This repository contains the raw perceptual and optical data, as well as analysis scripts, from:
A perceptual eyebox for near-eye displays. Steven A. Cholewiak, Zeynep Başgöze, Ozan Cakmakci, David M. Hoffman, and Emily A. Cooper. Optics Express, in press
subject: subject number
AR: type of simulated AR (binoar: binocular AR / monoar: monocular AR)
luning: how many eyes have vignetting (monolune: only one eye has vignetting / binolune: both eyes have vignetting)
where: which part of the visual field is vignetted (nasal/temporal)
eyedom: the dominance of the eye with a vignetted view (dominant/nondominant or both, determined wrt to sensory eye dominance)
uniformity: how uniform the image is (percentage of edge luminance relative to center: %10 least uniform, %75 most uniform)
repeat: condition repetition number (6 repeats for each condition)
rawresp: subject responses in their raw format (in a scale of -2 -1 0 1 2 )
pref: subject preference (uniform or vignetted)
convresp: recoded responses (negative responses are vignetted preferred, positive responses are uniform preferred, 2 indicates strong, 1 indicates slight)
sendomeye: sensory dominant eye (left/right, defined by Binocular Rivalry (BR) Task)
eye: which eye has a vignetted view, NOT-converted to dominant eye (left/right/both)
2) Optical data: the files "eyepiece_nonuniformities_without_eyeroll.csv" and "eyepiece_nonuniformities_with_eyeroll.csv" contain these fields for the optical element described in the manuscript:
x: x coordinate of the pupil in mm, relative to the nominal center
y: y coordinate of the pupil in mm, relative to the nominal center
z: z coordinate of the pupil in mm, relative to the eyepiece
nonuniformity: 5 point field non-uniformity
source_center: number of rays seen from center source at the sensor
source_left: number of rays seen from left source at the sensor
source_right: number of rays seen from right source at the sensor
source_bottom: number of rays seen from bottom source at the sensor
source_top: number of rays seen from top source at the sensor