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Initial implementation of record updates
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Updates are converted to case blocks, so dependent field update works as
long as all the relevant fields are explicitly update.
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edwinb committed Nov 15, 2018
1 parent 8854c61 commit 8de38af
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Showing 11 changed files with 223 additions and 20 deletions.
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions Notes/
Expand Up @@ -265,3 +265,17 @@ names defined in the inner namespace are explicitly exported. The visibility
modifiers "export", "public export", and "private" control whether the name
can be seen in any other namespace, and it's nothing to do with the file
they're defined in at all.

Records are part of TTImp (rather than the surface language). Elaborating a
record declaration creates a data type and associated projection functions.
Record setters are generated on demand while elaborating TTImp (in
TTImp.Elab.Term and TTImp.Elab.Record). Setters are translated directly to
'case' blocks, which means that update of dependent fields works as one might
expect (i.e. it's safe as long as all of the fields are updated at the same
time consistently).

In TTImp, unlike in Idris 1, records are not implicitly put into their own
namespace, but higher level languages (e.g. Idris itself) can do so explicitly
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/Core/AutoSearch.idr
Expand Up @@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ searchNames loc defaults depth trying env ty topty defining []
searchNames loc defaults depth trying env ty topty defining (n :: ns)
= do gam <- get Ctxt
let visns = mapMaybe (visible (gamma gam) (currentNS gam)) (n :: ns)
log 5 $ "Searching " ++ show (map fst visns) ++ " for " ++ show ty
log 2 $ "Searching " ++ show (map fst visns) ++ " for " ++ show ty
let nfty = nf gam env ty
exactlyOne loc env ty topty
(map (searchName loc defaults depth trying env nfty topty defining) visns)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -387,7 +387,8 @@ searchType loc defaults depth trying env defining topty ty
(detArgs sd, globalHints sd, directHints sd, indirectHints sd)
let opens = filter (/=defining) allOpens
let cons = filter (/=defining) allCons
log 5 $ "Hints for " ++ show n ++ " " ++ show defaults ++ " : " ++ show cons
log 2 $ "Hints for " ++ show n ++ " " ++ show defaults ++ " : " ++ show cons
log 2 $ "Chasers: " ++ show chasers
-- Solutions is either:
-- One of the locals
-- or *Exactly one* of the open hints
Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Core/Core.idr
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ data Error annot
| AmbiguousElab annot (Env Term vars) (List (Term vars))
| AmbiguousSearch annot (Env Term vars) (List (Term vars))
| AllFailed (List (Maybe Name, Error annot))
| RecordTypeNeeded annot (Env Term vars)
| InvalidImplicit annot (Env Term vars) Name (Term vars)
| CantSolveGoal annot (Term [])
| DeterminingArg annot Name (Env Term vars) (Term vars)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -122,6 +123,8 @@ Show annot => Show (Error annot) where
show (AmbiguousElab fc env ts) = show fc ++ ":Ambiguous elaboration " ++ show ts
show (AmbiguousSearch fc env ts) = show fc ++ ":Ambiguous search " ++ show ts
show (AllFailed ts) = "No successful elaboration: " ++ assert_total (show ts)
show (RecordTypeNeeded fc env)
= show fc ++ ":Can't infer type of record to update"
