This is the generated Octopress source of my blog.
If you wish to see the source and full configuration of my site, switch branches
to source
and you'll see a clone of Octopress with my hacks.
These are the items remaining before I can switch over.
- figure out directories (/categories, /tags etc)
- import all existing blog posts (there are tools for importing CSV, easy)
- redirect links for old urls (part of the importer process)
- basic 404.html
- port all blog image thumbnails/images over (or not?)
- figure out old /Downloads and /Binary folders (or not?)
These are the enhancements I plan on, after the requirements above.
- add several key plugins available, such as the Javascript Search feature (remember, this is static)
- branch for plugin changes, to keep track of what goes in and changes
- enhance 404.html
- theme like the categories page
- search box
- maybe suggest posts based on some js wizardy
- port all /photos to flickr or some other gallery. Doesn't belong on blog anyways.
- blog more