Ventio is an inventory and sales manager created by me, developed with high security standards, a highly polished, fast and intuitive user interface.
Ventio features:
- Control the inventory in one or more warehouses
- Register the sales that justify the exit of inventory
- Generate more that 10 reports. (entries, sales, current stock, seller commisions, stock by categories, clients, money and more...)
- It has user levels that allow full control of what each user of the system can do
- It is designed in a generic way so that it can adapt to all types of commerce
- Highly customizable
- and a loooot more....
- more features soon
Ventio is based on Laravel Framework and is part of the Grupo Tera products (My own company)
About Ventio name: Vent is for VENTAS and INVENTARIO words (spanish) and IO is for Input Output... Yikes!! smart AF!
More info in my website:
Login screen
Main screen
Main configs