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The VichGeographicalBundle provides automatic geographic coordinate querying for ORM entities and ODM documents. The bundle also provides functionality for rendering of JavaScript maps for these entities in your Symfony2 project using annotations. It also allows for object oriented JavaScript maps to be rendered without using any of the coordinate querying features. The bundle uses Google maps by default, but other maps are always being integrated and you can always write your own map renderer.

Currently Supported Map Renderers

The following is a list of currently supported JavaScript map renderers. Please do not hesitate to fork this repo and add antoher one!

Google Maps API v3
Bing Maps v7


Get the bundle

To install the bundle, place it in the vendor/bundles/Vich/GeographicalBundle directory of your project. You can do this by adding the bundle to your composer.json (Symfony 2.1), deps file (Symfony 2.0.*), as a submodule, cloning it, or simply downloading the source.

Add VichGeographicalBundle in your composer.json:

    "require": {
        "vich/geographical-bundle": "*"

Now tell composer to download the bundle by running the command:

php composer.phar update vich/geographical-bundle

Composer will install the bundle to your project's vendor/vich directory.

Add to deps file:


Or you may add the bundle as a git submodule:

$ git submodule add vendor/bundles/Vich/GeographicalBundle

Add the namespace to your autoloader

Next you should add the Vich namespace to your autoloader:

// app/autoload.php

    // ...
    'Vich' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles'

Initialize the bundle

To start using the bundle, register the bundle in your application's kernel class:

// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
    $bundles = array(
        // ...
        new Vich\GeographicalBundle\VichGeographicalBundle(),


The only required configuration option is the db_driver. You must specify either orm or mongodb.

# app/config/config.yml
    db_driver: orm # or mongodb


A verbose configuration reference including all configuration options and their 
default values is included at the bottom of this document.

VichGeographicalBundle Annotations

Now you need to annotate the entities or documents you would like to query for coordinates. There are two annotations to use, the class annotation @Geographical marks the entity as geographical and the @GeographicalQuery annotation marks the method in the class whose return value is used as the query to the coordinate querying service (i.e. the method returns an address string which the coordinate query service will turn into geographical coordinates). The following is a working example ORM entity:


use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Vich\GeographicalBundle\Annotation as Vich;

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @Vich\Geographical
class Location
    // ..

     * @ORM\Column(type="decimal", scale=7)
    protected $latitude;

     * @ORM\Column(type="decimal", scale=7)
    protected $longitude;

    // ..

     * Notice the latitude property must have a setter
    public function setLatitude($value)
        $this->latitude = $value;

     * Notice the longitude property must have a setter
    public function setLongitude($value)
        $this->longitude = $value;

     * @Vich\GeographicalQuery
     * This method builds the full address to query for coordinates.
    public function getAddress()
        return sprintf(
            '%s, %s, %s %s',

You can configure which properties of your entity are used to store the latitude and longitude coordinates. By default the latitude property is named latitude and the longitude property is named longitude. You can set these properties using the class annotation.

Below is an ORM example:


use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Vich\GeographicalBundle\Annotation as Vich;

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @Vich\Geographical(lat="mylat", lng="mylng")
class Location
    // ..

     * @ORM\Column(type="decimal", scale="7")
    protected $mylat

     * @ORM\Column(type="decimal", scale="7")
    protected $mylng

    // ..

     * Notice the mylat property must have a setter
    public function setMylat($value)
        $this->latitude = $value;

     * Notice the mylng property must have a setter
    public function setMylng($value)
        $this->longitude = $value;

    // ..

By default the coordinates are only queried when the entity is first created. If you would like the coordinates to be queried every time the entity is updated as well, then you can change the on option of the Geographical annotation to update.

Below is an example ORM entity:


use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use Vich\GeographicalBundle\Annotation as Vich;

 * @ORM\Entity
 * @Vich\Geographical(on="update")
class Location
    // ..

Overriding the Coordinate Query Service

You can change the query service used to get the coordinates by creating your own class which implements Vich\GeographicalBundle\QueryService\QueryServiceInterface. By default Google is used. You can then define your class as as service and then configure that service using the query_service configuration parameter.

# app/config.yml
    # ...
    query_service: my_custom_service    

Twig Integration

The VichGeographicalBundle comes fully equipped with Twig functions to render your geographically aware entities using several JavaScript map rendering APIs or any mapping service you prefer. It also allows you to create and render maps in an object oriented way without using the annotation and features of the bundle for entities.

Creating a Map Class

To display a map for your entity first you need to create a class that extends the base Vich\GeographicalBundle\Map\Map class. A good namespace for your map classes is Map, but this is not required.

