diff --git a/site/content/admin-guide/amqp-adapter-config.md b/site/content/admin-guide/amqp-adapter-config.md index 4efc92ff2dd..a4c734e4274 100644 --- a/site/content/admin-guide/amqp-adapter-config.md +++ b/site/content/admin-guide/amqp-adapter-config.md @@ -22,12 +22,13 @@ The following table provides an overview of the configuration variables and corr | `HONO_AMQP_CERT_PATH`
`--hono.amqp.certPath` | no | - | The absolute path to the PEM file containing the certificate that the protocol adapter should use for authenticating to clients. This option must be used in conjunction with `HONO_AMQP_KEY_PATH`.
Alternatively, the `HONO_AMQP_KEY_STORE_PATH` option can be used to configure a key store containing both the key as well as the certificate. | | `HONO_AMQP_DEFAULTS_ENABLED`
`--hono.amqp.defaultsEnabled` | no | `true` | If set to `true` the protocol adapter uses *default values* registered for a device to augment messages published by the device with missing information like a content type. In particular, the protocol adapter adds default values registered for the device as (application) properties with the same name to the AMQP 1.0 messages it sends downstream to the Hono Messaging service. | | `HONO_AMQP_INSECURE_PORT_BIND_ADDRESS`
`--hono.amqp.insecurePortBindAddress` | no | `` | The IP address of the network interface that the insecure port should be bound to.
See [Port Configuration]({{< relref "#port-configuration" >}}) below for details. | +| `HONO_AMQP_INSECURE_PORT`
`--hono.amqp.insecurePort` | no | `4040` | The port number that the protocol adapter should listen on for insecure connections.
See [Port Configuration]({{< relref "#port-configuration" >}}) below for details. | | `HONO_AMQP_INSECURE_PORT_ENABLED`
`--hono.amqp.insecurePortEnabled` | no | `false` | If set to `true` the protocol adapter will open an insecure port (not secured by TLS) using either the port number set via `HONO_AMQP_INSECURE_PORT` or the default AMQP port number (`1883`) if not set explicitly.
See [Port Configuration]({{< relref "#port-configuration" >}}) below for details. | | `HONO_AMQP_KEY_PATH`
`--hono.amqp.keyPath` | no | - | The absolute path to the (PKCS8) PEM file containing the private key that the protocol adapter should use for authenticating to clients. This option must be used in conjunction with `HONO_AMQP_CERT_PATH`. Alternatively, the `HONO_AMQP_KEY_STORE_PATH` option can be used to configure a key store containing both the key as well as the certificate. | | `HONO_AMQP_KEY_STORE_PASSWORD`
`--hono.amqp.keyStorePassword` | no | - | The password required to read the contents of the key store. | | `HONO_AMQP_KEY_STORE_PATH`
`--hono.amqp.keyStorePath` | no | - | The absolute path to the Java key store containing the private key and certificate that the protocol adapter should use for authenticating to clients. Either this option or the `HONO_AMQP_KEY_PATH` and `HONO_AMQP_CERT_PATH` options need to be set in order to enable TLS secured connections with clients. The key store format can be either `JKS` or `PKCS12` indicated by a `.jks` or `.p12` file suffix respectively. | | `HONO_AMQP_MAX_PAYLOAD_SIZE`
`--hono.amqp.maxPayloadSize` | no | `2048` | The maximum allowed size of an incoming AMQP message's payload in bytes. When a client sends a message with a larger payload, the message is discarded and the connection to the client gets closed. | -| `HONO_AMQP_NATIVE_TLS_REQUIRED`
`--hono.amqp.nativeTlsRequired` | no | `false` | The server will probe for OpenSLL on startup if a secure port is configured. By default, the server will fall back to the JVM's default SSL engine if not available. However, if set to `true`, the server will fail to start at all in this case. | +| `HONO_AMQP_NATIVE_TLS_REQUIRED`
`--hono.amqp.nativeTlsRequired` | no | `false` | The server will probe for OpenSSL on startup if a secure port is configured. By default, the server will fall back to the JVM's default SSL engine if not available. However, if set to `true`, the server will fail to start at all in this case. | | `HONO_AMQP_PORT`
`--hono.amqp.port` | no | `4041` | The secure port that the protocol adapter should listen on.
See [Port Configuration]({{< relref "#port-configuration" >}}) below for details. | | `HONO_AMQP_SECURE_PROTOCOLS`
`--hono.amqp.secureProtocols` | no | `TLSv1.2` | A (comma separated) list of secure protocols that are supported when negotiating TLS sessions. Please refer to the [vert.x documentation](https://vertx.io/docs/vertx-core/java/#ssl) for a list of supported protocol names. | @@ -64,7 +65,7 @@ The secure port will mostly be required for production scenarios. However, it mi - explicitly setting `HONO_AMQP_INSECURE_PORT` to a valid port number, or by - implicitly configuring the default adapter port (4040) by simply setting `HONO_AMQP_INSECURE_PORT_ENABLED` to `true`. -The protocol adapter issues a warning on the console if `HONO_AMQP_INSECURE_PORT` is set to the default secure port (8883) used by the adapter for secure connections. +The protocol adapter issues a warning on the console if `HONO_AMQP_INSECURE_PORT` is set to the default secure port (4041) used by the adapter for secure connections. The `HONO_AMQP_INSECURE_PORT_BIND_ADDRESS` variable can be used to specify the network interface that the port should be exposed on. By default the port is bound to the *loopback device* only, i.e. the port will only be accessible from the local host. This variable might be used to e.g. expose the non-TLS secured port on a local interface only, thus providing easy access from within the local network, while still requiring encrypted communication when accessed from the outside over public network infrastructure.