This is SageMath code to compute dimensions of cyclotomic KLRW algebras. The code is due to Andrew Mathas (all the credits should go to Andrew!) and the original file and explanation can be found here: click. The purpose of this side is to give another explanation of how the code works and is also a (very mildly) updated version of the code.
The starting point is an amating paper by Hu and Shi click that proves the following dimension formula for cyclotomic KLR algebras:
The code that can be downloaded here (klrw-dim.pv) provides a single command klr_cyclotomic_dimension
that uses the Hu-Shi formula to compute the dimension. The syntax of this command is:
klr_cyclotomic_dimension(C, L, bi, bj=None, base=[], verbose=False)
The first entry
specifies the Cartan type of the quiver that is used for the KLR algebra. The Crtan types are as in [CartanType]{} so for example['A', 3]
(finite type$A_3$ ),['A', 3, 1]
(affine type$A_3^{(1)}$ ),['B',4]
(finite type$B_4$ ), etc. -
is a list that specifies the dominant weight, that is, the number and the labels of the red strings in the KLRW world. For example,[0,2,2,3]
represents the dominant weight$\Lambda_0+2\Lambda_2+\Lambda_3$ . -
is an n-tuple of vertices of the quiver, the residue sequence = coloring of the strings at the, say, bottom of a diagram. (This does not need to be an n-tuple, seebase
below. Ditto for the next entry.) -
is an n-tuple of vertices of the quiver, the residue sequence = coloring of the strings at the, say, top of a diagram. Ifj
is omitted, thenj
is set equal toi
. -
is a tuple that is similar toi
and serves as the base. If this is not empty (it is empty by default), then the residue sequences are actually the concatenations ofbase
. The idea is that the Hu-Shi formula runs voer large symmetric groups, which might be outside of the calculation scope. With a nontrivial base the calculation of the permutations is restricted toi
only which makes the calculation faster. This however should be treated with care as the Hu-Shi formual is not local. -
an optional parameter that when set toTrue
gives additional output that might be useful to analize what is going on.
Before we do examples, let me explain how to get started.
- Using the online calculator SageMathCell is easy: Cut-and-paste the text from into a cell
and then type the
commands into the bottom of the cell.
klr_cyclotomic_dimension(['A',3],[2,3], [2,3,3,2,1], [2,3,2,3,1])
sage: %attach graded_dim_klr
sage: klr_cyclotomic_dimension(['A',3],[2,3], [2,3,3,2,1], [2,3,2,3,1])
Ok, let us have a look at
klr_cyclotomic_dimension(['A',3],[2,3], [2,3,3,2,1], [2,3,2,3,1])
The output is
({(q + 1/q)^2*q: [(0,2,1,3)]}, (q^2 + 1)^2/q)
This is saying that there is only one diagram with bottom sequence 2,3,3,2,1 and top sequence 2,3,2,3,1, namely:
Note that I read from right to left. The bottom sequence of numbers is the position of the strings. The degree of the diagram is (q^2 + 1)^2/q.permuation
All other outputs are read similarly. Note that we can get more than one diagram, for example
klr_cyclotomic_dimension(['B',3],[2,3], [2,3,3,2,1], [2,3,2,3,1])
({(q^2 + 1/q^2)*q^4: [(0,2,3)],
(q^2 + 1/q^2 + 1)*(q^2 + 1/q^2)*q^4: [(0,2,1,3)]},
(q^4 + 1)*(q^2 + 1)^2)
Thus, there are two relevant diagrams, one determined by the permutation (0,2,3) and the other by (0,2,1,3).
If we turn on verbose=True
, then for example
klr_cyclotomic_dimension(['B',3],[2,3], [2,3,3,2,1], [2,3,2,3,1], verbose=True)
we get
Subgroup of permutations = [(2,3), (0,2,3), (1,3,2), (0,2,1,3)]
N(1,t)-1: 0 2 0 0 1
N(w,t): 1 3 3 0 2
N(w,t): 1 1 1 1 2
N((0,2,3),t): 1 1 1 1 2
X((0,2,3)): (q^4 + 1)*q^2
N(w,t): 1 3 1 0 2
N(w,t): 1 3 1 1 2
N((0,2,1,3),t): 1 3 1 1 2
X((0,2,1,3)): (q^4 + 1)*(q^2 + q + 1)*(q^2 - q + 1)
(q^2 + 1/q^2)*q^4: (0,2,3)
(q^2 + 1/q^2 + 1)*(q^2 + 1/q^2)*q^4: (0,2,1,3)
({(q^2 + 1/q^2)*q^4: [(0,2,3)],
(q^2 + 1/q^2 + 1)*(q^2 + 1/q^2)*q^4: [(0,2,1,3)]},
(q^4 + 1)*(q^2 + 1)^2)
which is saying that the code tried four permutations, but only two are relevant. In this example there are no cancellations, but try for example
klr_cyclotomic_dimension(['F',4],[2,3], [2,3,3,2,1,2,3,3,2], [2,3,2,3,1,2,3,3,2], verbose=True)
to see cancellations.
Turning on the base, for example
klr_cyclotomic_dimension(['B',3],[2,3], [3,3,2,1], [3,2,3,1], base=[2])
makes the computation faster, but might get the wrong result. In the above example we get
({}, 0)
which is wrong. We should get
({(q^2 + 1/q^2)*q^4: [(0,2,3)],
(q^2 + 1/q^2 + 1)*(q^2 + 1/q^2)*q^4: [(0,2,1,3)]},
(q^4 + 1)*(q^2 + 1)^2)
but since we excluded the first entry, the 0th position, the above permutations cannot appear, so we get zero as the result.
is still useful for larger computations, but use with care.
If there are any questions, then please feel free to contact me:
Have fun playing with the code!