diff --git a/components/form/form-directive.ts b/components/form/form-directive.ts
index 52d180e8d..d48d2936f 100644
--- a/components/form/form-directive.ts
+++ b/components/form/form-directive.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
import PathResolver = JSONForms.PathResolver;
-declare var JsonRefs;
class FormController {
@@ -34,30 +33,15 @@ class FormController {
this.$q.all([this.fetchSchema(), this.fetchUiSchema()]).then((values) => {
var schema = values[0];
- var uiSchemaMaybe = values[1];
- var uiSchemaDeferred = this.$q.defer();
- this.$q.when(uiSchemaDeferred.promise).then((uiSchema) => {
- //schema['uiSchema'] = uiSchema;
- // build mapping of ui paths to schema refs
- JsonRefs.resolveRefs(schema, {}, function (err, resolvedSchema) {
- resolvedSchemaDeferred.resolve(resolvedSchema);
- // TODO: ui schema is now unresolved
- resolvedUISchemaDeferred.resolve(uiSchema); //resolvedSchema['uiSchema']);
- });
- });
+ var uiSchema = values[1];
- if (uiSchemaMaybe === undefined || uiSchemaMaybe === null || uiSchemaMaybe === "") {
+ if (_.isEmpty(uiSchema)) {
// resolve JSON schema, then generate ui Schema
- JsonRefs.resolveRefs(schema, {}, (err, resolvedSchema) => {
- var uiSchema = this.UISchemaGenerator.generateDefaultUISchema(resolvedSchema);
- uiSchemaDeferred.resolve(uiSchema);
- });
- } else {
- // directly resolve ui schema
- uiSchemaDeferred.resolve(uiSchemaMaybe);
+ uiSchema = this.UISchemaGenerator.generateDefaultUISchema(schema);
+ resolvedSchemaDeferred.resolve(schema);
+ resolvedUISchemaDeferred.resolve(uiSchema);
diff --git a/components/renderers/jsonforms-renderers.d.ts b/components/renderers/jsonforms-renderers.d.ts
index d2faf684d..6cf58490b 100644
--- a/components/renderers/jsonforms-renderers.d.ts
+++ b/components/renderers/jsonforms-renderers.d.ts
@@ -34,8 +34,4 @@ declare module JSONForms {
export interface IContainerRenderDescription extends IRenderDescription {
elements: IRenderDescription[]
- export interface IArrayControlRenderDescription extends JSONForms.IRenderDescription {
- gridOptions: uiGrid.IGridOptions
- }
diff --git a/components/renderers/jsonforms-renderers.ts b/components/renderers/jsonforms-renderers.ts
index 020a181db..518a80b19 100644
--- a/components/renderers/jsonforms-renderers.ts
+++ b/components/renderers/jsonforms-renderers.ts
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
module JSONForms {
+ declare var JsonRefs;
export class RenderService implements IRenderService {
private renderers: IRenderer[] = [];
@@ -16,7 +18,11 @@ module JSONForms {
var indexedSchemaPath;
var schemaPath;
var subSchema;
- var schema = services.get(ServiceId.SchemaProvider).getSchema();
+ var schema;
+ JsonRefs.resolveRefs(services.get(ServiceId.SchemaProvider).getSchema(), {}, (err, resolvedSchema) => {
+ schema = resolvedSchema;
+ });
// TODO element must be IControl
// TODO use isControl
diff --git a/components/renderers/layouts/vertical/vertial.spec.ts b/components/renderers/layouts/vertical/vertial.spec.ts
index b9a563d84..6802f89d8 100644
--- a/components/renderers/layouts/vertical/vertial.spec.ts
+++ b/components/renderers/layouts/vertical/vertial.spec.ts
@@ -33,7 +33,6 @@ describe('VerticalLayout', () => {
let el = $compile('')(scope);
let div = el.find('div');
- console.log(div.children());
let layout = angular.element(div.children()[0]);
diff --git a/examples/app/polymer/polymer.jsf.js b/examples/app/polymer/polymer.jsf.js
index d85ae7db1..cb0fadb93 100644
--- a/examples/app/polymer/polymer.jsf.js
+++ b/examples/app/polymer/polymer.jsf.js
@@ -9,10 +9,12 @@ app.run(['RenderService', 'PathResolver', '$rootScope', function(RenderService,
// set-up event binding
document.addEventListener('WebComponentsReady', function() {
var input = document.querySelector('paper-input');
- input.addEventListener('keyup', function() {
- instance[path] = input.value;
- $rootScope.$digest();
- });
+ if (input) {
+ input.addEventListener('keyup', function () {
+ instance[path] = input.value;
+ $rootScope.$digest();
+ });
+ }
return {
diff --git a/typings/ui-grid/ui-grid.d.ts b/typings/ui-grid/ui-grid.d.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index b4ac33934..000000000
--- a/typings/ui-grid/ui-grid.d.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3857 +0,0 @@
-// Type definitions for ui-grid
-// Project: http://www.ui-grid.info/
-// Definitions by: Ben Tesser , Joe Skeen
-// Definitions: https://github.com/borisyankov/DefinitelyTyped
-// These are very definitely preliminary. Please feel free to improve.
