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type=page status=published title={productName} Error Messages prev=preface.html ~~

{productName} Error Messages

1 {productName} Error Messages

This chapter provides a compilation of error messages that you might encounter when using {productName}.

Error messages provide information about events that occur during {productName} operation, such as configuration errors, security failures, or server malfunction. These messages often include diagnostic and troubleshooting information.

Error messages can also be viewed in the Administration Console Log Viewer. For more information about logging, see ”Administering the Logging Service” in {productName} Administration Guide.

For additional troubleshooting information, see the {productName} Troubleshooting Guide.

Error messages in this chapter are listed in alphabetic and numeric order by message ID. The text is as it appears in the actual error message.

AS-ACDEPL-00103 Java Web Start services started for the app client {0} (contextRoot: {1})

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-ACDEPL-00105 Error starting the adapter to serve static system-level content

Cause: An unexpected internal system error occurred

Action: Please consult the exception stack trace
AS-ACDEPL-00108 Config file for client JNLP not found: {0}

Cause: The config file does not exist.

Action: The file is part of the installation so this might be an
internal error. Make sure you have not accidentally removed or renamed
the config file. If not, please file an error with a reproducible test
AS-ACDEPL-00109 The config file for client JNLP {0} exists but could not be read.

Cause: The config file might be protected from reading.

Action: Make sure the config file protection settings permit the
server to read it.
AS-ACDEPL-00111 Client JNLP document {0} refers to the static resource {1} that does not exist or is not readable.

Cause: The developer-provided JNLP content refers to a file as if the file is in the application but the server could not find the file.

Action: Make sure the file is packaged in the application and that the
reference to the file is correct. Then rebuild and redeploy the
AS-ACDEPL-00112 The following extensions or libraries are referenced from the manifest of {0} but were not found where indicated: {1}; ignoring and continuing

Cause: The server could not open the JAR file(s) or process the extension(s) listed in its manifest.

Action: Make sure the manifest of the JAR file correctly lists the
relative paths of library JARs and the extensions on which the JAR
AS-ACDEPL-00114 The ApplicationSignedJARManager for a nested app client deployer helper is unexpectedly null.

Cause: During deployment of nested app clients (those inside EARs), the system should use an ApplicationSignedJARManager but it is null.

Action: This is a system error. Please report this as a bug.
AS-ACDEPL-00115 Tbe custom JNLP document {0} in a stand-alone app client incorrectly refers to a JAR {1}

Cause: The app client includes a custom JNLP document which refers to a JAR. Stand-alone app clients cannot refer to other JARs because they are self-contained deployment units.

Action: Remove references to JAR from the custom JNLP document or
package the app client inside an EAR that also contains the referenced
AS_ACDEPL-00101 Java Web Start services not started for the app client {0}; its developer has marked it as ineligible

Cause: The developer’s glassfish-application-client.xml file marks the app client as ineligible for Java Web Start support.

Action: If users should be able to launch this client using Java Web
Start, change the <java-web-start-support> 'enabled' attribute.
AS_ACDEPL-00104 Java Web Start services stopped for the app client {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS_ACDEPL_00102 Java Web Start services not started for the app client {0}; the administrator has disabled Java Web Start support for it

Cause: The administrator disabled Java Web Start launches for the app client, either using '--properties java-web-start-enabled=false' during deployment or changing the properties afterwards.

Action: If users should be able to launch this client using Java Web
Start, either deploy the application again without --properties or
adjust the configuration using the admin console or the asadmin 'set'
AS-NAMING-00001 Failed to load {0} using CommonClassLoader

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-NAMING-00002 Exception during name lookup : {0}

Cause: App Server may not be running at port intended, or possible Network Error.

Action: Check to see if the AppServer is up and running on the port
intended. The problem could be because of incorrect port. Check to see
if you can access the host on which the AppServer running.
AS-NAMING-00003 Exception occurred when instantiating LocalSerialContextProviderImpl: {0}

Cause: java.rmi.RemoteException

Action: Check server.log for details
AS-NAMING-00004 Error during CosNaming.unbind for name {0}: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-NAMING-00005 Naming binding already exists for {0} in namespace {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-NAMING-00006 Exception in NamingManagerImpl copyMutableObject(): {0}

Cause: Problem with serializing or de serializing of the object

Action: Check the class hierarchy to see if all the classes are

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CONCURRENT-00001 Task [{0}] has been running on thread [{1}] for {2} seconds, which is more than the configured hung task threshold of {3} seconds in [{4}].

Cause: A task has been running for longer time than the configured hung task threshold setting.

Action: Monitor the task to find out why it is running for a long
time. If this is normal, consider setting a higher hung task threshold
or setting the "Long-Running Tasks" configuration attribute to true.
AS-CONCURRENT-00002 Unable to setup or reset runtime context for a task because an invalid context handle is being passed.

Cause: An invalid context handle is being passed.

Action: Contact GlassFish support.
AS-CONCURRENT-00003 Unable to bind {0} to JNDI location [{1}].

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred when trying to bind a managed object to JNDI namespace

Action: Review the exception message to determine the cause of the
failure and take appropriate action.
AS-CONCURRENT-00004 Unable to deploy {0}.

Cause: No configuration information is provided when trying to deploy a managed object.

Action: Contact GlassFish support.
AS-RAR-05001 Failed to get the thread-pool [ {0} ] for resource adapter [ {1} ].

Cause: Could not find a thread pool according to the pool ID.

Action: Check the thread-pool-id property in Resource Adapter Config.
AS-RAR-05002 Failed to get the default thread-pool for resource adapter [ {0} ].

Cause: Could not find the default thread pool for resource adatper.

Action: Check the thread-pool-id property in Resource Adapter Config.
AS-RAR-05003 An error occurred during instantiation of the Work Manager class [ {0} ] for resource adapter [ {1} ].

Cause: Can not initiate the Work Manager class.

Action: Check the Work Manager class type.
AS-RAR-05004 The Work named [ {0} ], progress [ {1} ].

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-RAR-05005 Resource adapter association failed.

Cause: Resource Adapter throws exception during ManagedConnectionFactory.setResourceAdapter().

Action: [1] If you are using third party resource adapter, contact
resource adapter vendor.[2] If you are a resource adapter developer,
please check the resource adapter code.
AS-RAR-05006 Unable to load Work Context class {0}.

Cause: Work Context class is not available to application server.

Action: Make sure that the Work Context class is available to server.
AS-RAR-05007 Cannot specify both Execution Context [{0}] as well Transaction Context [{1}] for Work [{2}] execution. Only one can be specified.

Cause: Submitted Work has Transaction Context as well it is a Work Context Provider which is specification violation.

Action: Make sure that either Execution Context or Work Context
Provider with Transaction Context is passed, but not both.
AS-RAR-05008 Duplicate Work Context for type [ {0} ].

Cause: Multiple Work Contexts of same type submitted.

Action: Make sure that same context type is not submitted multiple
times in the Work Context.
AS-RAR-05009 Application server cannot handle the following Work Context : {0}.

Cause: Work Context in question is not supported by application server.

Action: Check the application server documentation for supported Work
AS-RAR-05010 Setting custom Work Context class [ {0} ] using most specific supportted Work Context class [ {1} ].

Cause: Requested Work Context is not supported, but a super type of the context is supported.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-RAR-05011 Unable to set Security Context.

Cause: Unable to set Security Context.

Action: Check the server.log for exceptions
AS-RAR-05012 Unsupported callback {0} during credential mapping.

Cause: Resource adapter has used a callback that is not supported by application server.

Action: Check whether the callback in question is supported by
application server.
AS-CORE-JAVAEE-0001 Web Container not installed

Cause: The web container does not install properly.

Action: Please check the web container libraries are installed
AS-CORE-JAVAEE-0002 Done with starting {0} container.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CORE-JAVAEE-0003 Unable to start container (no exception provided)

Cause: The web container does not start properly.

Action: Please check the web container libraries are installed
AS-CORE-JAVAEE-0004 Unable to start container {0}

Cause: The web container does not start properly. Most probably, there is a class loading issue.

Action: Please resolve issues mentioned in the stack trace.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-04017 Error in deleting file {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-04018 Deployment manager load failure. Unable to find {0}

Cause: A deployment manager is not available.

Action: Correct the reference to the deployment manager.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-04019 Deployment manager load failure. Unable to find {0}

Cause: A deployment manager is not available.

Action: Correct the reference to the deployment manager.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00001 Ignore {0} in archive {1}, as WLS counterpart runtime xml {2} is present in the same archive.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00002 Exception caught: {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00003 {0} module [{1}] contains characteristics of other module type: {2}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00004 Exception caught: {0} for the subarchve indicated by the path: {1}.

Cause: An exception was caught when the sub archive was opened because the sub archive was not present.

Action: Correct the archive so that the sub archive is present.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00005 Exception caught during annotation scanning.

Cause: An exception was caught that indicates that the annotation is incorrect.

Action: Correct the annotation.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00006 Adding {0} since {1} is annotated with {2}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00007 Adding {0} since it is implementing {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00008 Inconsistent type definition. {0} is neither an annotation nor an interface.

Cause: The annotation is incorrect.

Action: Correct the annotation.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00009 The exception {0} occurred while examining the jar at file path: {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00010 No classloader can be found to use

Cause: The archive being processed is not correct.

Action: Examine the archive to determine what is incorrect.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00011 Error in annotation processing: {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00012 Cannot load {0} reason : {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00013 An exception was caught during library jar processing: {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00014 Could not load {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00015 Unsupported deployment descriptors element {0} value {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00016 Unknown port-component-name {0} port, all sub elements will be ignored.

Cause: Used port-component-name does not exists.

Action: Use the name of existing web service endpoint
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00017 DOLUtils: converting EJB to web bundle id {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00020 Application validation failed for application: {0}, jndi-name: {1}, resource adapter name: {2} is wrong.

Cause: For embedded resource adapter, its name should begin with '#' symbol

Action: Remove application name before the '#' symbol in the resource
adapter name.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00022 For administered-object resource: {0}, there is no application part in its resource adapter name: {1}.

Cause: For embedded resource adapter, its internal format of resource adapter name should contains application name.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00023 For connection-factory resource: {0}, there is no application part in its resource adapter name: {1}.

Cause: For embedded resource adapter, its internal format of resource adapter name should contains application name.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00024 For jms-connection-factory resource: {0}, there is no application part in its resource adapter name: {1}.

Cause: For embedded resource adapter, its internal format of resource adapter name should contains application name.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00025 For jms-destination resource: {0}, there is no application part in its resource adapter name: {1}.

Cause: For embedded resource adapter, its internal format of resource adapter name should contains application name.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00026 JNDI lookup failed for the resource: Name: {0}, Lookup: {1}, Type: {2}.

Cause: JNDI lookup for the specified resource failed.

Action: Configure the required resources before deploying the
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00027 Resource Adapter not present: RA Name: {0}, Type: {1}.

Cause: Resource adapter specified is invalid.

Action: Configure the required resource adapter.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-00028 Skipping resource validation

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-02015 Skipped processing for module {0} as its module type was not recognized

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-DEPLOYMENT-02016 Error occurred

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00001 [{0}]: trimLru(), resetting head and tail

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00002 [{0}]: Exception in backingStore.remove([{1}])

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00003 [{0}]: passivateEJB(), Exception caught →

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00004 [{0}]: Cannot load from BACKUPSTORE FOR Key: [{1}]

Cause: Didn’t find the data related with the given session key.

Action: Check if the session bean already timed out.
AS-EJB-00005 [{0}]: Exception while loading from backup session: [{1}]

Cause: Session store exception or de serialization exception happened.

Action: Check error message and exception stack.
AS-EJB-00006 [{0}]: Error while loading from backup session: [{1}]

Cause: Session store error or de serialization error happened.

Action: Check error message and exception stack.
AS-EJB-00007 [{0}]: Exception during backingStore.passivateSave([{1}])

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00008 [{0}]: Iterator(), resetting head.lPrev

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00009 [{0}]: Exiting TrimTimedoutBeans() because current cache state: [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00010 [{0}]: TrimTimedoutBeans(), resetting head.lPrev

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00011 [{0}]: Exiting TrimUnSortedTimedoutBeans() because current cache state: [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00012 [SFSBContainer] Exception while initializing SessionSynchronization methods

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00013 [SFSBContainer] Exception while loading checkpoint info

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00014 Exception creating ejb object : [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00015 Exception creating ejb local object [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00016 Couldn’t update timestamp for: [{0}]; Exception: [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00017 Cannot register bean for checkpointing

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00018 Error during checkpoint ([{0}]. Key: [{1}]) [{2}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00019 sfsb checkpoint error. Name: [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00020 sfsb checkpoint error. Key: [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00021 Exception in afterCompletion : [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00022 1. passivateEJB() returning because containerState: [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00023 Extended EM not serializable. Exception: [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00024 Error during passivation: [{0}]; [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00025 Error during passivation of [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00026 sfsb passivation error. Key: [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00028 Error during Stateful Session Bean activation for key [{0}]

Cause: A problem occurred while the container was activating a stateful session bean. One possible cause is that the bean code threw a system exception from its ejbActivate method.

Action: Check the stack trace to see whether the exception was thrown
from the ejbActivate method and if so double-check the application
code to determine what caused the exception.
AS-EJB-00029 [{0}]: Error during backingStore.shutdown()

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00030 [{0}]: Error during onShutdown()

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00031 [{0}]: Error while undeploying ctx. Key: [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00032 Cannot add idle bean cleanup task

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00033 Got exception during removeExpiredSessions (but the reaper thread is still alive)

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00034 Error during checkpoint(, but session not destroyed)

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00035 Error during checkpoint

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00036 TopLevel AvailabilityService.getAvailabilityEnabled: [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00037 TopLevel EjbAvailabilityService.getAvailabilityEnabled: [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00038 Global AvailabilityEnabled: [{0}], application AvailabilityEnabled: [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00039 Exception while trying to determine availability-enabled settings for this app

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00040 StatefulContainerBuilder AvailabilityEnabled [{0}] for this application

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00041 StatefulContainerBuilder.buildStoreManager() storeName: [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00042 Could not instantiate backing store for type [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00043 StatefulContainerbuilder instantiated store: {0}, with ha-enabled [{1}], and backing store configuration: {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00044 Error while adding idle bean passivator task

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00045 Error while adding idle bean removal task

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00046 Error while removing idle beans for [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00047 Error while removing expired beans for [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00048 Passivation-capable value of stateful session bean [{0}] is false, it should not have any PrePassivate nor PostActivate configuration, but you have configuration at [{1}].

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00049 Cannot find stateful session bean [{0}] in memory, and will not read it from disk because current stateful session bean passivation-capable value is false

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00050 Cache is shutting down, {0} stateful session beans will not be restored after restarting since passivation is disabled

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00051 Disabling high availability for the stateful session bean {0}, as its marked non passivatable

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00052 Internal Error

Cause: Error during invoke the ejb application

Action: Trying to invoke the ejb application
AS-EJB-00053 The feature {0} requires Full Jakarta EE Profile to be supported

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00054 Portable JNDI names for EJB {0}: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00055 GlassFish-specific (Non-portable) JNDI names for EJB {0}: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00056 A system exception occurred during an invocation on EJB {0}, method: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00057 Error while creating enterprise bean context for {0} during jacc callback

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00058 Attempt to override reserved ejb interface method [{0}] in [{1}]. Override will be ignored.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00059 Bean class for ejb [{0}] does not define a method corresponding to [{1}] interface method [{2}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00060 keepstate is true and will not create new auto timers during deployment.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-EJB-00061 Failed to initialize the interceptor

Cause: Error during initializing the interceptor

Action: Try to restart the server
AS-EJB-00062 [BaseContainer] Could not create MonitorRegistryMediator. [{0}]

Cause: Fail to create MonitorRegistryMediator

Action: Check the exception stack
AS-EJB-00063 Exception in backingStore.size()

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00001 JMS Service Connection URL is : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00002 ADDRESSLIST in setJmsServiceProvider : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00003 Addresslist : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00004 End point determines destination name, Res name: {0}, JNDI name: {1} descriptor name : {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00005 Successfully set Master broker on JMSRA to {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00006 Failed to set Master broker on JMSRA to {0} cause {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00007 Successfully set Cluster brokerlist to {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00008 Failed to set Cluster brokerlist to {0} cause {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00009 Failed to shut down Grizzly NetworkListener : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00010 Error occurs when shutting down JMSRA : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00011 Invalid RMI registry port

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00012 No such method {0} in the class {1}

Cause: The method setProperty is not defined in the class

Action: Define the appropriate method
AS-JMS-CORE-00013 Connector Resource could not be closed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00014 rardeployment.mcfcreation_error {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00015 Exception while getting configured RMI port : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00016 Failed to start Grizlly proxy for MQ broker

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00017 Failed to create addresslist due to the exception : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00018 Error executing method {0} of the class {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00019 MDB destination not specified

Cause: Missing destination JNDI name

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00020 Failed to validate endpoint

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00021 Cannot obtain master broker

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00022 Error while loading connector resources during recovery : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00023 Exception in reading mdb-container configuration : [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00024 MQ Resource adapter upgrade started.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00025 MQ Resource adapter upgrade completed.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00026 Upgrading a MQ resource adapter failed : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JMS-CORE-00027 Check for a new version of MQ installation failed : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-ORB-00001 Exception occurred when resolving {0}

Cause: org.omg.CORBA.ORBPackage.InvalidName when trying to resolve GroupInfoService

Action: Check server.log for details
AS-ORB-00002 No Endpoints selected in com.sun.appserv.iiop.endpoints property. Using {0}:{1} instead

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-ORB-00003 Problem with membership change notification. Exception occurred : {0}

Cause: check server.log for details

Action: check network configuration and cluster setup
AS-ORB-00004 Could not find an endpoint to send request to.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-ORB-00005 Unknown host: {0} Exception thrown : {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-ORB-00006 No Endpoints selected in com.sun.appserv.iiop.endpoints property. Using JNDI Provider URL {0} instead

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-ORB-00007 Exception : {0} thrown for bad provider URL String: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSECURITY-00001 Request processing failed.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSECURITY-00002 SEC2002: Container-auth: wss: Error validating request.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSECURITY-00003 SEC2003: Container-auth: wss: Error securing response.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSECURITY-00004 SEC2004: Container-auth: wss: Error securing request.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSECURITY-00005 SEC2005: Container-auth: wss: Error validating response.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSECURITY-00006 SEC2006: Container-auth: wss: Not a SOAP message context.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSECURITY-00007 EJB Webservice security configuration Failure.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSECURITY-00008 Servlet Webservice security configuration Failure

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSECURITY-00009 BASIC AUTH username/password http header parsing error for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSECURITY-00010 Servlet Webservice security configuration Failure

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSECURITY-00011 Following exception was thrown:

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00001 Unable to register StatsProvider {0} with Monitoring Infrastructure. No monitoring data will be collected for {1} and {2}

Cause: Current server config is null

Action: Verify if the server instance is started correctly
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00002 Current server config is null

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00003 The acceptor threads must be at least 1

