The goal in this book, Autocento of the breakfast table, is to explore the workings of revision and recursion through words, both in the head and on paper. It's a hypertextual imagining of how things could have been, in all of their possibilities.
This project uses John McFarlane's wonderful program pandoc, and its markdown flavor, to encode the poems and stories and things contained within. To see the source text files, navigate to the src/ folder.
At the top of each file, there is a YAML metadata block that looks something like this:
title: Title of article
id: file-name-without-extension
subtitle: Subtitle # optional
genre: verse # verse or prose
epigraph: # optional
content: 'Content of epigraph' # req'd if epigraph exists
link: 'http://link-to-epigraph-source/' # optional
attrib: 'Epigraph attribution' # optional
dedication: my mother # optional
ekphrastic: # optional image ekphrastic
image: 'link-to-image.ext'
title: 'Text for title text of image'
link: 'http://link-to-host-of-original/'
class: css class(es) for the image
title: Original project name
order: 1 # page number, optional
prev: # optional
- title: Title of previous thing in original project
link: link to that thing
- title: Title of other previous thing
link: link to that thing
next: #optional
- title: Title of next thing in original project
link: link to that thing
- title: Title of other next thing
link: link to that thing
To compile all the markdown into glorious, glorious HTML (visible at, run make all
in the src directory of this repository.
(Windows users: get a UNIX shell.
I'm over it.)