Goyat is a theme for the Hugo static site generator. This my second theme for this tool, built for my own blog.
Goyat is for huGO Yet Another Theme.
This version is not yet finalized: Improvements are planned to stabilize it, and make it easier to use.
You can find a live demo of the theme here. This theme is intended for personal website and blog.
- GoYat
- Responsive design,
- No sidebar,
- Customizable,
- Widget based,
- Taxonomies: Tags, and series,
- Search features,
- Contact form (by Netlify),
- Piwik Pro integration,
- Google WebMaster tool integration,
- SEO features
The theme is based on
Goyat is a Hugo theme. So, before installing the theme, you need to
Then Goyat can be deployed as many other themes, with 3 possible ways:
- Git clone
- Git submodule
- Download ZIP and manual install
From the root directory of your site,
git clone https://github.com/egeorjon/Goyat themes/Goyat
This method could generate some issues with some hosting platforms, like Netlify.
From the root directory of your site,
git submodule add https://github.com/egeorjon/Goyat themes/Goyat
This is the method officially supported by Netlify.
Download the ZIP file, and unpack it into the folder themes/Goyat
Edit the file config.toml
, and update the first line
theme = "Goyat"
If you have some content, just start Hugo built-in server to see your site!
hugo server -D
if not, you can get the content from examplesite
cd my-site
cp themes/Goyat/examplesite content
hugo server -D
Then, to see the result, use the following url localhost:1313
in your favorite browser,
theme = "Goyat"
title = "< Title of the blog >"
baseURL = "" # baseURL set during builds
DefaultContentLanguage = "fr" # Short language string fr, en,de,es
languageCode = "fr-FR" # Full language string fr-FR, en-US, de-DE, ...
Paginate = 8 # Number of posts per page in the lists of posts
timeout = 100000 # For the Hugo Engine
debugMode = true # default false. For development environment only. Allow the loading of scripts like Piwik, allow cache, and indexation.
formatdate = ":date_medium" # format of the date you want to use
brandlogo = "< path to an image >" # Logo of the site (root path)
brandtitle = "< title of the blog >" # Title of the site
posts = "/:section/:filename/"
By default, the theme runs in test mode. For moving to the production mode, you have to set the environment variable HUGO_ENV
export HUGO_ENV=production
if you are not using bash (and/or if you are in a Microsoft Windows environment
SET HUGO_ENV=production
In the Production environment,
- Google verification code is enabled,
- ROBOTS directive are set to INDEX, FOLLOW,
- Piwik is enabled (if the code and url are set, see below)
Even in development / test mode, you can "simulate" the production mode using the debugMode
debugMode = true
Available translations are in the /i18n
directory of the theme. Today only english, and frenh are available.
You can configure the language modifying the following key, in the site configuration file (usually config.toml
DefaultContentLanguage = "nn" # fr, en, de, ...
languageCode = "nn-NN" # fr-FR, en-US, de-DE, ...
By default, the date format is dd-mmm-yyyy
everywhere (like 17-Apr-2022). You can configure this format, by using the following in the configuration file:
formatdate = "<date layout>"
The date layout
string can be either:
- Go’s Layout String: The full documentation for the date formats is HERE, or HERE
- A custom Hugo layout identifier. See the Hugo's documentation (requires the Hugo versions 0.87.0 and above)
formatdate = "Jan 2, 2006"
formatdate = ":date_medium"
will display Apr 19, 2022.
You can define the number of posts listed in each page of the lists. In the configuration file config.toml
paginate = "<the number of posts>" # default 10
The navigation bar includes the main menu, and the title of the site/blog (the brand). You can fully customize the brand. In the configuration file of the site:
title = "title of the blog"
brandlogo = "the path of the image related to the /static folder"
brandtitle = "the title of the site"
- Example 1: Display both logo
brandlogo = "img/logo.png" # The file must be put in the folder /static/img.
- Example 2: Display the blog's title
brandtitle = "John Doe"
- Example 3: Nothing specify
theme = "Goyat"
title = "title of the blog"
# ...
# brandlogo is not specified, nor brandtitle
# ...
In this case, the theme will display the title of the blog as a brand title.
The theme provides two shortcodes
Shortcodes | Description |
attachments | Display the list of documents attached to the current post |
imggallery | Display a photo gallery |
This shortcode displays a list of documents attached to a post.
