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Releases: ecadlabs/taquito

Taquito v19.2.0

05 Apr 22:09
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⚠️ Breaking Changes ⚠️

Beacon Migration

As of Beacon version 4.2.0, Beacon have migrated from using dAppClient.getActiveAccount() to using an event subscription method BeaconEvent.ACTIVE_ACCOUNT_SET for handling active account changes.

For a more detailed migration guide, please refer to this document


New Features

  • @taquito/timelock- A new package for Timelocks have been introduced #2843. Users will now be able to create Chests, unlock Chests, and utilize Chests. For more information, please refer to this document
  • @taquito/beacon-wallet - the beacon-wallet package is now bundled in a .zip file for PR#2860


  • UX improvements to search funtionality on the Taquito website #2858
  • Simplify tutorial for building dApps PR#2852
  • Updated several documentation blobs on the Taquito website PR#2860
  • Fixed several live code examples in the Taquito website PR#2877
  • Changed Taquito documentation website domain from to PR#2876


  • Re-added Flextesa test scripts run drain_delegate and ballot operations' integration test against a Nairobi sandbox #2851
  • Updated Airgap's Beacon package to version 4.2.1. For more information on the release, click here PR#2874
  • Changed website build command for CloudFlare PR#2804

Taquito v19.1.0

08 Mar 17:34
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Potential Breaking Changes:

  • @taquito/rpc - replaced OperationBalanceUpdatesItem in favour of OperationMetadataBalanceUpdates #2817 #2827
  • @taquito/taquito - Several optimizations made to fees and estimation in Taquito #2532
    • removed DEFAULT_GAS_LIMIT, DEFAULT_STORAGE_LIMIT, DEFAULT_FEE in favour of getRevealFee, more details
    • Added a small buffer to gasLimit (varying depending on operations)
    • Reduced suggestedFeeMutez buffer from 100 to 20 per op
    • Refined gasLimit and storageLimit according to simulate_operation results from the octez-client


New Features

  • @taquito/taquito - Added smart rollup execute outbox message operation #2321 (please note that this feature is not fully tested due to some parts requiring the use of octez-client)
    @taquito/beacon-wallet - added beacon-wallet bundle script to output a .zip bundle for browser only environments #2744


  • @taquito/michelson-encoder - replaced references of [['unit']] to be UnitValue instead PR#2813
  • @taquito/taquito - added 20 storageLimit buffer to prevent storage_exhausted error #2854
  • @taquito/taquito - removed the storageLimit cap mechanism #2855


  • Added michel-codec to Typedoc documentation #2806
  • Updated docs and examples to use methodsObject instead of methods wherever needed PR#2813
  • Removed giganode references from Taquito documentation PR#2813


  • @taquito/utils - Deprecated several util methods and updated their names into something more representative. Slight improvements to existing util methods #2372 #2274
  • @taquito/taquito - Deprecated methods in favour of methodsObject. methodsObject's syntax is more consistent with storage params, supports all Michelson data types, and will be maintained going forward #2813


  • Updated various dependencies in Taquito website and the Test DApp (Sass, Firebase, Algoliasearch, Dotenv) PR#2834
  • Updated integration tests to use network types instead of hard coding RPC URL #2164
  • Organized integration tests into more meaningful subfolders and renamed some files for brevity #2203
  • Resolved dependabot updates PR#2849
  • Added confirmation blocks on older integration tests PR#2847
  • Added small buffer to operation reveal fee fixed value PR#2848

Taquito v19.1.0-RC.1

06 Mar 00:09
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Taquito v19.1.0-RC.1 Pre-release


Taquito v19.1.0-RC.1 inherits all v19.1.0-beta-RC.0 changes with additions below

New Features

  • @taquito/beacon-wallet - added beacon-wallet bundle script #2744


  • @taquito/taquito - added 20 storageLimit buffer to prevent storage_exhausted error #2854


  • @taquito/taquito - removing the mechanism to cap storageLimit by address balance #2855

Taquito v19.1.0-beta-RC.0

01 Mar 21:07
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Potential Breaking Changes:

  • @taquito/rpc - replaced OperationBalanceUpdatesItem in favour of OperationMetadataBalanceUpdates #2817 #2827
  • @taquito/taquito - Several optimizations made to fees and estimation in Taquito #2532
    • removed DEFAULT_GAS_LIMIT, DEFAULT_STORAGE_LIMIT, DEFAULT_FEE in favour of getRevealFee, more details
    • Added a small buffer to gasLimit (varying depending on operations)
    • Reduced suggestedFeeMutez buffer from 100 to 20 per op
    • Refined gasLimit and storageLimit according to simulate_operation results from the octez-client


New Features

  • @taquito/taquito - Added smart rollup execute outbox message operation #2321 (please note that this feature is not fully tested due to some parts requiring the use of octez-client)


  • @taquito/michelson-encoder - replaced references of [['unit']] to be UnitValue instead PR#2813