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00004 Listener {0} could not be created, actual reason: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00005 A default virtual server is required. Please use --default-virtual-server to specify this value.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00006 --defaultVS and --default-virtual-server conflict. Please use only --default-virtual-server to specify this value.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00007 Attribute value (default-virtual-server = {0}) is not found in list of virtual servers defined in config.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00008 Http Listener named {0} already exists.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00009 Port [{0}] is already taken for address [{1}], please choose another port.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00010 Network Listener named {0} already exists.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00011 Protocol {0} has neither a protocol nor a port-unification configured.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00012 {0} create failed:

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00013 The specified protocol {0} is not yet configured.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00014 Failed to create http-redirect for {0}: {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00015 An http element for {0} already exists. Cannot add duplicate http.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00016 An http-redirect element for {0} already exists. Cannot add duplicate http-redirect.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00017 {0} protocol already exists. Cannot add duplicate protocol.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00018 Failed to create protocol {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00019 {0} create failed: {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00020 {0} create failed. Given class is not a ProtocolFilter: {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00021 {0} create failed. Given class is not a ProtocolFinder: {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00022 {0} transport already exists. Cannot add duplicate transport.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00023 Failed to create transport {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00024 Please use only networklisteners.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00025 Virtual Server named {0} already exists.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00026 {0} create failed.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00028 Specified http listener, {0}, doesn''t exist.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00029 {0} delete failed.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00030 {0} Network Listener doesn’t exist.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00031 Deletion of NetworkListener {0} failed.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00032 {0} http-redirect doesn’t exist.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00033 Deletion of http {0} failed.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00034 Deletion of http-redirect {0} failed.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00035 {0} protocol doesn’t exist.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00036 {0} protocol is being used in the network listener {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00037 Deletion of Protocol {0} failed.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00038 {0} delete failed: {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00039 No {0} element found with the name {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00040 {0} transport is being used in the network listener {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00041 Deletion of Transport {0} failed.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00042 {0} transport doesn''t exist.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00043 {0} delete failed.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00044 Specified virtual server, {0}, doesn''t exist.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00045 Specified virtual server, {0}, can not be deleted because it is referenced from http listener, {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-ADMIN-00046 Monitoring Registry does not exist. Possible causes are 1) Monitoring is not turned on or at a lower level 2) The corresponding container (web, ejb, etc.) is not loaded yet

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00001 Resource ''{0}'' is missing

Cause: A naming exception is encountered

Action: Check the list of resources
AS-WEB-UTIL-00002 Failed tracking modifications of ''{0}'' : {1}

Cause: A ClassCastException is encountered

Action: Check if the object is an instance of the class
AS-WEB-UTIL-00003 WebappClassLoader.findClassInternal({0}) security exception: {1}

Cause: An AccessControlException is encountered

Action: Check if the resource is accessible
AS-WEB-UTIL-00004 Security Violation, attempt to use Restricted Class: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00005 Class {0} has unsupported major or minor version numbers, which are greater than those found in the Java Runtime Environment version {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00006 Unable to load class with name [{0}], reason: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-UTIL-00007 The web application [{0}] registered the JDBC driver [{1}] but failed to unregister it when the web application was stopped. To prevent a memory leak, the JDBC Driver has been forcibly unregistered. :: Cause: As described in the message.

+ Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-UTIL-00008 JDBC driver de-registration failed for web application [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00009 Exception closing input stream during JDBC driver de-registration for web application [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00010 This web container has not yet been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00011 Failed to check for ThreadLocal references for web application [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00012 Unable to determine string representation of key of type [{0}]

Cause: An Exception occurred

Action: Check the exception for error
AS-WEB-UTIL-00013 Unknown

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00014 Unable to determine string representation of value of type [{0}]

Cause: An Exception occurred

Action: Check the exception for error
AS-WEB-UTIL-00015 The web application [{0}] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [{1}] (value [{2}]). The ThreadLocal has been correctly set to null and the key will be removed by GC.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-UTIL-00016 The web application [{0}] created a ThreadLocal with key of type [{1}] (value [{2}]) and a value of type [{3}] (value [{4}]) but failed to remove it when the web application was stopped. Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak. :: Cause: Failed to remove a ThreadLocal when the web application was stopped

+ Action: Threads are going to be renewed over time to try and avoid a probable memory leak.

AS-WEB-UTIL-00017 Failed to find class sun.rmi.transport.Target to clear context class loader for web application [{0}]. This is expected on non-Sun JVMs.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00018 Failed to clear context class loader referenced from sun.rmi.transport.Target for web application [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00019 Removed [{0}] ResourceBundle references from the cache for web application [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00020 Failed to clear ResourceBundle references for web application [{0}]

Cause: An Exception occurred

Action: Check the exception for error
AS-WEB-UTIL-00021 Illegal JAR entry detected with name {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00022 Unable to validate JAR entry with name {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00023 Unable to create {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00024 Unable to delete {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00025 Unable to read data for class with name [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00026 Unable to purge bean classes from BeanELResolver

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00027 extra-class-path component [{0}] is not a valid pathname

Cause: A naming exception is encountered

Action: Check the list of resources
AS-WEB-UTIL-00028 The clearReferencesStatic is not consistent in context.xml for virtual servers

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00029 class-loader attribute dynamic-reload-interval in sun-web.xml not supported

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00030 Property element in sun-web.xml has null 'name' or 'value'

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00031 Ignoring invalid property [{0}] = [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00032 The xml element should be [{0}] rather than [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00033 This is an unexpected end of document

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00034 Unexpected type of ClassLoader. Expected:, got: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00035 Unable to load class {0}, reason: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00036 Invalid URLClassLoader path component: [{0}] is neither a JAR file nor a directory

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00037 Error trying to scan the classes at {0} for annotations in which a ServletContainerInitializer has expressed interest

Cause: An IOException is encountered

Action: Verify if the path is correct
AS-WEB-UTIL-00038 Ignoring [{0}] during Tag Library Descriptor (TLD) processing

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-UTIL-00039 Unable to determine TLD resources for [{0}] tag library, because class loader [{1}] for [{2}] is not an instance of

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00001 Configuration error: Must be attached to a Context

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00002 Authenticator[{0}]: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00003 Exception getting debug value

Cause: Could not get the method or invoke underlying method

Action: Verify the existence of such method and access permission
AS-WEB-CORE-00004 Unexpected error forwarding or redirecting to login page

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00005 Started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00006 Stopped

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00007 Process session destroyed on {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00008 Process request for ''{0}''

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00009 Principal {0} has already been authenticated

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00010 Checking for SSO cookie

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00011 SSO cookie is not present

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00012 Checking for cached principal for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00013 Found cached principal {0} with auth type {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00014 No cached principal found, erasing SSO cookie

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00015 Associate sso id {0} with session {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00016 Registering sso id {0} for user {1} with auth type {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00017 Looking up certificates

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00018 No certificates included with this request

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00019 No client certificate chain in this request

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00020 Cannot authenticate with the provided credentials

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00021 Unable to determine target of zero-arg dispatcher

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00022 Unable to acquire RequestDispatcher for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00023 Unable to acquire RequestDispatcher for {0} in servlet context {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00024 Error invoking AsyncListener

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00025 Asynchronous dispatch already in progress, must call ServletRequest.startAsync first

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00026 Must not call AsyncContext.addListener after the container-initiated dispatch during which ServletRequest.startAsync was called has returned to the container

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00027 Must not call AsyncContext.setTimeout after the container-initiated dispatch during which ServletRequest.startAsync was called has returned to the container

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00028 The connector has already been initialized

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00029 Error registering connector

Cause: Could not register connector

Action: Verify domain name and type
AS-WEB-CORE-00030 Failed to instanciate HttpHandler

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00031 mod_jk invalid Adapter implementation: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00032 Protocol handler instantiation failed: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00033 The connector has already been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00034 Protocol handler start failed: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00035 Coyote connector has not been started

Cause: Could not stop processing requests via this Connector

Action: Verify if the connector has not been started
AS-WEB-CORE-00036 Protocol handler destroy failed: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00037 An exception or error occurred in the container during the request processing

Cause: Could not process the request in the container

Action: Verify certificate chain retrieved from the request header and
the correctness of request
AS-WEB-CORE-00038 HTTP listener on port {0} has been disabled

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00039 Error parsing client cert chain into array of instances

Cause: Could not get the SSL client certificate chain

Action: Verify certificate chain and the request
AS-WEB-CORE-00040 No Host matches server name {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00041 Cannot use this object outside a servlet’s service method or outside a filter’s doFilter method

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00042 Cannot set a null ReadListener object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00043 Cannot set a null WriteListener object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00044 Failed to skip {0} characters in the underlying buffer of CoyoteReader on readLine().

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00045 Stream closed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00046 Already set read listener

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00047 Cannot set ReaderListener for non-async or non-upgrade request

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00048 Error in invoking ReadListener.onDataAvailable

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00049 The WriteListener has already been set.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00050 Cannot set WriteListener for non-async or non-upgrade request

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00051 Error in invoking WriteListener.onWritePossible

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00052 getReader() has already been called for this request

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00053 getInputStream() has already been called for this request

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00054 Unable to determine client remote address from proxy (returns null)

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00055 Unable to resolve IP address {0} into host name

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00056 Exception thrown by attributes event listener

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00057 Cannot call setAttribute with a null name

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00058 Unable to determine canonical name of file [{0}] specified for use with sendfile

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00059 Unable to set request character encoding to {0} from context {1}, because request parameters have already been read, or ServletRequest.getReader() has already been called

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00060 Attempt to re-login while the user identity already exists

Cause: Could not re-login

Action: Verify if user has already login
AS-WEB-CORE-00061 changeSessionId has been called without a session

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00062 Cannot create a session after the response has been committed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00063 Invalid URI encoding; using HTTP default

Cause: Could not set URI converter

Action: Verify URI encoding, using HTTP default
AS-WEB-CORE-00064 Invalid URI character encoding; trying ascii

Cause: Could not encode URI character

Action: Verify URI encoding, trying ascii
AS-WEB-CORE-00065 Request is within the scope of a filter or servlet that does not support asynchronous operations

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00066 ServletRequest.startAsync called again without any asynchronous dispatch, or called outside the scope of any such dispatch, or called again within the scope of the same dispatch

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00067 Response already closed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00068 ServletRequest.startAsync called outside the scope of an async dispatch

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00069 The request has not been put into asynchronous mode, must call ServletRequest.startAsync first

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00070 Request already released from asynchronous mode

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00071 Unable to perform error dispatch

Cause: Could not perform post-request processing as required by this Valve

Action: Verify if I/O exception or servlet exception occur
AS-WEB-CORE-00072 Request.{0} is called without multipart configuration. Either add a @MultipartConfig to the servlet, or a multipart-config element to web.xml

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00073 This should not happen-breaking background lock: sess = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00074 Must not use request object outside the scope of a servlet’s service or a filter’s doFilter method

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00075 Error during finishResponse

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00076 getWriter() has already been called for this response

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00077 getOutputStream() has already been called for this response

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00078 Cannot reset buffer after response has been committed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00079 Cannot change buffer size after data has been written

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00080 Cannot call sendError() after the response has been committed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00081 Cannot call sendRedirect() after the response has been committed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00082 Null response object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-CORE-00083 Not allowed to call this javax.servlet.ServletContext method from a ServletContextListener that was neither declared in the application’s deployment descriptor nor annotated with WebListener :: Cause: As described in the message.

+ Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-CORE-00084 Exception thrown by attributes event listener

Cause: Could not modify attribute

Action: Verify name and value from Servlet Context
AS-WEB-CORE-00085 Name cannot be null

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00086 Cannot forward after response has been committed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00087 Servlet {0} is currently unavailable

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00088 Allocate exception for servlet {0}

Cause: Could not allocate servlet instance

Action: Verify the configuration of wrapper
AS-WEB-CORE-00089 Exceeded maximum depth for nested request dispatches: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00090 Servlet.service() for servlet {0} threw exception

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00091 Release filters exception for servlet {0}

Cause: Could not release filter chain

Action: Verify the availability of current filter chain
AS-WEB-CORE-00092 Deallocate exception for servlet {0}

Cause: Could not deallocate the allocated servlet instance

Action: Verify the availability of servlet instance
AS-WEB-CORE-00093 ApplicationDispatcher[{0}]: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00094 ApplicationDispatcher[{0}]: {1}

Cause: Could not get logger from parent context

Action: Verify if logger is null
AS-WEB-CORE-00095 Exception processing {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00096 Exception sending default error page

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00097 Filter execution threw an exception

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00098 ApplicationFilterConfig.doAsPrivilege

Cause: Could not release allocated filter instance

Action: Verify the privilege
AS-WEB-CORE-00099 ContainerBase.setLoader: stop:

Cause: Could not stop previous loader

Action: Verify previous loader
AS-WEB-CORE-00100 ContainerBase.setLoader: start:

Cause: Could not start new loader

Action: Verify the configuration of container
AS-WEB-CORE-00101 ContainerBase.setLogger: stop:

Cause: Could not stop previous logger

Action: Verify previous logger
AS-WEB-CORE-00102 ContainerBase.setLogger: start:

Cause: Could not start new logger

Action: Verify the configuration of container
AS-WEB-CORE-00103 ContainerBase.setManager: stop:

Cause: Could not stop previous manager

Action: Verify previous manager
AS-WEB-CORE-00104 ContainerBase.setManager: start:

Cause: Could not start new manager

Action: Verify the configuration of container
AS-WEB-CORE-00105 ContainerBase.setRealm: stop:

Cause: Could not stop previous realm

Action: Verify previous realm
AS-WEB-CORE-00106 ContainerBase.setRealm: start:

Cause: Could not start new realm

Action: Verify the configuration of container
AS-WEB-CORE-00107 addChild: Child name {0} is not unique

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00108 ContainerBase.addChild: start:

Cause: Could not start new child container

Action: Verify the configuration of parent container
AS-WEB-CORE-00109 ContainerBase.removeChild: stop:

Cause: Could not stop existing child container

Action: Verify existing child container
AS-WEB-CORE-00110 Container {0} has already been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00111 Container {0} has not been started

Cause: Current container has not been started

Action: Verify the current container
AS-WEB-CORE-00112 Error stopping container {0}

Cause: Could not stop child container

Action: Verify the existence of current child container
AS-WEB-CORE-00113 Error unregistering

Cause: Could not unregister current container

Action: Verify if the container has been registered
AS-WEB-CORE-00114 Exception invoking periodic operation:

Cause: Could not set the context ClassLoader

Action: Verify the security permission
AS-WEB-CORE-00115 Unable to configure {0} for filter {1} of servlet context {2}, because this servlet context has already been initialized

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00116 Unable to configure {0} for servlet {1} of servlet context {2}, because this servlet context has already been initialized

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00117 Unable to configure {0} for filter {1} of servlet context {2}, because this servlet context has already been initialized

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00118 Unable to configure mapping for filter {0} of servlet context {1}, because servlet names are null or empty

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00119 Unable to configure mapping for filter {0} of servlet context {1}, because URL patterns are null or empty

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00120 Creation of the naming context failed: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00121 Failed to bind object: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00122 Environment entry {0} has an invalid type

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00123 Environment entry {0} has an invalid value

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00124 Failed to unbind object: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00125 Must not use request object outside the scope of a servlet’s service or a filter’s doFilter method

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00126 Null response object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00127 Unable to configure {0} for servlet {1} of servlet context {2}, because this servlet context has already been initialized

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00128 Unable to configure mapping for servlet {0} of servlet context {1}, because URL patterns are null or empty

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00129 Unable to configure {0} session tracking cookie property for servlet context {1}, because this servlet context has already been initialized

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00130 Missing alternate docbase URL pattern or directory location

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00131 LoginConfig cannot be null

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00132 Form login page {0} must start with a ''/''

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00133 Form error page {0} must start with a ''/''

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00134 Child of a Context must be a Wrapper

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00135 JSP file {0} must start with a ''/''

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00136 Invalid <url-pattern> {0} in security constraint

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00137 ErrorPage cannot be null

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00138 Error page location {0} must start with a ''/''

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00139 Invalid status code {0} for error-page mapping. HTTP error codes are defined in the range from 400-600

Cause: Invalid error page code

Action: Verify the error code
AS-WEB-CORE-00140 Filter mapping specifies an unknown filter name {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00141 Filter mapping must specify either a <url-pattern> or a <servlet-name>

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00142 Invalid <url-pattern> {0} in filter mapping

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00143 Unable to call method {0} on servlet context {1}, because this servlet context has already been initialized

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00144 Filter name is null or an empty String

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00145 Unable to set {0} session tracking mode on servlet context {1}, because it is not supported

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-CORE-00146 Unable to add listener of type: {0}, because it does not implement any of the required ServletContextListener, ServletContextAttributeListener, ServletRequestListener, ServletRequestAttributeListener, HttpSessionListener, or HttpSessionAttributeListener interfaces :: Cause: As described in the message.

+ Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-CORE-00147 Both parameter name and parameter value are required, parameter name is {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00148 Duplicate context initialization parameter {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00149 Invalid <url-pattern> {0} in servlet mapping

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00150 Servlet mapping specifies an unknown servlet name {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00151 Unable to map Servlet [{0}] to URL pattern [{1}], because Servlet [{2}] is already mapped to it

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00152 Error creating instance listener {0}

Cause: Could not create new instance

Action: Verify the configuration of Wrapper and InstanceListener
AS-WEB-CORE-00153 Error creating lifecycle listener {0}

Cause: Could not create new instance for life cycle listener

Action: Verify the permit of current class to access newInstance()
AS-WEB-CORE-00154 Error creating container listener {0}

Cause: Could not create new instance for container listener

Action: Verify the permit of current class to access newInstance()
AS-WEB-CORE-00155 Reloading this Context has started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00156 Error stopping context {0}

Cause: Could not stop context component

Action: Verify stop() to guarantee the whole domain is being stopped
AS-WEB-CORE-00157 Error starting context {0}

Cause: Could not start context component

Action: Verify start() to guarantee the context component is being
started correctly
AS-WEB-CORE-00158 Error invoking requestInitialized method on ServletRequestListener {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00159 Error invoking requestDestroyed method on ServletRequestListener {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00160 Exception starting filter {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00161 Servlet with name {0} does not have any servlet-class or jsp-file configured

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00162 Filter with name {0} does not have any class configured

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00163 Exception sending context destroyed event to listener instance of class {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00164 Error starting resources in context {0}

Cause: Could not get the proxy directory context

Action: Verify the existence of the context
AS-WEB-CORE-00165 Error stopping static resources

Cause: Could not deallocate resource and destroy proxy

Action: Verify if a fatal error that prevents this component from
being used
AS-WEB-CORE-00166 Current container has already been started with a DirContext object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00167 Error starting resources in context {0} with Exception message: {1}

Cause: Could not get the proxy directory context

Action: Verify the existence of the context
AS-WEB-CORE-00168 Form login page {0} must start with a ''/'' in Servlet 2.4

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00169 Form error page {0} must start with a ''/'' in Servlet 2.4

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00170 JSP file {0} must start with a ''/'' in Servlet 2.4

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00171 Container {0} has already been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00172 Error initialzing resources{0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00173 Error in dependency check for standard context {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00174 Startup of context {0} failed due to previous errors

Cause: Could not startup servlet

Action: Verify the initialization process
AS-WEB-CORE-00175 Exception during cleanup after start failed

Cause: Stop staring up failed

Action: Verify configurations to stop starting up
AS-WEB-CORE-00176 Error invoking ServletContainerInitializer {0}

Cause: Could not instantiate servlet container initializer

Action: Verify the access permission of current class loader
AS-WEB-CORE-00177 Error resetting context {0}

Cause: Could not restore original state

Action: Verify if extend 'this' method, and make sure to clean up
AS-WEB-CORE-00178 URL pattern {0} must start with a ''/'' in Servlet 2.4

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00179 Failed to create work directory {0}

Cause: Could not create work directory

Action: Verify the directory name, and access permission
AS-WEB-CORE-00180 The URL pattern {0} contains a CR or LF and so can never be matched

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00181 Missing name attribute in {0}

Cause: Could not get the attribute

Action: Verify the existence of the value associated with the key
AS-WEB-CORE-00182 Malformed name {0}, value of name attribute does not start with ''//''

Cause: Illegal path name

Action: Verify path name
AS-WEB-CORE-00183 Path {0} does not start with ''/''

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00184 Path {0} does not start with ''/'' and is not empty

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00185 Error during mapping

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00186 Unable to create custom ObjectInputStream

Cause: Could not create custom ObjectInputStream

Action: Verify input stream and class loader
AS-WEB-CORE-00187 Error during bindThread

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00188 Servlet {0} threw load() exception

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00189 Error updating ctx with jmx {0} {1} {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00190 Error registering wrapper with jmx {0} {1} {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00191 Null filter instance

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00192 Servlet name is null or an empty String

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00193 Null servlet instance

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00194 Child of an Engine must be a Host

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00195 Engine cannot have a parent Container

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00196 Error registering

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00197 No Host matches server name {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00198 Host name is required

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00199 Child of a Host must be a Context

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00200 MAPPING configuration error for request URI {0}

Cause: No context has been selected

Action: Verify the uri or default context
AS-WEB-CORE-00201 ErrorPage must not be null

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00202 XML validation enabled

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00203 Create Host deployer for direct deployment ( non-jmx )

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00204 Error creating deployer

Cause: Could not instantiate deployer

Action: Verify access permission
AS-WEB-CORE-00205 Error registering host {0}

Cause: Initialization failed

Action: Verify domain and host name
AS-WEB-CORE-00206 Couldn’t load specified error report valve class: {0}

Cause: Could not load instance of host valve

Action: Verify access permission
AS-WEB-CORE-00207 Context path is required

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00208 Invalid context path: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00209 Context path {0} is already in use

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00210 URL to web application archive is required

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00211 Installing web application at context path {0} from URL {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00212 Invalid URL for web application archive: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00213 Only web applications in the Host web application directory can be installed, invalid URL: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00214 Context path {0} must match the directory or WAR file name: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00215 Error installing

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00216 Error deploying application at context path {0}

Cause: Could not initiate life cycle listener

Action: Verify the access permission
AS-WEB-CORE-00217 URL to configuration file is required

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00218 Use of configuration file is not allowed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00219 Processing Context configuration file URL {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00220 Installing web application from URL {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00221 Context path {0} is not currently in use

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00222 Removing web application at context path {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00223 Error removing application at context path {0}

Cause: Could not remove an existing child Container

Action: Verify if there are any I/O errors
AS-WEB-CORE-00224 Starting web application at context path {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00225 Starting web application at context path {0} failed

Cause: Could not start web application at current context path

Action: Verify if start() is called before any of the public methods
of this component are utilized, and it should send START_EVENT to any
registered listeners
AS-WEB-CORE-00226 Stopping web application at context path {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00227 Stopping web application at context path {0} failed

Cause: Could not terminate the active use of the public methods of this component

Action: Verify if stop() is the last one called on a given instance of
this component, and it should send STOP_EVENT to any registered
AS-WEB-CORE-00228 Failed to remove file {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00229 Remote Client Aborted Request, IOException: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00230 The error-page {0} or {1} does not exist

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00231 No Context configured to process this request

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00232 Pipeline has already been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00233 Pipeline has not been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00234 Exception occurred when stopping GlassFishValve in StandardPipeline.setBasic

Cause: Could not terminate the active use of the public methods of this component

Action: Verify if stop() is the last one called on a given instance of
this component, and it should send STOP_EVENT to any registered
AS-WEB-CORE-00235 Exception occurred when starting GlassFishValve in StandardPipeline.setBasic

Cause: Could not prepare for the beginning of active use of the public methods of this component

Action: Verify if start() is called before any of the public methods
of this component are utilized, and it should send START_EVENT to any
registered listeners
AS-WEB-CORE-00236 Exception occurred when starting GlassFishValve in StandardPipline.addValve

Cause: Specific valve could not be associated with current container

Action: Verify the availability of current valve
AS-WEB-CORE-00237 Unable to add valve {0}

Cause: Could not add tomcat-style valve

Action: Verify if this is a GlassFish-style valve that was compiled
against the old org.apache.catalina.Valve interface
AS-WEB-CORE-00238 No more Valves in the Pipeline processing this request

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00239 HttpUpgradeHandler handler cannot be null

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00240 Exception occurred when stopping GlassFishValve in StandardPipeline.removeValve

Cause: Could not terminate the active use of the public methods of this component

Action: Verify if stop() is the last one called on a given instance of
this component, and it should send STOP_EVENT to any registered
AS-WEB-CORE-00241 StandardPipeline[{0}]: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00242 StandardPipeline[null]: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00243 LifecycleException occurred during service initialization: {0}

Cause: This service was already initialized

Action: Verify if the service is not already initialized
AS-WEB-CORE-00244 Exception StandardServer.await: create[{0}]

Cause: An I/O error occurred when opening the socket

Action: Verify the port number and try again
AS-WEB-CORE-00245 StandardServer.accept security exception: {0}

Cause: Could not get connection

Action: Verify the connection settings and try again
AS-WEB-CORE-00246 StandardServer.await: accept: {0}

Cause: Could not get input stream

Action: Verify the input stream and try again
AS-WEB-CORE-00247 StandardServer.await: read: {0}

Cause: Could not read from input stream

Action: Verify the input stream and try again
AS-WEB-CORE-00248 StandardServer.await: Invalid command {0} received

Cause: Invalid command

Action: Verify the command
AS-WEB-CORE-00249 This service has already been initialized

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00250 Error registering: {0}

Cause: Could not register ObjectName: "Catalina:type=Server"

Action: Verify the configuration and try again
AS-WEB-CORE-00251 This service has already been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00252 Starting service {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00253 Stopping service {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00254 This service has already been initialized

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00255 Error registering Service at domain {0}

Cause: Could not register service

Action: Verify the domain name and service name
AS-WEB-CORE-00256 Service initializing at {0} failed

Cause: Could not pre-startup initialization

Action: Verify if server was already initialized
AS-WEB-CORE-00257 Parent container of a Wrapper must be a Context

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00258 Wrapper container may not have child containers

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00259 Cannot allocate servlet {0} because it is being unloaded

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00260 Error allocating a servlet instance

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00261 Class {0} is not a Servlet

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00262 Error instantiating servlet class {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00263 Servlet of class {0} is privileged and cannot be loaded by this web application

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00264 No servlet class has been specified for servlet {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00265 Wrapper cannot find Loader for servlet {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00266 Wrapper cannot find servlet class {0} or a class it depends on

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00267 Servlet.init() for servlet {0} threw exception

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00268 Servlet execution threw an exception

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00269 Marking servlet {0} as unavailable

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00270 Waiting for {0} instance(s) of {1} to be deallocated

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00271 Servlet.destroy() for servlet {0} threw exception

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00272 Servlet {0} threw unload() exception

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00273 Error loading {0} {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00274 This application is not currently available

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00275 Servlet {0} is currently unavailable

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00276 Servlet {0} is not available

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00277 Allocate exception for servlet {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00278 Exception for sending acknowledgment of a request: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00280 Release filters exception for servlet {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00281 Deallocate exception for servlet {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00283 StandardWrapperValve[{0}]: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00284 Failed to skip {0} bytes in the underlying buffer of MultipartStream on close().

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00285 file data is empty.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00286 Unable to create Random source using class [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00287 The property "{0}" is not defined for filters of type "{1}"

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00288 Error registering loader

Cause: Could not register loader

Action: Verify Object name
AS-WEB-CORE-00289 Error registering jndi stream handler

Cause: Could not register jndi stream handler

Action: Verify if the application has already set a factory, if a
security manager exists and itscheckSetFactory method does not allow
the operation
AS-WEB-CORE-00290 Loader has already been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00291 No resources for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00292 LifecycleException

Cause: Could not construct a class loader

Action: Verify if there is any life cycle exception
AS-WEB-CORE-00293 Loader has not yet been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00294 Cannot set reloadable property to {0}

Cause: Could not set reloadable property

Action: Verify the value for the property
AS-WEB-CORE-00295 WebappLoader[{0}]: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00296 No work dir for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00297 Failed to create destination directory to copy resources

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00298 Failed to copy resources

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00299 Failed to create work directory to {0}

Cause: Could not create work directory

Action: Verify the PATH
AS-WEB-CORE-00300 File Logger has already been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00301 File Logger has not yet been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00302 Unknown container {0}

Cause: Unknown container for implementation of StandardEngine interface

Action: Verify the current container
AS-WEB-CORE-00303 Null engine !! {0}

Cause: Could not get engine

Action: Verify current container
AS-WEB-CORE-00304 Unable to create for Logger

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00305 Can’t register logger {0}

Cause: Could not register logger

Action: Verify registration is called after configure()
AS-WEB-CORE-00306 Setting JAAS app name {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00307 Login exception authenticating username {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00308 Username {0} NOT authenticated due to failed login

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00309 Username {0} NOT authenticated due to expired account

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00310 Username {0} NOT authenticated due to expired credential

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00311 error

Cause: Could not authenticate by using the current username

Action: Verify the username and credential
AS-WEB-CORE-00312 Illegal digestEncoding: {0}

Cause: Could not convert the char array to byte array with respect to given charset

Action: Verify the current charset
AS-WEB-CORE-00313 Access to the requested resource has been denied

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00314 Configuration error: Cannot perform access control without an authenticated principal

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00315 Username {0} has role {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00316 Username {0} does NOT have role {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00317 This Realm has already been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00318 Invalid message digest algorithm {0} specified

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00319 This Realm has not yet been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00320 Error digesting user credentials

Cause: Could not digest user credentials

Action: Verify the current credential
AS-WEB-CORE-00321 Couldn’t get MD5 digest

Cause: Could not get instance of MessageDigest based on MD5

Action: Verify if it supports a MessageDigestSpi implementation for
the specified algorithm
AS-WEB-CORE-00322 An exception occurs when running the PrivilegedExceptionAction block.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00323 Only skipped [{0}] bytes when [{1}] were requested

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00324 Directory Listing For {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00325 Up To {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00326 Filename

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00327 Size

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00328 Last Modified

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00329 Container has not called setWrapper() for this servlet

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00330 Cannot call invoker servlet with a named dispatcher

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00331 No servlet name or class was specified in path {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00332 Cannot create servlet wrapper for path {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00333 Cannot allocate servlet instance for path {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00334 Cannot deallocate servlet instance for path {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00335 JAXP initialization failed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00336 Ignored external entity, publicID: {0}, systemID: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00337 setAttribute: Session attribute with name {0} has value that is not of type String (required for cookie-based persistence)

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00338 Loading Session {0} from file {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00339 Removing Session {0} at file {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00340 Saving Session {0} to file {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00341 Unable to delete file [{0}] which is preventing the creation of the session storage location

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00342 Unable to create directory [{0}] for the storage of session data

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00343 SQL Error {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00344 Loading Session {0} from database {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00345 Removing Session {0} at database {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00346 Saving Session {0} to database {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00347 The database connection is null or was found to be closed. Trying to re-open it.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00348 The re-open on the database failed. The database could be down.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00349 A SQL exception occurred {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00350 JDBC driver class not found {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00351 Exception initializing random number generator of class {0}

Cause: Could not construct and seed a new random number generator

Action: Verify if the current random number generator class is
AS-WEB-CORE-00352 Seeding random number generator class {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00353 Failed to close randomIS.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00354 Error registering

Cause: Could not construct an object name

Action: Verify the format of domain, path, host. And make sure they
are no null
AS-WEB-CORE-00355 setAttribute: Non-serializable attribute with name {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00356 Session not found {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00357 Checking isLoaded for id, {0}, {1}

Cause: Could not find session associated with given ID

Action: Verify the session ID
AS-WEB-CORE-00358 Exception clearing the Store

Cause: Could not instantiate PrivilegedStoreClear()

Action: Verify if specified action's run() could remove all sessions
from store
AS-WEB-CORE-00359 createSession: Too many active sessions

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00360 Exception in the Store during load

Cause: Could not instantiate PrivilegedStoreKeys()

Action: Verify if specified action's run() does not throw exception
AS-WEB-CORE-00361 Loading {0} persisted sessions

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00362 Failed load session from store

Cause: Could not restore sessions from store to manager’s list

Action: Verify if the sessions are valid
AS-WEB-CORE-00363 Can’t load sessions from store

Cause: Could not load sessions from store

Action: Verify if there is no exception to get the array containing
the session identifiers of all Sessions currently saved in this Store
AS-WEB-CORE-00364 Exception in the Store during removeSession

Cause: Could not instantiate PrivilegedStoreRemove()

Action: Verify if the specified action's run() could remove the
session with the specified session identifier from this Store
AS-WEB-CORE-00365 Exception removing session

Cause: Could not remove specified session identifier from store

Action: Verify if there is no I/O error occur
AS-WEB-CORE-00366 Saving {0} persisted sessions

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00367 Exception in the Store during swapIn

Cause: Could not instantiate PrivilegedStoreLoad

Action: Verify if action's run() can load and return the Session
associated with the specified session identifier from this Store,
without removing it
AS-WEB-CORE-00368 Error deserializing Session {0}: {1}

Cause: De serialization error occur, and could not load and return the session associated with the specified session identifier from this Store

Action: Verify if ClassNotFoundException occur
AS-WEB-CORE-00369 Session swapped in is invalid or expired

Cause: Session swapped in is invalid or expired

Action: Verify if current session is valid
AS-WEB-CORE-00370 Swapping session {0} in from Store

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00371 Exception in the Store during writeSession

Cause: Could not write the provided session to the Store

Action: Verify if there are any I/O errors occur
AS-WEB-CORE-00372 Error serializing Session {0}: {1}

Cause: Could not save the specified Session into this Store

Action: Verify if there are any I/O errors occur
AS-WEB-CORE-00373 Manager has already been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00374 No Store configured, persistence disabled

Cause: Could not prepare for the beginning of active use of the public methods of this component

Action: Verify if Store has been configured
AS-WEB-CORE-00375 Manager has not yet been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00376 Invalid session timeout setting {0}

Cause: Could not set session timeout from given parameter

Action: Verify the number format for session timeout setting
AS-WEB-CORE-00377 Swapping session {0} to Store, idle for {1} seconds

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00378 Too many active sessions, {0}, looking for idle sessions to swap out

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00379 Swapping out session {0}, idle for {1} seconds too many sessions active

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00380 Backing up session {0} to Store, idle for {1} seconds

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00381 createSession: Too many active sessions

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00382 Loading persisted sessions from {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00383 IOException while loading persisted sessions: {0}

Cause: Could not creates an ObjectInputStream

Action: Verify if there are IO exceptions
AS-WEB-CORE-00384 ClassNotFoundException while loading persisted sessions: {0}

Cause: Could not deserialize and create StandardSession instance

Action: Verify the class for an object being restored can be found
AS-WEB-CORE-00385 Saving persisted sessions to {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00386 IOException while saving persisted sessions: {0}

Cause: Could not creates an ObjectOutputStream instance

Action: Verify if there are any I/O exceptions
AS-WEB-CORE-00387 Exception loading sessions from persistent storage

Cause: Could not load any currently active sessions

Action: Verify if the serialized class is valid and if there are any
I/O exceptions
AS-WEB-CORE-00388 Exception unloading sessions to persistent storage

Cause: Could not save any currently active sessions

Action: Verify if there are any I/O exceptions
AS-WEB-CORE-00389 Session id change event listener threw exception

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00390 Session event listener threw exception

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00391 Session already invalidated

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00392 Session attribute event listener threw exception

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00393 setAttribute: name parameter cannot be null

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00394 Session binding event listener threw exception

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00395 Cannot serialize session attribute {0} for session {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00396 StoreBase has already been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00397 StoreBase has not been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00398 Class loader creation threw exception

Cause: Could not create class loader

Action: Verify the availability of current repository
AS-WEB-CORE-00399 Error processing command line arguments

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00400 Catalina.stop:

Cause: Could not stop server

Action: Verify if the input file exist or if there are any I/O
exceptions, parsing exceptions
AS-WEB-CORE-00401 Can’t load server.xml from {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00402 Catalina.start:

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00403 Catalina.start:

Cause: Could not initialize the server

Action: Verify if the server has already been initialized
AS-WEB-CORE-00404 Initialization processed in {0} ms

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00405 Error loading configuration

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00406 Server startup in {0} ms

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00407 Failed to load

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00408 Lifecycle event data object {0} is not a Context

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00409 alt-dd file {0} not found

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00410 Missing application web.xml, using defaults only {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00411 Parse error in application web.xml at line {0} and column {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00412 Parse error in application web.xml

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00413 Error closing application web.xml

Cause: Could not close this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.

Action: Verify if any I/O errors occur
AS-WEB-CORE-00414 No Realm has been configured to authenticate against

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00415 Cannot configure an authenticator for method {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00416 Cannot instantiate an authenticator of class {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00417 Configured an authenticator for method {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00418 No default web.xml

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00419 Missing default web.xml, using application web.xml only {0} {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00420 Parse error in default web.xml at line {0} and column {1}

Cause: Could not parse the content of the specified input source using this Digester

Action: Verify the input parameter, if any I/O errors occur
AS-WEB-CORE-00421 Parse error in default web.xml

Cause: Could not parse the content of the specified input source using this Digester

Action: Verify the input parameter, if any I/O errors occur
AS-WEB-CORE-00422 Error closing default web.xml

Cause: Could not close this input stream and releases any system resources associated with the stream.

Action: Verify if any I/O errors occur
AS-WEB-CORE-00423 ContextConfig: Initializing

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00424 Exception fixing docBase

Cause: Could not adjust docBase

Action: Verify if any I/O errors occur
AS-WEB-CORE-00425 ContextConfig: Processing START

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00426 ContextConfig: Processing STOP

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00427 Security role name {0} used in an <auth-constraint> without being defined in a <security-role> in context [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00428 Security role name {0} used in a <run-as> without being defined in a <security-role> in context [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00429 Security role name {0} used in a <role-link> without being defined in a <security-role> in context [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00430 No web.xml, using defaults {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00431 No engines have been defined yet

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00432 Engine.start exception

Cause: Could not prepare for the beginning of active use of the public methods of this component.

Action: Verify if start() be called before any of the public methods
of this component are utilized
AS-WEB-CORE-00433 Couldn’t load SSL server socket factory.

