diff --git a/CONTRIBUTING.md b/CONTRIBUTING.md new file mode 100644 index 000000000..c5a9a5ef0 --- /dev/null +++ b/CONTRIBUTING.md @@ -0,0 +1,56 @@ +# Contributing to JSON Forms + +We enthusiastically welcome participation in the JSON Forms project! Whether you're reporting bugs, proposing features, participating in discussions, or making direct contributions, your involvement is highly valued. + +## Ways to Contribute + +### Reporting Bugs + +If you encounter a bug, please report it via [GitHub issues](https://github.com/eclipsesource/jsonforms/issues/new/choose). +Be sure to include a detailed description of the bug and steps to reproduce it. + +### Feature Proposals + +To propose a new feature, you can also use [GitHub issues](https://github.com/eclipsesource/jsonforms/issues/new/choose) or discuss it on our [Community Board](https://jsonforms.discourse.group). + +### Discussions and Questions + +For general discussions and questions about using JSON Forms, please visit our [Community Board](https://jsonforms.discourse.group). + +### Code Contributions + +If you'd like to contribute code, please do so via a pull request to one of our repositories. +Make sure to review the following sections to understand our requirements and recommendations. + +## Before Contributing + +### Contributor License Agreement (CLA) + +All contributors are required to sign a CLA, which will be checked automatically when you open a pull request. + +### Contribution Quality + +Contributions to the main repository should adhere to the following: + +- Pass all automated checks, including test cases, linting, and format checking. +- Include new unit tests for new code. +- If appropriate, modify an existing example or add a new one to demonstrate the new feature or improvement. + +The better the quality of the contribution, the faster it can be merged. + +### Contributing Features + +If you have an idea for a feature, we recommend first opening an issue or starting a discussion on the [Community Board](https://jsonforms.discourse.group) to assess whether it aligns with the goals and scope of JSON Forms. +We aim to keep the core framework lean and clean, focusing on features that provide the most value. + +## Repositories + +You can contribute to any of the following repositories: + +- [JSON Forms Core](https://github.com/eclipsesource/jsonforms) +- [JSON Forms Website](https://github.com/eclipsesource/jsonforms2-website) +- [JSON Forms React Seed](https://github.com/eclipsesource/jsonforms-react-seed) +- [JSON Forms Vue Seed](https://github.com/eclipsesource/jsonforms-vue-seed) +- [JSON Forms Angular Seed](https://github.com/eclipsesource/jsonforms-angular-seed) + +Contributions to our website and documentation are particularly encouraged!