This library was originally incentivized by ICDevs. You can view more about the bounty on the forum or website. The bounty was funded by The commuity and the award paid to @Gekctek. If you use this library and gain value from it, please consider a donation to ICDevs.
This is a library that extends on the Motoko base library for numbers. Maily focuses on encoding of numbers and 16/32 bit precision floats
mops install xtended-numbers
To setup MOPS package manage, follow the instructions from the MOPS Site
nearlyEqual(a: Float, b: Float, relativeTolerance: Float, absoluteTolerance: Float): Bool
Takes in 2 floats and compares them loosely according to the tolerances. Absolute tolerance is a max flat difference between the values. Relative tolerance is the max difference between the values based on the percentage of the max value. For example, given the values nealyEqual(1, 5, .0001, .001)
the relative diff is max(1, 5) * .0001
or .0005
while the absolute diff is .001
fromFloat(float: Float, precision: FloatPrecision) : FloatX
Converts a Float
to a FloatX
with the specified precision
toFloat(fX: FloatX) : Float
Converts a FloatX
to a Float
encode(buffer: Buffer.Buffer<Nat8>, value: FloatX, encoding: {#lsb; #msb})
Encodes a FloatX
to bytes buffer
decode(bytes: Iter.Iter<Nat8>, precision: {#f16; #f32; #f64}, encoding: {#lsb; #msb}) : ?FloatX
Decodes a FloatX
from an iteration of bytes. If null is returned, then there was an error decoding or an unexpected end of bytes
toText(value : Int) : Text
Converts an Int into a text representation. Outputs a decimal value (-?[0-9]+).
toTextAdvanced(value : Int, format : Format) : Text
Converts an Int into a text representation. Allows for the specification of the output format.
fromText(value : Text) : ?Int
Converts text representation of a decimal integer (-?[0-9]+). If the text cannot
be parsed as an integer, the value returned will be null. Same as calling the fromTextAdvanced
with the #decimal
format and no seperator
fromTextAdvanced(value : Text, format : Format, seperator : ?Char) : ?Int
Converts text representation of an integer in a specified format. Optioanlly can specify the seperator that should be ignored (',' for 1,000,000 or '_' for 1_000_000). If the text cannot be parsed as an integer, the value returned will be null
from64To8(value: Int64) : Int8
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from64To16(value: Int64) : Int16
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from64To32(value: Int64) : Int32
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from64ToInt(value: Int64) : Int
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from32To8(value: Int32) : Int8
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from32To16(value: Int32) : Int16
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from32To64(value: Int32) : Int64
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from32ToInt(value: Int32) : Int
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from16To8(value: Int16) : Int8
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from16To32(value: Int16) : Int32
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from16To64(value: Int16) : Int64
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from16ToInt(value: Int16) : Int
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from8To16(value: Int8) : Int16
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from8To32(value: Int8) : Int32
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from8To64(value: Int8) : Int64
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from8ToInt(value: Int8) : Int
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
encodeInt(buffer: Buffer.Buffer<Nat8>, value: Int, encoding: {#signedLEB128})
Encodes the specified value into the byte buffer
encodeInt8(buffer: Buffer.Buffer<Nat8>, value: Int8)
Encodes the specified value into the byte buffer
encodeInt16(buffer: Buffer.Buffer<Nat8>, value: Int16, encoding: {#lsb; #msb})
Encodes the specified value into the byte buffer
encodeInt32(buffer: Buffer.Buffer<Nat8>, value: Int32, encoding: {#lsb; #msb})
Encodes the specified value into the byte buffer
encodeInt64(buffer: Buffer.Buffer<Nat8>, value: Int64, encoding: {#lsb; #msb})
Encodes the specified value into the byte buffer
decodeInt(bytes: Iter.Iter<Nat8>, encoding: {#signedLEB128}) : ?Int
Decodes the iteration of bytes into a value. If invalid bytes, null will be returned
decodeInt8(bytes: Iter.Iter<Nat8>, encoding: {#lsb; #msb}) : ?Int8
Decodes the iteration of bytes into a value. If invalid bytes, null will be returned
decodeInt16(bytes: Iter.Iter<Nat8>, encoding: {#lsb; #msb}) : ?Int16
Decodes the iteration of bytes into a value. If invalid bytes, null will be returned
decodeInt32(bytes: Iter.Iter<Nat8>, encoding: {#lsb; #msb}) : ?Int32
Decodes the iteration of bytes into a value. If invalid bytes, null will be returned
decodeInt64(bytes: Iter.Iter<Nat8>, encoding: {#lsb; #msb}) : ?Int64
Decodes the iteration of bytes into a value. If invalid bytes, null will be returned
toText(value : Nat) : Text
Converts an Nat into a text representation. Outputs a decimal value (-?[0-9]+).