Cause: Could not instantiate ServerSocketFactory

Action: Verify access permission to this class
AS-WEB-CORE-00434 Couldn’t create connector.

Cause: Could not instantiate connector

Action: Verify access permission to this class
AS-WEB-CORE-00435 Connector.stop

Cause: Could not remove the specified Connector from the set associated from this Service

Action: Verify if connector has already been stopped or removed
AS-WEB-CORE-00436 Engine.stop exception

Cause: Could not terminate the active use of the public methods of this component

Action: Verify if stop() is the last one called on a given instance of
this component
AS-WEB-CORE-00437 Specified Authenticator is not a Valve

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00438 Embedded service has already been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00439 Embedded service has not yet been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00440 Lifecycle event data object {0} is not an Engine

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00441 EngineConfig: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00442 EngineConfig: Processing START

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00443 EngineConfig: Processing STOP

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00444 Application base directory {0} does not exist

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00445 Unable to create the directory [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00446 The archive [{0}] is malformed and will be ignored: an entry contains an illegal path [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00447 Failed to set last-modified time of the file {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00448 Error copying {0} to {1}

Cause: Could not copy file

Action: Verify if channel is not available for file transfer
AS-WEB-CORE-00449 [{0}] could not be completely deleted. The presence of the remaining files may cause problems

Cause: Could not completely delete specified directory

Action: Verify the access permission to specified directory
AS-WEB-CORE-00450 Lifecycle event data object {0} is not a Host

Cause: Could not process the START event for an associated Host

Action: Verify life cycle event data object
AS-WEB-CORE-00451 Deploying configuration descriptor {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00452 Error deploying configuration descriptor {0}

Cause: Could not deploy configuration descriptor

Action: Verify the URL that points to context configuration file and
the context path
AS-WEB-CORE-00453 The war name [{0}] is invalid. The archive will be ignored.

Cause: Could not deploy war file

Action: Verify the name war file
AS-WEB-CORE-00454 Expanding web application archive {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00455 Exception while expanding web application archive {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00456 Exception while expanding web application archive {0}

Cause: Could not expand web application archive

Action: Verify the URL, and if any I/O errors orrur
AS-WEB-CORE-00457 Deploying web application archive {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00458 Error deploying web application archive {0}

Cause: Could not deploy web application archive

Action: Verify the context path and if specified context path is
already attached to an existing web application
AS-WEB-CORE-00459 Deploying web application directory {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00460 Error deploying web application directory {0}

Cause: Could not deploy web application directory

Action: Verify the context path and if specified context path is
already attached to an existing web application
AS-WEB-CORE-00461 Error undeploying Jar file {0}

Cause: Could not remove an existing web application, attached to the specified context path

Action: Verify the context path of the application
AS-WEB-CORE-00462 HostConfig: restartContext [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00463 Error during context [{0}] stop

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00464 Error during context [{0}] restart

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00465 HostConfig: Processing START

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00466 HostConfig: Processing STOP

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00467 Undeploying deployed web applications

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00468 Undeploying context [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00469 Error undeploying web application at context path {0}

Cause: Could not remove an existing web application, attached to the specified context path

Action: Verify the context path of the application
AS-WEB-CORE-00470 Must set 'catalina.home' system property

Cause: Did not set 'catalina.home'

Action: Verify that 'catalina.home' was passed
AS-WEB-CORE-00472 Exception creating instance of {0}

Cause: Could not load application class

Action: Verify the class name
AS-WEB-CORE-00473 Exception locating main() method

Cause: Could not locate the static main() method of the application class

Action: Verify the access permission
AS-WEB-CORE-00474 Exception calling main() method

Cause: Could not invoke main() method

Action: Verify the underlying method is inaccessible, and parameter
AS-WEB-CORE-00475 Usage: java org.apache.catalina.startup.Tool [<options>] <class> [<arguments>]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00476 Deploying user web applications

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00477 Exception loading user database

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00478 Deploying web application for user {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00479 Error deploying web application for user {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00480 UserConfig[{0}]: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00481 UserConfig[null]: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00482 UserConfig: Processing START

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00483 UserConfig: Processing STOP

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00484 Failed to load manifest resources {0}

Cause: Could not find MANIFEST from JAR file

Action: Verify the JAR file
AS-WEB-CORE-00485 ExtensionValidator[{0}][{1}]: Required extension "{2}" not found.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00486 ExtensionValidator[{0}]: Failure to find {1} required extension(s).

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00487 Odd number of hexadecimal digits

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00488 Bad hexadecimal digit

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00489 Map is currently locked

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00490 UTF8 not supported

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00491 Could not create a new directory: {0}

Cause: Could not create a new directory

Action: Verify if file is directory, and access permission
AS-WEB-CORE-00492 status.setContentType

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00493 Internal Error

Cause: Error during invoke the servlet application

Action: Trying to invoke the servlet application
AS-WEB-CORE-00494 Failed to initialize the interceptor

Cause: Error in initializing the servlet application

Action: initialize the servlet interceptor
AS-WEB-CORE-00503 Failed to rename log file to {0} for rotate logs

Cause: Could not rename log file

Action: Verify access permission and new file name
AS-WEB-CORE-00504 at least this wasn’t swallowed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00505 Failed to create directory {0}

Cause: Could not create directory

Action: Verify access permission
AS-WEB-CORE-00506 fields was just empty or whitespace

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00507 unable to decode with rest of chars being: {0}

Cause: Could not decode rest of chars

Action: Verify the current pattern
AS-WEB-CORE-00508 No closing ) found for in decode

Cause: could not find closing bracket

Action: Verify if the parameter includes closing bracket
AS-WEB-CORE-00509 The next characters couldn’t be decoded: {0}

Cause: Could not decode characters

Action: Verify the pattern
AS-WEB-CORE-00510 End of line reached before decoding x- param

Cause: Could not decode, since end of line reached

Action: Verify the String index
AS-WEB-CORE-00511 x param in wrong format. Needs to be 'x-#(…​)' read the docs!

Cause: Could not decode, since x param in wrong format

Action: Verify the format of parameter
AS-WEB-CORE-00512 x param in wrong format. No closing ')'!

Cause: Could not decode, since x param has no closing bracket

Action: Verify the format of parameter
AS-WEB-CORE-00513 x param for servlet request, couldn’t decode value: {0}

Cause: Could not decode value, since no x param type matched

Action: Verify the current field info
AS-WEB-CORE-00514 No Context configured to process this request

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00515 Syntax error in request filter pattern {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00516 Cannot process the error page: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00517 Digester.getParser:

Cause: Could not create new SAXParser

Action: Verify the parser configuration and if SAXParser is supported
AS-WEB-CORE-00518 Cannot get XMLReader

Cause: Could not get XML Reader

Action: Verify if there are XML Readers can be instantiated
AS-WEB-CORE-00519 Finish event threw exception

Cause: Rules could not remove data

Action: Verify if finish() is called after all parsing methods have
been called
AS-WEB-CORE-00520 Finish event threw error

Cause: Rules could not remove data

Action: Verify if finish() is called after all parsing methods have
been called
AS-WEB-CORE-00521 Body event threw exception

Cause: Could not fire body()

Action: Verify if the current rule has body
AS-WEB-CORE-00522 Body event threw error

Cause: Could not fire body()

Action: Verify if the current rule has body
AS-WEB-CORE-00523 No rules found matching {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00524 End event threw exception

Cause: Could not call end()

Action: Verify if this method is called when the end of a matching XML
element is encountered
AS-WEB-CORE-00525 End event threw error

Cause: Could not call end()

Action: Verify if this method is called when the end of a matching XML
element is encountered
AS-WEB-CORE-00526 Begin event threw exception

Cause: Could not call begin()

Action: Verify if this method is called when the beginning of a
matching XML element is encountered
AS-WEB-CORE-00527 Begin event threw error

Cause: Could not call begin()

Action: Verify if this method is called when the beginning of a
matching XML element is encountered
AS-WEB-CORE-00528 Parse Error at line {0} column {1}: {2}

Cause: Parsing error occurs

Action: Verify if there are any parsing errors occur
AS-WEB-CORE-00529 Parse Fatal Error at line {0} column {1}: {2}

Cause: Parsing error occurs

Action: Verify if there are any parsing errors occur
AS-WEB-CORE-00530 Parse Warning Error at line {0} column {1}: {2}

Cause: Parsing error occurs

Action: Verify if there are any parsing errors occur
AS-WEB-CORE-00531 Empty stack (returning null)

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00532 No Locator!

Cause: There is no document locator

Action: Verify if document locator has been set
AS-WEB-CORE-00533 [SetPropertiesRule]{0} Setting property {1} to {2} did not find a matching property.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00534 [SetPropertyRule]{0} Setting property {1} to {2} did not find a matching property.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00535 Login failed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00536 This is request has already been authenticated

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00537 No authenticator

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00538 Invalid call to login while pluggable authentication method is configured

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00539 Internal logout error

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00540 Blocked access to external entity with publicId [{0}] and systemId [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00541 Blocked access to external entity with name [{0}], publicId [{1}], baseURI [{2}] and systemId [{3}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00542 Blocked access to external subset with name [{0}] and baseURI [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00543 Fail to read file [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00544 Unable to find the underlying Coyote request object (which is required to create a push request) from the request of type [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00545 It is illegal to call push() before setting a path

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00546 The push method should not be null

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00547 The push method should not be an empty String

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00548 The push method ''{0}'' is not cacheable or safe

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00549 The repository '{0}' is not a directory

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-CORE-00550 The repository '{0}' contains a null character

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00001 Exception in creating cache

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00002 Exception initializing cache-helper {0}; please check your helper class implementation

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00003 Illegal CacheKeyGenerator

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00004 DefaultCacheHelper: cannot find all the required key fields in the request {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00005 CachingFilter {0} ready; isEnabled = {1} manager = {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00006 CachingFilter {0} request is cacheable; key {1} index = {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00007 CachingFilter {0} request needs a refresh; key {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00008 CachingFilter {0} serving response from the cache {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00009 CachingFilter {0} pass thru; isEnabled = {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00010 CachingFilter {0} received cacheManager enabled event

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00011 CachingFilter {0} received cacheManager disabled event

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00012 The constraint field {0} is not found in the scope {1}; returning cache-on-match-failure: {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00013 The constraint field {0} value = {1} is found in scope {2}; returning cache-on-match: {3}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00014 The constraint field {0} value = {1} is found in scope {2}; and matches with a value {3}; returning cache-on-match: {4}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00015 The constraint field {0} value = {1} is found in scope {2}; but didn’t match any of the value constraints; returning cache-on-match-failure = {3}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00016 Incorrect scope value [{0}] for web application cache field name [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00017 ''greater'' expression requires a numeric value; please check your value {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00018 ''lesser'' expression requires a numeric value; please check your value [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00019 illegal value [{0}] expr [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00020 illegal in-range constraint; specify a valid range (xxx-yyy) value [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00021 missing separator in the ''in-range'' constraint; [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00022 ''in-range'' constraint requires numeric values for the lower bound [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00023 ''in-range'' constraint requires a value for the upper bound of the range; check your value [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00024 ''in-range'' constraint requires numeric values for the upper bound [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00025 CacheTag[{0}]: Timeout = {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00026 Cache not found in the specified scope

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00027 Illegal value ([{0}]) for scope attribute of cache tag

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00028 FlushTag: clear [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00029 FlushTag: clear cache

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00030 Process session destroyed on {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00031 Process request for ''{0}''

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00032 Principal ''{0}'' has already been authenticated

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00033 Checking for SSO cookie

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00034 SSO cookie is not present

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00035 No realm configured for this application, SSO does not apply

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00036 This application uses realm ''{0}''

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00037 Checking for cached principal for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00038 Found cached principal ''{0}'' with auth type ''{1}'' in realm ''{2}''

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00039 Ignoring SSO entry which does not match application realm ''{0}''

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00040 No cached principal found, erasing SSO cookie

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00041 Deregistering sso id ''{0}''

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00042 SSO expiration started. Current entries: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00043 SSO cache will expire {0} entries

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00044 SSO expiration removing entry: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00045 Caught exception during SingleSignOn expiration

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00046 Removing session {0} from sso id {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00047 Illegal access log pattern [{0}], is not a valid nickname and does not contain any ''%''

Cause: The pattern is either null or does not contain '%'

Action: Check the pattern for validity
AS-WEB-GLUE-00048 Missing end delimiter in access log pattern: {0}

Cause: An end delimiter ismissing in the access log pattern

Action: Check the pattern for validity
AS-WEB-GLUE-00049 Invalid component: {0} in access log pattern: {1}

Cause: Access log pattern containds invalid component

Action: Check the pattern for validity
AS-WEB-GLUE-00050 Error processing request received on ad-hoc path {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00051 No ad-hoc servlet configured to process ad-hoc path {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00052 mgr reapInterval set = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00053 no instance level value set for mgr reapInterval

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00054 maxSessions set = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00055 no instance level value set for maxSessions

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00056 sessionFilename set = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00057 sessionIdGeneratorClassname set = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00058 storeReapInterval set = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00059 directory set = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00060 sessionMaxInactiveInterval set = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00061 no instance level value set for sessionMaxInactiveInterval

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00062 Configuring cache for web application

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00063 Added a caching filter for servlet-name = {0} url-pattern = {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00064 Added a key-field : name = {0} scope = {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00065 Added a constraint: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00066 Added a constraint-field name = {0} scope = {1} cache-on-match = {2} cache-on-match-failure = {3}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00067 Invalid max-pending-count attribute value [{0}], using default [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00068 Unable to parse proxy port component ({0}) of server-name attribute of network-listener {1}

Cause: The String does not contain a parsable integer

Action: Check the proxy port string
AS-WEB-GLUE-00069 Unable to parse redirect-port ({0}) attribute of network-listener {1}, using default: {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00070 Unable to parse acceptor-threads attribute ({0}) of network-listener {1}, using default: {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00071 The jk properties configuration file is not defined

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00072 JK properties file {0} does not exist

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00073 Loading from {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00074 Unable to configure JK properties {0} for connector listening to {1}

Cause: Failed to load JK properties file

Action: Check if the properties file exists and is readable
AS-WEB-GLUE-00075 Invalid attribute [{0}] in thread-pool configuration

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00076 Unable to load ProxyHandler implementation class {0}

Cause: An exception occurred during creating a new instance

Action: Check the exception for the error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00077 {0} not an instance of com.sun.appserv.ProxyHandler

Cause: Invalid proxy handler

Action: Check to see if the proxy handler is an instance of
AS-WEB-GLUE-00078 All SSL protocol variants disabled for network-listener {0}, using SSL implementation specific defaults

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00079 All SSL cipher suites disabled for network-listener(s) {0}. Using SSL implementation specific defaults

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00080 Unrecognized cipher: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00081 Exception when initializing monitoring for network-listener [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00082 InvokeGrizzly method={0} objectName={1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00083 Exception while invoking mebean server operation [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00084 Cannot find WebContainer implementation

Cause: Web container is null

Action: Check if the mapper listener is initialized correctly
AS-WEB-GLUE-00085 Cannot find Engine implementation

Cause: Engine is null

Action: Check if the mapper listener is initialized correctly
AS-WEB-GLUE-00086 Error registering contexts

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-GLUE-00087 HTTP listener with network listener name {0} ignoring registration of host with object name {1}, because none of the host’s associated HTTP listeners matches this network listener name :: Cause: As described in the message.

+ Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-GLUE-00088 Register Context {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00089 Unregister Context {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00090 Register Wrapper {0} in Context {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00091 Unable to instantiate ContainerListener of type {0}

Cause: An exception occurred during instantiation of ContainerListener of type {0}

Action: Check the Exception for error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00092 Creating connector for address=''{0}'' port=''{1}'' protocol=''{2}''

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00093 Enabling file-based persistence for web module [{0}]''s sessions

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00094 Exception during invocation of PreDestroy-annotated method on JSP tag handler [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00095 ServerContext is null for ResourceInjector

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00096 Enabling no persistence for web module [{0}]''s sessions: persistence-type = [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00097 Unable to load session uuid generator [{0}]

Cause: An exception occurred during loading session uuid generator

Action: Check the Exception for the error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00098 Unable to write access log file {0}

Cause: An exception occurred writing to access log file

Action: Check the exception for the error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00099 Setting accesslog directory for virtual server ''{0}'' to {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00100 Invalid accessLogWriterInterval value [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00101 Invalid accessLogBufferSize value [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00102 Unable to parse max-history-files access log configuration [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00103 Unable to create {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00104 Unable to rename access log file {0} to {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00105 Unable to remove access log file {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00106 Access logger has already been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00107 Access logger has not yet been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-GLUE-00108 PersistenceStrategyBuilderFactory>>createPersistenceStrategyBuilder: resolvedPersistenceType = {0}, resolvedPersistenceFrequency = {1} resolvedPersistenceScope = {2} :: Cause: As described in the message.

+ Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-GLUE-00109 Could not find PersistentStrategyBuilder for persistenceType {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00110 PersistenceStrategyBuilderFactory>>createPersistenceStrategyBuilder: CandidateBuilderClassName = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00112 Unable to set request encoding [{0}] determined from sun-web.xml deployment descriptor of web application [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00113 POST data too large

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00114 Web container config changed {0} {1} {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00115 Exception processing HttpService configuration change

Cause: An exception occurred during configuration change

Action: Check the exception for error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00116 AvailabilityService was not defined - check domain.xml

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00117 WebContainerAvailability not defined - check domain.xml

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00118 globalAvailability = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00119 webContainerAvailability = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00120 webModuleAvailability = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00121 SERVER.XML persistenceType= {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00122 SERVER.XML persistenceType missing

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00123 Web App Distributable {0}: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00124 AvailabilityGloballyEnabled = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00125 instance-level persistence-type = {0} instance-level persistenceFrequency = {1} instance-level persistenceScope = {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00126 webAppLevelPersistenceType = {0} webAppLevelPersistenceFrequency = {1} webAppLevelPersistenceScope = {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-GLUE-00127 IN WebContainer>>ConfigureSessionManager after web level check AFTER_WEB_PERSISTENCE-TYPE IS = {0} AFTER_WEB_PERSISTENCE_FREQUENCY IS = {1} AFTER_WEB_PERSISTENCE_SCOPE IS = {2} :: Cause: As described in the message.

+ Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-GLUE-00128 Is {0} a system app: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00129 SessionConfigurationHelper: Is AppDistributable {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-GLUE-00130 Invalid Session Management Configuration for non-distributable app [{0}] - defaulting to memory: persistence-type = [{1}] / persistenceFrequency = [{2}] / persistenceScope = [{3}] :: Cause: As described in the message.

+ Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-GLUE-00131 IN WebContainer>>ConfigureSessionManager before builder factory FINAL_PERSISTENCE-TYPE IS = {0} FINAL_PERSISTENCE_FREQUENCY IS = {1} FINAL_PERSISTENCE_SCOPE IS = {2} :: Cause: As described in the message.

+ Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-GLUE-00132 Security role name {0} used in an 'auth-constraint' without being defined in a 'security-role'

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00133 Security role name {0} used in a 'run-as' without being defined in a 'security-role'

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00134 Security role name {0} used in a 'role-link' without being defined in a 'security-role'

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00135 The web module {0} has been designated as the default-web-module for virtual server {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00136 Error looking up the configuration information of the default-web-module {0} for virtual server {1}

Cause: The web module specified is either not found or disabled or does not specify this virtual server, or there was an error loading its deployment descriptors

Action: Verify if the virtual server's default web module is valid
AS-WEB-GLUE-00137 The default-web-module {0} is either disabled or does not specify virtual server {1}

Cause: The default web module is disabled or does not specify virtual server

Action: Verify if the default web module is enabled and specify
virtual server
AS-WEB-GLUE-00138 Virtual server {0} has invalid authentication realm {1}

Cause: The realm {1} could not be found

Action: Verify if the realm \{1} exits for virtual server \{0}
AS-WEB-GLUE-00139 Invalid sso-cookie-secure configuration {0} for virtual server {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00140 Realm {0} is not an instance of {1}, and will be ignored

Cause: The realm {0} is either NULL or is not an instance of {1}

Action: Verify if the realm \{0} is an instance of \{1}
AS-WEB-GLUE-00141 Virtual server {0} has a property with missing name or value

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00142 Invalid redirect property value {0} for virtual server {1}: More than one {2} component

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00143 Invalid redirect property value {0} for virtual server {1}: Missing url or url-prefix component

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00144 Invalid redirect property value {0} for virtual server {1}: Both url and url-prefix specified

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00145 Invalid redirect property value {0} for virtual server {1}: escape must be equal to yes or no

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00146 Invalid send-error property value {0} for virtual server {1}: More than one {2} component

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00147 Invalid send-error property value {0} for virtual server {1}: Missing path component

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00148 Unable to add listener of type {0} to virtual server {1}

Cause: The listener is not an instance of ContainerListener or LifecycleListener

Action: Verify if the listener type is supported
AS-WEB-GLUE-00149 Unable to load extension class {0} from web module {1}

Cause: An exception occurred loading extension class

Action: Check the exception for the error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00150 Object of type classname {0} not an instance of Valve or GlassFishValve

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00151 Error adding HttpProbes. NetworkListener {0}'s HttpCodecFilter is {1}

Cause: HttpCodecFilter is either NULL or empty

Action: Verify the NetworkListener is valid
AS-WEB-GLUE-00152 Error adding HttpProbes

Cause: An exception occurred adding HttpProbes

Action: Check the exception for the error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00153 Disabling Single Sign On (SSO) for virtual server {0} as configured

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00154 Enabling Single Sign On (SSO) for virtual server {0} as configured

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00155 SSO entry max idle time set to {0} for virtual server {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00156 SSO expire thread interval set to {0} for virtual server {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00157 Allowing access to {0} from {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00158 Denying access to {0} from {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00159 Virtual server {0} enabled context {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00160 Unable to delete {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00161 Unable to reconfigure access log valve

Cause: An exception occurred during access log valve reconfiguration

Action: Check the exception for error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00162 Virtual server {0} added context {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00163 Application {0} is not found

Cause: The deployed application is not found

Action: Check if the application is valid
AS-WEB-GLUE-00164 Cannot create context for undeployment

Cause: An IOException occurred during undeployment

Action: Check the exception for error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00165 Successfully removed context {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00166 Modifying web.xml {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00167 Error adding HttpProbes. NetworkListener {0}'s GrizzlyProxy is NULL

Cause: GrizzlyProxy is NULL

Action: Verify the NetworkListener is valid
AS-WEB-GLUE-00168 Virtual server {0} has been turned off

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00169 Virtual server {0} has been disabled

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00170 Invalid redirect URL [{0}]: Impossible to URL encode

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00171 Unknown error, loadWebModule returned null, file a bug

Cause: An exception occurred writing to access log file

Action: Check the exception for the error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00172 Loading application [{0}] at [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00173 App config customization specified to ignore descriptor’s {0} {1} so it will not be present for the application

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00174 Overriding descriptor {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00175 Creating new {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00176 Exception during Coherence*Web shutdown for application [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00177 Loading web module {0} in virtual server {1} at {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00178 This web container has not yet been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00179 Property {0} is not yet supported

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00180 Virtual server {0} already has a web module {1} loaded at {2} therefore web module {3} cannot be loaded at this context path on this virtual server

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00181 Unable to stop web container

Cause: Web container may not have been started

Action: Verify if web container is started
AS-WEB-GLUE-00182 Unable to start web container

Cause: Web container may have already been started

Action: Verify if web container is not already started
AS-WEB-GLUE-00183 Property element in sun-web.xml has null 'name' or 'value'

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00184 Web module {0} is not loaded in virtual server {1}

Cause: Web module has failed to load

Action: Verify if web module is valid
AS-WEB-GLUE-00185 Unable to deploy web module {0} at root context of virtual server {1}, because this virtual server declares a default-web-module

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00186 Unable to set default-web-module {0} for virtual server {1}

Cause: There is no web context deployed on the given virtual server that matches the given default context path

Action: Verify if the default context path is deployed on the virtual
AS-WEB-GLUE-00187 Unable to load web module {0} at context root {1}, because it is not correctly encoded

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00188 Unable to destroy web module deployed at context root {0} on virtual server {1} during undeployment

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00189 Exception setting the schemas/dtds location

Cause: A malformed URL has occurred. Either no legal protocol could be found in a specification string or the string could not be parsed

Action: Verify if the schemes and dtds
AS-WEB-GLUE-00191 Error loading web module {0}

Cause: An error occurred during loading web module

Action: Check the Exception for the error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00192 Undeployment failed for context {0}

Cause: The context may not have been deployed

Action: Verify if the context is deployed on the virtual server
AS-WEB-GLUE-00193 Exception processing HttpService configuration change

Cause: An error occurred during configuring http service

Action: Verify if the configurations are valid
AS-WEB-GLUE-00194 Unable to set context root {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00195 Unable to disable web module at context root {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00196 Error during destruction of virtual server {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00197 Virtual server {0} cannot be updated, because it does not exist

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00198 Created HTTP listener {0} on host/port {1}:{2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00199 Created JK listener {0} on host/port {1}:{2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00200 Created virtual server {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00201 Virtual server {0} loaded default web module {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00202 Maximum depth for nested request dispatches set to {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00203 Unsupported http-service property {0} is being ignored

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00204 The host name {0} is shared by virtual servers {1} and {2}, which are both associated with the same HTTP listener {3}

Cause: The host name is not unique

Action: Verify that the host name is unique
AS-WEB-GLUE-00205 Network listener {0} referenced by virtual server {1} does not exist

Cause: Network listener {0} referenced by virtual server {1} does not exist

Action: Verify that the network listener is valid
AS-WEB-GLUE-00206 Web module {0} not loaded to any virtual servers

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00207 Loading web module {0} to virtual servers {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00208 Unloading web module {0} from virtual servers {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00209 Context {0} undeployed from virtual server {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00210 Context {0} disabled from virtual server {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00211 Virtual server {0}'s network listeners are updated from {1} to {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00212 The class {0} is annotated with an invalid scope

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00213 -DjvmRoute updated with {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00214 Unable to parse port number {0} of network-listener {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00215 Virtual server {0} set listener name {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00216 Must not disable network-listener {0}, because it is associated with admin virtual server {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00217 Virtual server {0} set jk listener name {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00218 virtual server {0} has an invalid docroot {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00219 {0} network listener is not included in {1} and will be updated

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00220 Unable to load configuration of web module [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00221 Failed to precompile JSP pages of web module [{0}]

Cause: An exception occurred precompiling JSP pages

Action: Check the exception for the error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00222 Unable to create custom ObjectInputStream

Cause: An exception occurred during creating ObjectInputStream

Action: Check the Exception for error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00223 Unable to create custom ObjectOutputStream

Cause: An exception occurred during creating ObjectOutputStream

Action: Check the Exception for error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00224 The default-locale attribute of locale-charset-info element is being ignored

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00226 Web module [{0}] has a property with missing name or value

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00227 Object of type {0} is not a valve

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00228 Unable to add valve to web module {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00229 Unable to add valve with name {0} to web module {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00230 No method {0}(java.lang.String) defined on valve {1} of web module {2}

Cause: A matching method is not found

Action: Check the method name
AS-WEB-GLUE-00231 Exception during execution of method {0} on valve {1} of web module {2}

Cause: An exception occurred during method execution

Action: Check the Exception for error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00232 Valve {0} of web module {1} has a property without any name

Cause: The valve is missing property name

Action: Check the property name
AS-WEB-GLUE-00233 Unable to add listener of type {0} to web module {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00234 Unable to load extension class {0} from web module {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00235 Null property name or value for alternate docbase

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00236 Alternate docbase property value {0} is missing a URL pattern or docbase

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00237 URL pattern {0} for alternate docbase is invalid

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00238 Failed to parse sun-web.xml singleThreadedServletPoolSize property value ({0}) of web module deployed at {1}, using default ({2})

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00239 Enabled session ID reuse for web module {0} deployed on virtual server {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00240 Using alternate deployment descriptor {0} for web module {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00241 Ignoring invalid property {0} = {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00242 Unable to save sessions for web module {0} during redeployment

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00243 Unable to restore sessions for web module [{0}] from previous deployment

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00244 Webservice based application, requires Metro to be installed. Run updatecenter client located in bin folder to install Metro

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00245 WebModule[{0}]: Setting delegate to {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00246 WebModule[{0}]: Adding {1} to the classpath

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00247 extra-class-path component {0} is not a valid pathname

Cause: A MalformedURLException occurred

Action: Check the extra-class-path component
AS-WEB-GLUE-00248 class-loader attribute dynamic-reload-interval in sun-web.xml not supported

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-GLUE-00249 IN WebContainer>>ConfigureSessionManager before builder factory FINAL_PERSISTENCE-TYPE IS = {0} FINAL_PERSISTENCE_FREQUENCY IS = {1} FINAL_PERSISTENCE_SCOPE IS = {2} :: Cause: As described in the message.

+ Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-GLUE-00250 PersistenceStrategyBuilder class = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00251 Property [{0}] is not yet supported

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00252 WebModule[{0}] configure cookie properties {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-GLUE-00253 Unable to add listener of type: {0}, because it does not implement any of the required ServletContextListener, ServletContextAttributeListener, ServletRequestListener, ServletRequestAttributeListener, HttpSessionListener, or HttpSessionAttributeListener interfaces :: Cause: As described in the message.

+ Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WEB-GLUE-00254 Configured an authenticator for method {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00255 [{0}] failed to unbind namespace

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00256 No Realm with name [{0}] configured to authenticate against

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00257 Cannot configure an authenticator for method {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00258 Cannot instantiate an authenticator of class {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00259 Lifecycle event data object [{0}] is not a WebModule

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00260 jsp-config property for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00261 sysClasspath for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00262 Error creating cache manager and configuring the servlet caching subsystem

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00263 Cache Manager started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00264 Cache Manager stopped

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00265 * InstanceEvent: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00266 Obtained securityContext implementation class {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00267 Failed to obtain securityContext implementation class

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00268 Exception during processing of event of type {0} for web module {1}

Cause: An exception occurred during processing event type

Action: Check the exception for the error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00269 No ServerContext in WebModule [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00270 ContainerEvent: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00271 Exception during invocation of InjectionManager.destroyManagedObject on {0} of web module {1}

Cause: An exception occurred during destroyManagedObject

Action: Check the exception for the error
AS-WEB-GLUE-00272 Network Listener named {0} does not exist. Creating or using the named protocol element instead.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00273 Network Listener named {0} to which this ssl element is being added already has an ssl element.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00274 HTTP Listener named {0} not found

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00275 Ssl element does not exist for Listener named {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00276 Error in parsing default-web.xml

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00277 An authentication method was not defined in the web.xml descriptor. Using default BASIC for login configuration.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00278 [{0}] is not a valid authentication method

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00279 Invalid URL Pattern: [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00280 Cannot load class {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00281 Beginning JSP Precompile…​

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00282 Finished JSP Precompile…​

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00283 Cannot delete file: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-GLUE-00285 Exception getting Validator Factory from JNDI: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-HA-00001 Exception during removing synchronized from backing store

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-HA-00002 Exception during removing expired session from backing store

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-HA-00003 Error creating inputstream

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-HA-00004 Exception during deserializing the session

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-HA-00005 Exception occurred in getSession

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-HA-00006 Failed to remove session from backing store

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-HA-00007 Required version NumberFormatException

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-HA-00008 Could not create backing store

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00001 Canonical Pathname cannot be null

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00002 Outside webapp not allowed {0} {1} {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00003 Absolute Pathname cannot be null {0} {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00004 Canonical pathname {0} equals to absolute pathname {1} {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00005 File cannot be read {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00006 Could not get dir listing for {0}

Cause: Some IO error occurred such as bad file permissions

Action: Verify the file descriptors
AS-WEB-NAMING-00007 Document base {0} does not exist or is not a readable directory

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00008 Document base cannot be null

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00009 Resource {0} not found

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00010 Name {0} is already bound in this Context

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00011 Bind failed: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00012 Unbind failed: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00013 Failed to rename [{0}] to [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00014 Unknown context name : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00015 No naming context bound to this thread

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00016 No naming context bound to this class loader

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00017 Name is not bound to a Context

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00018 Name is not bound to a Context

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00019 Name is not bound to a Context

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00020 Context is read only

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00021 Name is not valid

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00022 Name {0} is already bound in this Context

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00023 Can’t generate an absolute name for this namespace

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00024 Unable to restore original system properties

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00025 This context must be accessed through a java: URL

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00026 Exception closing WAR File {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00027 Doc base must point to a WAR file

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WEB-NAMING-00028 Invalid or unreadable WAR file : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00001 Setting Context Class Loader for {0} to {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00002 BeanDeploymentArchiveImpl::addBeanClass - adding {0} to {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00003 {0} not added to beanClasses

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00004 Processing {0} as it has {1} or {2}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00005 Error while trying to load Bean Class {0} : {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00006 Processing WEB-INF/lib in {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00007 WEB-INF/lib: considering {0} as a bean archive and hence added another BDA for it.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00008 WEB-INF/lib: skipping {0} as it doesn’t have beans.xml.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00009 JAR processing: {0} as a Bean archive jar since it has META-INF/beans.xml.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00010 Ensure {0} is associated with {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00011 Ensure web lib jar visibility. Updating {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00012 Ensure web lib jar visibility. Updating {0} to include {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00013 Collecting jar info for {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00014 Error reading archive. {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00015 Collecting rar info for {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00016 Using Context Class Loader.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00017 Context Class Loader is null. Using DeploymentImpl’s classloader.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00018 Creating deployment for archive: {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00019 getBeanDeploymentArchives returning {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00020 loadBeanDeploymentArchive for beanClass {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00021 loadBeanDeploymentArchive checking for {0} in root BDA {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00022 loadBeanDeploymentArchive An existing BDA has this class {0}. Adding this class as a bean class it to existing bda: {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00023 loadBeanDeploymentArchive checking for {0} in subBDA {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00024 loadBeanDeploymentArchive beanClass {0} not found in the BDAs of this deployment. Creating a new BDA.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00025 loadBeanDeploymentArchive new BDA {0} created. Adding new BDA to all root BDAs of this deployment.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00026 loadBeanDeploymentArchive for beanClass {0} returning the newly created BDA {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00027 Exception thrown while scanning for library jars. {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00028 Processing {0} as it has one or more qualified CDI-annotated beans

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00029 JAR processing: {0} since it contains one or more classes with a scope annotation

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00030 BDAImpl::ensureWebLibJarVisibility - {0} being associated with {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00031 BDAImpl::ensureWebLibJarVisibility - updating {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00032 BDAImpl::ensureWebLibJarVisibility - updating {0} to include {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00033 Error reading archive : {0}

Cause: MalformedURLException reading entry from the archive.

Action: Verify the archive is not corrupt.
AS-CDI-00034 TCL is null. Using DeploymentImpl’s classloader

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00035 Could not create WeldELContextListener instance. {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00036 Exception in WeldBootstrap.shutdown. {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00037 jakarta.jms.MessageListener Class available, so need to fire PIT events to MDBs

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00038 {0} is an MDB and so need to fire a PIT event to it.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00039 WeldDeployer adding injectionServices {0} for {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00040 Unable to create URI for URL: {0}. Exception: {1}

Cause: URL for META-INF/services/faces-config.xml is invalid.

Action: Verify META-INF/services/faces-config.xml exists.
AS-CDI-00041 Trying to register interceptor: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00042 Adding interceptor: {0} for EJB: {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00043 getBDAForBeanClass — search in {0} for {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00044 JCDIServiceImpl.getBDAForBeanClass: TopLevelBDA {0} contains beanClassName: {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-CDI-00045 JCDIServiceImpl.getBDAForBeanClass: subBDA {0} contains beanClassName: {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00001 Encountered NamingException while attempting to acquire transaction manager for Transactional annotation interceptors {0}

Cause: Transaction annotation processing for the Naming

Action: Fix the issue for the Naming exception
AS-JTA-00002 About to setRollbackOnly from @Transactional interceptor on transaction: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00003 No ComponentInvocation present for @Transactional annotation processing. Restriction on use of UserTransaction will not be enforced.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00004 In MANDATORY TransactionalInterceptor

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00005 In NEVER TransactionalInterceptor

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00006 In NOT_SUPPORTED TransactionalInterceptor

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00007 Managed bean with Transactional annotation and TxType of NOT_SUPPORTED called inside a transaction context. Suspending transaction…​

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00008 Managed bean with Transactional annotation and TxType of NOT_SUPPORTED called inside a transaction context. Suspending transaction failed due to {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00009 In REQUIRED TransactionalInterceptor

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00010 Managed bean with Transactional annotation and TxType of REQUIRED called outside a transaction context. Beginning a transaction…​

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00011 Managed bean with Transactional annotation and TxType of REQUIRED encountered exception during begin {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00012 Managed bean with Transactional annotation and TxType of REQUIRED encountered exception during commit {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00013 In REQUIRES_NEW TransactionalInterceptor

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00014 Managed bean with Transactional annotation and TxType of REQUIRES_NEW called inside a transaction context. Suspending before beginning a transaction…​

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00015 Managed bean with Transactional annotation and TxType of REQUIRES_NEW encountered exception during begin {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00016 Managed bean with Transactional annotation and TxType of REQUIRES_NEW encountered exception during commit {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00017 Managed bean with Transactional annotation and TxType of REQUIRED encountered exception during resume {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-JTA-00018 In SUPPORTS TransactionalInterceptor

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSCONNECTOR-00046 Invalid Deployment Descriptors element {0} value {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSCONNECTOR-00050 Following exception was thrown

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WSCONNECTOR-00057 JAX-WS RI specific descriptor ({1}) is found in the archive {0} and \nhence Enterprise Web Service (109) deployment is disabled for this archive to avoid duplication of services. :: Cause: As described in the message.

+ Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

AS-WSCONNECTOR-00201 Handler class {0} specified in deployment descriptor not found.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSCONNECTOR-00202 Handler class {0} specified in handler file {1} cannot be loaded.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSCONNECTOR-00203 Warning : Web service endpoint {0} is not tied to a component.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSCONNECTOR-00204 Warning: Web service endpoint {0} component link {1} is not valid.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSCONNECTOR-00205 URL mapping for web service {0} already exists. Is port-component-name in webservices.xml correct?