  • Added michel-codec to Typedoc documentation #2806
  • Updated docs and examples to use methodsObject instead of methods wherever needed PR#2813
  • Removed giganode references from Taquito documentation PR#2813


  • @taquito/utils - Deprecated several util methods and updated their names into something more representative. Slight improvements to existing util methods #2372 #2274
  • @taquito/taquito - Deprecated methods in favour of methodsObject. methodsObject's syntax is more consistent with storage params, supports all Michelson data types, and will be maintained going forward #2813


  • Updated various dependencies in Taquito website and the Test DApp (Sass, Firebase, Algoliasearch, Dotenv) PR#2834
  • Updated integration tests to use network types instead of hard coding RPC URL #2164
  • Organized integration tests into more meaningful subfolders and renamed some files for brevity #2203
  • Resolved dependabot updates PR#2849
  • Added confirmation blocks on older integration tests PR#2847
  • Added small buffer to operation reveal fee fixed value PR#2848

Taquito v19.0.2

12 Feb 19:12
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Bug Fix

@taquito/local-forging - Added the constants for staking/unstaking in the forger that are related to the Experimental and Disabled Adaptive Issuance feature that shipped in Oxford2. PR#2824_

The "disabled" Adaptive Issuance features had a side effect or, undocumented change on forging. This issue came to light when wallets interacted with Smart Contracts that implement entrypoints named "stake" or "unstake".

Taquito had support for these changes when it was targeting the first iteration of the Oxford proposal. As the Oxford2 proposal was expected to have these features completely disabled, the team decided to keep Taquito lean and not support features that were to be disabled/hidden behind feature flags.

Taquito v19.0.1

06 Feb 20:06
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Dependency updates

  • Updated Beacon version to v4.1.2 PR#2811


  • Removed Sapling live code examples from the website due to large bundle sizes, static code examples will still exist PR#2810

Taquito v19.0.0

16 Jan 23:35
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You might have noticed that we jumped versions from v17.5.0 to v19.0.0 (no v18). We do this as an effort to be in parallel with the current Octez version.

  • Oxford - v18
  • Oxford2 - v19

Taquito v19 supports Oxford2, and not the previously named Oxford protocol.

Potential Breaking Changes:
Oxford2 comes with quite a few breaking changes, please make sure to update your projects accordingly.

Oxford2 changes:

  • Removed transactional rollups (tx rollup) references in Taquito #2650
  • Removed origination proof from smart rollups #2597
  • Updated all references of endorsement into attestation for Oxford2 #2599
  • @taquito/rpc - Updated RPC types for Oxford2 compatibility #2596


New Features

  • @taquito/local-forging - Added new property whitelist in smart rollup origination operation #2776

Taquito v17.5.2

11 Jan 21:24
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  • @taquito/beacon-wallet - The previous version updated Beacon to v4.1.0, which enabled the use of TzSafe wallet from Beacon. Some early adopters that tried to use abstracted accounts from TzSafe were having issues with Taquito due to return types. This hotfix added a workaround so that abstracted account users are unblocked. Further support for abstracted accounts will be discussed and planned for a future release.
  • @taquito/beacon-wallet - Deprecated the method getPK() in favour of pk member method.

Taquito v17.5.1

04 Jan 20:43
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Dependency Update

  • Updated Beacon dependencies to v4.1.0 which includes new features such as Proof of Event as well as updates to WalletConnect 2 support. For more detailed information in regards to the release, please refer to Beacon's release notes

Taquito 17.5.0

11 Dec 19:33
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Important Note:
In this version, we replaced instances of Axios in favour of Fetch.

We are not expecting any breaking changes, but if there are any issues that you see regarding this, please reach out to the Taquito team.


New Features

  • @taquito/taquito - Expose and publicly smartContractAbstractionSemantic #2534


  • @taquito/http-utils - Removed Axios as a dependency of Taquito in favour of fetch/node-fetch #2461


  • Updated RPC nodes on the website [PR#2732](#2732
  • Updated Michelson encoder documentation to reference generateSchema instead of the outdated extractSchema #2630
  • Added a Taquito Chatbot assistant for the Taquito website to help answer user questions #2684


  • Removed archive node, and references to it in Taquito PR#2743
  • Updated Sass, Lerna, and Firebase versions PR#2749
  • Updated integration tests to increase speed and reliability #2741

@taquito/http-utils - Removed Axios in favour of fetch

The taquito/http-utils is responsible for handling all HTTP incoming and outgoing HTTP requests in Taquito. It utilized Axios as a main dependency to handle requests coming in and out of Taquito.

Now that browsers and Node have supported fetch natively, it makes more sense for us to move towards it.

Axios came with quite a large dependency tree, as well as multiple workarounds we needed to include for it to work properly (i.e. the axios-fetch-adapter)

With this change we hope for a more stable HTTP handler in Taquito while reducing the package size at the same time.