---SUMMARY OF PROJECT--- Project name: test_1 Author: Marcelo Date: 01/03/17 Minimum safety factors: -Fellenius method: 0.776589124305 -Bishop method: 0.643069364177 Number of surfaces evaluated: 500 --Slope geometry-- Height: 10.0 m Dip: 63.069954711 degrees Crown distance: 30.0 m Toe distance: 30.0 m Toe depth: 26.6944444444 m Surface coordinates: [[ 0. 36.69444444] [ 30. 36.69444444] [ 42. 26.69444444] [ 72. 26.69444444]] --Watertable geometry-- Depth at crown: 0.0 m Is the slope partially submerged? No Watertable coordinates: [[ 0. 36.69444444] [ 30. 36.69444444] [ 42. 26.69444444] [ 72. 26.69444444]] --Materials properties-- Water unit weight: 9.81 kN/m3 Soil unit weight: 17.0 kN/m3 Friction angle 25.0 degrees Cohesion: 10.0 kPa --Slip circle description for minimun safety factor found with Fellenius Method-- Radius: 17.9252155188 m Center coordinates: [ 40.70506176 44.50730807] --Slices data-- Number of slices: 10 Has the surface slip constant width slices? Yes Slices structures data: [['Index' 'Abscissa' 'Ordinate' 'Area' 'Width' 'Height' 'Secant Angle Grad at Bottom' 'Angle Grad at Top' 'Water Height' 'Water Height Above Slope' 'Horizontal Moment Arm' 'Vertical Moment Arm'] ['0.0' '25.5' '35.2' '2.7' '1.8' '1.5' '58.6' '-0.0' '1.5' '0.0' '-15.2' '7.8'] ['1.0' '27.3' '32.7' '7.3' '1.8' '4.0' '48.6' '-0.0' '4.0' '0.0' '-13.4' '7.8'] ['2.0' '29.1' '30.9' '10.5' '1.8' '5.8' '40.4' '0.3' '5.8' '0.0' '-11.6' '7.8'] ['3.0' '30.9' '29.5' '11.6' '1.8' '6.4' '33.2' '39.8' '6.4' '0.0' '-9.8' '8.6'] ['4.0' '32.7' '28.5' '10.8' '1.8' '5.9' '26.4' '39.8' '5.9' '0.0' '-8.0' '10.1'] ['5.0' '34.5' '27.7' '9.4' '1.8' '5.2' '20.1' '39.8' '5.2' '0.0' '-6.2' '11.6'] ['6.0' '36.4' '27.1' '7.7' '1.8' '4.3' '14.0' '39.8' '4.3' '0.0' '-4.3' '13.1'] ['7.0' '38.2' '26.8' '5.6' '1.8' '3.1' '8.1' '39.8' '3.1' '0.0' '-2.5' '14.6'] ['8.0' '40.0' '26.6' '3.2' '1.8' '1.8' '2.3' '39.8' '1.8' '0.0' '-0.7' '16.1'] ['9.0' '41.8' '26.6' '0.6' '1.8' '0.4' '-3.5' '26.9' '0.4' '0.0' '1.1' '17.5']] --Slip circle description for minimun safety factor found with Bishop Method-- Radius: 17.0876285312 m Center coordinates: [ 43.36538665 43.78207112] --Slices data-- Number of slices: 10 Has the surface slip constant width slices? Yes Slices structures data: [['Index' 'Abscissa' 'Ordinate' 'Area' 'Width' 'Height' 'Secant Angle Grad at Bottom' 'Angle Grad at Top' 'Water Height' 'Water Height Above Slope' 'Horizontal Moment Arm' 'Vertical Moment Arm'] ['0.0' '28.5' '35.4' '1.8' '1.4' '1.3' '60.7' '-0.0' '1.3' '0.0' '-14.8' '7.1'] ['1.0' '29.9' '33.3' '4.6' '1.4' '3.2' '52.0' '20.7' '3.2' '0.0' '-13.4' '7.3'] ['2.0' '31.3' '31.7' '5.5' '1.4' '3.9' '44.8' '39.8' '3.9' '0.0' '-12.0' '8.2'] ['3.0' '32.8' '30.4' '5.6' '1.4' '4.0' '38.4' '39.8' '4.0' '0.0' '-10.6' '9.4'] ['4.0' '34.2' '29.4' '5.4' '1.4' '3.8' '32.6' '39.8' '3.8' '0.0' '-9.2' '10.6'] ['5.0' '35.6' '28.6' '4.9' '1.4' '3.5' '27.1' '39.8' '3.5' '0.0' '-7.8' '11.7'] ['6.0' '37.0' '27.9' '4.1' '1.4' '2.9' '21.9' '39.8' '2.9' '0.0' '-6.4' '12.9'] ['7.0' '38.4' '27.4' '3.2' '1.4' '2.2' '16.9' '39.8' '2.2' '0.0' '-5.0' '14.1'] ['8.0' '39.8' '27.1' '2.0' '1.4' '1.4' '12.0' '39.8' '1.4' '0.0' '-3.5' '15.3'] ['9.0' '41.2' '26.8' '0.7' '1.4' '0.5' '7.2' '39.8' '0.5' '0.0' '-2.1' '16.4']] Note: This program calculated the safety factor to circular slip, under limit equilibrium considerations, using Fellenius and Bishop methods. The imagen attached shows the calculation performed. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.