#nest.js nest.js is a thin javascript wrapper to the Echo Nest developer API.
The currently supported methods are:
* audio
* biographies
* blogs
* familiarity
* hotttnesss
* images
* profile
* news
* reviews
* songs
* similar
* terms
* video
* Profile
* Profile
To get started, you'll need to get an API key.
In addition to this document, source documentation can be generated
by running generate_docs.sh
. This requires docco.
provides everything in a global nest
object. We can create
a new nest
object like this
var myNest = nest.nest("your API key here");
Once you have your nest
object, you can create a new artist
. artist
be created with either a name, or an Echo Nest ID.
var a = myNest.artist({name: "The Sea and Cake"});
var b = myNest.artist({id: "AR94EZ61187B990729"});
Once we have our artist object, we can start calling the API. All methods take a
callback function as their last argument. The callback will be called like callback(err, results)
. err
will be null if the request was successful.
myArtist.biographies({results: 10, start: 5}, function(err, results) {
if (err) {
console.log("there was an error...");