show (InvalidImplicit fc env n tm)
= show fc ++ ":" ++ show n ++ " is not a valid implicit argument in " ++ show tm
show (CantSolveGoal fc g)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -204,6 +207,7 @@ getAnnot (AmbiguousElab loc _ xs) = Just loc
getAnnot (AmbiguousSearch loc _ xs) = Just loc
getAnnot (AllFailed ((_, x) :: xs)) = getAnnot x
getAnnot (AllFailed []) = Nothing
getAnnot (RecordTypeNeeded loc _) = Just loc
getAnnot (InvalidImplicit loc _ y tm) = Just loc
getAnnot (CantSolveGoal loc tm) = Just loc
getAnnot (DeterminingArg loc y env tm) = Just loc
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/Idris/Desugar.idr
Expand Up @@ -116,8 +116,12 @@ mutual
desugar side ps (PLocal fc xs scope)
= pure $ ILocal fc (concat !(traverse (desugarDecl ps) xs))
!(desugar side (definedIn xs ++ ps) scope)
desugar side ps (PApp pfc (PUpdate fc fs) rec)
= pure $ IUpdate pfc !(traverse (desugarUpdate side ps) fs)
!(desugar side ps rec)
desugar side ps (PUpdate fc fs)
= pure $ IUpdate fc !(traverse (desugarUpdate side ps) fs)
= desugar side ps (PLam fc RigW Explicit (MN "rec" 0) (PImplicit fc)
(PApp fc (PUpdate fc fs) (PRef fc (MN "rec" 0))))
desugar side ps (PApp fc x y)
= pure $ IApp fc !(desugar side ps x) !(desugar side ps y)
desugar side ps (PImplicitApp fc x argn y)
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/Idris/Error.idr
Expand Up @@ -101,6 +101,8 @@ perror (AllFailed ts)
allUndefined [(_, UndefinedName loc e)] = Just (UndefinedName loc e)
allUndefined ((_, UndefinedName _ e) :: es) = allUndefined es
allUndefined _ = Nothing
perror (RecordTypeNeeded _ _)
= pure "Can't infer type for this record update"
perror (InvalidImplicit _ env n tm)
= pure $ show n ++ " is not a valid implicit argument in " ++ !(pshow env tm)
perror (CantSolveGoal _ g)
Expand Down
5 changes: 3 additions & 2 deletions src/Idris/Resugar.idr
Expand Up @@ -163,9 +163,10 @@ mutual
= do ds' <- traverse toPDecl ds
sc' <- toPTerm startPrec sc
bracket p startPrec (PLocal emptyFC (mapMaybe id ds') sc')
toPTerm p (IUpdate _ ds)
toPTerm p (IUpdate _ ds f)
= do ds' <- traverse toPFieldUpdate ds
bracket p startPrec (PUpdate emptyFC ds')
f' <- toPTerm argPrec f
bracket p startPrec (PApp emptyFC (PUpdate emptyFC ds') f')
toPTerm p tm@(IApp _ fn arg)
= do arg' <- toPTerm argPrec arg
app <- toPTermApp fn [(Nothing, arg')]
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/TTImp/CaseSplit.idr
Expand Up @@ -87,7 +87,7 @@ findCons n lhs
do defs <- get Ctxt
case findTyName defs [] n lhs of
Nothing => pure (SplitFail (CantSplitThis n
("Can't find name " ++ show n ++ " in LHS")))
("Can't find type of " ++ show n ++ " in LHS")))
Just tyn =>
case lookupDefExact tyn (gamma defs) of
Just (TCon _ _ _ _ cons) => pure (OK (fn, tyn, cons))
Expand Down
163 changes: 163 additions & 0 deletions src/TTImp/Elab/Record.idr
@@ -0,0 +1,163 @@
module TTImp.Elab.Record

import TTImp.TTImp
import TTImp.Elab.Ambiguity
import TTImp.Elab.Delayed
import TTImp.Elab.Rewrite
import public TTImp.Elab.State
import TTImp.Reflect

import Core.AutoSearch
import Core.CaseTree
import Core.Context
import Core.Metadata
import Core.Normalise
import Core.Reflect
import Core.TT
import Core.Typecheck
import Core.Unify

import Data.List
import Data.List.Views

getRecordType : Env Term vars -> NF vars -> Maybe Name
getRecordType env (NTCon n _ _ _) = Just n
getRecordType env _ = Nothing

data Rec : Type -> Type where
Field : String -> RawImp annot -> Rec annot -- field name on left, value on right
Constr : Name -> List (String, Rec annot) -> Rec annot

