riak_pipe:exec/2, or empty_pass in our example case. WorkerList is a list containing the status of each worker.

The status of each worker is represented as a proplist of details. Since the example sent only one input, and it was processed successfully, only one worker exists in this example list. The details indicate which node the worker is running on, and which partition (vnode) it’s working for. The also indicate that there’s nothing more waiting in the worker’s queue, that one inputs was processed, and that it took 52 microseconds to process that input. Details about the other fields in this proplist can be found in the documentation of riak_pipe_vnode:status/1.


Fitting behaviors have it easy. They need only expose three functions: init/2, process/3, and done/1. All of the details about consuming items from the queue maintained in the vnode is handled by the riak_pipe_vnode_worker module.

It’s a good idea to add -behavior(riak_pipe_vnode_worker). to the top of your fitting behavior module. That will give the compiler a clue that it should warn you if you forget to export a required function.


When a vnode starts up a worker, the behavior module’s init/2 function is called with the partition number of the owning vnode, and the details of the fitting the worker handles input for. The init/2 function should return a tuple of the form {ok, State}, where State is a term that will be passed to the module’s process/3 function later.

Unless your behavior will not be producing any output, it will want to stash the partition number and fitting details somewhere, as they are required parameters for sending output.


The behavior’s process/3 module will be called each time a new input is pulled from the queue. The parameters to process/3 will be the new input, a “last in preflist” indicator (see Aside: Preflist Forwarding and Nval below), and the module’s state (initialized in init/2). The function must return a tuple of the form {Result, NewState} where NewState is a potentially modified version of the state passed in (this NewState will be passed in as the state when evaluating the next input, much like the “accumulator” of a list-fold function). The Result may be any of the following:

processing succeeded, and work may begin on the next input
this input should be forwarded to the next vnode in its preflist, for processing there
{error, Reason}
this input generated an error; it should not be retried on other nodes in the preflist, and an error should be logged

If processing the given input should produce some output, process/3 should call riak_pipe_vnode_worker:send_output/3:


Much like when a client sends inputs, the send_output function will evaluate the chashfun function for the next fitting against the Output given, and send that Output to the chosen vnode. Remember that this function will block until the item has been added to the vnode’s queue for the next fitting.


A behavior’s done/1 function is called when the worker’s queue is empty after it receives the eoi (End Of Inputs) message from its coordinator. This is the last chance that the behavior will have to produce output. The function should return ok. The process running the behavior will terminate shortly after done/1 finishes.

Optional: Validate Argument

If a behavior uses a static argument (the arg field in the fitting_spec passed to riak_pipe:exec/2), it can validate the argument before processing begins by exporting a validate_arg/1 function. If it does, the function will be called once, in the process calling riak_pipe:exec/2.

If the argument is valid, validate_arg/1 should return ok. If the argument is invalid, validate_arg/1 should return a tuple of the form {error, "This message explains the trouble."}, explaining the error to the user.

See the riak_pipe_v module for some useful included validators.

Optional: Archive & Handoff

The Riak Core concept of “handoff” migrates vnodes from one node to another when cluster membership changes. For riak_pipe, the handoff process is mostly copying the worker queues from the old node to the new node. If, however, a behavior maintains some state between input processing, that state must also be moved.

To allow riak_pipe to move a worker’s state from one node to another, a behavior should export archive/1 and handoff/2 functions).

First, on the old node, the archive/1 function will be called with the last state returned from init/2 or process/3. The function should return a tuple of the form {ok, Archive}, where Archive is any serializable term that represents the state needing to be transferred to the new node. The worker terminates soon after archive/1 completes.

When the new vnode receives a handoff message from the old node, it makes sure that it has queues ready for the work (this may involve starting a new worker, if it does not have one running already). It then passed the Archive to its worker. The worker will evaluate the behavior’s handoff/2 function with the Archive and the behavior’s current State as arguments. The function must return a tuple of the form {ok, NewState}, where NewState is a possibly modified version of the State variable, representing its merge with Archive. Processing then continues as normal.

