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This repository contains the raw data and analysis code for the experiments reported in Basgoze et al., JOV, 2020


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This repository contains the raw data and example code for the analyses described in: Basgoze, White, Burge & Cooper. Natural statistics of depth edges modulate perceptual stability. Journal of Vision, 20:10, 2020 (

These resources are organized into separate folders:

patch_images - stimuli

This folder contains preview visualizations of each of the 215 natural stereo image patches used in the paper. The luminance images, depth maps, and region of interest masks are saved in a png file for easy visualization. These are in .png format here, but are also available as Matlab data in the 'patches' struct in patch_data.m described below.



runs the scene statistics analysis


runs the analysis for Experiment 1


runs the analysis for Experiment 2


Raw data used in the scripts above.


Struct Field Size Description
patches luminance and depth measurements from natural stereo image patches.
luminance [78×195×215 double] luminance values for image in stereo pair with the monocular region
luminanceNZ [78×195×215 double] luminance values for image in stereo pair without the monocular region
depth [78×195×215 double] depth values (in meters) for image in stereo pair with the monocular region
depthNZ [78×195×215 double] depth values (in meters) for image in stereo pair without the monocular region
rois binary masks indicating the pixels that correspond to each region of interest in the analysis.
MRorig [78×195×215 logical] original binary mask indicating the location of monocularly visible pixels
MR [78×195×215 logical] cleaned binary mask indicating the location of monocularly visible pixels
BF [78×195×215 logical] binary mask indicating the location of the adjacent binocular foreground
BB [78×195×215 logical] binary mask indicating the location of the adjacent binocular background
BMTrans [78×195×215 logical] binary mask indicating the location of the background-monocular transition
FMTrans [78×195×215 logical] binary mask indicating the location of the foreground-monocular transition
stats summary values averaged within the regions of interest for each patch
disparity [1×215 double] average relative disparity between the foreground and the background rois (degrees)
DvnDepthMean [1×215 double] depth of monocular region (meters)
BdepthMean [1×215 double] depth of background region (meters)
FdepthMean [1×215 double] depth of foreground region (meters)
BMjunctVedgeMeanExp1 [1×215 double] vertical edge strength in background-monocular transition in Experiment 1 (normalized magnitude of derivative filters)
FMjunctVedgeMeanExp1 [1×215 double] vertical edge strength in foreground-monocular transition in Experiment 1
BMjunctHedgeMeanExp1 [1×215 double] horizontal edge strength in background-monocular transition in Experiment 1
FMjunctHedgeMeanExp1 [1×215 double] horizontal edge strength in foreground-monocular transition in Experiment 1
DvncontMeanExp1 [1×215 double] contrast of monocular region in Experiment 1 (normalized RMS pixel luminance)
BcontMeanExp1 [1×215 double] contrast of background region in Experiment 1
FcontMeanExp1 [1×215 double] contrast of foreground region in Experiment 1
DvnimExp1Mean [1×215 double] luminance of monocular region in Experiment 1 (arbitrary units)
BimExp1Mean [1×215 double] luminance of background region in Experiment 1
FimExp1Mean [1×215 double] luminance of foreground region in Experiment 1
BMjunctVedgeMean [1×215 double] vertical edge strength in background-monocular transition in Experiment 2
FMjunctVedgeMean [1×215 double] vertical edge strength in foreground-monocular transition in Experiment 2
BMjunctHedgeMean [1×215 double] horizontal edge strength in background-monocular transition in Experiment 2
FMjunctHedgeMean [1×215 double] horizontal edge strength in foreground-monocular transition in Experiment 2
DvncontMean [1×215 double] contrast of monocular region in Experiment 2
BcontMean [1×215 double] contrast of background region in Experiment 2
FcontMean [1×215 double] contrast of foreground region in Experiment 2
DvnlumMean [1×215 double] luminance of monocular region in Experiment 2
BlumMean [1×215 double] luminance of background region in Experiment 2
FlumMean [1×215 double] luminance of foreground region in Experiment 2


Struct Field Size Description
exp1 data from Experiment 1
subj [644x1 double] subject number
patch [644x1 double] patch number
resp [644x1 double] mean instability rating
zscore_mean [92x1 double] mean rating z-score for each patch
zscore_std [92x1 double] standard deviation of rating z-scores for each patch


Struct Field Size Description
exp2 data from Experiment 2
subj [644x1 double] subject number
patch [644x1 double] patch number
resp [644x1 double] mean instability rating
zscore_mean [92x1 double] mean rating z-score for each patch
zscore_std [92x1 double] standard deviation of rating z-scores for each patch


This repository contains the raw data and analysis code for the experiments reported in Basgoze et al., JOV, 2020







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