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New Clojure cheatsheet
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Sayanc93 committed Feb 28, 2016
1 parent a23f42c commit c633815
Showing 1 changed file with 173 additions and 0 deletions.
173 changes: 173 additions & 0 deletions share/goodie/cheat_sheets/json/clojure.json
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
"id": "clojure_cheat_sheet",
"name": "Clojure",
"description": "Common Clojure functions",

"metadata": {
"sourceName": "Clojure Cheatsheet",
"sourceUrl" : ""

"aliases": [

"template_type": "terminal",

"section_order": [

"sections": {
"Numbers": [
"key": "quot",
"val": "(quot n d) - Returns the quotient of dividing numerator n by denominator d"
"key": "mod",
"val": "(mod n d) - Returns the modulus of dividing numerator n by denominator d"
"key": "inc",
"val": "(inc x) - Returns a number one greater than x"
"key": "max",
"val": "(max x y & more) - Returns the greatest number argument"
"key": "rand",
"val": "(rand n) - Returns a random floating point number between 0 inclusive and n exclusive"
"key": "even?",
"val": "(even? n) - Returns true if n is an even number"
"key": "integer?",
"val": "(integer? n) - Returns true if n is an integer, false otherwise"
"Strings": [
"key": "count",
"val": "(count x) - Returns the number of items in x"
"key": "subs",
"val": "(subs s start end) - Returns the substring of s beginning at start inclusive, and ending at end exclusive"
"key": "join",
"val": "(join coll) - Returns a string of all elements in coll, as returned by (seq coll), separated by an optional separator"
"key": "split",
"val": "(split s re limit) - Splits string on a regular expression. Optional argument limit is the maximum number of splits"
"key": "replace",
"val": "(replace s match replacement) - Replaces all instance of match with replacement in s"
"key": "blank?",
"val": "(blank? s) - True if s is nil, empty, or contains only whitespace"
"Functions": [
"key": "defn",
"val": "Defines a function"
"key": "identity",
"val": "(identity x) - Returns its argument"
"key": "constantly",
"val": "(constantly x) - Returns a function that takes any number of arguments and always returns x"
"key": "comp",
"val": "(comp f1 f2 f3 & fs) - Takes a set of functions (fns) and returns a function that is the composition of those functions"
"key": "complement",
"val": "(complement f) - Takes a function f and returns a function that takes the same arguments as f"
"key": "memoize",
"val": "Returns a memoized version of a referentially transparent function"
"key": "apply",
"val": "(apply f args) - Applies function f to the argument list formed by prepending intervening arguments to args"
"key": "cond->",
"val": "(cond-> expr & clauses) - Takes an expression and a set of test/form pairs"
"key": "some->",
"val": "When expr is not nil, threads it into the first form (via ->)"
"Lists": [
"key": "list",
"val": "(list & items) - Creates a new list containing items"
"key": "peek",
"val": "(peek coll) - Returns the first element of a list; same as first."
"key": "cons",
"val": "(cons x coll) - Returns a new sequence where x is the first element and coll is the rest"
"key": "conj",
"val": "Returns a new collection with the xs added to coll"
"key": "pop",
"val": "(pop coll) - For a list, returns a new list without the first item"
"Vectors": [
"key": "vector",
"val": "(vector & args) - Creates a new vector containing args"
"key": "assoc",
"val": "(assoc coll k v) - When applied to a map, returns a new map that contains the mapping of key(s) to val(s)"
"key": "subvec",
"val": "(subvec v start end) - Returns a persistent vector of the items in v from start inclusive to end exclusive"
"key": "replace",
"val": "(replace smap coll) - Given a map of replacement pairs smap and a vector/collection coll, returns a vector/seq with any elements = to a key in smap replaced with the corresponding val in smap"
"key": "mapv",
"val": "(mapv f coll) - Returns a vector consisting of the result of applying f to the set of first items of each coll, followed by applying f to the set of second items in each coll, until any one of the colls is exhausted"
"key": "filterv",
"val": "Returns a vector of the items in coll for which (pred item) returns true"
"key": "reduce-kv",
"val": "Reduces an associative collection"

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