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#AHHelpPopover & AHHelpPopoverButton A pair of classes to make displaying help info easy.

##AHHelpPopover Set a string value and the popover will auto-calculate the required size for the popover.

###Example Usage:

- (IBAction)openPopoverWithAttributedString:(id)sender {
    AHHelpPopover *popover = [[AHHelpPopover alloc] initWithSender:sender];
    popover.helpText = @"This is a little bit of info you may want to know";

	[popover openPopover]
	// or 
	[popover openPopoverWithCompletionHandler:^{
        NSLog(@"Done with Popover...");

In addition you can set a title or a link for the help.

popover.helpTitle = @"Usage:"
popover.helpURL = [NSURL URLWithString:@""];

You can also set the attributedHelpText property (NSAttributedString), letting you add a fully formatted message with additional links, coloring, etc.

See AHHelpPopover.h for full usage.

##AHHelpPopoverButton This makes it even easier to display help. Simply add a button in your xib, set the class to AHHelpPopover, and set the button's identifier. Then create a strings file named LocalizableHelpPopover.strings and set the button's identifier as the key.

 * LocalizableHelpPopover.strings
"myHelpButtonIdentifier" = "This is the main informational body of this help popover, that was easy!";

"myHelpButtonIdentifierTitle" = "Help Help"
"myHelpButtonIdentifierURL" = ""

Including a key-message(s) with "Title" and/or "URL" as the suffix will add those elements to the popover.

###Demo: demo

Take a look at the AHHelpPopoverExample project for some other use case examples.

Comments, suggestions, and especially PR's are welcome.


Show help, the easy way.






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