Cause: Invalid port-component-name value in webservices.xml.

Action: Fix port-component-name element in webservices.xml.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00001 Failed to load deployment descriptor, aborting.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00002 WebService wsdl file {0} not found in archive {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00003 Exception while processing catalog {0} Reason : {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00004 Unable to create new File {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00006 WebService {0} has a JAXWS and a JAXRPC endpoint; this is not supported now.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00011 Runtime settings error. Cannot find servlet-impl-class for endpoint {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00012 Cannot proceed with JaxrpcCodegen.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00013 Parsing error line {0}, uri {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00014 Error parsing WSDL {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00018 Webservice Endpoint deployed {0}\n listening at address at {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00019 EJB Endpoint deployed {0}\n listening at address at {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00020 File {0} not found.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00021 MTOM is valid only for SOAP Bindings; Ignoring Enable-MTOM for port {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00033 Implicit mapping not supported; ignoring for now; Remove *. specified in the url-pattern.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00034 Two web services are being deployed with the same endpoint URL {0}; The service that gets loaded last will always be the one that is active for this URL.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00043 Exception while tracing request: {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00044 Exception while tracing response: {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00047 JAXWS WebServiceDispatcher {0} entering for {1} and query string {2}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00048 Ejb endpoint exception.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00049 Unable to find adapter for endpoint {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00050 Following exception was thrown:

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00051 Client not authorized for invocation of {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00052 The following error was thrown by ServletPreHandler which is the first handler in the handler chain {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00053 The following error was thrown by ServletPostHandler which is the last handler in the handler chain {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00054 Error registering endpoint {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00055 Error unregistering endpoint {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00056 Deployment cannot proceed as the ejb has a null endpoint address uri. Potential cause may be webservice endpoints not supported in embedded ejb case.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00057 WebService {0} type is declared as {1} but should be either as a JAX-WS or JAX-RPC.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00070 Unsupported method request = [{0}] for endpoint {1} at {2}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00071 invocation error on ejb endpoint {0} at {1} : {2}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00072 Cannot initialize endpoint {0} : error is :

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00073 Error In EjbRuntimeEndpointInfo

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00074 Missing internal monitoring info to trace {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00075 null message POSTed to ejb endpoint {0} at {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00076 Invalid request scheme for Endpoint {0}. Expected ''{1}'', received ''{2}''.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00077 authentication failed for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00078 Servlet web service endpoint ''{0}'' failure

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00079 Error occured

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00080 Error invoking servlet impl

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00081 Servlet web service endpoint ''{0}'' HTTP GET error

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00082 Deployment failed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00083 Cannot load the wsdl from the aplication: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00084 Creating endpoint with packaged WSDL {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00085 Metadata documents:

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00086 For endpoint {0}, Ignoring configuration {1} in weblogic-webservices.xml

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00087 For endpoint {0}, Unsupported configuration {1} in weblogic-webservices.xml

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00088 Unexpected error in EJB WebService endpoint post processing

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00089 Error in resolving the catalog

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00090 In doWebServicesDeployment: using local web services. There are {0}. The app has total of {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00091 In doWebServicesDeployment: using web services via extension {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00092 File already exists {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00093 Directory already exists {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00094 Received HTTP GET containing text/xml content for endpoint {0} at {1}. HTTP POST should be used instead.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00095 Serving up final wsdl {0} for {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00096 Failure serving WSDL for web service {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00097 Invalid wsdl request for web service {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00098 Unable to load impl class {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00099 Cannot write out a HTTP XML exception : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00100 cannot write SOAPFault to the HTTP response

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00101 Cannot create soap fault for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00102 Class {0} not found during PreDestroy processing

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00103 Handler class {0} not found during PreDestroy processing

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00104 Failure while calling PostConstruct/PreDestroy method

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00105 Unable to load handler class {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00106 Handler {0} instance injection failed: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00107 Cannot log SOAP Message {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00108 Exception in creating endpoint

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00109 deleting directory failed : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00110 creating directory failed : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00111 Invoking wsimport with {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00112 wsimport successful

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00113 wsimport failed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00114 authentication succeeded for endpoint ''{0}'' in {1} {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00115 wsimport successful

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00116 missing implementation class for {0}

Cause: No class defined in deployment descriptor

Action: add implementation class definition to deployment descriptor
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00117 Web service endpoint {0} component link {1} is not valid

Cause: Component link in webservices.xml is invalid

Action: check port-component-name matches the name of service
implementation bean and check component link in webservices.xml
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00120 destroyManagedObject failed for Handler {0} for Service {1} with error {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00121 Module type ''{0}'' is not supported.

Cause: Deployed module is not a web application nor ejb module.

Action: Make sure web service is implemented in EJB module or Web
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00122 {0} does not support {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSJSR109IMPL-00123 Going to fetch ServletAdapter holding wsdl content for web service {0} based on url: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSMETROGLUE-10001 Loading WS-TX Services. Please wait.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSMETROGLUE-10002 WS-TX Services successfully started.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSMETROGLUE-10003 WS-TX Services application was deployed explicitly.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSMETROGLUE-10004 Cannot deploy or load WS-TX Services: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSMETROGLUE-10010 Web service endpoint deployment events listener registered successfully.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSMETROGLUE-10011 Endpoint deployment even received.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSMETROGLUE-10012 Endpoint undeployment even received.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSMETROGLUE-10020 High availability environment configuration injected into Metro high availability provider.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSMETROGLUE-19998 Exception occurred retrieving port configuration for WSTX service.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSMETROGLUE-19999 Caught unexpected exception.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSOAPTCP-00001 Initialize SOAP/TCP protocol for port: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSOAPTCP-00002 Can not convert SOAP/TCP protocol id to byte array.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSOAPTCP-00003 SOAP/TCP endpoint removed: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSOAPTCP-00004 SOAP/TCP endpoint added: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSOAPTCP-00006 WSTCPAdapterRegistryImpl. Register adapter. Path: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSOAPTCP-00007 WSTCPAdapterRegistryImpl. DeRegister adapter for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
AS-WSSOAPTCP-00050 Following exception was thrown

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00001 No default config found, using config {0} as the default config for the cluster {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00002 cluster property GMS_DISCOVERY_URI_LIST={0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00003 cluster attribute gms broadcast={0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00004 Cluster {0} contains server instances {1} and must not contain any instances

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00005 Unable to remove config {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00006 CopyConfig error caused by {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00007 Error when getting clusters on node dues to: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00008 Error when getting servers due to: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00009 Unable to create default Http service configuration

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00010 Cannot remove Node {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00011 Node {0} referenced in server instance(s): {1}. Remove instances before removing node.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00012 Can''t find the default config (an element named "default-config") in domain.xml. You may specify the name of an existing config element next time.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00013 Unable to remove server-ref {0} from cluster {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00014 The default configuration template (named default-config) cannot be referenced by a server.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00015 The configuration of the Domain Administration Server cannot be changed from server-config.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00016 The configuration of the Domain Administration Server (named server-config) cannot be referenced by a server.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00017 The configuration of the Domain Administration Server (named server-config) cannot be referenced by a server.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00018 A configuration that doesn’t exist cannot be referenced by a server.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00019 Port= {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00020 removing default instance index for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00021 adding default instance index for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00022 Existing default-config detected during upgrade. No need to create default-config.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00023 System Property com.sun.aas.installRoot is null. We could be running in unit tests.Exiting DefaultConfigUpgrade

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00024 default-config not detected during upgrade. Running DefaultConfigUpgrade to create default-config.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00025 Failure during upgrade - could not create default-config

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00027 Failure creating SecurityService Config

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00028 Problem parsing security-service

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00029 Failed to create HttpService VirtualService config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00030 Problem parsing http-service virtual-server in domain.xml template

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00031 Failed to create AdminService Property config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00032 Problem parsing asadmin-service property element in domain.xml template

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00033 Failure creating LogService config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00034 Failure creating ModuleLogLevel config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00035 Problem parsing module-log-levels in domain.xml template

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00036 Failure creating SecurityService config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00037 Failure creating AuthRealm

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00038 Problem parsing auth-realm

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00039 Create AuthRealm Property failed. Attr = {0} and Val = {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00040 Problem parsing auth-realm property

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00041 Failure creating JaccProvider

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00042 Problem parsing jacc-provider

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00043 Create JaccProvider Property failed. Attr = {0} and Val = {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00044 Problem parsing jacc-provider property

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00045 Failure creating AuditModule config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00046 Create AuditModule Property failed.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00047 Problem parsing audit-module property

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00048 Failure creating ProviderConfig

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00049 Problem parsing provider-config

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00050 Create ProviderConfig RequestPolicy failed.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00051 Problem parsing request-policy property

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00052 Create ProviderConfig Property failed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00053 Problem parsing provider-config property

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00054 Failure creating JavaConfig config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00055 Problem parsing jvm-options

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00056 Failure creating AvailabilityService config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00057 Failure creating NetworkConfig config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00058 Failure creating Protocols config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00059 Problem parsing protocols element in domain.xml template

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00060 Failure creating Protocol config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00061 Failure creating Http config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00062 Failure creating FileCache config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00063 Problem parsing file-cache element in domain.xml template

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00064 Failure creating Ssl config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00065 Problem parsing ssl element in domain.xml template

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00066 Failure creating HttpRedirect config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00067 Failure creating PortUnification config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00068 Failure creating ProtocolFinder config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00069 Problem parsing protocol-finder element in domain.xml template

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00070 Failure creating NetworkListeners config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00071 Problem parsing network-listeners element in domain.xml template

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00072 Failure creating NetworkListener config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00073 Problem parsing network-listener element in domain.xml template

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00074 Failure creating Transports config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00075 Problem parsing transports element in domain.xml template

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00076 Failure creating Transport config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00077 Problem parsing transport element in domain.xml template

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00078 Failure to create ThreadPools config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00079 Failure creating ThreadPool config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00080 Problem parsing thread-pool element in domain.xml template

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00081 Failure creating SystemProperty config object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00082 Problem parsing system-property element in domain.xml template

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00083 Startup class :

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00084 Successful cleaned domain.xml with

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00085 cleaning domain.xml failed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00086 Instance {0} from environment not found in domain.xml

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00087 Successful Upgrade domain.xml with

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00088 upgrading domain.xml failed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00089 does not exist or is empty, will use backup

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00090 Problem parsing system-property element in domain.xml template

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00091 Problem parsing protocol element in domain.xml template

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00092 Total time to parse domain.xml:

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00093 Exception while creating the command model for the generic command {0} : {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00094 The CrudResolver {0} could not find the configuration object of type {1} where instances of {2} should be added

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00095 A {0} instance with a {1} name already exist in the configuration

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00096 Exception while invoking {0} method : {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00097 The CreationDecorator {0} could not be found in the habitat, is it annotated with @Service?

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00098 Exception while adding the new configuration : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00099 Exception while persisting domain.xml, changes will not be available on server restart.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00100 Exception while persisting domain.xml, file a bug at

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00101 config.getHttpService() null for config ''{0}''

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00102 Failure while upgrading domain.xml

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00103 Cannot get default configuration for: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00104 Cannot parse default module configuration

Cause: Parsing for the default module configuration failed.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the exception stack trace in
the log message.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00105 Failed to find the suitable method in returnException: {0} : {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00106 Cannot get parent config bean for: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00107 The provided path is not valid: {0} resolved to component name: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00108 Cannot set config bean due to exception thrown.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00109 Cannot set config bean for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00110 Cannot remove config bean named {0} as it does not exist.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00111 Cannot get extension type {0} for {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00112 Failed to execute the command create-module-config

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00113 Failed to show all default configurations not merged with domain configuration under target {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00114 Failed to create all default configuration elements that are not present in the domain.xml under target {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00119 Failed to create module configuration for {0} under the target {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

NCLS-CFGAPI-00120 Failed to remove all configuration elements related to your service form domain.xml. You can use create-module-config --dryRun with your module name to see all relevant configurations and try removing the config elements. :: Cause: As described in the message.

+ Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

NCLS-CFGAPI-00121 Failed to get active configuration for {0} under the target {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00122 Failed to create a ClassLoader for modules directory.

Cause: The modules directory ClassLoader could not be created due to an I/O error.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the error stack trace
NCLS-CFGAPI-00123 Cannot add new configuration extension to the extension point.

Cause: An I/O error occurred during configuration extension addition.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the error stack trace
NCLS-CFGAPI-00124 Can not read default configuration.

Cause: An I/O error occurred.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the error stack trace
NCLS-CFGAPI-00125 Exception while creating the command model for the generic command {0}.

Cause: An error occurred.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the error details in the log.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00126 The Config Bean {0} cannot be loaded by the generic command implementation.

Cause: The config bean class could not be loaded.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the error stack trace
NCLS-CFGAPI-00127 Invalid annotated type {0} passed to InjectionResolver:getValue()

Cause: Invalid annotated type.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the error message details in
the log.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00128 Failure while getting List<?> values from component

Cause: Generic CRUD command invocation failure

Action: Take appropriate action based on the error message details in
the log.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00129 The List type returned by {0} must be a generic type.

Cause: Generic CRUD command invocation failure

Action: Take appropriate action based on the error message details in
the log.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00130 The generic type {0} is not supported, only List<? extends ConfigBeanProxy> is supported.

Cause: Generic CRUD command invocation failure

Action: Provide a supported generic type.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00131 Failure while instrospecting {0} to find all getters and setters.

Cause: Generic CRUD command invocation failure

Action: Provide a supported generic type.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00132 Transaction exception while injecting {1}.

Cause: Generic CRUD command invocation failure

Action: Take appropriate action based on the error message details in
the log.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00133 The CrudResolver {0} could not find the configuration object of type {1} where instances of {2} should be removed.

Cause: Generic delete command invocation failure

Action: Take appropriate action based on the error message details in
the log.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00134 Exception while creating access checks for generic command {0}.

Cause: An error occurred.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the error details in the log.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00135 Cannot identify getter method for ListingColumn

Cause: An error occurred.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the error details in the log.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00136 An error occurred while invoking getter {0} on ConfigBeanProxy.

Cause: An error occurred.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the error details in the log.
NCLS-CFGAPI-00137 Failure while upgrading http-service properties.

Cause: An error occurred.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the error details in the log.
NCLS-GFLAUNCHER-00001 Single and double quote characters are not allowed in the CLASSPATH environmental variable. They were stripped out for you.\nBefore: {0}\nAfter: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-GFLAUNCHER-00002 Error Launching: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Fix the CLASSPATH
NCLS-GFLAUNCHER-00003 Could not locate the flashlight agent here: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Find the agent file.
NCLS-GFLAUNCHER-00004 Will copy glassfish/lib/templates/server.policy file to domain before upgrading.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-GFLAUNCHER-00005 JVM invocation command line:{0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00000 Caught an Exception: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00001 Caught an Exception: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00005 Missing Module ({0}) From Xml Probe Providers

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00104 Unable to load the ProbeProvider

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00105 Unable to load the ProbeProvider

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00109 mbean-enabled flag is turned on. Enabling all the MBeans

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00110 mbean-enabled flag is turned off. Disabling all the MBeans

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00111 dtrace-enabled flag is turned on/off. Enabling/Disabling DTrace

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00112 monitoring-enabled flag is turned on. Enabling all the Probes and Stats

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00113 monitoring-enabled flag is turned off. Disabling all the Stats

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00201 Flashlight listener registration failed for listener class: {0} , will retry later

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00202 Invalid statsProvider (very likely a duplicate request), cannot unregister: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00203 Cannot find node {0} for statsProvider {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00204 {0} is not a ManagedObject and will not be registered with Gmbal to create an MBean

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00205 Gmbal registration failed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00206 Gmbal unregistration failed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00207 module-monitoring-level or container-monitoring config element for {0} does not exist

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00208 Error unregistering the stats provider {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00209 Error resetting the stats provider: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MNTG-00210 Unable to create container-monitoring for {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-RSTCN-00001 The REST connector has been started

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-RSCL-00001 An unsupported encoding was requested: {0}.

Cause: The input supplied can not be encoded in the requested encoding.

Action: Verify that the input is valid.
NCLS-RSCL-00002 An error occurred while processing an XML document.

Cause: The input provided could not be read as an XML document.

Action: Verify that the document provided is a valid XML document.
NCLS-RSCL-00003 An I/O exception occurred.

Cause: An error occured while closing an InputStream.

Action: The error is not recoverable.
NCLS-RSCL-00004 An error occurred while processing a JSON object.

Cause: An invalid JSON string was provided and could not be read.

Action: Verify that the JSON string is valid and retry the request.
NCLS-REST-00001 Listening to REST requests at context: {0}/domain.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-REST-00002 Incorrectly formatted entry in {0}: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-REST-00003 An error occurred while processing the request. Please see the server logs for details.

Cause: A runtime error occurred. Please see the log file for more details

Action: See the log file for more details
NCLS-REST-00004 The class specified by generator does not implement DefaultsGenerator

Cause: The generator does not implement the DefaultsGenerator interface

Action: Modify the generator to implement the DefaultsGenerator
NCLS-REST-00005 Unsupported fixed value. Supported types are String, boolean, Boolean, int, Integer, long, Long, double, Double, float, and Float

Cause: The RestModel property has specified an unsupported data type

Action: Modify the model to use one of the supported types
NCLS-REST-00006 Fixed value type does not match the property type

Cause: The value for the given property can not be converted to the property’s type

Action: Check the input data
NCLS-REST-00007 Cannot marshal

Cause: The system is unable to generate XML for the given object

Action: Check the logs for more details
NCLS-REST-00008 Unexpected exception during command execution. {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-REST-00009 Unable to delete directory {0}. Will attempt deletion again upon JVM exit.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-REST-00010 Unable to delete file %s. Will attempt deletion again upon JVM exit.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-REST-00011 {0}: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-REST-00012 Compilation failed.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-REST-00013 File creation failed: {0}

Cause: The system was unable to create the specified file.

Action: Verify that the filesystem is writable and has sufficient disk
NCLS-REST-00014 Directory creation failed: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-REST-00015 Unexpected exception during initilization.

