PS C:\flutter-projects\effektio> cargo make build android [cargo-make] INFO - cargo make 0.35.10 [cargo-make] WARN - Found unknown key: tasks.?.build.mac.?.description in file: .\Makefile.toml [cargo-make] WARN - Found unknown key: tasks.?.build.mac.?.category in file: .\Makefile.toml [cargo-make] INFO - Build File: Makefile.toml [cargo-make] INFO - Task: build [cargo-make] INFO - Profile: development [cargo-make] INFO - Running Task: legacy-migration [cargo-make] INFO - Running Task: workspace C:\flutter-projects\effektio [cargo-make][1] WARN - Found unknown key: tasks.?.build.mac.?.description in file: C:\flutter-projects\effektio\Makefile.toml [cargo-make][1] WARN - Found unknown key: tasks.?.build.mac.?.category in file: C:\flutter-projects\effektio\Makefile.toml [cargo-make][1] INFO - Project: effektio [cargo-make][1] INFO - Build File: Makefile.toml [cargo-make][1] INFO - Task: build [cargo-make][1] INFO - Profile: development [cargo-make][1] INFO - Skipping Task: legacy-migration [cargo-make][1] INFO - Running Task: pre-android [cargo-make][1] INFO - Execute Command: "cargo" "ndk" "--platform" "28" "--target" "arm64-v8a" "build" [2022-03-21T10:09:09Z INFO cargo_ndk::cli] Using NDK at path: C:\Users\Talha\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\ndk\22.1.7171670 [2022-03-21T10:09:09Z INFO cargo_ndk::cli] NDK API level: 28 [2022-03-21T10:09:09Z INFO cargo_ndk::cli] Building targets: arm64-v8a [2022-03-21T10:09:09Z INFO cargo_ndk::cli] Building arm64-v8a (aarch64-linux-android) Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.35s [cargo-make][1] INFO - Running Task: copy-lib [cargo-make][1] INFO - Execute Command: "cargo" "ndk" "--platform" "28" "--target" "armeabi-v7a" "build" [2022-03-21T10:09:10Z INFO cargo_ndk::cli] Using NDK at path: C:\Users\Talha\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\ndk\22.1.7171670 [2022-03-21T10:09:10Z INFO cargo_ndk::cli] NDK API level: 28 [2022-03-21T10:09:10Z INFO cargo_ndk::cli] Building targets: armeabi-v7a [2022-03-21T10:09:10Z INFO cargo_ndk::cli] Building armeabi-v7a (armv7-linux-androideabi) Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.34s [cargo-make][1] INFO - Running Task: copy-lib [cargo-make][1] INFO - Execute Command: "cargo" "ndk" "--platform" "28" "--target" "x86" "build" [2022-03-21T10:09:11Z INFO cargo_ndk::cli] Using NDK at path: C:\Users\Talha\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\ndk\22.1.7171670 [2022-03-21T10:09:11Z INFO cargo_ndk::cli] NDK API level: 28 [2022-03-21T10:09:11Z INFO cargo_ndk::cli] Building targets: x86 [2022-03-21T10:09:11Z INFO cargo_ndk::cli] Building x86 (i686-linux-android) Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.34s [cargo-make][1] INFO - Running Task: copy-lib [cargo-make][1] INFO - Execute Command: "cargo" "ndk" "--platform" "28" "--target" "x86_64" "build" [2022-03-21T10:09:12Z INFO cargo_ndk::cli] Using NDK at path: C:\Users\Talha\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\ndk\22.1.7171670 [2022-03-21T10:09:12Z INFO cargo_ndk::cli] NDK API level: 28 [2022-03-21T10:09:12Z INFO cargo_ndk::cli] Building targets: x86_64 [2022-03-21T10:09:12Z INFO cargo_ndk::cli] Building x86_64 (x86_64-linux-android) Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.34s [cargo-make][1] INFO - Running Task: copy-lib [cargo-make][1] INFO - Execute Command: "cargo" "check" "-p" "effektio" Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.33s [cargo-make][1] INFO - Running Task: ffigen [cargo-make][1] INFO - Execute Command: "cargo" "build" "--all-features" Compiling effektio v0.1.0 (C:\flutter-projects\effektio\native\effektio) error[E0405]: cannot find trait `Stream` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 231 | pub struct FfiStream(Pin + Send + 'static>>); | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing this trait | 4 | use futures::Stream; | error[E0405]: cannot find trait `Stream` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 234 | pub fn new(f: impl Stream + Send + 'static) -> Self { | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing this trait | 4 | use futures::Stream; | error[E0425]: cannot find function `init_logging` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 269 | ... };let tmp6 = init_logging(tmp0,);#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp7 = Default::default();#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mu... | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing this function | 4 | use crate::platform::init_logging; | error[E0425]: cannot find function `login_new_client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 311 | ... };let tmp12 = login_new_client(tmp0,tmp4,tmp8,);#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp13 = Default::default();let tmp13_0 = async... | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing this function | 4 | use crate::api::login_new_client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 312 | let tmp13_1: FfiFuture> = FfiFuture::new(tmp13_0); | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0425]: cannot find function `login_with_token` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 332 | ... };let tmp8 = login_with_token(tmp0,tmp4,);#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp9 = Default::default();let tmp9_0 = async move { ... | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing this function | 4 | use crate::api::login_with_token; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 333 | let tmp9_1: FfiFuture> = FfiFuture::new(tmp9_0); | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0425]: cannot find function `guest_client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 353 | ... };let tmp8 = guest_client(tmp0,tmp4,);#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp9 = Default::default();let tmp9_0 = async move { tmp8... | ^^^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing this function | 4 | use crate::api::guest_client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 354 | let tmp9_1: FfiFuture> = FfiFuture::new(tmp9_0); | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Room` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 362 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut Room) };let tmp2 = tmp0.display_name();#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp3 = Default:... | ^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Room; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::room::Room; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::room::Room; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Room` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 371 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut Room) };let tmp2 = tmp0.avatar();#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp3 = Default::defau... | ^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Room; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::room::Room; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::room::Room; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Room` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 380 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut Room) };let tmp2 = tmp0.active_members();#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp3 = Defaul... | ^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Room; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::room::Room; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::room::Room; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `RoomMember` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 381 | let tmp3_1: FfiFuture>> = FfiFuture::new(tmp3_0); | ^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::RoomMember; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Room` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 389 | unsafe { Box::::from_raw(boxed as *mut _) }; | ^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Room; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::room::Room; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::room::Room; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `RoomMember` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 395 | unsafe { Box::::from_raw(boxed as *mut _) }; | ^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::RoomMember; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 400 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut Client) };let tmp2 = tmp0.restore_token();#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp3 = Defau... | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 409 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut Client) };let tmp2 = tmp0.is_guest();#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp3 = Default::d... | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 416 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut Client) };let tmp2 = tmp0.has_first_synced();#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp3 = De... | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 423 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut Client) };let tmp2 = tmp0.is_syncing();#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp3 = Default:... | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 430 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut Client) };let tmp2 = tmp0.logged_in();#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp3 = Default::... | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 439 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut Client) };let tmp2 = tmp0.user_id();#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp3 = Default::de... | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 448 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut Client) };let tmp2 = tmp0.device_id();#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp3 = Default::... | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 457 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut Client) };let tmp2 = tmp0.display_name();#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp3 = Defaul... | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 466 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut Client) };let tmp2 = tmp0.avatar();#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp3 = Default::def... | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 475 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut Client) };let tmp2 = tmp0.conversations();#[allow(unused_assignments)] let mut tmp3 = Defau... | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Room` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 475 | ...t tmp3 = Default::default();let tmp2_type_test: &Vec = &tmp2;let tmp2_0 = assert_send_static(tmp2); | ^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Room; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::room::Room; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::room::Room; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 483 | unsafe { Box::::from_raw(boxed as *mut _) }; | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 489 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut FfiFuture>) };let tmp2 = tmp3 as _;let tmp4 = tmp5 as _;let tmp6 = tmp0.poll... | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 521 | unsafe { Box::>>::from_raw(boxed as *mut _) }; | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 526 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut FfiFuture>) };let tmp2 = tmp3 as _;let tmp4 = tmp5 as _;let tmp6 = tmp0.poll... | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 558 | unsafe { Box::>>::from_raw(boxed as *mut _) }; | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 563 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut FfiFuture>) };let tmp2 = tmp3 as _;let tmp4 = tmp5 as _;let tmp6 = tmp0.poll... | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Client` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 595 | unsafe { Box::>>::from_raw(boxed as *mut _) }; | ^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Client; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::Client; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::Client; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `RoomMember` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 676 | ... let tmp0 = unsafe { &mut *(tmp1 as *mut FfiFuture>>) };let tmp2 = tmp3 as _;let tmp4 = tmp5 as _;let tmp6 = ... | ^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::RoomMember; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `RoomMember` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 681 | let tmp10_type_test: &Vec = &tmp10;let tmp10_0 = assert_send_static(tmp10); | ^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::RoomMember; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `RoomMember` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 708 | unsafe { Box::>>>::from_raw(boxed as *mut _) }; | ^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::RoomMember; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `RoomMember` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 930 | let list = Box::new(Vec::::new()); | ^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::RoomMember; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `RoomMember` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 938 | Box::>::from_raw(boxed as _); | ^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::RoomMember; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `RoomMember` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 945 | let list = Box::>::from_raw(boxed as _); | ^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::RoomMember; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `RoomMember` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 955 | let list = Box::>::from_raw(boxed as _); | ^^^^^^^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::RoomMember; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::RoomMember; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Room` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 963 | let list = Box::new(Vec::::new()); | ^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Room; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::room::Room; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::room::Room; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Room` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 971 | Box::>::from_raw(boxed as _); | ^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Room; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::room::Room; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::room::Room; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Room` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 978 | let list = Box::>::from_raw(boxed as _); | ^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Room; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::room::Room; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::room::Room; | error[E0412]: cannot find type `Room` in this scope --> native\effektio\src\ | 988 | let list = Box::>::from_raw(boxed as _); | ^^^^ not found in this scope | help: consider importing one of these items | 4 | use crate::api::Room; | 4 | use crate::matrix_sdk::room::Room; | 4 | use matrix_sdk::room::Room; | Some errors have detailed explanations: E0405, E0412, E0425. For more information about an error, try `rustc --explain E0405`. error: could not compile `effektio` due to 44 previous errors [cargo-make][1] ERROR - Error while executing command, exit code: 101 [cargo-make][1] WARN - Build Failed. [cargo-make] ERROR - Error while running duckscript: Source: Unknown Line: 4 - Error while executing command, exit code: 1 [cargo-make] WARN - Build Failed.