The Shoebox Project is a non-profit company whose purpose is to provide professional photographs and memories for children in the foster care system. We set up a site for the company, including sign-up forms, a blog, login capabilities, an interactive map, and various pages to navigate to on the site.
- Allyson Conrad Scrum Master/Birthday Girl/Developer
- Valerie Jane Thoma Designer/Class Clown/Developer
- Eddie Atkinson Data Wrangler/Map Magician/Developer
- Amir Patel New Kid on the Block/Responsive Developer
- Node
- JavaScript
- Express
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Adobe XD - wireframe
- Google Maps API
- County location data from CivicDashboards
County data displayed when hovered...
function mouseInToRegion(e) {
// set the hover state so the setStyle function can change the border
e.feature.setProperty('state', 'hover');
$('#data-label').css('color', 'black');
// Get county name from JSON and format it to match data in counties array
var countyNameFromJson = e.feature.getProperty('name');
var countyNameAsArray = countyNameFromJson.split(" County");
var countyNameOnlyArray = countyNameAsArray.splice(0, 1);
var countyNameOnlyString = countyNameOnlyArray.toString();
// Search for county and display number of children in foster care
for(let i = 0; i < counties.length; i++){
if(counties[i].county == countyNameOnlyString){
...and when searched.
// Start with statewide data in display
$('#data-label').html(counties[counties.length - 1].county);
$('#data-value').html(counties[counties.length - 1].childrenInFosterCare);
$('#data-label').css('color', 'black');
var userSearch = $('#county-input').val();
var matchFound = false
// Check for match, ignoring case
for(let i = 0; i < counties.length; i++){
if(counties[i].county.toLowerCase() === userSearch.toLowerCase()){
matchFound = true;
var fullNameOfJsonCounty = counties[i].county + ' County, GA';
// If no matching counties...
$('#data-label').css('color', 'red');
$('#data-label').html("No counties match your search.");
// Autocomplete
// Build array to search
var countyNames = [];
for(let i = 0; i < counties.length; i++){
// Search to enable automplete
$( "#county-input" ).autocomplete({
source: function( request, response ) {
var matcher = new RegExp( "^" + $.ui.autocomplete.escapeRegex(request.term), "i");
response( $.grep( countyNames, function( item ){
return matcher.test( item );
}) );
Administrator can upload images directly to Amazon S3 storage and put url into database.
var uploadDir = multer({
dest: 'public/images'
signatureVersion: 'v4'
var s0 = new aws.S3({});
var upload = multer({
storage: multerS3({
s3: s0,
bucket: 'eddie-first-test-bucket',
contentType: multerS3.AUTO_CONTENT_TYPE, // Will choose best contentType
acl: 'public-read',
metadata: (req, file, cb)=>{
cb(null, {fieldName: file.fieldname});
key: (req, file, cb)=>{
// Specify the name of the file input to accept
var nameOfFileField = uploadDir.single('imageToUpload');
var connection = mysql.createConnection(config.db);'/uploadUserPhotosProcess/:userId/:volId', upload.any(), (req, res)=>{
var userId = req.params.userId;
var volId = req.params.volId;
var info = req.files;
var insertUrl = `INSERT INTO images (id, url, vol_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?);`;>{
connection.query(insertUrl, [userId, image.location, volId], (error, results)=>{
throw error;
Landing page wireframe created in Adobe XD Landing page on mobile, desired layout though not fully realized. Mobile layout still in testing stages