toLHS : annot -> Rec annot -> RawImp annot
toLHS loc (Field n _) = IBindVar loc n
toLHS loc (Constr con args)
= let args' = map (\a => toLHS loc (snd a)) args in
apply (IVar loc con) args'

toRHS : annot -> Rec annot -> RawImp annot
toRHS loc (Field _ val) = val
toRHS loc (Constr con args)
= let args' = map (\a => toRHS loc (snd a)) args in
apply (IVar loc con) args'

findConName : Defs -> Name -> Maybe Name
findConName defs tyn
= case lookupDefExact tyn (gamma defs) of
Just (TCon _ _ _ _ [con]) => Just con
_ => Nothing

findFields : Defs -> Name -> Maybe (List (String, Maybe Name))
findFields defs con
= case lookupTyExact con (gamma defs) of
Just t => Just (getExpNames (nf defs [] t))
_ => Nothing
getExpNames : NF [] -> List (String, Maybe Name)
getExpNames (NBind x (Pi _ p ty) sc)
= let rest = getExpNames (sc (toClosure defaultOpts [] Erased)) in
case p of
Explicit => (nameRoot x, getRecordType [] ty) :: rest
_ => rest
getExpNames _ = []

genFieldName : {auto x : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
String -> Core annot String
genFieldName root
= do defs <- get Ctxt
put Ctxt (record { nextVar $= (+1) } defs)
pure (root ++ show (nextVar defs))

-- There's probably a generic version of this in the prelude isn't
-- there?
replace : String -> Rec annot ->
List (String, Rec annot) -> List (String, Rec annot)
replace k v [] = []
replace k v ((k', v') :: vs)
= if k == k'
then ((k, v) :: vs)
else ((k', v') :: replace k v vs)

findPath : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
annot -> List String -> Maybe Name ->
(String -> RawImp annot) ->
Rec annot -> Core annot (Rec annot)
findPath loc [] tyn val (Field lhs _) = pure (Field lhs (val lhs))
findPath loc [] tyn val rec
= throw (GenericMsg loc "Invalid record update")
findPath loc (p :: ps) Nothing val (Field n v)
= throw (GenericMsg loc (p ++ " is not part of a record type"))
findPath loc (p :: ps) (Just tyn) val (Field n v)
= do defs <- get Ctxt
let Just con = findConName defs tyn
| Nothing => throw (GenericMsg loc "Can't find record constructor")
let Just fs = findFields defs con
| Nothing => throw (GenericMsg loc "Can't find record fields")
args <- mkArgs fs
let rec' = Constr con args
findPath loc (p :: ps) (Just tyn) val rec'
mkArgs : List (String, Maybe Name) ->
Core annot (List (String, Rec annot))
mkArgs [] = pure []
mkArgs ((p, _) :: ps)
= do fldn <- genFieldName p
args' <- mkArgs ps
pure ((p, Field fldn (IVar loc (UN fldn))) :: args')

findPath loc (p :: ps) tyn val (Constr con args)
= do let Just prec = lookup p args
| Nothing => throw (GenericMsg loc ("Record type " ++
show tyn ++ " has no field " ++ p))
defs <- get Ctxt
let Just fs = findFields defs con
| Nothing => pure (Constr con args)
let Just mfty = lookup p fs
| Nothing => throw (GenericMsg loc ("Record type " ++
show tyn ++ " has no field " ++ p))
prec' <- findPath loc ps mfty val prec
pure (Constr con (replace p prec' args))

getSides : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
annot -> IFieldUpdate annot -> Name -> RawImp annot -> Rec annot ->
Core annot (Rec annot)
getSides loc (ISetField path val) tyn orig rec
-- update 'rec' so that 'path' is accessible on the lhs and rhs,
-- then set the path on the rhs to 'val'
= findPath loc path (Just tyn) (const val) rec
getSides loc (ISetFieldApp path val) tyn orig rec
= findPath loc path (Just tyn) (\n => apply val [IVar loc (UN n)]) rec
get : List String -> RawImp annot -> RawImp annot
get [] rec = rec
get (p :: ps) rec = get ps (IApp loc (IVar loc (UN p)) rec)