Cause: The system is unable to init ReST interface

Action: Check the logs for more details
NCLS-REST-00016 I/O exception: {0}

Cause: See server log for details

Action: See server log for details.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00000 Caught an Exception: {0}

Cause: see Exception message

Action: see Exception message
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00001 Error attemping to delete temporary certificate file: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Delete the file manually.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00002 Renaming {0} to {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00003 Failed to rename {0} to {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check the file system.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00004 Failure while upgrading jvm-options from V2 to V3

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00005 JVM Monitoring

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00006 UpTime(ms)

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00007 Heap and NonHeap Memory(bytes)

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00008 Failure while upgrading log-service. Could not create file.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00009 Failure while upgrading log-service. Could not update file.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00010 Failure while upgrading log-service

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00011 Could not create directory {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00012 Could not create domain info XML file {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00013 Missing file : {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00014 Default port {1} for {0} is in use. Using {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00015 Port for {0} is not specified. Using {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00016 Invalid Port for {0}, should be between 1 and 65535. Using {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00017 Port {1} for {0} is in use. Using {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00018 Using default port {1} for {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00019 Using port {1} for {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00020 On Unix platforms, port numbers below 1024 may require special privileges.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00021 Failed to update jar {0} with the substitutable files

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00022 File {0} not present inside archive {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00023 Error occurred while closing the stream for file {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00024 Could not rename temporary jar {0} file to {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00025 Could not locate file or resource {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00026 No processing defined for {0} mode

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00027 Component {0} is not present.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00028 Group {0} is not present.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00029 Change-Pair {0} referred by group {1} is not defined.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00030 Invalid Mode Type {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00031 Found an empty <change-pair/>.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00032 IO Error occurred while retrieving substitutable entries from archive {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00033 In-memory string substitution file size is not defined.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00034 Key already exist in tree, Current Value : {0} New Value : {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-SRVRMGMT-00035 Parent node: {0} contains child node: {1} whose key starts with same character as the key of given node: {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check documentation.
NCLS-ADMIN-00001 Could not find state of instance registered in the state service

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-ADMIN-00002 Error during command replication: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-ADMIN-00003 unable to read instance state file {0}, recreating

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-ADMIN-00004 unable to create instance state file: {0}, exception: {1}

Cause: The instance state file is missing and the system is trying torecreated it but and exception was raised.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-ADMIN-00005 error while adding new server state to instance state: {0}

Cause: An attempt to add a new server to the instance state file failed.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-ADMIN-00006 error while adding failed command to instance state: {0}

Cause: An attempt to add a failed command to the instance state file failed.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-ADMIN-00007 error while removing failed commands from instance state: {0}

Cause: An attempt to remove a failed command from the instance state file failed.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-ADMIN-00008 error while setting instance state: {0}

Cause: An attempt to set the state of a server in the instance state file failed.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-ADMIN-00009 error while removing instance: {0}

Cause: An attempt to remove a server from the instance state file failed.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-ADMIN-00010 It appears that server [{0}:{1}] does not accept secure connections. Retry with --secure=false.

Cause: An attempt to invoke a command on another server failed.

Action: Check that the server is configured to accept secure
NCLS-ADMIN-00011 An unexpected exception occurred.

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-ADMIN-00012 The server requires a valid admin password to be set before it can start. Please set a password using the change-admin-password command.

Cause: For security reason, the server requires a valid admin password before it can start.

Action: Set a password using the change-admin-password command.
NCLS-ADMIN-00013 Can not put data to cache under key {0}

Cause: While invoking a command on another server, this server is unable to cache the meta data related to the command.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-ADMIN-00014 An admin request arrived from {0} with the domain identifier {1} which does not match the domain identifier {2} configured for this server’s domain; rejecting the request

Cause: There is a error in the cluster or network configuration.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-ADMIN-00015 Error searching for a default admin user

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred wihle searching for the default admin user.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-ADMIN-00016 Cannot read admin cache file for {0}

Cause: An error occured while reading the admin command model cache file.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-ADMIN-00017 Cannot write data to cache file for {0}

Cause: An error occured while writing the admin command model cache file.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-ADMIN-00018 Unexpected exception from command event listener.

Cause: An error occured while calling registered listener.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-CLSTR-10101 no clustername to lookup

Cause: Required information was not passed into method.

Action: File issue with all relevant information.
NCLS-CLSTR-10102 Multiple gms-adapter service for cluster {0}

Cause: GMs module is being initialized more than once for the same cluster.

Action: File issue with all relevant information.
NCLS-CLSTR-10103 GMS cannot initialize with unknown cluster

Cause: No cluster was found with this name in the domain configuration.

Action: Check that domain exists in domain.xml.
NCLS-CLSTR-10104 Started GMS for instance {0} in group {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CLSTR-10105 Member {0} joined group {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CLSTR-10107 AliveAndReady for signal: {0} for member: {1} of group: {2} current:[{3}] previous:[{4}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CLSTR-10108 GMSAdapter for member: {0} group: {1} received GlassFishEventType: {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CLSTR-10109 An exception occurred while creating the HealthHistory object: {0}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred.

Action: See server log for more details.
NCLS-CLSTR-10110 An exception occurred while processing GMS configuration properties: {0}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred.

Action: See server log for more details.
NCLS-CLSTR-10111 Ignoring group-management-service property {0} with value of {1} due to {2}

Cause: An illegal argument was passed into the Shoal GMS implementation.

Action: Check the server log file for more information from Shoal-GMS.
NCLS-CLSTR-10112 Error processing cluster property:{0} value:{1} due to exception {2}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred.

Action: Check the server log file for more information from Shoal-GMS.
NCLS-CLSTR-10113 Exception in getting GMS module for group {0}: {1}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred.

Action: Check the server log file for more information from Shoal-GMS.
NCLS-CLSTR-10114 An exception occurred while updating the instance health history table: {0}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred.

Action: Check the log file for more information from Shoal-GMS.
NCLS-CLSTR-10115 start failure recovery callback for component: {0} failed member: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CLSTR-10116 complete failure recovery callback for component: {0} failed member: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CLSTR-10117 GMS failed to start. See stack trace for additional information.

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred.

Action: Check the log file for more information
NCLS-CLSTR-10118 GMS failed to start due to a runtime exception. See stack trace for additional information.

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred.

Action: Check the log file for more information
NCLS-CLSTR-10119 GMS bind interface address {0} is invalid. Will use default value instead.

Cause: The specified bind interface address is not an active local address, so it cannot be used on this node.

Action: Check that you have specified the proper address. See server
log for more details from GMS subsystem.
NCLS-CLSTR-10120 GMS listener port is required for cluster {0}. Will attempt to use default of {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CLSTR-30001 GMSAnnounceAfterStartClusterCommand: exitCode:{0} members {1} clusterMembers:{2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CLSTR-30002 An exception occurred while announcing GMS group startup: {0}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred in the GMS implementation.

Action: Check the server log file for more information from Shoal-GMS.
NCLS-CLSTR-30003 An exception occurred while announcing GMS group shutdown: {0}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred in the GMS implementation.

Action: Check the server log file for more information from Shoal-GMS.
NCLS-CLSTR-30004 An exception occurred while announcing GMS group startup: {0}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred in the GMS implementation.

Action: Check the server log file for more information from Shoal-GMS.
NCLS-CLSTR-30005 An exception occurred while announcing GMS group shutdown: {0}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred in the GMS implementation.

Action: Check the server log file for more information from Shoal-GMS.
NCLS-CLSTR-10001 Unable to load GMS classes. Group management service is not available.

Cause: GMS implementation classes are not present. See

Action: Check that shoal-gms-impl.jar file is present.
NCLS-CLSTR-20001 Adding instance {0} to health history table.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CLSTR-20002 Instance {0} was not in map when deleted from health history table.

Cause: More than one call may have been made to remove this instance from the cluster. This has no other effect on the health history information.

Action: No action is necessary.
NCLS-CLSTR-20003 Deleting instance {0} from health history table.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CLSTR-20004 Duplicate instance {0} ignored in health history.

Cause: There may be more than one instance in the cluster with the same name.

Action: Check that instance names are unique within the cluster.
NCLS-CLSTR-20005 State already known for instance {0}. Not adding to health history table.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CLSTR-20006 New state {0} added for unknown instance {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00002 AMX Startup Service Shutdown. MBeans have not been unregistered: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00004 Fatal error loading AMX {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00008 AMX Startup Service: AMXLoader failed to load {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00009 AMX Startup Service: AMX ready for use, DomainRoot {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00010 AMXLoader failed to unload: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00011 ConfigBean not processed, something wrong with it {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00012 In AMXConfigLoader : Loading {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00019 Can’t unregister MBean: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00020 Non-singleton ConfigBean {0} has empty key value (name), supplying {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00021 AMX ComplianceMonitor: ValidationLevel = {0}, UnregisterNonCompliant = {1}, LogInaccessibleAttributes = {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00022 AMX ComplianceMonitor thread has unexpectedly quit {0}

Cause: A JMX validation thread has unexpectedly terminated due to an exception.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COM-00023 Validating MBean {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00024 Exception validating MBean {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00025 Register children for instance name {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00027 AMX Attribute Change Notification for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00030 Attribute {0} not found for object {1}

Cause: An attempt to resolve an attribute failed.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COM-00031 Can’t find child of type {0}

Cause: While removing a child, the child was not found.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COM-00032 MBeans exist in AMX domain prior to DomainRoot (violates Parent requirement): {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00033 Can’t register config MBean: type={0}, name={1}, exception={2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00034 Unexpected thread death of AMXConfigLoaderThread

Cause: The AMX configuration loader thread received an unexpected exception.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COM-00035 Can’t create children

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00036 AMXConfigStartupService.preDestroy(): stopping AMX

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00037 Illegal non-string type for {0}.{1}(): {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00038 Can’t get field value for {0}: exception: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00039 Can’t getTypesImplementing for {0}: exception: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00040 Can’t get childrenSet() from MBean: {0}, exception: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00041 Problem with MBean: {0}, exception: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00042 PathnamesImpl.getAllPathnames(): unexpected Throwable: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00043 Can’t get path() for MBean: {0}, exception: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00044 Can’t instantiate realm: {0}, exception: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00045 getRealmNames(): Can’t get realm names, exception:

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00046 Cannot find primordial com.sun.enterprise.osgi-adapter

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00047 Stopping server forcibly

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00048 Can’t get cipher suites

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00049 MBeanInfoSupport: @ManagedAttribute cannot also be @ManagedOperation: {0}.{1}()

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-00050 MBeanInfoSupport: @ManagedAttribute not a getter or setter: {0}.{1}()

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00001 Failed to process class {0} with bytecode preprocessor {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00002 Class {0} is being reset to its original state

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00003 Class {0} is being reset to the last successful preprocessor

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00004 The supplied preprocessor class {0} is not an instance of org.glassfish.api.BytecodePreprocessor

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00005 Bytecode preprocessor disabled

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00006 Initialization failed for bytecode preprocessor {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00007 Error setting up preprocessor

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00008 Illegal max-entries [{0}]; please check your cache configuration.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00009 Illegal MaxSize value [{0}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00010 Error closing zip file for class path entry {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00011 An error occurred while adding URL [{0}] to the EJB class loader. Please check the content of this URL.

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while processing a URL.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00012 The URL entry is missing while contructing the classpath.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00013 Error closing zip file for duplicate class path entry {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00014 Exception in ASURLClassLoader

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00015 ASURLClassLoader {1} was requested to find resource {0} after done was invoked from the following stack trace

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00016 Error: Request made to load class or resource [{0}] on an ASURLClassLoader instance that has already been shutdown. [{1}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00017 {0} actually got transformed

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00018 ASURLClassLoader {1} was requested to find class {0} after done was invoked from the following stack trace

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00019 Illegal call to close() detected

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00020 Error processing file with path {0} in {1}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while processing a file.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00021 Error checking for existing of {0} in {1}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while checking for the existence of a file.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00022 Error closing an open stream during loader clean-up

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00023 Input stream has been finalized or forced closed without being explicitly closed; stream instantiation reported in following stack trace

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00024 Unable to create client data directory: {0}

Cause: An unexpected failure occurred while creating the directory for the file.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00025 Exception in invokeApplicationMain [{0}].

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00026 The main method signature is invalid.

Cause: While invoking a main class, an invalid method was found.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00027 Error while caching the local string manager - package name may be null.

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00028 Error while constructing the local string manager object.

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00029 Error in local string manager - resource bundle is probably missing.

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00030 Error while formating the local string.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00031 Some IOException occurred

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00032 Attempt to delete {0} failed; the file is reported as non-existent

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00033 Error attempting to delete {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00034 Performing gc to try to force file closures

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00035 Attempt to rename {0} to {1} succeeded after {2} retries

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00036 Attempt to rename {0} to {1} succeeded without any retries

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00037 Attempt to rename {0} to {1} failed after {2} retries

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00038 Failed to open jar file: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00039 Attempt to use non-existent auth token {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00040 File Lock not released on {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00041 Bad Network Configuration. DNS can not resolve the hostname: \n{0}

Cause: The hostname can’t be resolved.

Action: Set the hostname correctly.
NCLS-COMUTIL-00042 BundleTracker.removedBundle null bundleID for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-01001 Exception {0} resolving password alias {1} in property {2}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-COM-01002 Unknown property {0} found unresolving {1}.

Cause: No value was found for a property. This indicates a software problem.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-COM-01003 System property reference missing trailing "'}'" at {0} in domain.xml.

Cause: A system property reference in domain.xml is invalid.

Action: Check the domain.xml file for an invalid system property
NCLS-COM-01004 System property reference missing starting "$'\{'" at {0} in domain.xml.

Cause: A system property reference in domain.xml is invalid.

Action: Check the domain.xml file for an invalid system property
NCLS-JMX—​00008 Error while shutting down AMX

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00001 JMXStartupService and JMXConnectors have been shut down.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00002 JMXStartupService: Stopped JMXConnectorServer: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00003 MBean Registration Exception thrown {0}

Cause: JMX Connector Server MBean could not be unregistered.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the exception message.
NCLS-JMX-00004 Instance Not Found Exception thrown {0}

Cause: JMX Connector Server MBean instance not found.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the exception message.
NCLS-JMX-00005 JMXStartupService has started JMXConnector on JMXService URL {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00006 JMXStartupService has disabled JMXConnector {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00007 Cannot start JMX connector {0} due to exception {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00008 Booting AMX Listener, connection made for {0}, now booting AMX MBeans

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00009 Security enabled

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00010 Attempted access to method {0} on object {1} rejected; user was granted {2} but the operation reports its impact as "{3}"

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00011 Error stopping RMIConnector

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00012 MyRMIJRMPServerImpl: exported on address {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00013 MyRMIJRMPServerImpl: makeClient on address = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00014 Error preparing SSL context

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Please refer to the stack trace
NCLS-JMX-00015 No Key store found for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00016 No keystores defined

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00017 Bad maxCertLength: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00018 JSSE keystoreload failed for type = {0} path = {1} {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Please refer to the stack trace
NCLS-JMX-00019 All SSL protocol variants disabled for network-listener, using SSL implementation specific defaults

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00020 All SSL cipher suites disabled for network-listener(s). Using SSL implementation specific defaults

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00021 Unknown cipher error for cipher {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00022 Creating a SecureRMIClientSocketFactory @ {0}with ssl config = {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00023 Setting SSLParams @ {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00024 Creating a SecureRMIServerSocketFactory @ {0} with ssl config = {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00025 SSLServerSocket {0} and {1} created

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-JMX-00026 Binding RMI port to single IP address = {0}, port {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00001 GlassFish requires JDK {0}, you are using JDK version {1}.

Cause: Incorrect JDK version is used.

Action: Please use correct JDK version.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00002 Using {0} as the framework configuration file.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00003 Could not extract archive {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00004 Could not find RAR [{0}] location [{1}] after extraction.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00005 Can not start bundle {0} because it is not contained in the list of installed bundles.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00006 Failed to start {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00007 Can’t uninstall bundle = {0} as it’s already uninstalled.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00008 Uninstalled bundle {0} installed from {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00009 Can’t update bundle = {0} as it’s already uninstalled.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00010 Updated bundle {0} from {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00011 Failed to uninstall bundle {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00012 Failed to update {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00013 Failed to install {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00014 Can not set the start level for {0} to {2} as it is already set to {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00015 Skipping entry {0} because it is not an absolute URI.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00016 Skipping entry {0} due to exception:

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00017 Starting BundleProvisioner.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00018 Time taken to locate OSGi framework = {0} ms.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00020 Time taken to initialize OSGi framework = {0} ms.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00021 Time taken to finish installation of bundles = {0} ms.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00022 Time taken to finish starting bundles = {0} ms.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00023 Total time taken to start = {0} ms.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00024 Time taken to stop = {0} ms.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00025 Total time taken = {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00026 Create bundle provisioner class = {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00027 Registered {0} as OSGi service registration: {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00028 Unregistered {0} from service registry.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00029 Exception while unregistering:

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00030 installLocations = {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00031 Unable to determine if {0} is a fragment or not due to

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00032 Skipping starting of bundles bundles have been provisioned already.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00033 {0} : latest file in installation location = {1} and latest installed bundle = {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00034 Updating system bundle.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00035 Provisioning options have changed, recreating the framework with a clean OSGi storage(aka cache).

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00036 Unable to locate bundle {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00037 Storage support not available in framework bundle, so can’t store bundle ids. This may lead to slower start up time.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00038 Storage support not available in framework bundle, so can’t store provisioning options. This may lead to slower start up time.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-BOOTSTRAP-00039 Got an unexpected exception.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00001 Cannot decode parameter {0} = {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00002 Cannot instantiate model for command {0}

Cause: The service that implements the command could not be loaded.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00003 Exception while running a command

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while running a command.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00004 Unable to get an instance of ClusterExecutor; Cannot dynamically reconfigure instances

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00005 Can’t delete local password file: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00006 Can’t create local password file: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00007 Timeout occurred when processing Admin Console request.

Cause: A request for a lock timed out while processing an admin console request.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00008 Cannot process admin console request.

Cause: InterruptedException occurred while the service thread is running.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00009 Unable to serve resource: {0}. Cause: {1}

Cause: An I/O error occurred while serving a resource request.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00010 Resource not found: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00011 Console cannot be initialized due to an exception.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00012 Cannot write property ''{0} = {1}'' for AdminService in domain.xml, exception: {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00013 Shutdown procedure finished

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00014 Shutdown required

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while changing run levels. A shutdown is required.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00015 Shutdown requested

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00016 Startup service failed to start

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while starting the startup service. A shutdown is required.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00017 {0} ({1}) startup time : {2} ({3}ms), startup services({4}ms), total({5}ms)

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00019 Shutting down server due to startup exception

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while starting the server. A shutdown is required.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00020 Timed out, ignoring some startup service status

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00021 Unexpected exception during startup

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while starting the server.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00022 Loading application {0} done in {1} ms

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00023 Enable of application {0} completed with a warning: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00024 Error during enabling

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while enabling an application.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00025 Error during disabling

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while disabling an application.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00026 Exception during lifecycle processing

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred during lifecycle processing.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00027 ApplicationMetaDataProvider {0} requires {1} but no other ApplicationMetaDataProvider provides it

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00028 Inconsistent state - nothing is providing {0} yet it passed validation

Cause: An unexpected condition during lifecycle processing.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00029 Cannot start container {0}, exception: {1}

Cause: An unexpected condition during lifecycle processing.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00030 Cannot release container {0}, exception {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00031 Error while closing deployable artifact {0}, exception: {1}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred during lifecycle processing.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00032 Error while expanding archive file

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred during lifecycle processing.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00033 Cannot find sniffer for module type: {0}

Cause: An unexpected condition occurred during lifecycle processing.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00034 Cannot find any sniffer for deployed app: {0}

Cause: An unexpected condition occurred during lifecycle processing.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00035 Exception occurred while satisfying optional package dependencies

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00036 Cannot delete created temporary file {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00037 Source is not a directory, using temporary location {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00038 Cannot find the application type for the artifact at: {0}. Was the container or sniffer removed?