Parameter | type | Purpose | Mandatory | Default | Possible values |
files | string | relative path to the attachments | Yes | ||
fields | string | list of fields to display | No | icon,title,size | icon,title,filename,size |
By default, the shortcode knows only the files' name. If you want to display the title of the files, you have to fill the title in the Front-Matter of the page, like in the following example:
src = "attachments/matrice_eisenhower.xlsx"
title = "Matrice d'Eisenhower sous Excel"
src = "attachments/archimate_poster.pdf"
title = "The Archimate elements"
With the Front Matter above, the syntax of the shortcode could be
{{< attachements file="attachements/*" >}}
This shortcode displays a list of images with thumbnails.
Parameter | type | Purpose | Mandatory | Default | Possible values |
files | string | relative path to the images | Yes | ||
size | int | size of the thumbnails | No | 250 | Any numeric value |
caption | boolean | Display the caption or not | No | true | 1, true: display the caption, 0,false: don't display |
overlay | string | Position of the caption | No | bottom | top, bottom or center |
Similarly to the attachments
shortcode, you can add a title (that will be the caption) to the thumbnails of the gallery. You can also specify if you want to display EXIF data.
The following example show the Front-Matter of a page, with 3 galleries, 2 photos in each, and the EXIF data enabled in the second one:
title = "title 1"
src = "gallery1/photo1.jpg"
title = "title 2"
src = "gallery1/photo2.jpg"
title = "title 3"
src = "gallery2/photo4.jpg"
title = "title 4"
src = "gallery2/photo5.jpg"
title = "title 5"
src = "gallery3/photo7.jpg"
title = "title 6"
src = "gallery3/photo8.jpg"
title = "title 7"
src = "gallery3/photo9.jpg"
The following parameters
{{<imggallery files="gallery2" overlay="center" >}}
will give the following result:
There is no shortcode for blockquotes
, but Goyat takes into account the styles you can provide below the blockquote:
> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
> Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
{.info | .warning | .error}
The theme provides two markups
- The first one improves the links design: when you write a link with markdown in your post, like
[the link](the url's link)
, icons are added if the link is an external link, a link to GitHub, or a link to Wikipedia. - The second markup manages the images: a markdown sentence like the following
![image.png](url to the image)
will generate a fuilly responsive image in HTML
If in a post you write,
[Example of an external link](link url)
the markup link will generate the following code
<!-- Code of an internal link -->
<a href="#" title="Title of the link">consectetur adipiscing elit</a>
<!-- Code for an external link -->
<a href="#" title="Title of the link" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer">consectetur adipiscing elit <i class="bi-link-45deg"></i></a>
It will give the following result Example of link
About the image : if in a post, you write
![Description of the image](images/markup_link.png "Another description of the image")
the markup will generate the following HTML code:
<figure class="figure-img figure-center">
<a href="url to the image" title="description of the image">
sizes="(min-width: 883px) 883px,97vw"
srcset="<path to 320px width image> 320w,
<path to 540px width image> 540w,
<path to 720px width image> 720w,
<path to the full size image> 883w"
src="<path to the full size image>"
alt="description of the image"
<figcaption>Caption of the image</figcaption>
This will be displayed as follow :
This a standard parameter for an Hugo site. Please read the documentation
posts = "/:section/:filename/"
You have two ways for configuring the navigation menu (in the top bar). You can start by
sectionPagesMenu = "main"
mainSections = [ "section 1", "section 2", ... , "section n" ]
The menu will list the sections, and the pages in /content
You can also customize the menu
identifier = "id of the item 1"
name = "Item 1"
url = "/<url of the item 1>"
weight = 10
identifier = "id of the item 2"
name = "Item 2"
url = "/<url of the item 2>"
weight = 20
# ...
The weight
field define the order of the item in the list (smaller weights are displayed first).
identifier = "photo"
name = "Photography"
url = "/photo/"
weight = 20
Goyat can manage a search page. The search feature is based on FuseJS.
For configuring the search, you have to
- Allow the generation of JSON file
- Configure the section in which you want to enable the search
Allow JSON file generation :
home = [ "HTML", ... , ... , "JSON" ]
For a more accurate search, you can specify the sections in which your posts are, using the mainSection
parameter. For example :
mainSections = [ "section 1", "section 2", " ... ", "section n" ]
Goyat proposes a complete list of tags in the head section of each page with metadata, links, and informations used by searchbot, and social medias. The configuration parameters are the following:
Description = " a short description of the site " # Use to fill meta description. Use as default values, if there is no description in the Front-matter of posts
Keywords = " significant keywords of the site" # Use to fill meta tag. Use as default values, if there is no tag in the Front-matter of posts
opengraph = "internal" # Internal (default Hugo template), theme (the theme's template), or none
twitterCards = "theme" # Internal (default Hugo template), theme (the theme's template), or none
schema = "theme" # Internal (default Hugo template), theme (the theme's template), or none
name = " name of the site webmaster "
email = " email address "
About opengraph
, twitter
and schema
- By default, Hugo provides internal templates.
