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Electron/React/TypeScript Boilerplate

This is a boilerplate for an Electron/React/Typescript project.

It's a monorepo (thus we use Yarn) with the following structure:

Each has its own package.json file. The contents of the root of the repo are responsible for coordinating them.

In VSCode, Cmd-Shift-b to compile the main process.

After doing that once,

enter "yarn start". That gives you the following:

  • the React is served with react-scripts, and has live reload
  • Electron's debugging port is open, and ready to be attached to by VSCode

Changes to the renderer process get reloaded automatically. To reload the main process, press Cmd-Shift-b and quit the app; it will restart.

The Monorepo Structure

Setting Up The Renderer Process

Create the project that will become the renderer process:

yarn create react-app renderer --template=typescript
yarn workspace renderer add --dev eslint

In react/package.json, add the following:

"homepage": "./"

Note that its name, in package.json, is "renderer".

At the top of renderer/src/App.tsx, add the following:

const { ipcRenderer } = window.require('electron');

And at an appropriate place in the same file, add the following:

<button onClick={() => { ipcRenderer.send("ping"); }}>Ping the main process

The idea is that if you click the "Ping the main process" button, you'll see "ping" in the console. That's the confirmation that the main (Electron) and renderer (React) processes are communicating properly.

Setting Up The Main Process

Add the project that will become the main process:

git clone main
cd main
rm -rf .git package-lock.json
yarn install
yarn add electron-is-dev
yarn add dotenv
yarn add --dev @types/testing-library__dom
yarn add --dev eslint
cd ..

Note that its name, in package.json, is "electron-quick-start-typescript". Change it to "main".

And the following, under "scripts", in package.json:

"debug": "electron ./dist/main.js -remote-debugging-port=9222"

Make some adjustments in main/src/main.ts.

// Add these
import { ipcMain } from "electron";
import * as isDev from "electron-is-dev";
import { config } from "dotenv";

// ...

const mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
  webPreferences: {
	  nodeIntegration: true // Add this

// ...

// Add this to the "ready" handler:
if (process.env.DEVTOOLS) {
  await session.defaultSession.loadExtension(process.env.DEVTOOLS);

// ...

// Change the following...
if (isDev) {
  const reactPort =
    process.env.REACT_PORT !== undefined ? process.env.REACT_PORT : "3000";
} else {

// ...

// Add this
ipcMain.on("ping", () => {

The loadURL call loads CRA's dev server; the loadFile call loads a path we'll set up next.

In its tsconfig.json file, add the following under "compilerOptions" (it's needed to get VSCode's debugger to work properly with Async/Await):

"target": "ESNext",

Setting Up The Monorepo

In the root package.json, add both projects as workspaces:

"workspaces": [

Add a script, scripts/, to build React into Electron:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

yarn workspace renderer build
yarn workspace main build
cp -r renderer/build/* main/dist/

Add script, scripts/, to wait until create-react-app's dev server is listening on its port, to start Electron:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

export REACT_PORT=${REACT_PORT:-5000}

while ! echo exit | nc localhost "$REACT_PORT"; do
  sleep 10

while :
  yarn workspace main debug

I've found that when we run "react-scripts start" with Foreman, its port is 5000.

Add Foreman:

yarn add -W --dev foreman

Add a Procfile to run with Foreman:

renderer: BROWSER=none yarn workspace renderer start
main: ./scripts/

Add scripts in package.json to build and to run the project:

"scripts": {
  "start": "nf start",
  "build": "scripts/"

Setting Up The React Developer Tools

To install the React Developer Tools, look up DevTools Extension to see how to get the path to the extension. Then put the following in main/.env:


Setting Up VSCode

Add the .vscode files that I've prepared.

Install VSCode's Debugger for Chrome extension if you haven't already.

I also recommend the Prettier and ESLint extensions: again, if you don't already have them.

From then on you have two workflows, depending on whether you need to debug both processes or just the render process.

Debugging The Render Process

In the root of the repository, enter:

yarn start

That starts both the React server and Electron.

In VSCode, set a breakpoint somewhere in the React. Select the "Attach to Chrome" configuration and, well, attach to Chrome (Electron). Use the application until VSCode hits the breakpoint.

You've have live reloading for the React, because it's being served with react-scripts

To pick up changes to the main process, build the Typescript with (Cmd|Ctrl)-Shift-b. Then restart your app.

When you're done, press Ctrl+C to quit the "yarn start" script (

Debugging The Main Process

Debugging the main process is different.

In the root of the monorepo, enter:

BROWSER=none yarn workspace renderer start

Wait for the port to open. Then, in VSCode, use the "Debug Main Process" launch configuration. Your app will start.

Set a breakpoint anywhere in your Typescript source, and VSCode will hit it.


I'm not going to list every blog I looked at for this, but these two stand out.

Thank you to the following blog entry, for help with setting up debugging for the renderer process: Debug Electron App with VS Code

And this one, for the "homepage" tip in particular: Building an Electron application with create-react-app

The debugging setup is also from Microsoft's Electron debugging (main and renderer process) recipe.


Electron/React/Typescript Boilerplate






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