-// Changelog:
-// 8/11/2015 ui-grid v3.0.3
-// Extensive plugin support added (Plugin specific API, ColumnDef, GridOptions, GridRow, Constants).
-// Added docs for all existing interfaces.
-// Fixed a few incorrect interfaces, updated interfaces to reflect latest version.
-// Did some cleanup... Moved all plugins into their own modules
-// 7/8/2015 ui-grid v3.0.0-rc.22-482dc67
-// Added primary interfaces for row, column, api, grid, columnDef, and gridOptions. Needs more tests!
-declare module uiGrid {
- export interface IUiGridConstants {
- COL_FIELD: RegExp;
- TOOLTIP: RegExp;
- events: {
- GRID_SCROLL: string;
- ITEM_DRAGGING: string;
- };
- keymap: {
- TAB: number;
- STRG: number;
- CAPSLOCK: number;
- CTRL: number;
- CTRLRIGHT: number;
- CTRLR: number;
- SHIFT: number;
- RETURN: number;
- ENTER: number;
- BACKSPACE: number;
- BCKSP: number;
- ALT: number;
- ALTR: number;
- ALTRIGHT: number;
- SPACE: number;
- WIN: number;
- MAC: number;
- FN: number;
- PG_UP: number;
- PG_DOWN: number;
- UP: number;
- DOWN: number;
- LEFT: number;
- RIGHT: number;
- ESC: number;
- DEL: number;
- F1: number;
- F2: number;
- F3: number;
- F4: number;
- F5: number;
- F6: number;
- F7: number;
- F8: number;
- F9: number;
- F10: number;
- F11: number;
- F12: number;
- };
- ASC: string;
- DESC: string;
- filter: {
- STARTS_WITH: number;
- ENDS_WITH: number;
- EXACT: number;
- CONTAINS: number;
- GREATER_THAN: number;
- LESS_THAN: number;
- NOT_EQUAL: number;
- SELECT: string;
- INPUT: string;
- };
- scrollDirection: {
- UP: string;
- DOWN: string;
- LEFT: string;
- RIGHT: string;
- NONE: string;
- };
- aggregationTypes: {
- sum: number;
- count: number;
- avg: number;
- min: number;
- max: number;
- };
- dataChange: {
- ALL: string;
- EDIT: string;
- ROW: string;
- COLUMN: string;
- OPTIONS: string;
- }
- scrollbars: {
- NEVER: number;
- ALWAYS: number;
- }
- }
- export type IGridInstance = IGridInstanceOf;
- export interface IGridInstanceOf {
- /**
- * adds a row header column to the grid
- * @param {IColumnDef} colDef The column definition
- */
- addRowHeaderColumn(colDef: IColumnDefOf): void;
- /**
- * uses the first row of data to assign colDef.type for any types not defined.