- The theme Goyat provides its own template, in order to provide additional features.
- You can choose to use internal templates, Goyat template by setting
The author
field is used to set a meta tag into the head
By default, Hugo provide an internal template for generating the RSS files. The theme Goyat proposes an enhanced version of the RSS template, including images, link to the licence, etc ...
If you want to use
- The default Hugo RSS feeds, You have to delete the file
- The Goyat RSS feeds, you have to configure the following parameters
title = " title of the blog "
LanguageCode = "fr-fr" # or en-US, ...
copyright = " copyright sentence "
mainSections = [ "section 1", "section 2", " ... ", "section n" ]
licenceURL = " url to the licence you are using " # Example: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/
Limit = 5 # max number of posts to be displayed
name = " name of the site webmaster "
email = " email adress "
Whatever your choice (internal template, or Goyat's template), you have to specify in the file config.toml
, where you want to build the RSS feeds.
In the following example, the RSS files will be generate for the home page, and each of the sections:
home = [ "HTML", "RSS" ]
section = [ "HTML", "RSS" ]
Goyat can generate the manifest file of your site. In order to enable this feature, the config.toml
file must contain the following parameters:
suffixes = [ "webmanifest" ]
baseName = 'site'
isPlainText = true
mediaType = 'application/manifest+json'
rel = "manifest"
home = [ "HTML", ..., ... , "webmanifest" ]
With this configuration, Hugo will generate a file site.webmanifest
, in the root of the site.
Then, the information that will be put into the file, can be tuned with the following parameters:
name = "" # Default: Site title
shortName = "" # no default
lang = "" # Default: languageCode
display = "" # Default: browser
start_url = "" # Default: .Site.BaseURL
theme_color = "" # Default: themecolor field in [Params] or #fff
backgroundColor = "" # Default: #fff
description = "" # Default: Description field in [Params]
orientation = "" # Default: Portrait
scope = "" # Default: Scope
favicons = "" # Default: /assets/favicons
The theme generates the sitemap.xml
It uses the standard Hugo's template. The configuration can be done with the parameters described in the Hugo's documentation
changefreq = "... ..." # Daily, weekly, ...
filename = "sitemap.xml"
priority = 0.5
Goyat geneates automaticaly the favicon files.
If you want to setup favicons, you just need to put the file in the folder /static
- Put the icons images into the folder
, and put the filefavicons.ico
, into the folder/static
. - Add parameters in the file
file of your site.
The name of the icons
- for IOS (apple), must start by
, - for androit must start by
, - for the legacy browsers with
, - for the microsoft operating systems, must start with
You can configure also an SVG icon (any name with the svg
Example of favicons files:
└── static
├── favicons.ico
└── favicons
├── android-chrome-192x192.png
├── android-chrome-256x256.png
├── apple-touch-icon.png
├── browserconfig.xml
├── favicon-16x16.png
├── favicon-32x32.png
├── mstile-150x150.png
└── safari-pinned-tab.svg
Parameters :
appName = "< a short name for your site >"
safaritabColor = "< Hex code of a color >"
mstileColor = "< Hex code of a color >"
themeColor = "< Hex code of a color >"
The links « follow-me » can be configured in config.toml
, with the following syntax:
id = "<social media id 1"
account = "<account id for this social media>"
weight = <order>
id = "<social media id 2"
account = "<account id for this social media>"
weight = <order>
... ...
id = "<social media id 1"
account = "<account id for this social media>"
weight = <order>
id = "rss"
weight = 1
id = "linkedin"
account = "johndoe"
weight = 2
id = "twitter"
account = "johndoe"
weight = 3
id = "github"
account = "jdoe"
weight = 4
id = "facebook"
account = ""
weight = 5
id = "pinterest"
account = "doejohn"
weight = 6
The list of supported media is
- Facebook,
- Ttwitter,
- Github,
- Instagram,
- Pinterest,
- LinkedIn.
At the bottom of your posts, you can display a list of « share buttons », using the widget share-links
(See section Widget areas)
The syntax to make the media appears is the following
[params.sharelinks.media 1]
id = "media 1"
account = "account for the media 1"
weight = 1
[params.sharelinks.media 2]
id = "media 2"
account = "account for the media 2"
weight = 2
[params.sharelinks.media 3]
id = "media 3"
account = "account for the media 3"
weight = 3
The weight
field define the order of the item in the list (smaller weights are displayed first).
