This repository is the official PyTorch implementation of the SmartLoc reported in the paper:
SmartLOC: Indoor Localization with Smartphone Anchors for On-Demand Delivery.
Requirements: Python >= 3.5, Anaconda3
- Update conda:
conda update -n base -c defaults conda
- Install basic dependencies to virtual environment and activate it:
conda env create -f environment.yml
conda activate degnn-env
- Install PyTorch >= 1.4.0 and torch-geometric >= 1.5.0
conda install pytorch=1.4.0 torchvision cudatoolkit=10.1 -c pytorch
pip install torch-scatter==latest+cu101 -f
pip install torch-sparse==latest+cu101 -f
pip install torch-cluster==latest+cu101 -f
pip install torch-spline-conv==latest+cu101 -f
pip install torch-geometric
The latest tested combination is: Python 3.8.2 + Pytorch 1.4.0 + torch-geometric 1.5.0.
Interface for SmartLOC framework [-h] [--data_path DATA_PATH] [--feature_path FEATURE_PATH] [--inshop_path INSHOP_PATH] [--THRE THRE] [--TIME_INTERVAL TIME_INTERVAL] [--test_date TEST_DATE] [--test_ratio TEST_RATIO] [--data_usage DATA_USAGE] [--cat_num CAT_NUM]
[--loc_cat_num LOC_CAT_NUM] [--model {DE-GNN,GIN,GCN,GraphSAGE,GAT,PGNN}] [--layers LAYERS] [--hidden_features HIDDEN_FEATURES] [--feature FEATURE] [--metric {acc,auc}] [--directed DIRECTED] [--prop_depth PROP_DEPTH]
[--use_degree USE_DEGREE] [--use_attributes USE_ATTRIBUTES] [--loc_layers LOC_LAYERS] [--lstm_num_layers LSTM_NUM_LAYERS] [--range RANGE] [--loc_hidden_features LOC_HIDDEN_FEATURES] [--rw_depth RW_DEPTH] [--max_sp MAX_SP]
[--anchor_num ANCHOR_NUM] [--cat_embed_dim CAT_EMBED_DIM] [--seed SEED] [--gpu GPU] [--parallel] [--epoch EPOCH] [--loc_epoch LOC_EPOCH] [--batch_size BATCH_SIZE] [--bs BS] [--lr LR] [--loc_lr LOC_LR] [--optimizer OPTIMIZER]
[--l2 L2] [--dropout DROPOUT] [--log_dir LOG_DIR] [--model_dir MODEL_DIR] [--result_dir RESULT_DIR] [--cache_dir CACHE_DIR] [--version_name VERSION_NAME] [--summary_file SUMMARY_FILE] [--debug] [--use_cache USE_CACHE]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--data_path DATA_PATH
dataset path
--feature_path FEATURE_PATH
feature path
--inshop_path INSHOP_PATH
inshop model result path
--THRE THRE time diff filter
time interval between two events
--test_date TEST_DATE
test date
--test_ratio TEST_RATIO
ratio of the test against whole
--data_usage DATA_USAGE
use partial dataset
--cat_num CAT_NUM cat_num
--loc_cat_num LOC_CAT_NUM
model to use for merchant GNN
--layers LAYERS largest number of layers
--hidden_features HIDDEN_FEATURES
hidden dimension
--feature FEATURE distance encoding category: shortest path or random walk (landing probabilities)
--metric {acc,auc} metric for evaluating performance
--directed DIRECTED (Currently unavailable) whether to treat the graph as directed
--prop_depth PROP_DEPTH
propagation depth (number of hops) for one layer
--use_degree USE_DEGREE
whether to use node degree as the initial feature
--use_attributes USE_ATTRIBUTES
whether to use node attributes as the initial feature
--loc_layers LOC_LAYERS
largest number of localization layers
--lstm_num_layers LSTM_NUM_LAYERS
largest number of lstm layers
--range RANGE lstm range
--loc_hidden_features LOC_HIDDEN_FEATURES
--rw_depth RW_DEPTH random walk steps
--max_sp MAX_SP maximum distance to be encoded for shortest path feature
--anchor_num ANCHOR_NUM
--cat_embed_dim CAT_EMBED_DIM
--seed SEED seed to initialize all the random modules
--gpu GPU gpu id
--parallel (Currently unavailable) whether to use multi cpu cores to prepare data
--epoch EPOCH number of epochs for GNN to train
--loc_epoch LOC_EPOCH
number of epochs for LOC to train
--batch_size BATCH_SIZE
batch size
--bs BS minibatch size
--lr LR learning rate
--loc_lr LOC_LR learning rate of localization
--optimizer OPTIMIZER
optimizer to use
--l2 L2 l2 regularization weight
--dropout DROPOUT dropout rate
--log_dir LOG_DIR log directory
--model_dir MODEL_DIR
model directory
--result_dir RESULT_DIR
result directory
--cache_dir CACHE_DIR
Cache directory
--version_name VERSION_NAME
version name
--summary_file SUMMARY_FILE
brief summary of training result
--debug whether to use debug mode
--use_cache USE_CACHE
whether to use cache