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Github Search User Project

This project is application to find github user using android application

These are possible corner cases that i tried to solve

  • Prevent multiple request when user try to type query, using debounce operator
  • Empty result
  • Could not connect to server
  • Show loading progress
  • Pagination/Endless Scrolling
  • Cache http response to file so we can find user in cache without internet connection
  • Keep existing data when configuration changes such as : Device Orientation
  • prevent the keyboard from appearing automatically because there is a focus textbox for the first time and when configuration changes
  • Prevent request with empty query to reduce wasted requests

These are library that i used

  • MVVM Architecture
  • LiveData (Android Jetpack)
  • DataBinding (Android Jetpack)
  • Paging Library (Android Jetpack)
  • Dagger2
  • Retrofit
  • RxJava/RxKotlin


  • JUnit
  • Espresso
  • Mockito

Programming used is Kotlin with Unit Testing & Instrumented Testing