// src/Acme/DemoBundle/Map/LocationMap.php

namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Map;

use Vich\GeographicalBundle\Map\Map;

 * LocationMap.
class LocationMap extends Map
     * Constructs a new instance of LocationMap.
    public function __construct()

        // configure your map in the constructor 
        // by setting the options


Declare the Map as a Service

In order for the map to be available in the Twig templates you need to declare your map as a service and then tag it with the tag and give it an alias so that you can refer to it in the template.

<!-- src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/config/map.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<container xmlns=""


        <service id="" class="Acme\DemoBundle\Map\LocationMap">
            <tag name="" alias="location" />



Import the Map Services

Now that you have declared your maps as services you need to import them in the config.yml file of your application.

# app/config/config.yml
    # other imports here like security.yml and parameters.ini
    - { resource: "@AcmeDemoBundle/Resources/config/map.xml" }

Rendering a Map In Twig

Now that our maps have been declared as services, tagged and imported into the application, we are ready to render them.

You can include any javascripts the map renderer needs in your <head> section with the vichgeo_include_js Twig function.

{{ vichgeo_include_js() }}

If your map renderer requires any stylesheets then you can render them in your <head> section by using the vichgeo_include_css function.

{{ vichgeo_include_css() }}

The vichgeo_map_for Twig function will render the map with the alias specified by the first parameter and will use the entity or array of entities passed into the second parameter. The function will automatically read the annotations of your entities and fetch the coordinates for the map marker.

{{ vichgeo_map_for('location', location) }}

If you have a pre-configured map that you would like to render that does not need any entities specified, then you can use the vichgeo_map Twig function.

{{ vichgeo_map('location') }}

Example of a Pre-Configured Map

A pre-configured map is a map that does not use entities that are marked up with the VichGeographicalBundle annotations. Rendering a pre-configured map is no different than rendering a map for entities except for the Twig function used and how you add markers to the map.

An example pre-configured map class:

// src/Acme/DemoBundle/Map/LocationMap.php

namespace Vich\DemoBundle\Map;

use Vich\GeographicalBundle\Map\Map;
use Vich\GeographicalBundle\Map\Marker\MapMarker;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;

 * PreConfiguredMap.
class PreConfiguredMap extends Map
     * Constructs a new instance of PreConfiguredMap.
     * @param EntityManager $em The entity manager.
    public function __construct(EntityManager $em)

        // set some options

        // do something here with the EntityManager to get your entities

        foreach ($entities as $entity) {
            $this->addMarker(new MapMarker($entity->getLat(), $entity->getLng()));

In this map, an example of injecting the EntityManager to fetch some locations from the database has been used, but you can get your location info however you see fit.

The service definition for this map would be a little different because we have injected the EntityManager into it.

<!-- src/Acme/DemoBundle/Resources/config/map.xml -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>

<container xmlns=""


        <service id="" class="Acme\DemoBundle\Map\PreConfiguredMap">
            <tag name="" alias="pre_configured" />
            <argument type="service" id="doctrine.orm.entity_manager" />



Instead of using vichgeo_map_for to render the map, a pre-configured map is rendered with vichgeo_map.

{{ vichgeo_map('pre_configured') }}

Popup Info Windows

The bundle supports popup info windows when map markers are clicked. Use the setShowInfoWindowsForMarkers setter of the Map class to activate or deactivate (default) this feature. A default template for the content of the popup has been provided, but it is strongly recommended that you create a twig/php template for the popup window as the default one only displays the string representation of the entity.

Configure Your Template

In the bundle configuration, you specify which template the bundle should use to generate the html content of your info window popup.

    # ...
        info_window: AcmeDemoBundle:Map:infoWindow.html.twig

This example configures the bundle to use the infoWindow.html.twig template. Your template will be passed the entity that the map marker represents. The template variable name is obj. Below is the default twig template.

{% spaceless %}
    <div class="vich_info_window">
        <span>{{ obj }}</span>
{% endspaceless %}

Verbose Configuration Reference

    db_driver: ~ # You must configure this option
    query_service: vich_geographical.query_service.default
    icon_generator: vich_geographical.icon_generator.default

    # jQuery aware google map renderer available
    # map_renderer: vich_geographical.map_renderer.jquery_google

    # Bing map renderer available
    # map_renderer:

    # Leaflet map renderer available
    # map_renderer: vich_geographical.map_renderer.leaflet

        engine: twig # or php
        info_window: VichGeographicalBundle:InfoWindow:default.html.twig

    # if you specify the Leaflet map renderer then add your api key as follows
        api_key: my_api_key

    # if you specify the Bing map renderer then add your api key as follows
        api_key: my_api_key