diff --git a/01 Hardware.md b/01 Hardware.md index 742bce6..dc31138 100644 --- a/01 Hardware.md +++ b/01 Hardware.md @@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ You are going to need a computer to run as your firewall. There are a couple options when it comes to hardware: 1) Buy a [NetGate](https://shop.netgate.com/products/2100-base-pfsense) firewall with pfSense preinstalled. + 2) Use an old desktop and flash pfSense on it yourself. These next few steps will show you how to turn an old desktop into a pfSense firewall. If you bought a NetGate, then skip ahead to the [Connecting to the home network](https://econoalchemist.github.io/UpstreamData-VPN/02%20Install%20pfSense.html#connecting-to-the-home-network) section.