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Eclipse SUMO website linkcheck

This repository contains generated static files and markdown source files (inside the /src/ directory) for the Eclipse SUMO website. The SUMO website is generated using Hugo.

Getting started



Clone this repository (if not already done):

git clone

To run the built-in development server, use:

cd src
hugo serve

By default, the config/_default/config.yaml configuration file will be used. To use the alternative config/dlr/config.yaml file to overwrite some parameters, use:

cd src
hugo serve --environment dlr

hugo serve re-builds the entire site every time it detects a change.

To preview edition you should run the built-in development server and access the website from the localhost address (which by default should be http://localhost:1313/sumo/).

To generate the final static html files, run:

cd src
hugo -d ../


cd src
hugo -d ../ --environment dlr

This should generate all the necessary HTML and CSS files in the root directory.


After making changes to the markdown source files, the command hugo -d ../ should be executed within the /src/ directory, to generate the modified static files. A commit can be done after this step.

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