The riak_pipe_w_reduce module included with riak_pipe is a good example of how archive/1 and handoff/2 can be implemented.

Optional: Logging and Tracing

It can be useful for debugging and monitoring to have a behavior produce logging and/or trace statements. The facilities for doing so are exported from the riak_pipe_log module.

The riak_pipe_log:log/2 function can be used to log anything, unqualified. Simply pass it the fitting details (the second parameter of the behavior’s init/2 function), and the message (any term) to be logged.

The riak_pipe_log:trace/3 function can be used to filter the output of log messages. Pass it the fitting details and the message, as with log/2, but also pass it a list of “topics” for this message. If your topics are included in the topics that were passed as options to the pipeline setup, the trace will be logged; otherwise, it will be dropped.

The trace/3 function automatically adds two topics every time it is called: the name of the fitting (from the #fitting_spec passed to riak_pipe:exec/2) and the Erlang node name. This makes it easy to trace work done on a specific node, or in a specific fitting.

You may also find the macros defined in include/riak_pipe_log.hrl useful for logging and tracing. The L macro converts directly to a call to riak_pipe_log:log/2, but is much shorter. The T macro converts to a call to riak_pipe_log:trace/3, but also adds the calling module’s name to the list of topics. That is:

%% these two lines do the same thing
?L(FittingDetails, "my log message").
riak_pipe_log:log(FittingDetails, "my log message").

%% these two lines are also equivalent
?T(FittingDetails, [], "my trace message").
riak_pipe_log:trace(FittingDetails, [?MODULE], "my log message").

Aside: Preflist Forwarding and Nval

As noted in the Process section above, a fitting behavior may return forward_preflist as its result. If it does so, the input will be forwarded to the next vnode in its preflist.

“Preflist” is a concept from Riak Core. The main idea is that it may be possible to evaluate an input on any of several different vnodes. The preflist is an ordered list of these vnodes. Its length is determined by the nval parameter of the fitting’s specification.

Riak Pipe uses the preflist in order. That is, the first vnode in the preflist is asked to evaluate the input. If that vnode’s worker asks to forward it along, only then is the next vnode in the preflist asked to process the input.

When the final vnode in the preflist is given the input for processing, its fitting behavior’s process/3 function will have the LastPreflist parameter set to true. If the final vnode’s worker again asks to forward the input, an error is logged (either in the node’s log, or via a message to the sink, depending on log and trace execution options).

This same variety of forwarding is used if a vnode worker should exit abnormally, and then fail to restart. All items in the worker’s blocking queue and working queue, as well as all future inputs sent to the vnode for that worker, are forwarded to the next vnode in the preflist.

Aside: Processing Errors

Fitting behaviors can raise errors a few ways: via preflist exhaustion, explicit error return, or exception.

As noted in the previous section, one way to raise an error is simply to request that an input be forwarded past the end of the preflist. This generates a trace error, with a proplist full of information, including {type, forward_preflist}. If the preflist was empty, the proplist will also contain {error, [preflist_exhausted]}.

A fitting behavior module may also explicitly return an {error, Reason} tuple. If so, a similar trace error will be generated, but the proplist will include {type, result} and {error, Reason}.

If the behavior raises an exception, yes another trace error is generated, but the proplist now includes {type, Type} and {error, Error} where Type and Error are matches from a catch Type:Error -> clause surrounding the call to the behavior. In this case, the worker will also exit. If more inputs arrive for this fitting (or have already arrived and are waiting in the queue), the worker will be restarted, in the same manner it was started initially. This is meant to give the behavior a chance to refresh any stateful resources it may have been holding when the exception occurred.

The proplists generated by each of these error types also include useful information like the module that implents the behavior, the partition on which the worker was running, the details of the fitting, the input that was being processed when the error occured, the modstate state of the behavior module, and a stack trace.

If an error occurs that cannot be caught by the catch clause surrounding the process/3 evaluation, a similar, but limited, error trace will be generated, with {reason, Reason} in the proplist (where Reason is the exit reason received by the worker’s vnode).

