E:\app>fabio-1.3.5-go1.7.3-windows_amd64.exe 2017/01/18 11:30:10 [INFO] Runtime config { "Proxy": { "Strategy": "rnd", "Matcher": "prefix", "NoRouteStatus": 404, "MaxConn": 10000, "ShutdownWait": 0, "DialTimeout": 30000000000, "ResponseHeaderTimeout": 0, "KeepAliveTimeout": 0, "ReadTimeout": 0, "WriteTimeout": 0, "FlushInterval": 1000000000, "LocalIP": "", "ClientIPHeader": "", "TLSHeader": "", "TLSHeaderValue": "", "GZIPContentTypesValue": "", "GZIPContentTypes": null }, "Registry": { "Backend": "consul", "Static": { "Routes": "" }, "File": { "Path": "" }, "Consul": { "Addr": "localhost:8500", "Scheme": "http", "Token": "", "KVPath": "/fabio/config", "TagPrefix": "urlprefix-", "Register": true, "ServiceAddr": ":9998", "ServiceName": "fabio", "ServiceTags": null, "ServiceStatus": [ "passing" ], "CheckInterval": 1000000000, "CheckTimeout": 3000000000 } }, "Listen": [ { "Addr": ":9999", "Proto": "http", "ReadTimeout": 0, "WriteTimeout": 0, "CertSource": { "Name": "", "Type": "", "CertPath": "", "KeyPath": "", "ClientCAPath": "", "CAUpgradeCN": "", "Refresh": 0, "Header": null }, "StrictMatch": false } ], "CertSources": {}, "Metrics": { "Target": "", "Prefix": "{{clean .Hostname}}.{{clean .Exec}}", "Names": "{{clean .Service}}.{{clean .Host}}.{{clean .Path}}.{{clean .TargetURL.Host}}", "Interval": 30000000000, "GraphiteAddr": "", "StatsDAddr": "", "CirconusAPIKey": "", "CirconusAPIApp": "fabio", "CirconusAPIURL": "", "CirconusCheckID": "", "CirconusBrokerID": "" }, "UI": { "Addr": ":9998", "Color": "light-green", "Title": "" }, "Runtime": { "GOGC": 800, "GOMAXPROCS": 8 }, "ListenerValue": [ ":9999" ], "CertSourcesValue": null } 2017/01/18 11:30:10 [INFO] Version 1.3.5 starting 2017/01/18 11:30:10 [INFO] Go runtime is go1.7.3 2017/01/18 11:30:10 [INFO] Using routing strategy "rnd" 2017/01/18 11:30:10 [INFO] Using routing matching "prefix" 2017/01/18 11:30:10 [INFO] Setting GOGC=800 2017/01/18 11:30:10 [INFO] Setting GOMAXPROCS=8 2017/01/18 11:30:10 [INFO] Metrics disabled 2017/01/18 11:30:11 [INFO] consul: Connecting to "localhost:8500" in datacenter "dc1" 2017/01/18 11:30:11 [INFO] Admin server listening on ":9998" 2017/01/18 11:30:11 [INFO] HTTP proxy listening on :9999 2017/01/18 11:30:11 [INFO] consul: Using dynamic routes 2017/01/18 11:30:11 [INFO] consul: Using tag prefix "urlprefix-" 2017/01/18 11:30:11 [INFO] consul: Watching KV path "/fabio/config" 2017/01/18 11:30:11 [INFO] consul: Registered fabio with id "fabio-C40-BF91-9998" 2017/01/18 11:30:11 [INFO] consul: Registered fabio with address "" 2017/01/18 11:30:11 [INFO] consul: Registered fabio with tags "" 2017/01/18 11:30:11 [INFO] consul: Registered fabio with health check to "http://[]:9998/health" 2017/01/18 11:30:11 [INFO] consul: Manual config changed to #1 2017/01/18 11:30:11 [INFO] consul: Health changed to #128 2017/01/18 11:30:11 [INFO] Updated config to 2017/01/18 11:30:12 [INFO] Updated config to route add slpconsulDemo /world http://C40-BF91.india.rsystems.com:8082/ tags "urlprefix-/myworld,urlprefix-/world" route add slpconsulDemo /world http://C40-BF91.india.rsystems.com:8081/ tags "urlprefix-/myworld,urlprefix-/world" route add slpconsulDemo /world http://C40-BF91.india.rsystems.com:8080/ tags "urlprefix-/myworld,urlprefix-/world" route add slpconsulDemo /myworld http://C40-BF91.india.rsystems.com:8082/ tags "urlprefix-/myworld,urlprefix-/world" route add slpconsulDemo /myworld http://C40-BF91.india.rsystems.com:8081/ tags "urlprefix-/myworld,urlprefix-/world" route add slpconsulDemo /myworld http://C40-BF91.india.rsystems.com:8080/ tags "urlprefix-/myworld,urlprefix-/world" 2017/01/18 11:30:12 [INFO] consul: Health changed to #129 2017/01/18 11:32:40 [WARN] No route for localhost:9999/route 2017/01/18 11:33:04 [INFO] consul: Health changed to #140 2017/01/18 11:35:59 [INFO] consul: Health changed to #152 2017/01/18 11:36:27 [INFO] consul: Health changed to #154 2017/01/18 11:36:27 [INFO] Updated config to route add slpconsulDemo /world http://C40-BF91.india.rsystems.com:8081/ tags "urlprefix-/myworld,urlprefix-/world" route add slpconsulDemo /world http://C40-BF91.india.rsystems.com:8080/ tags "urlprefix-/myworld,urlprefix-/world" route add slpconsulDemo /myworld http://C40-BF91.india.rsystems.com:8081/ tags "urlprefix-/myworld,urlprefix-/world" route add slpconsulDemo /myworld http://C40-BF91.india.rsystems.com:8080/ tags "urlprefix-/myworld,urlprefix-/world" 2017/01/18 11:36:29 [INFO] consul: Health changed to #155 2017/01/18 11:36:29 [INFO] Updated config to route add slpconsulDemo /world http://C40-BF91.india.rsystems.com:8080/ tags "urlprefix-/myworld,urlprefix-/world" route add slpconsulDemo /myworld http://C40-BF91.india.rsystems.com:8080/ tags "urlprefix-/myworld,urlprefix-/world" 2017/01/18 11:36:29 [INFO] consul: Health changed to #156 2017/01/18 11:36:29 [INFO] Updated config to 2017/01/18 11:37:06 [WARN] No route for localhost:9999/myworld 2017/01/18 11:37:16 [WARN] No route for localhost:9999/myworld 2017/01/18 11:37:52 [WARN] No route for localhost:9999/myworld 2017/01/18 11:39:13 [WARN] No route for localhost:9999/myworld 2017/01/18 11:39:39 [WARN] No route for localhost:9999/myworld 2017/01/18 11:39:43 [WARN] No route for localhost:9999/myworld 2017/01/18 11:41:19 [WARN] No route for localhost:9999/myworld 2017/01/18 11:41:41 [INFO] consul: Health changed to #156