getAllSides : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
annot -> List (IFieldUpdate annot) -> Name ->
RawImp annot -> Rec annot ->
Core annot (Rec annot)
getAllSides loc [] tyn orig rec = pure rec
getAllSides loc (u :: upds) tyn orig rec
= getAllSides loc upds tyn orig !(getSides loc u tyn orig rec)

recUpdate : {auto c : Ref Ctxt Defs} ->
{auto u : Ref UST (UState annot)} ->
{auto e : Ref EST (EState vars)} ->
{auto i : Ref ImpST (ImpState annot)} ->
{auto m : Ref Meta (Metadata annot)} ->
RigCount -> Elaborator annot ->
ElabInfo annot -> annot -> Env Term vars -> NestedNames vars ->
List (IFieldUpdate annot) ->
(rec : RawImp annot) -> (recty : Term vars) ->
Core annot (RawImp annot)
recUpdate rigc process elabinfo loc env nest flds rec recty
= do defs <- get Ctxt
let Just rectyn = getRecordType env (nf defs env recty)
| Nothing => throw (RecordTypeNeeded loc env)
fldn <- genFieldName "fld"
sides <- getAllSides loc flds rectyn rec (Field fldn (IVar loc (UN fldn)))
pure $ ICase loc rec (Implicit loc) [mkClause sides]
mkClause : Rec annot -> ImpClause annot
mkClause rec = PatClause loc (toLHS loc rec) (toRHS loc rec)