toTextAdvanced(value : Nat, format : Format) : Text
Converts an Nat into a text representation. Allows for the specification of the output format.
fromText(value : Text) : ?Nat
Converts text representation of a decimal positive integer (-?[0-9]+). If the text cannot
be parsed as an positive integer, the value returned will be null. Same as calling the fromTextAdvanced
with the #decimal
format and no seperator
fromTextAdvanced(value : Text, format : Format, seperator : ?Char) : ?Nat
Converts text representation of an positive integer in a specified format. Optioanlly can specify the seperator that should be ignored (',' for 1,000,000 or '_' for 1_000_000). If the text cannot be parsed as an positive integer, the value returned will be null
from64To8(value: Nat64) : Nat8
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from64To16(value: Nat64) : Nat16
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from64To32(value: Nat64) : Nat32
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from64ToNat(value: Nat64) : Nat
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from32To8(value: Nat32) : Nat8
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from32To16(value: Nat32) : Nat16
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from32To64(value: Nat32) : Nat64
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from32ToNat(value: Nat32) : Nat
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from16To8(value: Nat16) : Nat8
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from16To32(value: Nat16) : Nat32
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from16To64(value: Nat16) : Nat64
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from16ToNat(value: Nat16) : Nat
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from8To16(value: Nat8) : Nat16
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from8To32(value: Nat8) : Nat32
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from8To64(value: Nat8) : Nat64
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
from8ToNat(value: Nat8) : Nat
Conversion. Traps on overflow/underflow.
encodeNat(buffer: Buffer.Buffer<Nat8>, value: Nat, encoding: {#signedLEB128})
Encodes the specified value into the byte buffer
encodeNat8(buffer: Buffer.Buffer<Nat8>, value: Nat8)
Encodes the specified value into the byte buffer
encodeNat16(buffer: Buffer.Buffer<Nat8>, value: Nat16, encoding: {#lsb; #msb})
Encodes the specified value into the byte buffer
encodeNat32(buffer: Buffer.Buffer<Nat8>, value: Nat32, encoding: {#lsb; #msb})
Encodes the specified value into the byte buffer
encodeNat64(buffer: Buffer.Buffer<Nat8>, value: Nat64, encoding: {#lsb; #msb})
Encodes the specified value into the byte buffer
decodeNat(bytes: Iter.Iter<Nat8>, encoding: {#signedLEB128}) : ?Nat
Decodes the iteration of bytes into a value. If invalid bytes, null will be returned
decodeNat8(bytes: Iter.Iter<Nat8>, encoding: {#lsb; #msb}) : ?Nat8
Decodes the iteration of bytes into a value. If invalid bytes, null will be returned
decodeNat16(bytes: Iter.Iter<Nat8>, encoding: {#lsb; #msb}) : ?Nat16
Decodes the iteration of bytes into a value. If invalid bytes, null will be returned
decodeNat32(bytes: Iter.Iter<Nat8>, encoding: {#lsb; #msb}) : ?Nat32
Decodes the iteration of bytes into a value. If invalid bytes, null will be returned
decodeNat64(bytes: Iter.Iter<Nat8>, encoding: {#lsb; #msb}) : ?Nat64
Decodes the iteration of bytes into a value. If invalid bytes, null will be returned
mops test