Perl script to 'compile' an SDI/TDI workspace project folder into the monolithic Config xml used by the Server
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Open a terminal window and enter the following command:
git clone
configify v1.0 - Compiling config usage: [-h] -p --project [-v] [-n --name] [-o --overwrite] [-c --config] error: argument -p is required
./csf -help
Produce a Config xml from a TDI/SDI project
optional arguments: -h, --help show this help message and exit -p --project path to the TDI/SDI Project folder in workspace -v show program's version number and exit -n --name solution name/id for the Config -o --overwrite overwrite property files to encrypt protected properties -c --config filepath of the output Config xml (default is Project name)
Check to see if python is available:
python --version
If not then install it
sudo apt-get python3.6
# Compile GTS_LoadUsers w/ property encryption and the xml file written to
# the solution folder (in TDISolDir)
./cfg -p GTS_LoadUsers -overwrite -c $TDI_SOLDIR/GTS_LoadUsers.xml
# Compile GTS_EV and give it ID 'aka_HRSideFeed' (for use with tdisrvctl and
# api calls)
./cfg -p GTS_EV -o -name aka_HRSideFeed
Python is fun! Almost as much fun as TDI, but not quite :D
- Eddie Hartman - It lives! - configify