22 changes: 17 additions & 5 deletions src/TTImp/Elab/Term.idr
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import TTImp.TTImp
import TTImp.Elab.Ambiguity
import TTImp.Elab.Case
import TTImp.Elab.Delayed
import TTImp.Elab.Record
import TTImp.Elab.Rewrite
import public TTImp.Elab.State
import TTImp.Reflect
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -99,6 +100,9 @@ mutual
-- If there's local definitions, add implicits inside the block
check rigc process elabinfo env nest tm@(ILocal loc fs sc) expected
= checkImp rigc process elabinfo env nest tm expected
-- No implicits on record updates
check rigc process elabinfo env nest tm@(IUpdate loc fs rec) expected
= checkImp rigc process elabinfo env nest tm expected
check rigc process elabinfo env nest tm@(ILet loc rig n ty val sc) expected
= checkImp rigc process elabinfo env nest tm expected
check rigc process elabinfo env nest tm_in exp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,7 +145,8 @@ mutual
checkFnApp {vars} rigc process loc elabinfo env nest tm_in exp
= do defs <- get Ctxt
(do (ctm, cty) <- check rigc process elabinfo env nest tm_in exp
(do log 10 $ "Checking " ++ show tm_in ++ " at " ++ show exp
(ctm, cty) <- check rigc process elabinfo env nest tm_in exp
log 10 $ "Checked fnapp " ++ show (ctm, cty, exp)
let ctynf = nf defs env cty
case exp of
Expand All @@ -151,14 +156,14 @@ mutual
case nf defs env cty of
NTCon n _ _ _ =>
if isDelayType n defs
then throw (InternalError "Need force!")
then throw (InternalError "Force")
else checkExp rigc process loc elabinfo env nest
ctm cty exp
_ => checkExp rigc process loc elabinfo env nest
ctm cty exp)
(\err =>
case err of
InternalError _ =>
InternalError "Force" =>
case forceName defs of
Nothing => check rigc process elabinfo env nest tm_in Unknown
Just fn =>
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -286,8 +291,15 @@ mutual
checkCase rigc process elabinfo loc env nest scr scrty alts expected
checkImp rigc process elabinfo env nest (ILocal loc nested scope) expected
= checkLocal rigc process elabinfo loc env nest nested scope expected
checkImp rigc process elabinfo env nest (IUpdate loc fs) expected
= throw (InternalError "record update not implemented")
checkImp rigc process elabinfo env nest (IUpdate loc fs rec) expected
= do recty <- case expected of
FnType [] ret => pure ret
_ => do (_, ty) <- checkImp rigc process elabinfo
env nest rec Unknown
pure ty
rcase <- recUpdate rigc process elabinfo loc env nest fs rec recty
log 5 $ "Record update: " ++ show rcase
check rigc process elabinfo env nest rcase expected
checkImp {vars} rigc process elabinfo env nest (IApp loc fn arg) expected
= do -- Collect the implicits from the top level application first
let (fn', args) = collectGivenImps fn
Expand Down
19 changes: 10 additions & 9 deletions src/TTImp/TTImp.idr
Expand Up @@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ mutual
ICase : annot -> RawImp annot -> (ty : RawImp annot) ->
List (ImpClause annot) -> RawImp annot
ILocal : annot -> List (ImpDecl annot) -> RawImp annot -> RawImp annot
IUpdate : annot -> List (IFieldUpdate annot) -> RawImp annot
IUpdate : annot -> List (IFieldUpdate annot) -> RawImp annot -> RawImp annot
IApp : annot ->
(fn : RawImp annot) -> (arg : RawImp annot) -> RawImp annot
IImplicitApp : annot ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -197,8 +197,8 @@ mutual
= union (used ns sc) (usedCases ns xs)
used ns (ILocal _ ds sc)
= union (usedDecls ns ds) (used ns sc)
used ns (IUpdate _ fs)
= usedFields ns fs
used ns (IUpdate _ fs rec)
= union (usedFields ns fs) (used ns rec)
used ns (IApp _ fn arg)
= union (used ns fn) (used ns arg)
used ns (IImplicitApp _ fn _ arg)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -285,7 +285,7 @@ getAnnot (ILam x _ _ _ _ _) = x
getAnnot (ILet x _ _ _ _ _) = x
getAnnot (ICase x _ _ _) = x
getAnnot (ILocal x _ _) = x
getAnnot (IUpdate x _) = x
getAnnot (IUpdate x _ _) = x
getAnnot (IApp x _ _) = x
getAnnot (IImplicitApp x _ _ _) = x
getAnnot (ISearch x _) = x
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -341,8 +341,8 @@ mutual
= "(%case (" ++ show scr ++ ") " ++ show alts ++ ")"
show (ILocal _ def scope)
= "(%local (" ++ show def ++ ") " ++ show scope ++ ")"
show (IUpdate _ flds)
= "(%record " ++ showSep ", " (map show flds) ++ ")"
show (IUpdate _ flds rec)
= "(%record " ++ showSep ", " (map show flds) ++ " " ++ show rec ++ ")"
show (IApp _ fn arg)
= "(" ++ show fn ++ " " ++ show arg ++ ")"
show (IImplicitApp _ fn Nothing arg)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -669,8 +669,8 @@ mutual
= do tag 4; toBuf b fc; toBuf b y; toBuf b ty; toBuf b xs
toBuf b (ILocal fc xs sc)
= do tag 5; toBuf b fc; toBuf b xs; toBuf b sc
toBuf b (IUpdate fc fs)
= do tag 6; toBuf b fc; toBuf b fs
toBuf b (IUpdate fc fs rec)
= do tag 6; toBuf b fc; toBuf b fs; toBuf b rec
toBuf b (IApp fc fn arg)
= do tag 7; toBuf b fc; toBuf b fn; toBuf b arg
toBuf b (IImplicitApp fc fn y arg)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -732,7 +732,8 @@ mutual
xs <- fromBuf s b; sc <- fromBuf s b
pure (ILocal fc xs sc)
6 => do fc <- fromBuf s b; fs <- fromBuf s b
pure (IUpdate fc fs)
rec <- fromBuf s b
pure (IUpdate fc fs rec)
7 => do fc <- fromBuf s b; fn <- fromBuf s b
arg <- fromBuf s b
pure (IApp fc fn arg)
Expand Down

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