Releases: eclipse-ee4j/jersey
Releases · eclipse-ee4j/jersey
[Pull 5715] - Release a reference to threadlocal on shutdown
[Pull 5731] - Allow to disable JSON-B using System properties
[Pull 5663] - [3.1] multirelease jar fix for jersey-common
[Pull 5674] - PathProvider supports Path entities, in preparation for future default support in JAX-RS 4.1 / Jersey 4.1
[Pull 5683] - ResponseWriter#writeResponseStatusAndHeaders drops some redundant code
[Pull 5704] - Add Path provider automatically to the list of providers
[Pull 5684] - Do not point to a SNAPSHOT Jersey in version-agnostic tests
[Pull 5711] - [3.0] Multi-Release jar fix
[Pull 5636] - Allow long content length in the JDK connector
[Pull 5639] - Allow having multiple annotations for multipart endpoint with @FormDataParam in any order
[Pull 5642] - Remove synchronized from Apache stream wrappers
[Pull 5643] - Document Multipart Configuration.
[Pull 5644] - Refactoring Maven build process
[Pull 5648] - Support for Virtual Threads in Executor Services
[Pull 5649] - MAX_HEADER_SIZE for the Netty connector
[Pull 5652] - Unify the SniConfigurator with other branches
[Pull 5664] - More release checks
[Pull 5665] - update Jackson to 2.17.1
[Pull 5666] - [2.x] mvn build improvements
[Pull 5669] - prevent calling ServletRequest#getInputStream if FILTER_FORWARD_ON_404
[Pull 5673] - Support missing Content-Length header
[Pull 5677] - Prevent blowing connections number for reoccurring SSLContextFatories
[Pull 5685] - Better explanation of missing jersey-hk2 module consequences.
[Pull 5688] - Wrap call of deprecated HttpServletResponse#setStatus into try catch
[Pull 5689] - Support Multipart with Buffered Entity and Netty Connector
[Pull 5690] - Prevent NPE in micrometer when there is no response & 404
[Pull 5698] - Last-Modified header is garbled when accessing wadl document on Japanese locale
[Pull 5705] - Allow ChunkedInput#close to close the underlying stream
[Pull 5706] - Propagate WebApplicationException from SseEventSource to provided error handler
[Pull 5707] - Fix intermittent failure in BroadcasterExecutorTest
[Pull 5341] - Improving I/O Efficience and Performance using NIO API instead of IO API
[Pull 5603] - Expect100Continue test fixed for NettyConnector
[Pull 5611] - Jetty HTTP Container native timeout
[Pull 5612] - Allowing sending Status over sending error
[Pull 5660] - Better document virtual threads
[Pull 5574] - Backing up CI/CD jobs into the Jersey project
[Pull 5580] - Adopt ASM 9.7
[Pull 5592] - Micrometer - Add missing metrics for cases of client errors
[Pull 5604] - Prevent Jackson failing while loading Modules (classloader issues)
[Pull 5605] - Cleaning redundant plugins from plugin management
[Pull 5606] - clean CI/CD scripts from the main project
[Pull 5608] - ObjectMapper.findModules throws Error
[Pull 5613] - Allow the internal package to be a part of the Jersey APIDoc
[Pull 5614] - Added support for HK2 factories, binders to comply with documentation.
[Pull 5617] - Allow for overriding the SNIHostName or turn it off. Allow for Domain Fronting.
[Pull 5621] - Add ability to configure the queue capacity for ChunkedOutput
[Pull 5622] - Document a workaround for HTTP Patch & provide tests
[Pull 5624] - Ensure the RequestScope and other singleton bindings are registered just once
[Pull 5625] - align with Eclipse actual requirements
[Pull 5627] - Prevent NPE in Jersey Spring RequestContextFilter
[Pull 5628] - Lazy Load TracingLogger to track MATCH_RESOURCE_METHOD
[Pull 5629] - prevent synchronized blocking the virtual threads in JDK21
[Pull 5631] - 2.x versions update
[Pull 5632] - Multirelease includes JDK21 to support Thread.isVirtual()
[Pull 5633] - Excluding JDK21 multi-release from jaxrs bundle
[Pull 5518] - Jakartified versions update
[Pull 5525] - Adding support for private fields in `@BeanParam`
[Pull 5548] - Add JNH properties to the config
[Pull 5551] - Update EL impl
[Pull 5563] - Drop JDK 8 profiles in 3.1
[Pull 5565] - Replace synchronized blocks with Locks
[Pull 5566] - exclude static fields from POJO parsing in BeanParam
[Pull 5569] - Replace ThreadLocal with ConcurrentQueue in HttpDateFormat
[Pull 5571] - Fixed FirstByteCachingStream in JNH Connector
[Pull 5589] - Fix thread leak/invasion
[Pull 5593] - [3.1] versions update
[Pull 5550] - Comply with 4.0 API
[Pull 5575] - implementation of UriInfo#getMatchedResourceTemplate(s) & API JAX-B drop
[Pull 5581] - Additional JDK related cleanup in poms
[Pull 5591] - Added TCK run on Tomcat