For these error traces to be visible, two execution options need to be set: log and trace. The log option should be set to lager to put these errors in the node’s log, sasl to put them in the SASL log, or sink to have them delivered to the sink. The trace option should be set to at least [error], though all will also work.

Included Fittings

riak_pipe includes some standard fittings. They are all named with the prefix riak_pipe_w_.


The “pass” behavior simply emits its input as its output. It is primarily useful for demonstration of the worker API, and for catching the simple log/trace output it produces. It should tolerate whatever partition function you throw at it, because it won’t matter where it is run.


The “tee” behavior operates just like the “pass” behavior, but also sends its input as output directly to the sink. It is primarily useful for taking a look at intermediate results. Remember that results delivered to the client are tagged with the name of the fitting that produced them, so name your fittings wisely. “Tee” should also tolerate whatever partition function you throw at it.


The “xform” behavior is a simple transform operator. It expects an arity-3 function as its argument. For each input it receives, it evaluates that function on the input, partition, and fitting details for the worker. The function should emit whatever outputs are appropriate for it. The “follow” partition function is recommended for this behavior, since that keeps data local to the node, instead of clogging inter-node channels, but it should tolerate any partition function you throw at it anyway.


The “reduce behavior” is a simple accumulating reducer. It expects an arity-4 function as its argument. For each input it receives, it evaluates the function on the cons of that input to the result of any previous evaluations (or the empty list, if the function has never been evaluated before).

The input to the fitting must be of the form {Key, Value}. Results are maintained (and the function is evaluated) per-key.

When the behavior receives its “done” message, it emits the accumulated result for each key as an output of the form {Key, Output}.

Care should be taken when choosing a partition function for the “reduce” behavior. If a function is used that produces two different partitions for the same key, for example based on which node evaluates the partition function, downstream phases will see two results for that key (one from each reducer). This can be useful in some cases (for instance two-stage reduce, where “follow” partitioning is used to reduce results locally, before an identical reduce with a consistent partition function is used to reduce globally), but surprising in many others.

External: riak_kv_pipe_get

Riak KV includes a “get” behavior intended to aid computation on data stored in Riak KV. The behavior expects its inputs to be of the form {Bucket, Key}. The outputs it produces are of the form {ok, riak_object()} or {error, Reason}.

The riak_core_util:chash_key/1 function should always be used with the KV “get” fitting. This partition function always chooses the head of the preflist for the incoming bucket/key, ensuring that the index for the riak_pipe vnode evaluating the input is the same as the index for the KV vnode storing the data. This allows the behavior to efficiently ask the KV vnode directly for the data, instead of working through the riak_kv_get_fsm.

Internal: riak_pipe_w_crash

The “crash” behavior is used in testing Riak Pipe. Using argument values and inputs, it allows a pipeline to be setup that can later be forced to crash in specific ways.

Internal: riak_pipe_w_fwd

The “forward” behavior is used when a vnode worker exits abnormally, and then also fails to restart. This fitting behavior simply returns forward_preflist for every input it receives. Note that writing a fitting spec to use riak_pipe_w_fwd means that the fitting will only ever produce errors due to preflist exhaustion.

Riak KV MapReduce Emulation

The riak_kv_mrc_pipe module in the Riak KV application provides a compatibility layer for running existing Riak KV MapReduce queries on top of riak_pipe. The riak_kv_mrc_pipe:mapred/2 function accepts the same input as the riak_client:mapred/2 function. Support is currently provided for map and reduce phases implemented in Erlang, specified using the {qfun, function()} or {modfun, Module, Function} syntax.

Additional Documentation

A diagram recording the supervisor/link/monitor structure of the Erlang processes involved in Riak Pipe is included in the file The comments at the top of that file describe how to render it to an image using Graphviz.


System-level tests for Riak Pipe are included with the riak_test repository. You’ll find them in the tests directory with names that start with pipe_verify_.