- */
- assignTypes(): void;
- /**
- * Populates columnDefs from the provided data
- * @param {IRowBuilder} rowBuilder function to be called
- */
- buildColumnDefsFromData(rowBuilder: IRowBuilder): void;
- /**
- * creates GridColumn objects from the columnDefinition.
- * Calls each registered columnBuilder to further process the column
- * @param {IBuildColumnsOptions} options An object containing options to use when building columns
- * * orderByColumnDefs: defaults to false. When true, buildColumns will order existing columns
- * according to the order within the column definitions
- * @returns {ng.IPromise} A promise to load any needed column resources
- */
- buildColumns(options: IBuildColumnsOptions): ng.IPromise;
- /**
- * calls each styleComputation function
- */
- buildStyles(): void;
- /**
- * Calls the callbacks based on the type of data change that has occurred.
- * Always calls the ALL callbacks, calls the ROW, EDIT, COLUMN and OPTIONS callbacks
- * if the event type is matching, or if the type is ALL.
- * @param {number} type the type of event that occurred - one of the uiGridConstants.dataChange values
- */
- callDataChangeCallbacks(type: number): void;
- /**
- * Clears all filters and optionally refreshes the visible rows.
- * @param {boolean} [refreshRows=true] Refresh the rows?
- * @param {boolean} [clearConditions=true] Clear conditions?
- * @param {boolean} [clearFlags=true] Clear flags?
- * @returns {ng.IPromise} If refreshRows is true, returns a promise of the rows refreshing
- */
- clearAllFilters(refreshRows: boolean, clearConditions: boolean,
- clearFlags: boolean): ng.IPromise;
- /**
- * refreshes the grid when a column refresh is notified, which triggers handling of the visible flag.
- * This is called on uiGridConstants.dataChange.COLUMN, and is registered as a dataChangeCallback in grid.js
- * @param {string} name column name
- */
- columnRefreshCallback(name: string): void;
- /**
- * creates the left render container if it doesn't already exist
- */
- createLeftContainer(): void;
- /**
- * creates the right render container if it doesn't already exist
- */
- createRightContainer(): void;
- /**
- * sets isScrollingHorizontally to true and sets it to false in a debounced function
- */
- flagScrollingHorizontally(): void;
- /**
- * sets isScrollingVertically to true and sets it to false in a debounced function
- */
- flagScrollingVertically(): void;
- /**
- * Gets the displayed value of a cell after applying any the cellFilter
- * @param {IGridRow} row Row to access
- * @param {IGridColumn} col Column to access
- * @returns {string} Cell display value
- */
- getCellDisplayValue(row: IGridRowOf, col: IGridColumnOf): string;
- /**
- * Gets the displayed value of a cell
- * @param {IGridRow} row Row to access
- * @param {IGridColumn} col Column to access
- * @returns {any} Cell value
- */
- getCellValue(row: IGridRowOf, col: IGridColumnOf): any;
- /**
- * returns a grid colDef for the column name
- * @param {string} name Column name
- * @returns {IColumnDef} The column definition
- */
- getColDef(name: string): IColumnDefOf;
- /**
- * returns a grid column by name
- * @param {string} name Column name
- * @returns {IGridColumn} The column
- */
- getColumn(name: string): IGridColumnOf;
- /**
- * Return the columns that the grid is currently being sorted by
- * @returns {Array} the columns that the grid is currently being sorted by
- */
- getColumnSorting(): Array>;
- /**
- * Returns the $parse-able accessor for a column within its $scope
- * @param {IGridColumn} col Column object
- * @returns {string} $parse-able accessor for a column within its $scope
- */
- getGridQualifiedColField(col: IGridColumnOf): string;
- /**
- * returns all columns except for rowHeader columns
- * @returns {Array} All data columns
- */
- getOnlyDataColumns(): Array>;
- /**
- * returns the GridRow that contains the rowEntity
- * @param {TEntity} rowEntity the gridOptionms.data array element instance
- * @param {Array} rows The rows to look in. if not provided then it looks in grid.rows
- */
- getRow(rowEntity: TEntity, rows?: Array>): IGridRowOf;
- /**
- * Triggered when the browser window resizes; automatically resizes the grid
- * @param {ng.IAngularEvent} $event Resize event
- */
- handleWindowResize($event: ng.IAngularEvent): void;
- /**
- * returns true if leftContainer exists
- * @returns {boolean} container exists?
