diff --git a/src/sh/sdv-health b/src/sh/sdv-health index 977e3fb..ae5a840 100755 --- a/src/sh/sdv-health +++ b/src/sh/sdv-health @@ -209,7 +209,7 @@ check_cloudconnector() local SINCE LAST_UPDATE=$(mosquitto_sub --quiet -h ${MOSQUITTO_HOST} -t 'edge/connection/remote/status' -C 1 -W 1 | jq .timestamp) NOW=$(date +"%s") - DIFF=$($NOW - $LAST_UPDATE) + DIFF=$((NOW - LAST_UPDATE)) SINCE=$(date -u -d @"$DIFF" +'%-Mm %-Ss') printf -- "$TEXT_OK\t (connected since $SINCE)\n" else @@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ else fi # Static ip for mosquitto server. Containers will have access to host networks iff they run in host network mode. -MOSQUITTO_HOST="" +MOSQUITTO_HOST="" printf -- " * %-23s : %s\n" "Cloud Connector" "$( check_cloudconnector )" printf -- " * %-23s : ${COL_YELLOW}%s${COL_NC}\n" "Device ID:" "$( check_cloudconnector_deviceid )"