The list of supported media is
- email,
- Facebook,
- Ttwitter,
- Pinterest,
- LinkedIn,
Goyat supports three taxonomies :
- series used to group together, posts speaking about a same topic,
- authors used to link posts, and authors.
- tags
You have to enable these taxonomies if you want to get all the features of Goyat.
serie = "series"
author = "authors"
tag = "tags"
Three areas of the blog can be configured with widgets
- The homepage itself: the whole home page can be configured with widget
- The bottom area of the posts: all the blocks displayed at the bottom of the posts
- The footer: the whole footer can be configured with widget
Configure means choose what you want to display, by selecting widgets. The possible widgets are
Widget | Description |
authors | Display the list of the authors of the posts |
follow-me | Display a list of "follow" links |
gallery | Display the feature images of a list of posts |
last-posts | Display the last posts of the blog |
page | Display the content of a specific post |
popular | Display a list of popular posts according aconfigurable list |
related-posts | Give a list of posts related to the current post |
sections-list | Give the list of sections |
series-same | Display the list of posts belonging to the same serie than the current post |
series-or-related | a combination of the two previous widgets |
series-list | Display the list of series available in the blog |
share-links | set of links to share the current post |
tags-cloud | Display the cloud of the tags |
tags-posts | List of the tags related to the current post |
The configuration of the widgets areas can be done through JSON configuration files:
Area | Configuration file |
Homepage | /data/homepage.json |
footer | /data/footer.json |
bottom of pages | /data/single.json |
You can find, the examples for these files in the theme folders themes/goyat/data/homepage.json (or single.json or footer.json)
The widget related posts is based of the standard Hugo feature. The parameters are the standard one:
includeNewer = true
threshold = 75
toLower = false
name = "tags"
weight = 100
name = "date"
weight = 10
You can choose the format of the posts displayed in lists (sections, tags, categories, series, ...), and the number of columns.
"postFormat" = " post format"
"xs" = number of column
"sm" = number of column
"md" = number of column
"lg" = number of column
"xl" = number of column
Four formats are available:
Format | Result |
meta-left | |
image-left | |
image-top | |
meta-right | |
no-image |
In parallel of the post format, you can choose the number of columns you want to use, according the screen sizes.
Goyat is based on the Bootstrap CSS framework. So, xs, sm, md, lg, xl
are a list of screen sizes, defined in this framework.
$grid-breakpoints: (
xs: 0,
sm: 576px,
md: 768px,
lg: 992px,
xl: 1200px,
xxl: 1400px
For example, the following configuration
"postFormat" = "image-top"
"xs" = 1
"sm" = 1
"md" = 2
"lg" = 2
"xl" = 3
will display 3 columns, for a very large screen
will display two columns, for a medium screen (tablet)
will display 1 columns for a small screen (smartphone)
In the lists of posts, or i a single page, you can choose the meta data to be displayed. The available fields are
- section,
- date,
- fulldate,
- reading (the estimation duration of read),
- tags,
- post-tags,
- series,
- posts-series,
- sections,
- authors,
- category,
- linkedsection.
You can choose also where to display them: on top of the post, between the title, and the content of a post, or after the content. The parameters are the following
"1" = "1st meta field"
"2" = "2nd meta field"
"3" = "3rd meta field"
"4" = "4th meta field"
"1" = "5th meta field"
"2" = "6th meta field"
"3" = "7th meta field"
"4" = "8th meta field"
"1" = "9th meta field"
"2" = "10th meta field"
"3" = "11th meta field"
"4" = "12th meta field"
xxx = either postsList
, either Single
For example: the following configuration will display in all posts lists, the section
, and date
, on top of the posts, the field reading
between the title, and the content, and the fields tags
, and series
, after the content of the posts.
"1" = "section"
"2" = "date"
"1" = "reading"
"1" = "tags"
"2" = "series"
Another example, with the single post :
"1" = "fulldate"
"2" = "reading"
The design of the site can be updated in several manners
- You can change the color scheme, by modifying the stylesheet,
- You can change the way the site manages device width,
- You can choose the posts format in the posts list (whatever the list)
Change the color scheme
For changing colors, you can edit the file themes/Goyat/assets/styles.scss
, and change the following lines
$primary: "color 1";
$secondary: "color 2";
$light: "color 3";
$medium: "color 4";
$dark: "color 5";
So far, the theme doen't provide an easy way to customize styles. However, you can customize the theme with two files
- All default
values used by the theme are in the filethemes/Goyat/assets/customization.scss
. - The theme styles are in the file
The theme uses the icons from Bootstrap Icons. You can add icons if required, by editing the file themes/Goyat/assets/bootstrap-icons-1.9.0
, and uncomment the line corresponding to the icon you want to display.