- */
- hasLeftContainer(): boolean;
- /**
- * returns true if rightContainer exists
- * @returns {boolean} container exists?
- */
- hasRightContainer(): boolean;
- /**
- * returns true if leftContainer has columns
- * @returns {boolean} container has columns
- */
- hasLeftContainerColumns(): boolean;
- /**
- * returns true if rightContainer has columns
- * @returns {boolean} container has columns
- */
- hasRightContainerColumns(): boolean;
- /**
- * Is grid right to left
- * @returns {boolean} true if grid is RTL
- */
- isRTL(): boolean;
- /**
- * Checks if column is a row header
- * @param {IGridColumn} column The column
- * @returns {boolean} true if the column is a row header
- */
- isRowHeaderColumn(column: IGridColumnOf): boolean;
- /**
- * creates or removes GridRow objects from the newRawData array. Calls each registered
- * rowBuilder to further process the row
- *
- * This method aims to achieve three things:
- * 1. the resulting rows array is in the same order as the newRawData, we'll call
- * rowsProcessors immediately after to sort the data anyway
- * 2. if we have row hashing available, we try to use the rowHash to find the row
- * 3. no memory leaks - rows that are no longer in newRawData need to be garbage collected
- *
- * The basic logic flow makes use of the newRawData, oldRows and oldHash, and creates
- * the newRows and newHash
- *
- * Rows are identified using the hashKey if configured. If not configured, then rows
- * are identified using the gridOptions.rowEquality function
- * @param {Array} newRawData The new grid data
- * @return {ng.IPromise} Promise which resolves when the rows have been created or removed
- */
- modifyRows(newRawData: Array): ng.IPromise;
- /**
- * Notify the grid that a data or config change has occurred,
- * where that change isn't something the grid was otherwise noticing. This
- * might be particularly relevant where you've changed values within the data
- * and you'd like cell classes to be re-evaluated, or changed config within
- * the columnDef and you'd like headerCellClasses to be re-evaluated.
- * @param {string} type one of the uiGridConstants.dataChange values [ALL, ROW, EDIT, COLUMN], which tells
- * us which refreshes to fire
- */
- notifyDataChange(type: string): void;
- /**
- * precompiles all cell templates
- */
- precompileCellTemplates(): void;
- /**
- * processes all RowBuilders for the gridRow
- * @param {IGridRow} gridRow reference to gridRow
- * @returns {IGridRow} the gridRow with all additional behavior added
- */
- processRowBuilders(gridRow: IGridRowOf): IGridRowOf;
- /**
- * calls the row processors, specifically
- * intended to reset the sorting when an edit is called,
- * registered as a dataChangeCallback on uiGridConstants.dataChange.EDIT
- * @param {string} name column name
- */
- processRowsCallback(name: string): void;
- /**
- * queues a grid refresh, a way of debouncing all the refreshes we might otherwise issue
- */
- queueGridRefresh(): void;
- /**
- * queues a grid refreshCanvas, a way of debouncing all the refreshes we might otherwise issue
- */
- queueRefresh(): void;
- /**
- * Redraw the rows and columns based on our current scroll position
- * @param {boolean} [rowsAdded] Optional to indicate rows are added and the scroll percentage must be
- * recalculated
- */
- redrawCanvas(rowsAdded?: boolean): void;
- /**
- * Refresh the rendered grid on screen.
- * The refresh method re-runs both the columnProcessors and the
- * rowProcessors, as well as calling refreshCanvas to update all
- * the grid sizing. In general you should prefer to use queueGridRefresh
- * instead, which is basically a debounced version of refresh.
- *
- * If you only want to resize the grid, not regenerate all the rows
- * and columns, you should consider directly calling refreshCanvas instead.
