An operation queue subclass that allows LIFO style queuing and a max number of operations.
I made it to allow loading images in a large UICollectionView
while scrolling. When set properly this will load images needed by the collection view even if the user scrolls, and loading first images needed quickly.
This queue doesn't inherit from OperationQueue
but should expose a similar enough interface to easily switch between the two.
public class SYOperationQueue {
// Properties
public enum Mode {
case fifo, lifo
public var mode: Mode = .fifo
public var name: String?
public var operations: [Operation]
public var operationsCount: Int
public var isSuspended: Bool
public var maxConcurrentOperationCount: Int
public var maxSurvivingOperations: Int = 0 // 0 means no limit
// Methods
public func add(operation: Operation) {}
public func addOperation(closure: @escaping () -> Void) {}
public func cancelAllOperations() {}