Cause: An unexpected condition occurred while loading an application.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00039 Exception during application deployment

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while deploying an application.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00040 Cannot determine original location for application: {0}

Cause: A URL syntax error occurred.

Action: Check the application for proper syntax.
NCLS-CORE-00041 Application deployment failed: {0}

Cause: The deployment command for an application failed as indicated in the message.

Action: Check the application and redeploy.
NCLS-CORE-00042 IOException while opening deployed artifact

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while deploying an application.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00043 Application previously deployed is not at its original location any more: {0}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while loading an application.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00044 System property called {0} is null, is this intended?

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00045 Invalid classpath entry for common class loader ignored: {0}, exception: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00046 Cannot find javadb client jar file, derby jdbc driver will not be available by default.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00047 CommonClassLoaderServiceImpl is unable to process {0} because of an exception: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00048 Invalid InputStream returned for {0}

Cause: Unable to retrieve an entry from the archive.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00049 Exception while processing {0} inside {1} of size {2}, exception: {3}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while processing an archive.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00050 Cannot open sub-archive {0} from {1}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while processing an archive.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00051 Cannot close sub archive {0}, exception: {1}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while closing an archive.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00052 Exception loading lifecycle module [{0}]; [{1}]

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while loading a lifecycle module.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00053 Lifecycle module [{0}] threw ServerLifecycleException, exception: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00054 Lifecycle module [{0}] threw an Exception; please check your lifecycle module. Exception: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00055 GrizzlyService stop-proxy problem

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00056 Unable to start the server. Closing all ports

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while starting the grizzly service.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00057 Exception closing port: {0}, exception: {1}

Cause: An unexpected exception occurred while closing a port.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00058 Network listener {0} on port {1} disabled per domain.xml

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00059 GrizzlyService endpoint registration problem

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00060 Skip registering endpoint with non existent virtual server: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00061 Attempting to start the {0} container.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00062 Done with starting {0} container in {1} ms.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00063 Could not start container, no exception provided.

Cause: The container could not be started.

Action: Ensure the libraries for the container are available.
NCLS-CORE-00064 Exception while starting container {0}, exception: {1}

Cause: An exception occurred while attempting to start the container.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00065 Exception while mapping the request.

Cause: An exception occurred while mapping a request to the container.

Action: Please resolve issues mentioned in the stack trace.
NCLS-CORE-00066 Cannot add new configuration to the Config element

Cause: An exception occurred while adding the container configuration to the domain.xml.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00067 Exception while enabling or disabling the autodeployment of applications

Cause: An exception occurred while enabling or disabling the autodeployment of applications.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00068 Exception while sending an event.

Cause: An exception occurred while sending an event.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00069 Exception while dispatching an event

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00070 An exception occurred while stopping the server, continuing.

Cause: An exception occurred while stopping the server.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00071 The ManagedJobConfig bean {0} was changed by {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00072 Cleaning Job {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00073 Initializing Job Cleanup service

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00074 Initializing Managed Config bean

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00075 Scheduling Cleanup

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00076 Exception when cleaning jobs caused

Cause: An exception occured when cleaning the managed jobs

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00077 -passwordfile specified, but the actual file was not, ignoring …​

Cause: A software error is causing an incorrect argument sequence.

Action: No action necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00078 Invalid context root for the admin console application, using default: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00079 Admin Console Adapter: context root: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00080 Failed to configure the ManagedJobConfig bean

Cause: While running the configure-managed-jobs command, a write transaction to the ManagedJobConfig bean failed.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00081 Unable to get the ManagedJobConfig bean.

Cause: While running the configure-managed-jobs command, access to the ManagedJobConfig bean failed.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00082 Exiting after upgrade

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00083 Exception while attempting to shutdown after upgrade

Cause: An exception occured when shutting down the server after an upgrade.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00084 Cannot find port information from domain.xml

Cause: No port value is available in the NetworkListener config bean

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00085 Cannot parse port value: {0}, using port 8080

Cause: There is an invalid port value in the domain.xml file.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00086 Unknown address {0}

Cause: There is an invalid address value in the domain.xml file.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00087 Grizzly Framework {0} started in: {1}ms - bound to [{2}]

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00088 Exception during postConstruct of DynamicReloadService

Cause: An unexpected exception occured.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00089 Cannot determine host name, will use localhost exclusively

Cause: An unexpected exception occured.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00090 Internal Server error: {0}

Cause: An unexpected exception occured.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00091 Unable to set customized error page

Cause: An unexpected exception occured.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00092 Server shutdown initiated

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00093 Problem while attempting to install admin console!

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00094 Unable to load checkpoint

Cause: An unexpected exception occured.

Action: Check the system logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-CORE-00095 Resuming command {0} from its last checkpoint.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-CORE-00096 Automatically resumed command {0} finished with exit code {1}. \nMessage: {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-LOGGING-00001 Cannot read logging configuration file.

Cause: An exception has occurred while reading the logging configuration file.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the exception message.
NCLS-LOGGING-00002 Could not apply the logging configuration changes.

Cause: There was an exception thrown while applying the logging configuration changes.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the exception message.
NCLS-LOGGING-00003 Updated logger levels successfully.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-LOGGING-00004 The logging configuration file {0} has been deleted.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-LOGGING-00005 Error executing query to fetch log records.

Cause: There was an exception thrown while executing log query.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the exception message.
NCLS-LOGGING-00006 The syslog handler could not be initialized.

Cause: There was an exception thrown while initializing the syslog handler.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the exception message.
NCLS-LOGGING-00007 There was an error sending a log message to syslog.

Cause: There was an exception thrown while sending a log message to the syslog.

Action: Take appropriate action based on the exception message.
NCLS-LOGGING-00008 The log file {0} for the instance does not exist.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-LOGGING-00009 Running GlassFish Version: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-LOGGING-00010 Server log file is using Formatter class: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-LOGGING-00011 Failed to parse the date: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-LOGGING-00012 An invalid value {0} has been specified for the {1} attribute in the logging configuration.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-LOGGING-00013 The formatter class {0} could not be instantiated.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00040 Error occurred: {0}

Cause: An exception was caught when the operation was attempted

Action: See the exception to determine how to fix the error
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02025 Exception caught: {0}

Cause: An exception was caught when the application was autodeployed.

Action: See the exception to determine how to fix the error
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02026 Autoundeploying application: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02027 Selecting file {0} for autodeployment

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02028 Error parsing configured polling-interval-in-seconds {0} as an integer; {1} {2}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02029 Exception caught: {0}

Cause: An exception was caught when the application was autodeployed.

Action: See the exception to determine how to fix the error
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02030 Error processing configuration change of {0} from {1} to {2}; {3} {4}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02031 Configured timeout value of {0} second\{0,choice,0#seconds|1#second|1<seconds} will be used but seems very large

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02032 Configured timeout value of {0} second\{0,choice,0#seconds|1#second|1<seconds} is too small; using previous value of {1}second \{1,choice,0#seconds|1#second|1<seconds}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02033 Could not convert configured timeout value of "{0}" to a number; using previous value of {1} second\{1,choice,0#seconds|1#second|1<seconds

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02034 Attempt to create file {0} failed; no further information.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02037 Error occurred:

Cause: An exception was caught when the operation was attempted

Action: See the exception to determine how to fix the error
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02038 Attempt to delete file {0} failed; no further information.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02039 Attempt to create file {0} failed; no further information.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02041 Attempt to create file {0} failed; no further information.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02042 Attempt to set last modified date/time of file {0} failed; no further information.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02043 Attempt to delete file {0} failed; no further information.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-02044 Attempt to create directory {0} failed; no further information.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00001 Exception while scanning {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00002 Error scan jar entry {0} {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00003 Failed to scan archive for annotations

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00004 Exception caught: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00005 Could not expand entry {0} into destination {1}

Cause: An exception was caught when the entry was expanded

Action: See the exception to determine how to fix the error
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00006 Cannot find archive {0} referenced from archive {1}, it will be ignored for annotation scanning

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00007 Exception caught {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00008 Error in jar entry {0}: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00009 Failed to scan archive for annotations: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00010 Exception caught {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00011 Optional package {0} does not exist or its Specification-Version does not match. Unable to satisfy dependency for {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00012 Optional package dependency satisfied for {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00013 Error in opening optional package file {0} due to exception: {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00014 Exception occurred : {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00015 Specification-Version for the optional package [ {0} ] in the jarfile [ {1} ] is not specified. Please provide a valid specification version for this optional package :: Cause: As described in the message.

+ Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.

NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00016 Skipping extension processing for {0} due to error: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00017 Exception: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00018 unexpected error in getting urls

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00019 file open failure; file = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00020 exception message: {0} — invalid zip file: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00021 Cannot find an archive implementation for {0}

Cause: The type of archive being created is not supported.

Action: Determine the type of archive requested to see whether another
type can be used.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00022 Attempt to list files in {0} failed, perhaps because that is not a valid directory or because file permissions do not allow GlassFish to access it

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00023 Ignoring {0} because the containing archive {1} recorded it as a pre-existing stale file

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00024 Exception while getting manifest classpath:

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00025 Artifact {0} identified for inclusion in app clients after one or more app clients were generated.

Cause: The application might specify that modules are to be processed in the order they appear in the application and an app client module appears before a module that creates an artifact to be included in app clients.

Action: Make sure, if the application specifies initialize-in-order as
true, that the app clients appear after other modules which generated
artifacts that should be accessible to app clients.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00026 Artifact with relative path {0} expected at {1} but does not exist or cannot be read

Cause: The server is attempting to register an artifact to be included in the generated client JAR but the artifact does not exist or cannot be read

Action: This is an internal server error. Please file a bug report.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00027 Artifact with relative path {0} from {1} collides with an existing artifact from file {2}

Cause: The server has created more than one artifact with the same relative path to be included in the generated client JAR file

Action: This is an internal server error. Please file a bug report.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00045 Cannot convert classpath to URL {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DEPLOYMENT-00046 invalidSpecVersion: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DIAG-03000 Can not fulfill request to get diagnostics context.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-DIAG-03001 An exception has prevented a diagnostics context from being created.

Cause: (see underlying exception)

Action: (see underlying exception)
NCLS-MON-00301 Cannot process XML ProbeProvider, xml = {0}, \nException: {1}

Cause: Possible syntax error in the ProbeProvider XML

Action: Check the syntax of ProbeProvider XML
NCLS-MON-00302 Cannot resolve the paramTypes, unable to create this probe - {0}

Cause: Unknown Java type for the param

Action: Try giving a fully qualified name for the type
NCLS-MON-00303 Cannot resolve the paramTypes of the probe - {0},

Cause: Unknown Java type for the param

Action: Try giving a fully qualified name for the type
NCLS-MON-00304 Can not match the Probe method ({0}) with any method in the DTrace object

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MON-00305 Invalid parameters for ProbeProvider, ignoring {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MON-00306 No Probe Provider found in Probe Provider XML

Cause: Invalid Probe Provider XML

Action: Check Probe Provider XML syntax
NCLS-MON-00501 invalid pid, start flashlight-agent using asadmin enable-monitoring with --pid option, you may get pid using jps command

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MON-00502 flashlight-agent.jar does not exist under {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MON-00503 flashlight-agent.jar directory {0} does not exist

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MON-00504 Encountered exception during agent attach

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MON-00505 Error transforming Probe: {0}

Cause: Exception - see message

Action: Check probe syntax
NCLS-MON-00506 Error unregistering ProbeProvider

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MON-00507 Error during re-transformation

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MON-00508 Error during registration of FlashlightProbe

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MON-00509 Error attempting to write the re-transformed class data

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MON-00510 Monitoring is disabled because there is no Attach API from the JVM available

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MON-00511 Error while getting Instrumentation object from ProbeAgentMain

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-MON-00512 DTrace is not available.

Cause: This is caused if following are missing: \n1. JDK 7 is required to run DTrace\n2. glassfish-dtrace.jar value-add is required for DTrace

Action: Run with JDK 7 and glassfish-dtrace.jar
NCLS-MON-00513 DTrace is not supported.

Cause: This is caused if: \n1. Operating System does not support DTrace. Currently you must have Solaris 10 or higher for DTrace support.

Action: Run with Solaris 10 or higher
NCLS-MON-00514 DTrace is connected and ready.

Cause: This is caused if: \n1. Operating System does not support DTrace. Currently you must have Solaris 10 or higher for DTrace support.

Action: Run with Solaris 10 or higher
NCLS-MON-00515 Unexpected exception invoking DTrace

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-OSGI-00001 Decorated url = {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-RESOURCE-00001 Unexpected exception in loading class [{0}] by classloader.

Cause: Classpath is not properly set in the domain.xml or application server process does not have read permissions on the directory that holds the classes/jar.

Action: Check that the classpath attribute in the java-config includes
a reference to the jar/package directory for the class or you do not
have read permissions on the directory that holds the classes/jar.
NCLS-RESOURCE-00002 Unexpected exception in loading class by classloader [{0}].

Cause: Classpath is not properly set in the domain.xml or you do not have read permissions on the directory that holds the classes/jar.

Action: Check that the classpath attribute in the java-config includes
a reference to the jar/package directory for the class or check that
the directory where the classes/jars reside have read permission for
the application server process
NCLS-RESOURCE-00003 Cannot bind resource [{0}] to naming manager. Following exception occurred [{1}].

Cause: Please check the exception to get more details.

Action: Please check the exception to resolve the same.
NCLS-RESOURCE-00004 Unable to deploy resource [{0}] due to following exception: [{1}].

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-RESOURCE-00005 Unable to undeploy resource, no Resource Deployer for [{0}].

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-RESOURCE-00006 Unable to undeploy resource [{0}] due to following exception: [{1}].

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-RESOURCE-00007 Error while handling Change event due to following exception: [{0}].

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-RESOURCE-00008 Error while handling Remove event due to following exception: [{0}].

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-RESOURCE-00009 Unable to find ResourceDeployer for [{0}].

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-01000 Caught exception.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-SECURITY-01001 Java security manager is enabled.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-01002 Java security manager is disabled.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-01004 An I/O error occurred during copying of server config files.

Cause: Copying server config files.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-SECURITY-01005 XML processing error occurred during copying of server config files.

Cause: The XML file(s) may not be well formed.

Action: Make sure the XML file(s) are well formed.
NCLS-SECURITY-01010 Entering Security Startup Service.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-01011 Security Service(s) started successfully.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-01012 Error obtaining keystore and truststore files for embedded server.

Cause: Saving the keystore and/or truststore to the temporary directory.

Action: Check if the user.home directory is writable.
NCLS-SECURITY-01013 An I/O error occurred while copying the security config files.

Cause: Copying security files to instanceRoot/config.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-SECURITY-01014 An error occurred while upgrading the security config files.

Cause: Upgrade security config files from a previous version.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-SECURITY-01015 Upgrade from v2 EE to v3.1 requires manual steps. Please refer to the v3.1 Upgrade Guide for details.

Cause: Upgrade security config files from a previous version.

Action: Please refer to the v3.1 Upgrade Guide for details.
NCLS-SECURITY-01050 Certificate authentication requires certificate realm.

Cause: Unknown realm type.

Action: Check server configuration
NCLS-SECURITY-01100 Disabled realm [{0}] due to errors.

Cause: No realms available.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-SECURITY-01101 No realms available. Authentication services disabled.

Cause: No realms available.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-SECURITY-01104 Error while obtaining private subject credentials: {0}

Cause: Private Credentials of Subject not available.

Action: Please check if the private credentials are available.
NCLS-SECURITY-01105 A PasswordCredential was required but not provided.

Cause: PasswordCredential was required, but not supplied.

Action: Please check if the password is provided.
NCLS-SECURITY-01115 Realm [{0}] of classtype [{1}] successfully created.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-01117 Realm [{0}] successfully updated.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-01119 Realm [{0}] successfully deleted.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-01140 Policy provider configuration overridden by property {0} with value {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-01141 Requested jacc-provider [{0}] is not configured in domain.xml.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-01142 Error while reading policy-provider in domain.xml.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-01143 Loading policy provider {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-01144 Error while installing policy provider: {0}.

Cause: Setting the system wide policy.

Action: Make sure there's sufficient permission to set the policy.
NCLS-SECURITY-01145 No policy provider defined. Will use the default JDK Policy implementation.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-01146 Policy configuration factory overridden by property {0} with value {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-01147 Policy configuration factory not defined.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-01149 Policy provider configuration overridden by property {0} with value {1}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-01150 Failed to get the group names for user {0} in realm {1}: {2}.

Cause: Operation now allowed

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-SECURITY-01151 Failed to get the group names for user {0} in realm {1}: {2}.

Cause: Obtain the group names for a nonexistent user

Action: Make sure the user is valid
NCLS-SECURITY-05019 ERROR: Unknown credential provided. Class: [{0}].

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-05036 Exception in getting security context.

Cause: There was an exception obtaining the default security context.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-SECURITY-05038 Default user login error.

Cause: There was an exception while authenticating the default caller principal.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-SECURITY-05039 Exception entering name and password for security.

Cause: An exception occurred while processing username and password for security.

Action: An exception occurred while processing username and password
for security.
NCLS-SECURITY-05043 Exception in security accesscontroller action.

Cause: Running a privileged action

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-SECURITY-05046 Audit: Authentication refused for [{0}].

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-05048 doAsPrivileged AuthPermission required to set SecurityContext.

Cause: Setting the SecurityContext in the current thread

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-SECURITY-05049 Unexpected exception while attempting to set SecurityContext.

Cause: There was an unexpected exception while setting the security context.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-SECURITY-05050 Could not change the SecurityContext.

Cause: Changing the current SecurityContext.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support
NCLS-SECURITY-05052 Subject is null.

Cause: null Subject used in SecurityContext construction.

Action: Make sure the Subject is not null
NCLS-SECURITY-05055 Role mapping conflicts found in application {0}. Some roles may not be mapped.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-05056 Error converting certificate {0}: {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-05101 Failed to instantiate the SecurityLifeCycle.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-SECURITY-05200 Error enabling secure admin.

Cause: Enable secure admin.

Action: Check your command usage.
NCLS-SECURITY-05201 Error disabling secure admin.

Cause: Disable secure admin.

Action: Check your command usage.
NCLS-SECURITY-05300 IIOP Security - error importing a name: ${0}.

Cause: Importing a name in IIOP.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support.
NCLS-SECURITY-05301 IIOP Security - error creating an exported name: ${0}.

Cause: Creating an exported name in IIOP.

Action: Check the server logs and contact Oracle support.
SEC-PROV-00100 Authorization Provider supplied an invalid resource: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
SEC-PROV-00150 Role Mapping Provider supplied an invalid resource: {0}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
SEC-SVCS-00100 Authorization Service has successfully initialized.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
SEC-SVCS-00101 Authorization Service initialization failed, exception {0}, message {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
SEC-SVCS-00102 Unable to decode URI: {0}.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
SEC-SVCS-00150 Role Mapping Service has successfully initialized.

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
SEC-SVCS-00151 Role Mapping Service initialization failed, exception {0}, message {1}

Cause: As described in the message.

Action: Resolve the situation described in the message, if necessary.
NCLS-SECURITY-05054 The SSL certificate with alias {0} has expired: {1}

Cause: Certificate expired.

Action: Check the expiration date of the certificate.