- * @param {boolean} rowsAltered Optional flag for refreshing when the number of rows has changed
- */
- refresh(rowsAltered?: boolean): void;
- /**
- * Builds all styles and recalculates much of the grid sizing
- * @param {boolean} buildStyles optional parameter. Use TBD
- * @returns {ng.IPromise} promise that is resolved when the canvas
- * has been refreshed
- */
- refreshCanvas(buildStyles?: boolean): ng.IPromise;
- /**
- * Refresh the rendered rows on screen? Note: not functional at present
- * @returns {ng.IPromise} promise that is resolved when render completes?
- */
- refreshRows(): ng.IPromise;
- /**
- * When the build creates columns from column definitions, the columnbuilders will be called to add
- * additional properties to the column.
- * @param {IColumnBuilder} columnBuilder function to be called
- */
- registerColumnBuilder(columnBuilder: IColumnBuilder): void;
- /**
- * Register a "columns processor" function. When the columns are updated,
- * the grid calls each registered "columns processor", which has a chance
- * to alter the set of columns, as long as the count is not modified.
- * @param {IColumnProcessor} columnProcessor column processor function, which
- * is run in the context of the grid (i.e. this for the function will be the grid), and
- * which must return an updated renderedColumnsToProcess which can be passed to the next processor
- * in the chain
- * @param {number} priority the priority of this processor. In general we try to do them in 100s to leave room
- * for other people to inject columns processors at intermediate priorities.
- * Lower priority columnsProcessors run earlier.priority
- */
- registerColumnsProcessor(columnProcessor: IColumnProcessor, priority: number): void;
- /**
- * When a data change occurs, the data change callbacks of the specified type
- * will be called. The rules are:
- *
- * - when the data watch fires, that is considered a ROW change (the data watch only notices
- * added or removed rows)
- * - when the api is called to inform us of a change, the declared type of that change is used
- * - when a cell edit completes, the EDIT callbacks are triggered
- * - when the columnDef watch fires, the COLUMN callbacks are triggered
- * - when the options watch fires, the OPTIONS callbacks are triggered
- *
- * For a given event:
- * - ALL calls ROW, EDIT, COLUMN, OPTIONS and ALL callbacks
- * - ROW calls ROW and ALL callbacks
- * - EDIT calls EDIT and ALL callbacks
- * - COLUMN calls COLUMN and ALL callbacks
- * - OPTIONS calls OPTIONS and ALL callbacks
- *
- * @param {(grid: IGridInstance) => void} callback function to be called
- * @param {Array} types the types of data change you want to be informed of. Values from
- * the uiGridConstants.dataChange values ( ALL, EDIT, ROW, COLUMN, OPTIONS ). Optional and defaults to
- * ALL
- * @returns {Function} deregister function - a function that can be called to deregister this callback
- */
- registerDataChangeCallback(callback: (grid: IGridInstanceOf) => void, types: Array): Function;
- /**
- * When the build creates rows from gridOptions.data, the rowBuilders will be called to add
- * additional properties to the row.
- * @param {IRowBuilder} rowBuilder Function to be called
- */
- registerRowBuilder(rowBuilder: IRowBuilder): void;
- /**
- * Register a "rows processor" function. When the rows are updated,
- * the grid calls each registered "rows processor", which has a chance
- * to alter the set of rows (sorting, etc) as long as the count is not
- * modified.
- *
- * @param {IRowProcessor} rowProcessor rows processor function, which
- * is run in the context of the grid (i.e. this for the function will be the grid), and must
- * return the updated rows list, which is passed to the next processor in the chain
- * @param {number} priority the priority of this processor.
- * In general we try to do them in 100s to leave room for other people to inject rows processors at
- * intermediate priorities. Lower priority rowsProcessors run earlier. At present all rows visible
- * is running at 50, filter is running at 100, sort is at 200, grouping at 400, selectable rows at
- * 500, pagination at 900 (pagination will generally want to be last)
- */
- registerRowsProcessor(rowProcessor: IRowProcessor, priority: number): void;
- /**
- * registered a styleComputation function
- *
- * If the function returns a value it will be appended into the grid's `