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Rotation matrix to angle is fun
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Also arrows can point two different ways,
so need to correct for that in TilePositioner.
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davetapley committed Nov 19, 2018
1 parent 9d99171 commit 02e8f41
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Showing 5 changed files with 38 additions and 14 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions package.yaml
Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,7 @@ dependencies:
- mtl
- data-default
- text
- lens

source-dirs: src
Expand Down
19 changes: 11 additions & 8 deletions src/TilePositioner.hs
Expand Up @@ -47,22 +47,25 @@ positionTile frame segment =
mean :: Fractional a => V.Vector a -> a
mean xs = V.sum xs / realToFrac (V.length xs)

angleFromPoints :: V2 Double -> V2 Double-> Double
angleFromPoints (V2 x0 y0) (V2 x1 y1) = atan2 (y1 - y0) (x1 - x0)
angleFromPoints :: V2 (V2 Double) -> Double
angleFromPoints (V2 (V2 x0 y0) (V2 x1 y1)) =
let a = atan2 (y1 - y0) (x1 - x0)
in if a >= 0 then a else (pi*2) + a

pointsFromLineSegment :: LineSegment Int32 -> (V2 Double, V2 Double)
pointsFromLineSegment (LineSegment p0 p1) = ((realToFrac <$>) p0, (realToFrac <$>) p1)
pointsFromLineSegment :: LineSegment Int32 -> V2 (V2 Double)
pointsFromLineSegment (LineSegment p0 p1) = V2 ((realToFrac <$>) p0) ((realToFrac <$>) p1)

-- clockwise rotation matrix, aka left handed, aka y axes goes down
transformFromAngle :: Double -> Transform
transformFromAngle angle = V2 (V2 (cos angle) (sin angle)) (V2 (-(sin angle)) (cos angle))

transformTile :: FrameMat -> Segment -> Transform
transformTile frame s@(Segment Straight p t) =
let lines = candidateLines s frame
angle = traceShowId $ angleFromTransform t
lineAngle = traceShowId $ uncurry angleFromPoints $ pointsFromLineSegment $ fst $ V.head lines
angle' = if abs(angle - lineAngle) < pi/2 then lineAngle else (lineAngle + pi) `mod'` 2*pi
t' = (^* trackWidth t) <$> transformFromAngle angle'
angle = angleFromTransform t
lineAngle = angleFromPoints $ pointsFromLineSegment $ fst $ V.head lines
-- angle' = if abs(angle - lineAngle) < pi/2 then lineAngle else (lineAngle + pi) `mod'` 2*pi
t' = (^* trackWidth t) <$> transformFromAngle lineAngle
in if V.null lines then t else t'

transformTile frame (Segment tile p t) = t
Expand Down
11 changes: 8 additions & 3 deletions src/TilePositionerDebug.hs
@@ -1,18 +1,20 @@
module TilePositionerDebug where

import Prelude hiding (Left, lines)
import Control.Lens
import Control.Monad.Except(MonadError, void)
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Int
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Word
import Data.Vector as V
import Data.Vector as V hiding ((++))
import Linear
import OpenCV as CV
import OpenCV.Extra.XFeatures2d
import OpenCV.Internal.C.Types
import OpenCV.ImgProc.FeatureDetection
import qualified Data.Text as T

import TilePositioner
import Track
Expand All @@ -28,8 +30,11 @@ positionLineDebug frame (Segment tile p t) = exceptError $ do
withMatM (h ::: w ::: Z) (Proxy :: Proxy 3) (Proxy :: Proxy Word8) white $ \imgM -> do
void $ matCopyToM imgM zero frame Nothing
let dot = round $ trackWidth t / 32.0
for_ (candidateLines (Segment tile p t) frame) $
\(lineSegment, edge) -> line imgM (lineSegmentStart lineSegment) (lineSegmentStop lineSegment) (edgeColor edge) 2 LineType_8 0
putText' str pos color = putText imgM (T.pack str) pos (Font FontHersheySimplex NotSlanted 0.3) color 1 LineType_AA False
showAngle angle = show (round $ angle / (2*pi) * 360)
for_ (candidateLines (Segment tile p t) frame) $ \(lineSegment, edge) -> do
arrowedLine imgM (lineSegmentStart lineSegment) (lineSegmentStop lineSegment) (edgeColor edge) 1 LineType_AA 0 0.15
putText' (showAngle $ angleFromPoints $ pointsFromLineSegment lineSegment) ((round <$>) <$> (^._x) $ pointsFromLineSegment lineSegment :: V2 Int32) (edgeColor edge)

circle imgM (round <$> p) dot white (-1) LineType_AA 0
drawSegmentArrow imgM white (Segment tile p t)
Expand Down
7 changes: 4 additions & 3 deletions src/Track.hs
Expand Up @@ -27,13 +27,14 @@ data Segment = Segment

angleFromTransform :: Transform -> Double
angleFromTransform t =
let V2 t_x t_y = (t !* V2 (-1) 0)
in atan2 t_y t_x
let V2 t_x t_y = (t !* V2 1 0)
a = -atan2 t_y t_x
in if a >= 0 then a else (pi*2) + a

instance Show Segment where
show (Segment tile p t) =
let V2 x y = p
angle = round $ 180 + angleFromTransform t / pi * 180
angle = round $ angleFromTransform t / (2*pi) * 360
in show tile ++ " " ++ show (round x) ++ "×" ++ show (round y) ++ " " ++ show angle ++ "°"

type Track = Loop.Loop Segment
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions test/Spec.hs
Expand Up @@ -302,6 +302,7 @@ trackTests = testGroup "Track tests"
, testCase "shows" trackShow
, testCase "moves" trackMoves
, testCase "loops" trackLoops
, testCase "transform" trackTransform

testTrack = fromJust $ Track.parseTrack Track.start "srrsrr"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -365,3 +366,16 @@ trackLoops = let
Track.Segment tile p t = end
-- TODO handle rounding error
in True @?= True -- Track.nextSegment end Track.Straight @?= Track.start

trackTransform :: Assertion
trackTransform = do
transformFromAngle 0 @?= V2 (V2 1 0) (V2 0 1)
(round <$>) <$> transformFromAngle (pi / 2) @?= V2 (V2 0 1) (V2 (-1) 0)
(round <$>) <$> transformFromAngle pi @?= V2 (V2 (-1) 0) (V2 0 (-1))
(round <$>) <$> transformFromAngle (3* (pi/2)) @?= V2 (V2 0 (-1)) (V2 1 0)

Track.angleFromTransform (V2 (V2 1 0) (V2 0 1)) @?= 0
Track.angleFromTransform (V2 (V2 0 1) (V2 (-1) 0)) @?= (pi/2)
Track.angleFromTransform (transformFromAngle 0) @?= 0
Track.angleFromTransform (transformFromAngle (pi/2)) @?= (pi/2)
Track.angleFromTransform (transformFromAngle 2) @?= 2

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