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23 lines (14 loc) · 738 Bytes

File metadata and controls

23 lines (14 loc) · 738 Bytes

Early stage development for the jQuery Mobile UI Framework.


For now, I've set things up with a little combinator script to concat all the css and js files into one request and gzip. (js/all and css/all) You'll need to point your local apache & php webserver at this root directory in order to preview things. Whenever this configuration becomes inconvenient, we can remove it, obviously it's not meant to stay!

  • when adding a js or css file, add it to the manifest in its directory and it'll be included in the request

  • As far as JS files go, is the starting point.



  • rename all ui-body and ui-body-a/b/c classes to ui-box* (body could be confused with the element)
  • tabs